My girlfriend and I going at it while our best friend watched. [MF] [Voyeurism]

A few threads about friends watching a couple have sex inspired me to write this one.

I met my now fiancée Jennifer (Jen) and her best friend Aviana (Avi) in college. Jennifer has bushy brown hair, is 5’7, has just enough curves for her height. Avi on the other hand is blonde, a little shorter than Jen and has a rounder face. The perfect word to describe her is cute.

Jen and I hit it off really well, and have been together for the past 6 years. Jen and Avi know each other since their childhood. Seeing as they were best friends, they shared a room in a dorm which was quite small. It was one big room really, with beds on the far end, parallel to each other, each on one wall of the room. For privacy’s sake, the beds had screens around them which were relatively thick and impossible to look through, but drowned out only a fraction of the noise.

Towards the end of our second year, Jen and I had been dating for nearly 10 months, and things were really good between us. My dorm was farther away from the college than Jen’s and I used to spend a fair share of my nights sleeping at her dorm. Avi had a boyfriend all this time, so she was gone often, leaving us a lot of privacy most times.

Avi and her boyfriend were never great together. She was into him far more than he was into her, and this was a source of huge hurt for her. Inevitably, they broke up. It was sudden, and it left Avi in a bad state. We would catch her crying sometimes in the kitchen alone. Jen and I never knew what to do to make her feel better.
Jen and I had fallen into a routine of me staying over often, so had to adjust our sexy times due to the reduced amount of privacy, what with Avi being home most times since the breakup. Jen had started telling her when I would be over, so that Avi could go to bed a little earlier – granting Jen and me some privacy to work with.

It had been a few days since Jen and I had had sex. I was over at her place, Avi was informed in advance, and we were looking forward to fooling around quietly that night. After a late movie, we climbed into her bed and started making out., which was our usual opening move before things started. I lay lightly on top of her, kissing her lips and neck while my right hand held her soft hair at the back of her head. We tried our best to keep the sounds to a minimum, but Jen is a pretty loud girl, and it is quite hard to contain her. I put my left hand on her right breast, softly massaging it. A few minutes into it, I sat up so I could help take her tank top off, exposing her sexy C cup breasts. Once the cumbersome top was out of the way, I dove in, slowly making my way south, giving enough attention to both of her sexy tits, and her belly. As my mouth made its way down, my hands were busy pulling her panties down.

We were both worked up. We hadn’t slept together in a few days, which was a long period for us, so we were breathing very heavily, coupled with occassional moans from her whenever I kissed her skin.
Her panties had reached her knees by the time my mouth got to the top her pink pussy. I love the trimmed hair above her pussy and spent a few precious seconds looking and running a finger through it.
She pushed my head, urging me to go lower. Which was a big sign that she was desperate, as she loves to be passive when I go down on her.

“Impatient, are we?”, I whispered. I heard a soft moan of approval. My finger trailed down from the top to the bottom of her pussy softly. Another soft moan. I spread her lips with my right hand. Another moan, even softer. She was really wet, which I was happy about. It meant I could get started very soon. I licked my lips, and slowly inserted the tip of my index finger into her warm slit. Another moan, much louder than the previous ones. She was trying her hardest to be quiet.

“Guys”, I heard a small voice say from the other side of the room. For a couple of seconds I was still, as I wasn’t sure if I had imagined it. I looked up at my girlfriend. She was staring at me, too. Not an imagination.
“Jen?”, I heard Avi call my girlfriend.
She and I looked at each other awkwardly, not quite sure what to say, being caught in such a situation. I checked to see if our sheet was indeed closed correctly around our bed. It was.
“Um..yeah?”, Jen replied. The uncertainty was evident in her voice.
“Please don’t hate me, but I feel really lonely right now..”, Avi began. “Could you..could you guys open the screen just a bit so that I can watch? You sound so cute together..”

The uncertainty was plain in her voice, too. And something else I couldn’t quite place. Just then it clicked. Her voice wasn’t soft by purpose, it sounded like she was on the verge on crying, and was holding it back. I realized the kind of predicament we had placed her in. Here we were, having sex practically next to her, while she was going through one of the loneliest times of her life. I started feeling horrible just as Jen’s leg nudged my face. I looked up to see her eyebrows raised, questions in her eyes. The implication was obvious, do we say yes or decline a sweet girl going through a tough time? I nodded firmly, and she smiled down at me, with her trademark twinkle in her blue eyes.

“Of course sweetie, don’t feel bad about it”, Jen assured her best friend as I got up and pulled back the screen covering our bed. I wasn’t sure if Avi had opened her own, but was happy to see she had. I smiled over at her cute little face peeking out of her sheets and turned around to kiss Jen, just to make sure we were okay.
“Let’s give her a show, okay?”, she told me, again with that amazing twinkle in her eyes.
Which was completely fine by me. I got back down to finish off what I’d started. I knew the night was going to become on the better ones I’d ever have.

Jen didn’t often climax when I ate her out as foreplay, but that night I wanted to make her come. So I started by massaging her lips, and slowly flicking my tongue on her clit. And she started moaning much more freely and loudly. I looked up quickly to make sure she wasn’t looking at me. She had her eyes scrunched shut, and head thrown back. Perfect for the next move.
I licked my left index finger and inserted it slowly into Jen’s sexy-as-sin ass. Which caused her chest to rise up and her hips pushing into my face.

