[MF, Cheat, Oral Sex] Tales of Drake: Oliver’s Girlfriend (Prologue)


She pushed me abruptly against the bathroom wall, and started undoing the belt from my pants as her lips locked deliriously onto mine. Her hot tongue slithered up my throat while we exchanged musky hums in the dark space. Even though my mind was clouded from the alcohol, I still knew that what we were doing was wrong. However, my other head was demanding me viciously to keep going. I’m not going to lie, not having sex for over a year has been pure torture for me. My work has been wearing me out so much I hardly masturbate anymore. Sabrina eased her head back, gliding her right hand towards the bulge in my jeans. She bit her lip coyly as her fingers slowly undid my zipper.

“We can’t be too long…” she whispered seductively. Her hand reached in, wrapping her small palm around the bulging cloth of my boxers. I was trying to think of something to say before she started going down on me.

“S-Sabrina, wait. What about your boyfriend?” I muttered, trying to get her attention. She looked up at me alluringly, mumbling… “Mmm, don’t worry. He’s not getting up any time soon. Besides…” Her soft eyes looked down lovingly, releasing my throbbing cock from its cover.

“…You need this.”

It was hard to say no to such a smooth silky voice. I felt her hand grasp my thick foreskin while she knelt down. Her firm grip tugged at my shaft, and my inner loins reacted vibrantly as my head began to leak excessive pre-cum. I didn’t know I was going to be so sensitive to her touch. My slippery juice gradually coated her hand as she massaged my growing erection.

“My… you’re big…” she whispered, easing her head onto my groin. I couldn’t really see, but it looked like she was sniffing the pre-cum before her tongue started prodding my tip. As she slowly licked the fleshy edges, her mouth enveloped the head, sucking down the juicy substance. Resonating instinctively, my chest groaned heavily while her warm mouth slid down my length. I could feel her moaning lusciously as her saliva stirred around my tender cock. She was enjoying this immensely as her speed picked up. Her moans were getting recklessly louder as she deep throated my full length. I gripped the back of her head, attempting to drown out the sobs of her lust. She retaliated a little, plucking her mouth away, and muttered out a lusty cry.

“I… I can’t breathe…” she coughed, sniffling quietly from the heavy blowjob. Sabrina stood up while rubbing my aching cock. I couldn’t help but plunge my lips onto hers again, wrapping my hands around the skin-tight cloth of her round ass cheeks. She attempted to mumble something, but gave in to the sensual kiss and snuggled into me warmly. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she soaked her lips with mine, embracing the delicious unlawful love-making. I eased my head back a little to look at her intoxicated eyes. She drank as much as I did, but I could tell she was way more drunk than me. I was about to mutter something until I was interrupted salaciously by her with…

“I need you… inside of me.”

Her focused words struck me temptingly, and I really didn’t want to say no to her. My throbbing dick was lusting horribly, but I didn’t want to fuck the living brains out of my friend’s girlfriend! However before I got a chance to reply, someone knocked on the wooden door with three slow pounds.

A slurring voice rumbled from the other side “S… Sabrina… are you in there?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5iithn/mf_cheat_oral_sex_tales_of_drake_olivers