What kind of erotic literature do women like?

Hi reddit! Last night, I had a talk with a male friend about erotic literature, specifically on what women like in erotic literature compared to what man like reading. We started talking about fifty shade of grey and its massive success… Then I thought it would work best if I directly asked the source ! So, what is it that you’re fond of in erotic literature ? What kind of situation ? Or I don’t know… I wanna learn :)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5hpikn/what_kind_of_erotic_literature_do_women_like


  1. Anything that takes my brain there. Turn my brain on, and the rest of the process just happens. It’s got to be believable, with just the right balance of details to imagination to really get the blood flowing.

  2. Describe the man. Don’t describe what guys think is the most important (muscle size, car, how rich he looks), but what women notice first (height, eyes, hair, face in general, demeanor, and voice).

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