First shot at writing — Melanie’s Birthday [MC]

Hey all. This is my first shot at writing a story like this. This is a fantasy of my own. I don’t understand it very well, so I figured I’d write it out and see what happened. I still don’t understand it very well, but here goes:

Melanie’s Birthday

“Don’t worry about tonight — I’ve got it all taken care of!”

Colton hoped he’d reassured his wife, Melanie, with the text message. In the past, Colton had thrown together plans at the last minute, so Melanie was justified in being worried. This was her 35th birthday, and last year Colton didn’t even take her out because he didn’t get a sitter in time. This year was different, though. Colton really had been planning for weeks. He’d lined up a babysitter for the kids, made dinner reservations in advance, and had already reserved and prepared a hotel room at the General, one of the nicest hotels in town. He really wanted Melanie to feel special this year.

Earlier that morning, Colton had woken up before Melanie and laid in bed, watching her. It was the end of summer. The mornings were warm and sunny. Melanie had kicked off most of the covers, and Colton could see her black panties, barely covering her. She’d always had an actual hour glass figure — nice breasts, big ass. She was also classically beautiful when fully clothed; she looked even more so now as she soaked up the last few minutes of sleep. Melanie’s auburn-blonde hair lay wistfully on the pillow and her face, hiding her high cheekbones and large eyes. On a normal day, Colton may have started rubbing up against her, which usually led to some gratifying morning sex in the sunshine. Not this morning, though. Colton had grander plans for Melanie’s birthday.


5 pm came and went as Colton worked at his downtown office. He began getting excited, and a bit nervous. Would she like it as much as he’d hoped? Of course, they’d talked about it and experimented with the fantasy in bed. Colton wasn’t sure how she’d react to it actually happening — if he was honest with himself he wasn’t sure how he felt about it either. Even so, as he went through a final mental rundown of the night’s agenda, he could feel himself getting aroused behind his desk. After he settled down, he called his wife.

“Are you ready for a night on the town?” he said.

“I’m ready! What are we doing?” she answered.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Colton. “And pack an overnight bag.”

“But the kids!” Melanie cried.

“Don’t worry about it!” he repeated. “The babysitter’s going to be there til 10, and then your mom’s going to come sleep in the guest room. I’ve been planning this for weeks.”

Even though he couldn’t see her, Colton knew that Melanie was smiling. She always liked it when he took care of everything.

“Oh, and Mel…wear something sexy.”

“I already am.” she said in her best sultry voice, and hung up the phone.


Melanie looked across the table at Colton. The candle light flickered across his face, and she could see the flame reflected in his blue eyes.

“So, what’s next?” she asked. Dinner had been good, but they’d been to that restaurant dozens of times. Melanie figured Colton had something up his sleeve — if he went through all this trouble to plan this birthday date in advance, she didn’t think he’d settle for just dinner.

“Well,” he said. “I figured we’d walk over to the General. I got us the Senator’s Suite.”

Melanie beamed. It was rare that she got a full night away from home since having kids. She wasn’t sure how they’d done it, but her and Colton had maintained an interesting sex life despite the kids and both of their demanding careers. But it wasn’t always easy to go “all out” when the kids were sleeping just down the hall. Sometimes a girl just likes to scream.

The thought of a night in a hotel room had Melanie feeling a bit frisky. She pulled down her already low-cut dress, just slightly. It was enough, though, to give Colton a peek at her lacy green bra and more of her cleavage. Melanie fought the urge to look around to see if anyone else noticed, and focused her attention on Colton. She could tell he was already looking forward to fooling around in the Senator’s Suite, and she saw his demeanor change when he saw her overt sexual gesture.

“Let’s get out of here.” Colton said.


As they entered the suite, Colton watched Melanie hop onto the bed. She flailed her arms around, feeling the silky white sheets. Her black dress rode up just a touch, and Colton could see her smooth thighs. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but given how much he’d built this night up, it was almost enough to throw him over the edge. He lay next to her and kissed her softly. Colton wanted his wife so badly. Watching her writhe around on the bed didn’t help things.

“Don’t you want this?”, Melanie said playfully with a grin. She pulled her dress down again, like she had at the restaurant. Then she pulled it down even lower, revealing almost her entire bra.

“Hell yes I do.” Colton replied, staring at her body. He reached out to fondle her breasts, then pulled back. “Why don’t you take a shower,” he said.

“Okay?” she said, quizzically. She pulled her dress back up.

Colton smiled wryly. “Yes. Just relax for a while, take all the time you want.”

