Some Old Guys Can Get Really Hard Cocks And Some Can Have Hands Free Orgasm’s [FM][Hands Free Orgasm]

This happened to me back in 2010 when I was a lot younger and less experienced, not just sexually but in regards to the ways of the world.

Against my will, my Mom had moved to a distinctly rural community in one of the more backwards areas of the UK (Cornwall). The five years I was living there were the worst of my life because I’m from the city and there’s pretty much nothing to do in places like that. As I was struggling to make friends my Mom suggested that I enroll in a youth volunteer scheme where I’d spend a few hours each week working with another young person helping old people do their household chores (no toilet stuff or bathing them).

The person I was assigned to work with was a 21 year old blonde called Emily (okay, I changed the name) and the guy that we’d spend two hours with every Thursday afternoon was Harold (changed the name), a 65 year old guy who’s children had died in the Zeebrugge ferry disaster, so he was always miserable.

Before we arrived at his place, Emily suddenly spoke to me in a really serious tone. ”When his kids died it hit him hard. He hit the bottle and got in trouble with the police”

”In trouble with the police? What for?” I asked.

”Sex offences”, replied Emily after a prolonged silence. ”But it’s nothing to worry about, he can’t get out of his chair these days, so he won’t be able to get you. And if something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and you can leave”

I must confess, as soon as Emily said this, I was shocked at how turned on I got. I knew I wasnt going to get raped, because he couldn’t move about very easily, but something about the situation seemed thrilling to me and I could feel my nipples throb as we drove to meet the 65 year old sex offender.

However, upon meeting Harold I was disappointed. I knew that as he was 65 , he wasnt going to look like he was in a boy band, but my grandfather was 62 and he didn’t look that bad for his age. Harold though, he looked repulsive.

For a start he had bad gout, arthritis and to top it all, three years previously he had suffered a stroke. This meant he couldn’t get out of his chair and any co-ordination he had of his body was extremely limited.. But worst of all were the sounds he made when he tried to talk. He’d had throat cancer and so when he spoke he made weird gasping noises which were a bit horrible to hear.

Anyway, the first time I was there, Emily was with me and we just neatened up his living room and washed up in the kitchen. I didn’t really speak to him but he said hello to me (which sounded like a weird farting noise and Emily had to explain to me what he’s said). I could feel his eyes on me though, as I moved around the room and there was something about the situation that really turned me on. The idea that a horny old man wanted to have sex with me but couldn’t even get out of his chair was a massive turn on for me.

Anyway, for the next few weeks I decided to torment Harold by wearing progressively more revealing clothes on each of my visits. I have quite a nice, full figure and it was even better back then. And then, shortly before the fourth-fifth visit Emily called me and told me she wouldn’t be able to come with me to Harold’s that Thursday, and she asked me if I minded going on my own. I said I was fine with that, but I was actually really excited at the prospect of being alone with a randy but helpless old man. I decided to be really daring and wear the tightest and thinnest white top in my wardrobe- without a bra.

When I was in the room with him, innocently hoovering the carpet, it was at that point, the most sexually thrilling experience I’d ever had in my life. I wasn’t a virgin, but my experiences with guys were pretty limited and amounted to little more than quick fumbles with sleazebags which afterwards left me feeling sort of cheap and dirty.

The only way to describe my experience at Harold’s would be to say that I felt sexually empowered, it was almost like an electricity running through me, making me moist and causing my nipples to *throb* and *burn*. Occasionally I glanced at poor Harold, and when I did he was trembling and had tears in his eyes. And pretty soon I noticed his bulge.

I hadn’t seen many cocks at that point, but I knew enough about them to know that Harold was big. He was wearing white baggy corduroy trousers and really, an average cock getting erect shouldn’t have been that noticeable in them. But there was no mistaking what was going on in Harold’s trousers and there was no mistaking the fact that he was huge.

As soon as I noticed his erection, I momentarily got a little flustered and suddenly there was no point in me keeping up the pretense that I wasn’t trying to get him all turned on. And I noticed that the tears were now rolling down his face. Managing to compose myself, I sat on the armrest of his chair and asked him as innocently as I could, why was he was crying. At this point my heart was racing and looking back, I was a little bit scared and slightly shaking.

Suddenly he made a raspy guttural sound that I’m pretty sure might have been ”please”. At first I was a little disturbed because I hadn’t quite got used to the horrible way that he spoke but then I saw his hands trying to reach for his crotch. I suddenly realized that he was trying to get his penis out and masturbate! However, because of the stroke he suffered he couldn’t control his hands and there was no way he could unzip himself and even if he could have, there was no way he would have been able to wank himself off. Instead his hands just clumsy bounced around on his hips while his cock seemed to get even bigger.

There was no way that I was going to get his cock out and masturbate because he smelled a bit and I was getting so turned on teasing him. The only thing that was spoiling it for me was the way he kept repeating ‘please’ in his horrible voice and looking at my with his helpless pleading eyes and also it was a bit funny I guess because he seemed a bit drunk the way he couldn’t control his hands.

Suddenly he started gasping and grunting almost as if he was in pain and it scared me so bad that I jumped off the armrest. For a moment I thought he was having another stroke and I was terrified in case I was supposed to do mouth to mouth resuscitation. But then I noticed that there was a quickly developing wet patch on his trousers-right where his cock was trying to burst out. He was still breathing heavily but it was clear to me what had happened. I made Harold have a hands free orgasm! Right there, right then I came the closest I ever got in my life to having a spontaneous HFO myself and could literally feel my pussy get soaked.

I had to get out off there right there that second and race home and as soon as I got to my room I masturbated and had the hardest orgasm I’d ever had in my life. Ever.

I didn’t go back to Harold and I think he died a few months later, but to this day I still think about him. I’ve tried to get BFs to have hands free orgasms but none of them have ever managed it. Often I fantasize about the scene at Harold’s and it gives me a kick that i helped an old guy have his last orgasm on this earth.



  1. As much as I detest and abhor sexual offenders, this story made me angry. This man with gout, arthritis, a stroke and teminal throat cancer just sitting there, while you got off to the idea of torturing him.
    Not much makes me sympathetic to the fates of sex offenders but this story did. Clearly karma had its way with him, but there you were getting your jollies of at the thought of his suffering….
    While I appreciate the guts it took to share this story, I can tell you that I for one did not enjoy reading it.

  2. This is honestly kind of fucked up.

    He was disabled and you used him for your sexual pleasure. It’s not exactly like he had a choice in the matter and he certainly couldn’t walk away.

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