[M]e, two of [m]y [f]riends, and a hot tub

This is a true story from some years back.

I was 19 years old at the time, it was a Friday night, and my parents were out of town for the weekend. I was still living at home while finishing College. I was lucky enough to have a back yard that rivals some of the houses on MTV's Cribs complete with a heated swimming pool, a waterfall and an in ground hot tub.

I threw a small party this night, and we grilled out, swam, drank some alcoholic beverages and had an overall great time like we usually did on weekends. It started to get really late, around 3:30am, and most of the guests had already gone home.

At this point it's just me, my friend Mike, and my friend Tess that are still awake. Mike's younger brother Brian (who happens to have a huge crush on Tess) is asleep inside on the couch in the living room; we can see him through the big glass doors and windows. We've just gotten back in the hot tub for another soak, just drinking and talking as we usually do. We all hang out pretty regularly, but we're all just friends. Until this night nothing sexual had happened between any of us.

Before we go any further, a quick profile on the three of us. I'm 6'4" tall, with beautiful (I've been told) hazel eyes, and a classically handsome face. Mike is 6'2" tall, dark brown hair, with bright blue eyes and equally handsome with a look and style of his own. Tess is 5'6", thin, with an athletic build, natural Blonde hair to her shoulders, full, firm B cup breasts and a gorgeous face.

The hot tub circulated water using high pressure jets, and Tess positioned herself in front of one, laying sideways somewhat to allow the pulsing jet to pleasure her from behind through her bikini bottoms. I think she thought she was being discreet, but I could tell exactly what she was doing. Her face gave it away. I remember her moaning lightly once or twice when the jet struck her just so, and I'd watch her set her drink down and try to briefly play with her pussy. In all honestly she was being relatively discreet, and I don't think she wanted us to know she was pleasuring herself. Since it was unusual behavior I picked up on it but for what it's worth, Mike didn't realize what she was doing. I learned that talking to him about his remembrance of this night the next day.

I was intrigued by Tess, but unsure at the time of her intentions. Each of us was single at the time, so I should have known better. I'd just gotten out of a short "firework" style relationship, Mike was "taking a break" from the relationship with his now wife, and Tess had recently broken up with her boyfriend of the month.

The hot tub was starting to feel a little bit too warm, so we all got out, refreshed our drinks, and sat on the edge with just our feet in the water. As we're sitting around the oval hot tub, Tess catches my attention by shooting me a shy glance with a sly smile. I'm not sure what she's up to, but she's holding my attention by discreetly smiling at me in an alluring way every so often, then looking back away. Mike isn't paying attention, or is oblivious to this attention she is paying me so far, he's just drinking his beer and conversing. I guess Tess had enough of our conversation, because, as I'm looking over at her, fully intrigued by what she's up to she slides her hand up to her bikini top and pulls it off to one side, discreetly revealing one of her breasts to me.

My first emotion was to be a bit taken aback, but that passed quickly and I became extremely turned on as I admired her exposed chest. I was already getting excited just a bit earlier in the evening by watching her voyeuristically as the water jets pulsated her pussy from behind, but now that she was directing her horniness towards me I was in a state of awe. As I looked at her breast I noticed that Tess had a silver stud piercing through her soft pink nipple. Wow, that's a bit kinky, I thought. I wonder if the other one is pierced too? Her tits were every bit as nice as I'd imagined. Small but full, very perky, with aroused pink nipples.

I stood up and waded across the hot tub over to her, standing in front of her which finally caught Mike's attention and brought him into the fun. Smiling widely I complimented her and asked if the other nipple was pierced too? She pulled the other side of her bikini away, revealing the other breast to me. Yes, both nipples were pierced, both nipples were fully aroused and hard, and my cock wasn't far behind them.

I sat down next to Tess and softly cupped one of her breasts in my hand squeezing it slightly. I lightly circled her areola with my finger spurring her to let out an encouraging moan. I had never seen nipple piercings in person before, so I asked her if I could take a closer look. She obliged. As I examined her she moaned ever so slightly with each caress. There is no better way to say it; she was horny as fuck.

I started kissing Tess, softly at first, but with a growing passion and ferocity as we became familar with each other. Her lips were so soft and full, her tongue lively. I was so lost in the moment that I almost forgot Mike was there with us, but he wasn't about to let me have all the fun. As we were making out Mike sat down opposite me and started fondling her chest. She didn't second guess it, and neither did I. There was no conversation about what was about to happen, or what the boundaries were. We all just went for it.

I slid my hand down and slipped a finger under her bikini bottoms. She was so smooth, so soft. Her pussy was like a little plump mound, and bald as could be. As I guided my finger between her pussy lips I immediately felt her wetness. I slipped my middle finger inside her, then back out to rub her clit with my newly slick finger. She wasn't in the mood to wait any longer for satisfaction, so she stood up, slid her bikini bottoms off, then sank back into the hot tub. Mike was ready for her and grabbed her ass lifting her pussy towards his waiting mouth. While Mike was performing she and I made out. I played with her tits, and she gripped my rock hard cock. She was fully focused on cumming, and it didn't take her long. Her nipples were extremely sensitive and as she got closer to finishing I focused my attention there. She had a G.I. Joe kung fu grip around my thick, hard cock, and I sucked her pink nipple into my mouth flicking the silver stud around teasing her. She came. Hard and strong she came. Her full body was shivering from it. Mike came up for air, and let out a big accomplished laugh. It was contagious, and we all had a quick chuckle about the intensity of her orgasm, all the while Mike's younger brother Brian slept deeply on the couch, probably dreaming about what we were experiencing.

to be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/348lyv/me_two_of_my_friends_and_a_hot_tub


  1. Just write the whole thing, THEN post it. This *to be continued* shit sucks especially when you didn’t label the post Part 1.

  2. "with my newly slick finger." Your fingers would already have been wet from the hot tub…this story(if in fact true) seems to be altered by your writing style. Still, very nice picture you’ve drawn, it’s like I was there.

  3. Definitely altered by my writing style because this all happened years and years ago. This is my best remembrance of that night. Thanks for reading, and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  4. You’re welcome! Thanks for writing it! All we need now is an actual visual aid lol. If you could find a picture of Tess I would be eternally grateful.

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