Melanie actually looked a bit hurt that Colton wasn’t ravaging her right then.

Colton pulled her close, and brought his lips to her ear. “I’ve been waiting all day to fuck you, baby,” he whispered. “I can wait another half hour. Today’s about you.”

Melanie smiled, and started walking to the shower, shaking her ass for him as she went. Right before she closed the door, Colton said: “Touch up your makeup after the shower — I want you to feel sexy all night.” Melanie gave a weird look, but grabbed her makeup bag on the way into the bathroom.

Colton waited a few moments until he heard the shower begin, then he made the final preparations.


As Melanie got ready to shower, she wondered to herself. What is he up to? She took off her clothes and stared at herself in the full length mirror. Pretty good for 35, she thought. Seeing herself naked in the mirror — and thinking about Colton fucking her when she got out of the shower — was already turning her on. She watched herself gently rub the palm of her hand against her pussy. She wondered if Colton had purchased a new toy to try out, or maybe he was going to do some role playing. Maybe he wants to play with my ass, she thought. She had the strongest orgasms when Colton played with her ass, but she’d always been a bit embarrassed about how much she enjoyed it. Melanie closed her eyes, continuing to touch herself while thinking about Colton finally fucking her in the ass. She reached down farther, and could feel herself already getting wet. Opening her eyes, Melanie stopped suddenly. She wanted to save it for Colton.


Colton lay on the bed imagining the next few hours when he heard the shower stop. It was another five minutes before Melanie emerged, wearing a bathrobe with “The General Hotel” screened on the front. She was wearing red lipstick and dark eyeliner — somehow her hair was still done up from dinner. Even in just a bathrobe, Melanie looked fantastic. Behind her, steam billowed into the room from the bathroom.

“Wow!” she said. Colton watched as Melanie took in the view. He’d set up candles, and there were rose petals leading to the bed. He’d opened the drapes, revealing a vista of their city from 15 floors up. Colton had stripped down to nothing but black boxer shorts. Melanie smiled at his thoughtfulness, then her face changed and she bit her lower lip. As Colton watched, she reached back and flipped off the bathroom light, and at the same time untied the bathrobe, letting it fall from her body. There in the candle light was his wife, Melanie, wearing a tiny black thong and a slinky bra — nothing else. She let him admire her for several seconds, then walked toward him.

“Get up, big boy.” she said.

He stood up. She walked to him and kissed him lightly on the lips, then fell immediately to her knees in front of him. She pulled down Colton’s boxers, and took his already hard cock into her mouth. He was larger than average, but Melanie could take him all the way. He grabbed her hair gently, and pushed her face into him. Colton looked down at her licking and sucking his cock, and looked down her back. Her ass looked fantastic in that little black thong. He looked back down at her, and saw that she was looking straight up at his eyes, licking his cock like a popsicle, from base to tip.

Colton stood her up without breaking eye contact. “Take your panties off.” Melanie slid them slowly off, revealing her nicely shaved pussy, with just a touch of hair right above the lips. “Now, get on all fours on the bed.” She just looked at him, desire on her face. Then she did what she was told. Her body, and particularly her ass, looked mesmerizing in the candle light.

Colton got up behind her, and inserted his cock easily into her wet pussy. He pumped slowly, and grabbed her ass with both hands, pulling her cheeks just wide enough to get catch a glance of her asshole. Her ass was his favorite feature of hers, and he loved it when she was fresh out of the shower and willing to let him explore. He began thrusting faster, bottoming out with each pump. She pushed back against him, their bodies rocking back and forth as Melanie started moaning. Colton stopped suddenly. He stood up, reached into the top drawer of the night stand, and pulled out a blindfold.

“What’s that for?” Melanie asked with a grin.

“Put it on.”

Colton helped Melanie put on the green satin blindfold. “No peeking” he said in a sing-song voice. While she was standing in front of him, he took the opportunity to take her bra off. He feasted on the sight of her round breasts and dark brown nipples. He proceeded to kiss her breasts, slowly working his way to each nipple and sucking for a few seconds. “Mmmmm.” Melanie said. Colton knew she loved that. He straightened and took a step back, taking in the view of his completely naked wife, blindfolded in front of him.

“Do you trust me?” Colton said quietly.

Melanie’s breath quickened. Colton could see some redness work its way up her chest. He knew she had no idea what was going on.

“Y..Yes.” she said.

