My secret past (xpost from /r/hotpast)

(Someone suggested I post my story here too. Hope you enjoy it!)

I'm not sure if it's normal to submit your own past, but I stumbled across this subreddit and thought that my story might be up your alley.

I’ve always been a very sexual person with an insatiable sex drive. In sophomore year of college I met a guy in my apartment complex that was my perfect match sexually. His body, his confidence, his size, his personality in bed, the way he touched me and ravaged my body… everything about him was perfect. We fit together like two pieces of a puzzle and to me he was an absolute sex god.

With every guy I’ve been with I usually have one orgasm at best, usually not from penetration, but with him I experienced orgasms that I didn’t even know were possible. For the first time I could have a whole bunch of orgasms from penetration, but more importantly the quality of those orgasms was out of this world. When he made me come I’d practically lose control of my body. I would frequently have full body spasms, my legs would shake and sometimes even go numb, and my mind would get lost swimming through orgasmic bliss. It was heaven on earth.

I wanted to have a real relationship with him so badly, but we just weren’t right for each other outside of the bedroom. After about 4 months of amazing sex our “relationship” ended on not so happy terms. I explored my options with a lot of other guys after him, looking for someone that could make me feel the same, but noone came close. After a couple months we started talking again and immediately became friends with benefits. I’ll freely admit I was more addicted to him than a heroin addict. He had this effect on me that caused me to turn into a complete slut for him.

Our relationship was a lot better the second time around since it was clear that it was only about sex, but just a few weeks later I met the man that was going to become my husband. My husband and I started dating the last couple months before summer, but things were very casual and he never asked me to be his girlfriend exclusively. Since my FWB lived in the same apartment complex as me we still fucked like rabbits daily. There were quite a few times that I went out with my future husband just after being fucked by my FWB, or would come home from my husbands and head straight to my FWB’s place for the night.

Over summer my husband went home and my FWB and I spent the entire summer together. It was the most slutty, sex filled, passionate summer of my life. To say I was sexually adventurous would be a huge understatement. There were a lot of threesomes with my FWB’s friends (which is one of my biggest fantasies), among many other experiences and explored fetishes. I texted my husband and kept in touch throughout the summer, but things remained casual and he had no idea what I was up to.

My husband and I resumed dating in the fall semester of my junior year. Things gradually started to get more serious between us throughout the semester and we started spending a lot more time together, but I never broke things off with my FWB. I felt a little guilty about it, but the sex was too perfect to just stop unless I had to. I figured if he wanted me to be only his he could ask me to be his girlfriend exclusively whenever he wanted to.

As things got more serious my husband and I started having a lot more sex. There were countless times that I fucked my FWB and shortly after was with my husband. The opposite happened just as much. My FWB knew I was dating my husband, but my husband was completely unaware of how often he was getting sloppy seconds from my FWB, or how often I had another mans cock buried in me shortly after leaving his place.

On one weekend I had no plans on a friday night, but my future husband was busy, so I went over to my FWB’s and partied with him and his friends. I ended up having a threesome with him and one of his friends again and we fucked half the night away. The next day when we woke up we went at it some more. Near evening time I realized I had some texts from my husband and a few minutes later (after a quick shower) I was over at his place having sex again. I spent the night with him, had “morning” sex (it was already early afternoon) when we woke up, went home and spent the rest of my sunday evening on my back with my legs wrapped around my FWB, getting my brains fucked out. I felt like a huge slut for being passed around between guys so often, but it was also really hot to me.

I have a pretty big cheating fetish, so for me some of the hottest experiences were the ones where we almost got caught by my husband (even though it wasn’t real cheating, when things started getting more serious we started pretending like it was and did a lot of cheating dirty talk/role play). There were a couple times when my FWB left just minutes before my husband got to my place. Sometimes I was barely dressed before he got there and still breathless and in desperate need of a shower. He's always had a thing for sweaty sex right after working out though, so it led to some of the hottest sloppy seconds ever. It always gave me a really big rush.

Right before winter break my husband finally wanted to make us official boyfriend and girlfriend. I told my FWB that I was going to have to break things off with him. We had one last farewell night together and it was the most intensely passionate night of my life. He would go from kissing and passionately making love to me in the most intimate way, to bending me over, spanking me, grabbing my hair and fucking me like I was his whore, to pinning me against the wall and forcing me to cum over and over again, then back to intimate lovemaking.

