The delivery guy ([M]e) gets the unattainable girl on campus.

Hey guys, I'd like to thank /u/ironman2000 for inspiring me to write this today. I figured I'd spent all day reading his stories, and I figured I'd tell one of mine that I will probably never forget. I will make sure I take the approach of not embellishing as well. Hopefully this doesn't go too long.

So, first, a little back story on me. I'm a Dominican from NYC but this story takes place while I was living and working in the Philly area a few years after college. At the time, the pizza shop close to the campus had cheap food and was open late. I worked there 76 hrs a week delivering and managing the place. Personally, I loved the job because I made shockingly good money for a 24 yr old but I also got to go all around campus and be in direct contact with a lot of the hot girls on campus. Now, I was never the guy that looked at himself as this great looking guy but I've always been told that I was either "cute" or " handsome". This comes into play later. If you want to compare me to anyone, think Peyton Siva (former Point Guard for Louisville).

Ok, down to the meat and potatoes of the story. I had been working at the shop for a little over a year and during that time and I would always see this one particular campus safety officer. I had to take notice because she was absolutely gorgeous. She was about 5'6", jet black hair, bright blue eyes, with a petite body. B cups and a pretty nice ass. Her body was nice but her calling card was definitely her face. I can't really illustrate how pretty she was. I would say that Alison Brie or Zooey Deschanel comes to mind when I think of her but with a more sexy and lust inducing look.

Now, over the years, I've sometimes gotten a little annoyed when it comes to women that are constantly hit on by other men. Maybe I have some pre disposition to the type of girl they'd be because they know the power they hold over men with their looks. Almost like they know they're good looking and will act accordingly and get whatever they want from men. It's almost a turn off for me. And this girl was constantly getting hit on. I mean, almost every time I saw her at one of her posts, there was either another campus safety officer, police officer, student, faculty member, etc talking this girl up. I'll admit I also have some approach anxiety with some women so for a while, I refused to attempt to talk to her. I didn't want to "look like all these other guys". But deep down I was intimidated. But as what many guys say before they take a leap of faith, one day I said "Fuck it".

I was on my way back to the shop after a run and I completely did a U turn, and stopped at her post which happened to be on the outer edge of the campus. I had already seen one cop talk to her that night and something about that annoyed me. Anyways, I pull up to her post and I begin to start chatting her up. I find out her name which we'll say is Briana for now. As we're talking, I find out that apparently, I'm the talk of the campus amongst the girls. She said ," Yea, all the girls talk about that cute guy named Elvis that works for (insert name of my pizza shop here)". I was taken back by this because I'd never heard anything close to that in my life before. I guess the delivery guy fantasy was real! This, plus the way she was looking at me told me I actually had a shot. So I played it cool and asked her what she was doing two nights from then because it was my night off. I told her I might have plans but I'd call her if I wasn't doing anything and we'd go out. She seemed pretty excited about it and I walked away shocked that I just went up to this girl that every other guy wanted but gave ME her number and was willing to go out. So the next day I called her and set up the date. I also spent some time and bought a new outfit, got my hair cut, cleaned my car of any mess and smells of pizza or wings, and cleaned my apartment as best I could. I was really excited.

I set up for us to go to a Brazilian Steakhouse. Fogo De Chao was the name. (For all you investors out there, they're actually going public because apparently they're very profitable). I picked her up at her place and she was looking amazing. I was so used to seeing her in her security outfit, that seeing her in a pink flowy dress was a very welcome change. She remarked at how I looked and I did the same. We went to the restaurant and we're having a good time. I was hiding my nervousness at first. Those eyes of her had a way of being so sexy. She always looked like she was trying to seduce you. I was gaining confidence but still a little intimidated. But slowly, I noticed she showed more nerves than I did and it put me at ease. At some point, I made sure to break the touch barrier by kind of holding her hands in mine and locking eye contact with her while we talked. I really don't know what we were talking about but it doesn't matter. I thought everything was going well and was pretty excited for the rest of the night. Now, for all you movie fans out there, I had a car back then that didn't have automatic locks, so it was possible for me to do the "Door Test" as seen in the movie "A Bronx Tale" (if you haven't seen it, its a great DeNiro movie). It's when you let a woman into you car, you go around the back and see if she unlocks your door for you. If she does, she's a keeper. If not, you get rid of her selfish ass. Briana passed with flying colors.