“Get on all fours again,” Colton directed. She did as she was told once again, with Colton’s help. Once on the bed, he pushed her head into the bed sheets, and pulled her ass into the air. This time, instead of fucking her with his cock, he began licking her pussy from behind. Colton used his tongue to gently flick her already engorged clit. He worked his way up until he was sticking his tongue inside her, his nose brushing her asshole. Melanie pushed into him, forcing the tongue deeper inside her, and moaned.

Colton paused for a moment. He sat back, staring at his wife’s beautiful ass and pussy. He then went back to work, this time starting at her opening and slowly working his way up. “You taste so good” he reassured her, right before finally tenderly licking her asshole. He watched her body tense up — she was always a bit weird about anal play. She came so hard when it was involved, but had and equally hard time admitting how much she enjoyed it. This time, though, she moaned excitedly, egging him on as he continued to lick her.

Knock knock.

Melanie froze, Colton still with his face buried in her ass.

“Don’t move.” Colton demanded.

“What?” Melanie said anxiously, almost panicked. She reached for the blindfold.

“Stop!” Colton said. “You trust me, remember?”

“Yes.” Melanie said, but Colton could tell she was unsure.

“Trust me.”

Melanie stopped reaching for the blindfold, but her body was still tense. Colton saw that her body was shaking. Was she excited or nervous? He wasn’t sure.

Leaving his wife on all fours, naked on the bed, Colton walked to the door, wrapping himself in Melanie’s robe. As arranged, Brady was standing there when the hotel door opened. Brady had the build of an outside linebacker: 6 feet tall, black, and about 220 pounds. “We still on?” Brady asked quietly.

“We are.” Colton said.

They walked to the bed together. Melanie remained on all fours with her ass in the air, blindfolded. Colton saw Brady almost salivating at the sight. Melanie’s pussy dripped — she was so wet. He and Brady had been quiet, but he had a feeling Melanie knew what was about to happen. He looked at Brady, who was silently taking off his clothes. Apparently, Melanie’s curvy body was enticing to Brady as well — Brady was already getting hard. Colton was glad to see that Brady’s cock was a bit longer than his, and quite a bit girthier.

Colton moved onto the bed facing his blindfolded wife, and pulled Melanie up on to her knees. He held her tenderly, and rubbed his hands down her body, lightly touching her wet pussy. He whispered “I love you” in her ear, then brought her head down to his cock. Melanie began working his cock furiously with her mouth. Colton watched Brady behind her, his girthy cock now fully erect. Brady put on the mask that Colton had laid out for him, which covered most of his face except his eyes.

“Can you handle two cocks?” Colton said breathlessly to Melanie, while she sucked him. She paused a moment, then said “mmmm hmmmm” while continuing to go down on him. Her body began quivering in anticipation. Colton watched as Brady moved up behind her, put his black hands on her much lighter ass, and placed his wide cock up against Colton’s wife’s wet pussy. Melanie let out surprised scream as Brady pushed his head into her. Even though Colton had just been fucking his wife minutes before, Brady’s girthier cock didn’t go in quite as easily.

As soon as Brady’s cock entered Melanie’s pussy, she stopped sucking, and pushed her face into the mattress. Colton watched as her back arched, and he heard his wife’s muffled whispers: “Oh my God. Fuck! Oh my God.” Brady inserted himself all of the way, then began slowly pumping into Colton’s wife. “Oh fuck!” Melanie said again, and began pushing back into him, moaning louder and louder. Even though he was longer than Colton, Melanie could take all of Brady’s cock in her pussy, and Colton watched as she ground her ass into Brady’s muscular thighs as he thrusted. Colton noticed that her moans were different too — more gutteral.

As Brady and Colton’s wife got into a rhythm, Melanie took Colton back into her mouth, and worked his cock furiously.

“Do you like the feel of two cocks?” Colton asked.

“I love it.” Melanie said between moans. “He’s so big.” She said. Every thirty seconds or so, she let Colton’s cock fall out her mouth, and he could see her smiling with pleasure. It was almost like she forgot Colton was there. Then she’d remember and start sucking him again.

Colton reached down, lightly pulling Melanie’s hair. He pulled the blindfold up and over her head. She looked up at him, her cheeks bouncing as Brady continued to fuck her. “Look back,” Colton said. He watched as Melanie turned to look back. She moaned in pleasure as she watched Brady’s large black body pounding her from behind. She pushed back even harder.