“Ah fuck baby, yeah, push it deeper into my ass”, Jen told me. Which was something I was going to do anyway, but I realized that statement was for Avi’s benefit. I looked over at her, and her eyes were glued on Jen’s hips thrusting into my hands and mouths. And I noticed some rustling near her own hips and that spurred me on even further. My right hand moved over to her clit, and put my tongue on her sweet pussy licking up and down. I pumped my finger even harder into her ass- her moans and thrusting became harder.

“Ah fuck, I’m close, I’m close, just keep going….”, Jen moaned. As if I needed any more encouragement.
“Come on baby, cum for me.. while your best friend watches us, come on”, I told her. And that set her off. She held my head against her hips, her chest arched, her head threw back and she let out a long and beautiful moan, and climaxed on my tongue.

I looked over at Avi to see her reaction. Her sheets had been lowered, she had her left hand on her breast, and the right was very obviously busy working her pussy under the sheets. She had her eyes shut, and there was sweat on her forehead. I hastily looked back to Jen; I didn’t want her to catch me staring – she was a shy gal.
Jen tugged at my pants and I helped her get them off. At this point I was as hard as it got, and hoped Jen would take over some of the hard work.
“You wanna get on top, babe?”, I asked her.
“Of course”, she smiled up at me.
She removed her panties as I made quick work of my T-Shirt and got ready for the main event. I laid back on my back, and watched my beautiful girlfriend put her sexy legs across me and align herself. She looked over at Avi.
“You enjoying yourself, Aviana?”, she asked her best friend. I risked a peek at her, and saw her looking at us, smiling contentedly. She nodded.
“You ready?”, she asked me. And heck yeah, I was. I nodded.

She lifted her lower body, put my cock between her lips and slowly descended. She bit her lower lip, and let out a soft moan – all the while looking into my eyes. She was tight. And wet. Wet enough to go down all the way in one go. I love cowgirl. I could let her do all the work, and still get to look and roam my hands all over her body. She rose up, and I realized I wouldn’t be lasting long that night. Her warm pussy and the fact that our best friend was watching my girlfriend moving above me was a huge turn on. She went down, letting out another soft moan. Her hands went to my chest, and she quickened her pace – my hands went to her chest, holding her jiggling breasts, which is one of my favourite sights in the world.

The feeling of her tight pussy moving up and down was enough for me to groan loudly. Jen was fucking amazing at riding my cock. She clenched her muscles at the perfect moments, sped up and slowed down at the perfect moments, with sexy as all hell moans going with everything she did. I spread my legs a little, to get her to go even deeper, and I could feel the tingling in my balls ever so slowly.

“Fuck, I’m close. You need to slow down if you’re gonna get one more”, I informed her. She slowed down, straightened her back and sat down on my cock. Her hand flew to her clit, rapidly moving side to side. The feeling of her pussy sitting snugly on my cock elicited another groan from me. I risked a glance at Avi. She was back to masturbating, and her T-Shirt had ridden up, showing a hint of flat belly, which was sexy as all hell. She was looking at Jennifer with wide eyes, but caught me staring and smiled down. Happy she was good, I looked back to see Jennifer leaning over to my ear.

“Let’s cum together, we need to finish this off on a high note”, she whispered.
“I’m good to go”, I told her.
With her hand still on her clit, she started riding me again. Quickly. I knew I wasn’t going to last long.
“Fuckfuckfuck”, Jen started chanting. And I could only agree.
“Fuck I’m right there, Jen…ah jeez I’m going to cum”, I replied.
Jennifer came. It wasn’t as explosive as the one before, but it was still fucking beautiful and set me off on my own orgasm. She arched her back, pushing her chest out, scrunched up her eyes and softly whispered:
“Give it to me”
Which I was more than willing to do. I pushed my hips into her, and came into her pussy.
“Ahhhh fuuuck, babe, I’m coming, I’m coming..fuuck”, was all I could say as I unloaded into her wet and warm pussy.
Jen laid down on my chest, both of us breathing heavily. I looked over at Aviana, who was back inside her sheets, eyes closed and with a very contended smile on her pretty face. Jen and I cleaned up as much as we could without getting out of bed, and went to sleep a very satisfied couple.

I woke up the next morning to find the girls in the kitchen, giggling. As soon as I walked in, Avi turned to me and gave a tight hug.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for last night”, she said. “I already thanked Jen, and now you, too. You guys are so cute together, it was awesome.”
Her smile was more than thanks enough.

Thanks for reading! I have a few other stories involving Aviana, so if you’d like to read them, let me know you want to/ enjoyed this one! My first story on here, so any feedback is appreciated, too. Merry Christmas, all you horny GWS peeps. Have a good one!



  1. This is a good one. You and your fiancée were very kind to Avi… and very fuckin’ hot too.

  2. I assume there is a potential threesome in one of those future Avi stories ;) Cannot wait for more from you and your fiancé.

    Congrats btw :)

  3. Mate let me say merry christmas to you and thanks for sharing this story with us!

    I felt so sorry for avi tho ;_; nice to hear she apreciated your deeds.

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