[MF] [Cheating] No physical intimacy, but a lot of naughtiness, hoping for something more

This story takes place over the span of almost a year. I first met Nicholas through work. Our first conversation was over the phone, when we were discussing a case I had been assigned to. He’s an outside lawyer, and I work for a corporation that was involved in some litigation. My predecessor had retained him, and we were all on a conference call to transition the matter to me. As I was listening to his voice over the speakerphone, something about it made me want to look up his public profile to see his photo. I typed his name into my phone and found him. Handsome, early 40s, long hair. *Interesting,* I thought. There aren’t many big firm lawyers with that look, and during my time at the company, I certainly hadn’t encountered any that looked like THAT. The thought *This could be fun* crossed my mind.

As part of our due diligence for the case, we had to go and interview a bunch of employees in a different part of the country to see what they knew. The interviews would take place over two full days. We were starting on a Wednesday morning, so we both flew in that Tuesday night before, but pretty late. We didn’t meet until the morning, when we planned to have breakfast together at the hotel. I was waiting for him in the lobby when I saw him approach. He was tall, slim, and broad shouldered. I recognized him mostly by his long hair (medium brown, straight, about shoulder length) but also by the smile he gave me. I thought, *Oh, he checked me out too, haha.*

We formally introduced ourselves and went to the hotel restaurant. Over breakfast, we got to know each other a bit and found we had some things in common (both married with young kids, first lawyers in our families, etc.), but we mostly discussed the case and what we anticipated the witnesses would know. The rest of the day was pretty unremarkable except for the fact that I was very impressed by his laser focus during the interviews, and his demeanor with the employees, some of whom were a bit adversarial. Nicholas handled them masterfully.

When evening rolled around, we discussed some places to go for dinner, and opted for a small Italian place that was highly recommended by one of his colleagues. We agreed to meet down in the hotel lobby in about an hour.

I got to my room and undressed. It felt good to take my suit off but I was a bit regretful of the fact that I hadn’t brought something sexier to wear that night. You see, I was really trying to behave, and when I packed for the trip, I foolishly thought that bringing modest clothes would dissuade me from wanting to flirt with this guy. How much sense does that make? *Well, I’ll just have to vamp it up another way.* I took a short shower and redid my makeup, spending extra time applying mascara and lip gloss. *Sexy but not slutty,* I thought. I put on a black fitted cowlneck sweater, some skinny jeans, boots, and a bulky cable knit infinity scarf (it was January and really cold!). I looked at my puffy jacket and shook my head. Ugh, what had I been thinking? *Oh well,* I thought, and threw it on.

He was waiting in the lobby and smiled when he saw me. *He is really cute.* “Ready to go?” “Yup!” I answered.

We got in a cab and chatted about the day. I complimented him on his handling of the witnesses. He was gracious and polite. I’m not usually one to make any kind of first move, so I followed his lead and kept it strictly professional. I also got the sense that he was a highly perceptive guy, so I worked extra hard to avoid letting on that I was attracted to him.

Over dinner we got to know each other more personally. We talked about our families, where we had traveled, our interests. He was charming and sexy, without trying to be. However, he was not showing any signs of interest, and I definitely did not want to come across as desperate. I declined the server’s offer of another glass of wine and instead played the part of a good girl.

On the way to the restaurant we had discovered that it was actually only a short distance from the hotel, so we decided to walk back. It was snowing, but it was a quiet, pretty snow and the 20 minute walk passed quickly as we continued to chat. It was a nice, low-pressure situation, and the setting was deniably romantic.

We reached the hotel, said goodnight, and hugged. I refused to believe it was anything more than a platonic hug. We agreed to meet early for breakfast before starting our second and final day of interviews. I have trouble sleeping in hotels sometimes, so I turned on some really bad TV and ended up staying up way too late watching some porn star do stand up comedy half naked. It wasn’t a proud moment. I got about four or five hours of sleep and by the time I met him for breakfast, I was still pretty sleepy. But the sight of him made me brighten up a bit and we enjoyed some good strong coffee together. The rest of the day passed much the same as the first. We then immediately left for the airport and took separate flights to our respective cities. *If the case settles soon, I might not see him again. Well, all for the best,* as I thought about my husband and kids waiting for me at home.

When I got home that night, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a text from him, making sure I got home OK and saying what a great time he had spending the previous couple of days with me. It was nice, but I did not entertain any thought that he was flirting, figuring he was just being a thoughtful and attentive outside lawyer to his client.