I just about lost my mind, my body didn’t know how to deal with it all. It was the most bipolar sex I’ve ever had and an extreme emotional roller-coaster, but that’s part of what made it amazing. He knew every little detail that turned me on both physically and mentally and he used it to its limit. There were times that I felt like I couldn’t breath and was going to pass out from coming so hard. It was by far the best sex of my life.

It was probably a good thing that winter break was right then. It allowed me to get some space from my FWB and start forming a real relationship with my husband. I didn’t really feel like we were making much progress as a relationship until then, but before I knew what hit me I fell head over heals in love with him.

I wish I could tell him all this, but I’m too afraid to. You never know what insecurities it could cause, but I’m hoping you all might enjoy it. It was definitely hot for me. Sorry if this was too long, I tried to keep it as brief as possible.

Edit: Some people have been asking for more, but I only have one past and one marriage so it's not like I have any more stories like this. If I had known how much attention this would get I would have written with a little more detail and in a more erotic way rather than just telling you what happened, but there isn't enough to add to be worth a repost at this point. (Plus I'm not a very fast or very good writer as it is and this is about the length that's still fun to write.)

I wasn't really planning on becoming an erotic author, but if I was going to share more stories at some point, what would you want to hear about? Would you prefer hearing about slutty things I did before I met my husband? Or would you be more interested in hearing about some close calls or hot sloppy seconds between my husband and FWB? Etc. What's your preference?



  1. Omfg!! That was fucking Hot!! You are so sexyy and made me rock hard!! Pm me I soo want to know the hot details!!

  2. how long have you been married and how long since you stopped fucking your fwb?

  3. Tried to cut out the details?? But but we want the details!! Nice story either way. Upvote for you

  4. Cutting details is probably a bad way of saying it. I just tried to make sure it wasn’t too long. Thanks!

  5. I’ve been married a year and the last time I was with my FWB was a little over 2 years ago.

  6. Thank you for sharing. That sexual compatibility sounded so hot and amazing. I wish you would eventually share your past escapades with us, in detail. :)

  7. Details are your friend OP, I know you want to tell us about what happened, but we want to read the whole story, not fast forward. Don’t worry about the story being long :)

  8. Every part of your story felt hot to me, you really know how to describe it :) I am not sure you should tell him, see how far he is willing to go and create new memories with him. You will never know but some of us are silent just waiting for someone to poke the beast and wake us up. Are there more stories?

  9. Sounds like the perfect setup. Did your husband ever have creampie from the other guy? Ha

  10. wow i have been lurking for a while and this story just hit me so hard that i had to post to ask you a lot of things. The thing is, I could relate more to your husband. I have been friends with my wife for 10 years, waaay before we had romantic interests with each other. We were so close that some people would say that we were best friends (but we did not admit to each other that). When we were still just friends, we shared all of our sexual exploits to each other. His second boyfriend (before me) somehow gave her the best sex moments of her life. Aside from being well hung, ([described his dick exactly like this](, a 500 ml mineral water bottle, just above 7 inches but girth almost like the head of a baseball bat), he had almost no refractory time. They had on regular at least 5 rounds a day, and everytime they had sex, she would end up very tired and almost unable to move. She had orgasms exclusively from vaginal sex. She had her first orgasm from clitoral stimulation from me (and it was so foreign for her, and she did not like it that much). She even told me that it was possible for her to get off just by his cock being inside her. She told me that all of his penis cant fit in her vagina, and it felt like the pressure from his penis would reach the area near her xiphoid. She also told me about the time when they had 15 rounds of sex and she was barely able to walk straight after. She told me about orgasms that she thought wouldn’t stop… I also shared some of mine to her but were not as close to being erotic as her stories. He was her boyfriend for 5 years. I knew the guy as well and we are sort of friends, but not that close. The sort that would hang out for drinks but someone that you could not borrow a huge amount of money from… All of these things I knew before we even had the slightest hint of sexual or romantic interest for each other. She was sort of a very very close female friend that I considered a sister from another mother. When we started having sex, I did not mind it. All I thought was that I was getting some. When we decided that we were in love, I forgot all these things. We had decent sex. Eventually she doesn’t moan as much as she did during our first 2 months (where she was primed for the sex she had with his previous BF, and we were not official). She doesn’t get easily wet. She doesn’t initiate sex as much as she does. She is not as active as much as she was before. She used to fuck exactly like Holly Michaels, (Holly Michaels got me into porn because of that, during the time when we were not having as much sex, and the time when I as masturbating more than I did in my life), her body is like Holly Michaels to but she has a way smaller butt and just one size smaller tits. I have a decent size, and far from his girth, and at most we only do 3 rounds. Now we barely have sex and its hard to turn her on now. We love each other so much, and outside of sex, we are a perfect fit, but these thoughts linger on my head, and it fucks up my mind so much that these days I find it hard to get hard even when she is sucking on my dick. My wife is hot and beautiful (not intending to brag) and a lot of my friends got the hots for her, so I should have no problem getting hard but I do. She says it’s ok. As long as we have kids, its OK. But it is not OK for me. I know you OP would probably say that you would give up those hot, steamy, carnal sex for a more normal loving sex life. But when your husband will know that he can never satisfy you as much as someone else did, it will fuck up his mind as much as it fucked up mine. So never tell him details. Keep it a dirty little secret. I would like to ask you, mentioning that you have a thing for cheating… Now that things are probably going on well with you, you cant think of cheating, but during the time (which is inevitable) that you will have a huge fight, and your FWB shows up, what is the chance of you rekindling your old romance? sorry for the long post and english is not my native language.