“Do you want to taste his cock?” Colton asked. Melanie nodded, but continued to moan as Brady kept fucking her. She only seemed interested in getting fucked by Brady’s cock. Her moans were turning to screams now, and it seemed she’d lost all interest in Colton. Finally, she pulled away from Brady, got up on her knees, and kissed Colton hard. Colton could taste himself on her tongue. “I want to taste his big cock so bad.” she said. “Will you let me?” She looked at him, her eyes full of want.

Colton pulled her down, and laid her on her back. Brady, still wearing the mask, came around the side of the bed and brought his cock to Melanie’s mouth. Colton watched her eyes widen at Brady’s large size. Melanie’s mouth could barely make it around Brady’s large cock, but Colton could tell she was enjoying the challenge. Meanwhile, Colton pulled her legs up and rested her ankles on his shoulders, inserting his own cock into Melanie’s pussy. She was very wet, and he could tell that Brady’s larger cock and stretched her out. She moaned as he entered, though, and pushed into him as he began to fuck her, hard. He rolled the lower half of her body over so he could watch her ass as he fucked her. When he glanced up, Colton had to fend off his orgasm watching his wife struggle to take Brady’s hard, wide cock in her mouth.

Brady too was obviously enjoying it. He reached down and caressed Melanie’s breasts, rubbing her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. “Oh fuck.” he said, his body tensing up. As Colton watched, he could tell that Brady was on the verge of cumming too. Melanie could also tell, and she stopped sucking. She looked up at Colton. “No one comes yet. I want to come with his big cock inside me.”

Colton stepped to the side, and Brady came to take his place. Brady inserted his cock into Colton’s wife’s pussy, and began thrusting hard. But Melanie said to him, “Stop. This is about me. You stay still.” Then, Melanie began rubbing her clit as she slowly pushed herself into and away from Brady’s cock. Back and forth. Her screams died down to moans, and Colton could tell she was close. He watched as his wife’s back arched, her face flushed, and she thrusted herself hard one last time into Brady’s body, taking his entire cock inside of her. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” she yelled, as her body spasmed. Colton could see his wife’s pussy pulsing rhythmically against Brady’s cock, her juices dripping out from around him. She lay still, a smile on her face.

Brady looked down, and was clearly ready to begin thrusting again. He was still on the verge of cumming. But before he could, Melanie looked at Colton and said, in her sexiest voice, “Colt, get him the fuck out of here.”

Colton looked apologetically at Brady, but nodded his head. Brady pulled out of Melanie and quickly got dressed, then left the room. He never removed the mask.

“I’m all yours.” Melanie said to Colton after Brady left.

Melanie pushed Colton onto the bed, then jumped on top, inserting his cock and riding him cowgirl style. She was still wetter than he’d ever felt her; it felt different being ridden hard after Brady had stretched his wife out. After several seconds, she turned herself around into the reverse cowgirl position. She looked back at Colton as she rode him. They locked eyes for a moment, then Melanie bent forward so her ass was on direct display for Colton. She proceeded to reach back and pull one of her ass cheeks away, so Colton could see his cock going in and out of her drenched pussy, her beautiful asshole in full view.

Then, to Colton’s surprise, she took his cock and placed the head right up against her asshole, grinding slightly into it. She looked back at him, locking eyes. “I want you to fuck me in the ass, big boy.” Melanie normally wasn’t this comfortable with herself, Colton thought. His thoughts were cut off, though, as Melanie slowly pushed herself down against him, slowly in and out, working the wetness that had dripped down from her pussy into her asshole. In moments, Colton’s cock was completely in his wife’s ass, and she began grinding up and down, faster and faster. Then she stopped suddenly, and Colton felt her come again, but this time against him. “I love your cock.” She said, looking directly into his eyes.

After a few more moments, she pulled herself off and backed her ass up to Colton’s face. Colton accepted the invitation and licked her, concentrating on her asshole. “I want you to come all over my ass.” she said to him between her legs.

Colton didn’t waste any time. He pushed her forward, and began fucking her just like he started, doggy style. It didn’t take long, as he felt Melanie push against him, moaning louder than he’d ever heard her moan. Right as he was about to come, he pulled out. Melanie reached back, exposing her asshole and pussy, and Colton exploded all over her. His come dripped off Melanie’s asshole, off her pussy lips, and into the puddle of juices below her.

After Colton’s cock stopped spasming, he collapsed next to Melanie. She kissed him passionately, and said “Happy birthday to me.”



  1. That was nicely done, thanks for sharing your fantasy. Interesting at the end where she didn’t let Brandy even finish. But a girl wants, what a girl wants. I think it might have even made it hotter.

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