Over the next few months, we worked closely together to build our case. However, it was all over the phone and it wasn’t looking like there was going to be another opportunity to meet. Then one day, he called and said, “The other side wants to mediate.” I tried to hide the excitement in my voice and asked “When?” “May.” That was in about a month. “Sounds good. I assume the parties are required to attend?” “No,” he answered, “but I think it would be a good idea if you were there.” “Oh,” I smiled. “OK. I’ll send you my availability.”

It was just around that time that I discovered I was pregnant. I’m not sure why, but other than my immediate family, Nicholas was the first one I told. He remarked that he had such a soft spot for babies and was genuinely happy for me. By the time of the mediation, I was three months along – showing a tiny bit of a bump, but mostly in my boobs. And I’m large chested to begin with. The dress I wore was one of my regular dresses, but it just fit a little more snugly as the pregnancy caused me to fill it out more. It was one of those sleeveless fine gauge wool sheath dresses, a soft light purple color, which I paired with a cream cardigan and gold heels. What can I say? I wanted to leave an impression. I did detect some subtle signs of appreciation when he saw me, and was pleased with myself for making the effort.

The mediation took pretty much the whole day, and there was some down time to chat informally, but not much, as we were really intent on resolving the case that day. Even so, every time I got up to use the bathroom, I felt his eyes on me. It was electrifying.

We ended up reaching a favorable tentative settlement, contingent upon some loose ends being tied up. It was somewhat bittersweet because while it felt good to get a great result on a case we had both worked really hard on, I knew there was little chance that we would be working together on any future cases, and I would soon be transitioning to a different team.

He did call several times over the next few months just to chat and stay in touch. I figured it was half because of the friendship that had sort of developed but also because he saw an opportunity to develop more business with my company. Calling sometimes turned into texting, and I found that sometimes he would say things that could have a sexual interpretation. When I called him on it, he played dumb, but by then I was pretty sure he was flirting with me, which I found extremely satisfying.

By summer, I had developed a sizable baby bump. I told him I would be traveling to his city and would he like to have lunch. He said yes, and said he would be looking forward to it.

He picked me up from the airport and we drove to a quaint part of town. The weather was gorgeous…sunny, warm and breezy. I was wearing a tight fitting sleeveless maxi dress that showed my curves off really well. As we walked side by side down the street, a few men smiled at me as they passed, and Nicholas protectively took my arm. I felt like he was pleased to be with me, which I was terribly turned on by.

During lunch, he maintained his professional demeanor and kept the conversation pretty kosher. I was almost getting to the point where I was like *He better make some kind of move or I’m going to go crazy.* No move, not a single flirtatious comment the entire time. *Well,* I thought, *that answers that.*

He dropped me off and we said our goodbyes. Pleasant, but again, no sign of interest. *What is with this guy?*

Not fifteen minutes later, I received a text from him. “You look incredible.” I smiled the biggest smile. It was a relatively mild comment, but it was a start. *I might just have some fun with you… but better take it slow,* I thought. While I was waiting at the airport later that afternoon, I filmed my tummy moving from the baby’s kicks, and sent the clip to him. “Is it inappropriate that I sent that to you?” “No…I love it.” I smiled.

A month later, he came to my city and we had dinner at a trendy place. It was crowded and the seating was communal style. We sat next to each other very close, and had to lean in to hear each other since it was pretty loud. We had fun choosing interesting plates off the menu, and it was exciting to feel his leg casually brush up against mine from time to time.

The next couple of months, we continued texting, and the conversations started getting a little more flirtatious. I told him, “We should go drinking together sometime.” “Not a chance. I do not trust myself…” he answered. *Ugh,* I thought. *Live a little, man!!*

He found me on twitter, and commented on my profile picture, where I was in the Caribbean and showing off my tanned shoulders. “Look at you…” I laughed and typed back, “Nicholas, you will not find any nude pictures of me….online.” “Gasp,” he teased back.

We made plans to meet up again in the fall when I would be in town for a conference. We got together for dinner and I was wearing a tight, ruched black dress that fell to just past my knees. It was elegant and sexy. My hair was down and wavy, and I was hugely pregnant. He picked me up at my hotel, and when he saw me, he let his eyes wander a little more freely over my body. “You look wonderful.” He hugged me and we drove to a little French restaurant. This time was a little more intimate: we sat angled from each other instead of directly across, ate off each other’s plates, and talked more about our kids and our spouses. The vibe was really pleasant and relaxed. I was surprised how well I had gotten to know him and how comfortable I was with him during the short time we’d known each other, especially living so far apart and seeing each other so infrequently. It was nice, and I suspect he felt the same.

