Wild weekend get away…[m/f]

While sitting around the house one Fri, my GF said we should just get in the car and get away for the weekend. This was still early in our relationship, and she was just joking and being goofy because it was already really late at night when she said this. I surprised the shit out of her when I said "Fuck it! Let's go!" and started packing. Only I knew we didn't need to pack much….I planned on keeping her naked all weekend except possibly to get something to eat if we couldn't get delivery. But I had thought of a surprise for her. She had mentioned being interested in being tied up, but had never been with a guy she trusted enough to let tie her….not like any of them wanted to experiment anyway….silly boys! lol She had some great fantasies and had told me about several of them so I was going to work on making some of them come true.

So I threw an under bed harness, cuffs, and a few sensory toys (I had bought the harness from ExtremeRestraints) in the bottom of a backpack, some clothes in on top of it, and proceeded to throw the whole mess in the car while she was still picking her jaw up off the floor. lol

"OK, let's go," I said.

"Wait, I need to pack!"

"No ya don't, let's go. I already packed." (accompanied by an evil grin)

"What are you up to," she asked?

"Oh nothing….OK, go throw some things in a backpack if you want, but I plan on keeping you nekkid all weekend." (sinister hee-hee-hee)

She tossed a "whatever" over her shoulder as she went to put some clothes and make up in a bag….yeah, we'll see whatever!

We headed to a hotel that had special meaning to both of us that unfortunately was a few hours away, so we took turns driving through the night….fueled by LOTS of Starbucks. I should inform you here, my GF is most definitely NOT a night person…..as a matter of fact she is falling asleep on my shoulder as I type this. So it required lots and LOTS of Starbucks….but we made it unscathed, grabbed our bags, checked in, and got into the room. A king suite with a jacuzzi tub. She said she wanted to take a shower to wake up some, so while she was occupied with that I slipped the harness between the mattress and the box spring and hid the restraints in the bedside table. I then went to join her in the shower. She was practically done and didn't wait around for me (I know, doesn't sound like a very auspicious beginning does it?) She went out and laid down while I finished up. When I came out she was crashed. lol Perfect!

For those of you that haven't read my other story, my GF is 15 years younger than me, about 5'5", auburn hair, hourglass figure, 34C boobs, and killer ass and legs.

She's normally a light sleeper, but somehow I was able to get one restraint on an ankle and fastened to the harness, the other restraint on the other ankle and almost fastened before she woke up. I went for the legs first because she uses her legs to wrestle….I knew if I got those restrained, I could handle the rest….and I was right. Before she knew it she was strapped to the bed and at my mercy. She glared at me in anger, and I politely pointed out this was one of her fantasies she had told me about….being tied up and teased and played with for hours. When I reminded her of that, all the anger slipped away to be replaced with sudden uncertainty, yet also a hint of growing lust.

When I pulled out the eye mask her eyes flared open and she started to struggle….something I found oddly erotic, her naked body thrashing on the bed, her boobs dancing around, her shaved pussy alternately being put on full display and then hidden as her legs struggled to free themselves. I slipped the eye mask on, avoiding her flashing teeth….she doesn't fight fair. lol Then snugged the leg restraints down until there was no way she could hide her beautiful treasure from me anymore.

With the mask on her struggles ceased and she began trembling….begging me not to hurt her. I reassured her that no pain was in my plans, only pleasurable sensations. With that I went to my bag of goodies, pulled out a silk sash, touched it gently to the hollow of her throat, and began to slowly drag it down her body, between her heaving boobs, down across her quivering abdomen, and across her rapidly moistening slit. She moaned loudly as the silk rubbed across the sensitive skin of her groin, lifting her hips to try and increase contact. I brought the sash up and dragged the soft silk across her stiff nipples, first one side, then the other….this was actually when I found she could O just from playing with her nipples. When I dragged it across her left nipple, her hips came way off the bed as she cried out in pleasure. I alternated back and forth a few times and each time her hips lifted higher and her cries got more forceful until, with one final tease of her left nipple she came like crazy. When she calmed down she told me that had never happened before….chalk one up for old age and experience! lmao

I then got up off the bed, got a drink, and sat in a chair and just admired her for a bit, letting the suspense build. My next instrument of "torture" was a pair of fuzzy socks. I slipped them on my hands and began rubbing her calves, then her thighs, then up to her abdomen, very carefully avoiding her by now visibly dripping slit, on up to those wonderful boobs where I started massaging and playing with them, pinching her nipples between my fuzz covered hands until she exploded in orgasm again.

Again I went and sat down for a little bit, letting her calm down….or maybe not as she began whimpering and begging please, please, please. So I asked "Please what?" She never did answer, she was still very shy about verbalizing what she wanted sexually, so I acted like I didn't know what she wanted….which was a hard penis ravaging her aching pussy….and pulled out my next instrument of torture, a set of paint brushes/make up brushes. I pulled out the smallest of them and began flicking just the very tip of the bristles across her nipples….and kind of goofed and did the left one first, she came instantly. So instead of letting her calm down this time I just moved to her right one and began playing with it….her orgasm seemed to go on forever. Once her hips touched the bed again, I moved down and began circling her clit with the same brush….it wasn't enough to make her come again, but it drove her nuts. I moved to a bigger brush, big enough to cover the entire clit and began stroking down her clit over and over again. The very first time I brushed upward she came. So of course I began to experiment, just brushing down wasn't enough to send her over the edge, but it was quite fun watching her pussy spasm and shiver every time I brushed off the end. Any time I brushed upwards, she came instantly. I kind of got lost in doing that until her whole body was trembling and she was reduced to whimpers….she couldn't even lift her hips off the bed anymore and there was a huge wet spot under her ass cheeks.

So I stopped and got her a drink this time and pulled out my last instrument of torture….a vibrating egg. I once again started on her by now very sensitive nipples. As soon as the vibrations hit even her right nipple, she came instantly. But once she came, I was able to play back and forth from nipple to nipple. When she came down from her orgasm high she demanded to know what the hell it was….just a toy I told her. I then moved it down to her clit, she gasped and arched completely off the bed, the only thing touching was her heels and her shoulders and she kept saying over and over OMG, OMG, OMG…..I wouldn't let her come though and kept varying the speed to keep her right on the edge. Finally, exhausted, she fell back on the bed. I moved up over her and slowly fed myself into her….she claimed she was still adjusting to my size. I kept the toy going the whole time though. I started stroking into her and I knew I wasn't going to last long….the build up had been too intense. About that time she started growling, yes growling at me, "let me go, let me have that damn thing!!!!"

I said, "You are just trying to get me to let you go so you can claw the shit out of me."

"No I'm not, please, please, let me have it….I need to control it….please, please, please….."

I finally relented and let her hands loose and true to her word she just grabbed the toy and it's controller out of my hands and began playing with the speed until she suddenly moaned "There it is, there it is, OMG, OMG, I'm going to come, I'm going to come! Hurry up, come with me!!!!" So I did and we did. She admitted later it was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She also told me that every other guy she was with that she even felt comfortable enough with to bring up using a toy with would get all defensive and ask "What, I'm not good enough?" So this was her first experience with a vibrator….much less a vibrator and a man together. She has also told me she can't ever go back now, every other orgasm pales in comparison to one with a toy and her man.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/348iw5/wild_weekend_get_awaymf