(request) Squeaky Clean

Posted this to r/dirtywritingprompts & r/eroticliterature already, but things seemed a little slow/dead, so I figured I’d try here. If this breaks rules, I get it, but I figured it was worth a shot…

So here’s my request, I know it’ll seem strange… I have a thing for someone getting forcibly cleaned, think getting run through an automatic car wash… Setup: a cruel dominatrix has a session that ends up getting her sub dirty(mud, paint,food, be creative) . Wanting him/her clean, and also wanting to cause pain/humiliation/both, she opts to to truss him/her up and send them on a (or several) trip(s) through an automatic car wash. I would love detail as much as possible. This is one of my personal fantasies I’d love to try (someday), but atm it’s not really possible, so this is the best I can do…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5h9cr7/request_squeaky_clean

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  1. I knew mistress was unhappy with our session. A construction crew was building a road through her land, and as a reward for working so quickly she’d given me to them for the afternoon as a reward. I’d come back covered in sweat, semen, dirt, mud, and even grease.
    The construction crew had let it slip that I’d cum at least twice. She was angry I’d cum without permission, so I was kneeling in the driveway covered in filth and wearing nothing but a collar. She was in the garage working on something. Finally I heard an engine start and the door swung open.
    The self-driving motorcycle she’d been building rolled out of the garage. At the same time, she came up behind me, dragged me over to it, and tied my hands to the handlebars and my feet to the footrests. She then tied my elbows to the bike, so I was bent over the seat. She punched in a route and got in her car to follow my journey on the self-driving motorcycle.
    I hoped this would be a short trip. She was parading me around in public, wearing nothing but a lot of filth, and there was nothing I could do about it.
    The bike turned onto the main road through town and I cringed. It blew through the first red light we came to- that must be so I’d know I was being recorded on the town’s red-light camera network.
    A car full of teenagers pulled up next to me, keeping pace with the bike. We came to another red light and the bike stopped this time, much to my chagrin. Mistress called to the kids to do whatever they wanted to me.
    One of the guys got out of the car and pulled out his dick. It was a monster. Thankfully the light would turn green soon and we’d be gone, I thought!
    “Pull over! We can stay in this lane and still allow traffic to pass!” Mistress said to the kids. They were happy to oblige, and the first kid shoved his massive cock into my mouth.
    I did my best to get him off while one of his buddies taped it. The third kid got behind me. I knew where this was going, and as he entered me I pushed back to try to get him off faster.
    My jaw ached by the time the kid in my mouth was almost done, but as he got closer he pushed deeper and deeper. Finally, he held my head all the way against the base of his dick, with the head deep in my throat. I couldn’t breathe and wanted to throw up. He finally pulled out, and as I threw up a little bit he shot a huge load all over my face and hair.
    Meanwhile, his buddy was pounding my pussy furiously, and despite myself I was pretty wet. He was finally close, and he pulled out and came all over my back. The guy recording me handed his phone to the kid with the big dick and walked towards my face. I was expecting another blowjob, but apparently he got off more on humiliation, because he pulled out his dick and peed all over me. I fought back tears because I knew that’s what he wanted. When I didn’t react at all he got frustrated and dumped a can of coke on me.
    When they got back in their car I was even more of a filthy, sticky mess than before. As we rode down main street, many people stopped and stared. Some took pictures. Thankfully mistress didn’t let anyone else touch me.
    Finally we reached the car wash. At first I wasn’t sure if this was our destination- there were several closer to the house, and there was a more direct route to this one. But when the bike got in line, with mistress’s car behind it, I knew. She was going to clean me off.
    When I reached the front of the line, all the workers started giggling. They asked me if I wanted to go through the line. Mistress yelled to them that I did, and tipped them all to give me the full treatment.
    First, one of them turned a hose on me. The water pressure was intense- it felt like it was going to go right through me. When he hosed off my pussy, and put the nozzle inside, I yelped in pain. Next, he put the nozzle against my asshole and pulled the trigger. I whimpered and felt the soapy water filling up both my holes. He sprayed a little water in my mouth, despite my best efforts to turn my head and keep it closed, but I spit it out.
    Next, someone came along with a brush. He soaped me up with the coarse brush, which left my skin raw and sensitive. It made the next hose hit like a waterfall.
    Finally, when I thought I was done, they put the bike on the belt that would take me through the carwash. I panicked-
    “Wait! Wait! You can’t do this!”
    Mistress and the workers laughed.
    “Keep your head down and try not to drown.” Mistress said as I lurched forward.
    I felt the slimy hanging cloths drag over my body. I screamed in shock as the blast of cold, soapy water hit, then felt like my skin was being sanded down when the brushes scraped against me. The rotating brushes were merciless, and I was worried they’d do actual damage. Next, more water, which I was almost used to, but followed by air dryers. I was shivering and sobbing with pain, cold, and humiliation by this point.
    Next, the rotating buffers went to work. They would’ve been comfortable, if they didn’t move so fast and weren’t so hard and wet from previous washes. I thought I was almost done, until a wave of scalding hot water hit my raw skin and made me scream. It was followed by more rotating brushes, which felt like they were made of steel. Finally, I felt the tornado of the blowdryers and the slimy, clammy rags that signaled the end of my wash. Mistress was waiting for me, and allowed me to ride home in the car, cleansed of guilt.

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