We drove back to my hotel, and I tried to pay attention to any sign that he didn’t want to say goodbye just yet. Nothing. Well, I wasn’t going to be the pregnant married lady hitting on a guy who potentially was going to turn me down, so I thanked him and hugged him goodnight. How disappointing.

A few days later, he was at a conference out-of-state and texted me hello. He mentioned he would be at a function that evening that would surely be a snooze fest. I told him to text me if he got bored.

He did end up texting me while he was out, and I could tell he had been drinking. He was a bit more uninhibited, and we started playing a game where we would take turns telling a secret about ourselves. He went first. “I’ve had sex in my office.” OK…my turn.

“Remember when I told you you would not find any nudes of me online?” “Yes…?” “Was true then; is not true now.”


“Link.” He said daringly.

At first I hesitated. Was I really going to share my nudes with him? Most definitely unethical, although the flirting we had done up to this point was already totally inappropriate. We were both married, with kids, and this was another step in the direction of cheating. At the same time, my heart was racing and I was completely turned on. I was super attracted to him, and it was a thrill to discover that he was attracted to me too. *What the hell.* And throwing caution to the wind, I sent him a link to one of my posts. “Oh my god.” Another. “Unfuckingbelievable…” I smiled. Another link. “You are so fucking sexy…I need to get back to my room…” Oh man! For the longest time, he had been the consummate professional, and now he was telling me he was about to jack off to my pics. I was eating it up.

I continued teasing him with more pics and videos until he had finished. It felt amazing. He showered me with all sorts of sexy compliments, and finally asked, “Why didn’t you ask me to come up to your room the last time you were in town?” My mouth dropped open. “I wasn’t feeling anything from you! And besides, it would have been so inappropriate on a bunch of different levels…I’m your client, we’re both married with kids, and I am hugely pregnant!” “The pregnant thing is such a turn on for me though…I thought that was obvious.” “Ohhh, really?” I then sent him a few nude pics of me pregnant, including one that I took before I had met him for dinner the last time. “Ohhhhh fuuuuuuck,” he responded. “Lisa, I have never strayed, but we may have something here…”

It was one of those moments of huge regret about what could have been, although I wasn’t wild about the idea of fucking a guy who was not the father of the baby inside me. Didn’t seem to bother him though.

We chatted for about another hour and I thought, *I wonder if he’s going to regret this.*

He didn’t seem to though, and the next few weeks we continued to text. He would request photos, or I would just send them, and it all just felt so naughty. I mean, it was one thing to post nudes online for thousands of strangers to see…it was another to send them to someone I actually knew in real life! I wondered if it would eventually lead to an affair.

I saw him one more time before the baby was born, when he came to my city. Something was off though…he seemed exhausted and he barely smiled or spoke over lunch. I dropped him off at his hotel and texted him “You need some coffee, brother.” He texted back, “I was hoping you were going to take me somewhere…” Ugh! More lack of communication! By then I was ready to give up on it, because it seemed like he either wasn’t into it, or wasn’t going to give me the signals I needed to actually let something happen.

Since then, our contact has become infrequent, other than me sending him picture updates of the baby, and him letting me know of his various promotions at the firm. We do have plans to meet next month though…I would love for something to happen, but am hesitant to say or do anything given the lack of naughtiness lately. I’m hoping when we see each other, the spark will still be there. Any suggestions on how to guide it in that direction are welcome.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5h9cl1/mf_cheating_no_physical_intimacy_but_a_lot_of


  1. Here’s a suggestion. Don’t cheat. You just had a baby and you’re both married. You really want to jeopardize that?! Smh.

  2. I’m sorry that a couple of people who are not ok with cheating have read this and are leaving negative comments. It was properly tagged.

  3. If you have a problem with the story being about cheating, keep it to yourself, downvote if you like, or get banned. This isn’t a morality court.

  4. Great story, beautifully written. And no judgment from me-life isn’t black and white.

  5. Great story. I love the difference in writing styles between men and women, the women always explain in detail what they were wearing, men hardly ever mention stuff like that.

  6. This was so beautiful. Total sensual and emotional turn on. He sounds like a pretty lucky guy to have that with you!

  7. Love the story. Sometimes the sexiest stories don’t have any sex! I know it’s weird but I wish my wife had something going on the side like this!

    Here’s an idea… next time you see him, start showing him some PG pics on your phone and then accidentally flip to a super sexy pic. Swipe to another PG pic quickly but not too quickly. Then laugh and put you hand on his arm or leg, feigning embarrassment. That will get the ball rolling and you don’t have to be the one making a move. I hope it works out for you!

  8. Best to not live too morally. It takes away from the experience of life. I’m so turned on right now.

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