I took her home and walked her up to her door and we made out. It was nice but wasn't a "take me now" type of makeout. I thought things might go further but we left it at that and I went home. But then, in a twist of fate, I get a phone call. Its Briana. She calls and says "Hey, I had a really good time and I wanted to hang out more. The food was really good but my stomach wasn't used to it and I felt a tiny bit sick. But I'm ok now…Do you wanna hang out?" Hell fuckin yes I did! But I played it cool and I said "Sure" and got back in my car and picked her back up. We went to a local bar so she could get some drinks in her. It was clear after this, she was feeling much less inhibited. When we left, we started making out in the parking lot some more. It was clear with how aggressive she was kissing me, that we could take things further. She made it a point to bite my lip and wrap a leg around me while we kissed. She would then pull away and look at me with those blue eyes as if to say "I want you now" I made up some excuse that I needed to put gas in my car before I took her home and she agreed.

It was then I started to turn it up a notch. On the way to the station we started talking about sex, and she mentioned her favorite position was with her legs in the air but crossed. I knew at that point I wasn't dealing with an innocent girl. I might have a freak on my hands. Soon after, I make a joke and somehow I suggest that we go to my place but she doesn't quite acknowledge it initially. And then about 30 seconds later she says, "But yea…We can go back to your place". My eyes lit up a little and the elation I felt at that time was indescribable. Think Success Kid on Steroids.

We get back to my place and I turn the TV on and put on a movie. We're laying in my bed and within minutes we're making out. My hands are wandering around, especially to her ass. Now, I'm harder than a fucking diamond at this point because I know where this is going. Things get a little heavier but no clothes are off yet.

All of a sudden, she gets up, out of my bed and heads to the edge of my bed. I'm confused for a sec as to what she's doing but she makes it very clear once she puts her hands on my belt and takes jeans my jeans down to my knees. She pulls down my boxer briefs and immediately grabs my cock and puts her mouth right on my balls and starts sucking on one and licking them. I was taken by surprise and let out a "O shit" when I felt it. She didn't stop and continued to take her tongue and slowly lick from my shaft to the head of my cock. Then she took my cock into her mouth as deep as she could go which was about 3/4 of the way down. I'm very thick and about 7 inches. I was shocked at how much she could take. No girl had taken it that deep before. She didn't miss a beat and began focusing on the top half of my cock and used her tongue to swirl it all around the head as she bobbed up and down slowly. I squirmed quite a bit and a few times I had to exclaim "Fuck!" as she did it. This went on for ….shit I dunno but it was amazing. The wetness swirling around the head of my cock was just mind blowing.

She finally got up and came back to my end of the bed and we made out further and I began to undress her. I unbuttoned her shirt and told her to take her bra off. (Still had trouble with them back then lol). I took some time to play with her nipples and suck on them lightly but I was a little anxious. I got her naked and I make a move to go down on her. She doesn't let me. She wants to get right to it. She says "No, just fuck me" She didn't need to tell me twice. I immediately put her on her back and make a quick move to my closet to get a condom. I put it on and immediately get on top of her. At this point she's rubbing her clit in anticipation and locking eyes with me with those deep blue eyes that I couldn't stop looking at all night. I put the head of my cock on her pussy and just slid it in slow and held myself up with both of my arms. As I slid it in she let out a loud and very sexy moan. I held it there just for a second and slowly starting thrusting in her. She was like a waterfall down there and it felt amazing. Not insanely tight but just right. With every thrust she moaned really loud. I never had a girl this loud before and I had to be careful because it sounded so sexy that I didn't want to explode too fast. At times I slowed down just to gather myself. But everytime I picked up the pace , she got louder. I felt myself about to cum again and I started to but I caught it as I quickly pulled out. A little bit came out but she didn't notice. Thankfully, I didn't fully lose my hard-on and I was still hard as fuck. I was thanking the sex gods for that one. No way was I going to stop now. I went to go back inside of her but I remembered what she told me earlier and I put her legs up in the air and crossed them. At this point I felt great and it felt like I just got military clearance to fuck and fire at will. I started fucking her hard and deep. She kept her hands at my hips just to make sure I wasn't poking her uterus but she was moaning even louder than before. In my mind I felt bad for my neighbor in the apt building who was blind at the time. I'm sure he heard everything. I kept at it for a while and then she pushed me back out of her. She flipped herself over and laid herself on her elbows with her ass high up in the air. I got right back inside and went at it. About a minute later she said to me "Take the condom off". Now, I paused for about 2 seconds and against my better judgment, I did it and tossed it to the ground. I got back in there and it felt even better. But I felt great and like I could still go for a while. I kept a nice pace where I wasn't going too fast or hard but not too slow. Nice and steady was working well and her moans told me so. Her pussy was still insanely wet and it felt fantastic.

Then she put her hand my waist to motion me to stop and she put me on my back and got up on top to ride me. She got on top and immediately started swiveling her hips as she bounced. And while I knew it was going to be great, my mattress was a little soft and didn't let her bounce quite like she wanted to. So I got her off me and I kind of did a variation of doggy. She had on leg laid straight, one leg up and bent and her back arched with her ass in the air. She held herself up by her elbows again. I got back in there and I must've been hitting her gspot or something because she started moaning super loud. And based on how it was going and the comfort of the position (as odd as that might sound) I was able to reach around and rub on her clit. This drove her absolutely wild and she started saying "Oh my God ! Oh my god! You know what to do! Fuck! You know what to do!" I'll never forget that. I kept it going and before I knew it she screamed in orgasm. We stayed there for a second and she was breathing hard. I got off of her and laid on my back. Without another word, she got right back to work with her mouth and started sucking my cock. She did it just like before but a little faster. She was undoubtedly trying to make me cum. Her tongue went back to swirling and then she bobbed a tiny bit deeper and I felt it coming. Before I knew it I was absolutely exploding but she kept her mouth on my cock and let me shoot it all in her mouth. She took her mouth off me and I thought she might go to spit it out but to my surprise, she swallowed it all.

We laid there for a little and we got dressed and I took her home. On the ride home she was looking at me the entire time with lust in her eyes while playing with my hair and rubbing the back of my head.

We hung out a few times more after that but I moved to another work location as did she. I'll never forget it.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This was my first post in here.



  1. Damn, Fogo de Chau for a first date? You must have made bank as a delivery guy, and also weren’t worried about eating 10 pounds of meat and then falling asleep.

  2. Yea bro. During the school year, I was making $1200 a week. But I was also working 76 hrs a week. But we got a ton of orders. Like between 30 and 50 deliveries a night. It was insane. I miss that job sometimes but I make more now and back then I was constantly paying for maintenance on my car. $500 here and there for brakes, tires, oil changes, gas, insurance, etc etc was a lot. It had its pros and cons.

  3. Oh. I lived in Media at the time. I wasn’t in Philly daily. I was just told to go to that spot and take the girl there. And I did. *shrugs*

  4. Id say it was worth it after reading the story, If it didnt turn out that way he still got to eat some awsome food.

  5. Just a tip, a gentleman always walks in front of the car so the lady can see him all the time ;)

  6. Nice, Bronx tale is great movie. Door test usually work. Good thing you didn’t do the mario test lmao

  7. I know….that’s why I mentioned it….but nice to watch it again. Never gets old

  8. So let me get this straight, you’re a delivery guy, every girl on campus is talking about you, making a lot of money from delivering pizzas, have the hot girl (that every guy wants) hit on you and you have a thick cock! Yep, great story. /s

  9. Was waiting for this. Thank you. Makes me feel better that my story was so good that it was unbelievable. If you want any further info, message me. I’m 31 yrs old. I have nothing to hide and/or to lie about. And I have someone who I’m still in contact with infrequently that can corroborate the story. He was actually working the night that I took her out. We were roommates at the time. His gf at the time was at our apartment when I got the call back from her. But this post definitely makes me feel better. Thanks!

  10. Don’t pay him any mind. Some jerks around here think that they’re doing so badly that everyone must be. Well handled though.

  11. Haha, she had to take a huge dump before she could fuck you. Chicks gotta make room for dick.

  12. I’d say if you’re much thicker than the tubing on a roll of Paper Towels or Toilet Paper, that’s quite thick. I don’t know what those measurements are but I hope that analogy helps. If you’d like a pic, let me know

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