  11. Yeah, I’m going to take your advice and not tell him. However someone pm’d me some good advice on how to safely probe to see if he might be into it, which I’m going to try. You never know, some guys love it. I have a cheating fetish, but the only time I cheated was in high school and I felt terrible. Fantasy is very different from reality. I don’t ever want to hurt my husband like that.

  12. Well I only have one life, one past, and one marriage, so there aren’t really more stories like this. There were times in hs and college that I had multiple fwb’s at the same time, but that’s not really the same. What would you want to hear if I wrote another story? Would you just want more details of a specific hot night during the time I was dating my husband?

  13. He may initially would want to know it. For a time, that was how she initiated sex. It immediately got me rock hard, and sex was good after. But soon, he would realize he can never fuck your brains out like some other guy did. This will ring so true especially when you are considering that you will be together for at best the rest of your life, with kids and grand kids. And your perspective about sex will surely change in time. And what is done can never be undone. Just like swallowing the red pill in the matrix. It can never be undone. And it will all be downhill from there. Trust me. Also, good to know about you not acting out your fetishes. Also, do you think you can hold up to just routinary sex? Or would you wish for something more?

  14. I see your point. A lot of people wish for more passion in their life. I don’t think it’s possible to go your whole life without having fantasies that can’t be fulfilled by your partner. Why do you think erotic literature is so popular? 50 Shades of Grey was a horribly written book and tons of people still read it. The important thing is that you don’t act on your impulses (unless your partner is okay with that).

  15. Well said. That is also probably why I visit this subreddit. Anyway, looking forward to more submissions from you, detailing your former sexual interludes. :)

  16. I’d like to read details about some of the threesomes you glossed over. As a guy who enjoys pleasing, it’s always hot to get a woman’s perspective on threesomes… Porn is almost exclusively about men’s pleasure, and that gets tiresome after a while.

  17. I’m too used to people asking for a TL;DR if I write more than a paragraph. If I had realized how much attention this was going to get I would have written with a little more detail and in a more erotic way, but rewriting it now wouldn’t add enough to be worth a repost. It was also sort of a selfish move. I’m not the fastest (or best) writer and I didn’t want to spend a huge amount of time writing something that noone would read. That was the whole story of my past anyway, just a little brief. If I was going to write about a specific night in detail that would be a story in itself.

  18. Yeah, don’t ever tell your husband and try to stay away from your Fwb. I was in the fwb position. After her new relationship turned serious, the girl I had sexnastics with wanted to still be friends and keep in touch. No cheating but there were some really awkward moments.

  19. Mind telling us exactly what the FWB did that made the sex so good?

  20. I want to know what this guy did that you LOVED so much that made you cum so hard, in addition to the part about fucking you like a whore and passionate love-making in the same session. The more details, the better!

  21. please tell us sthe close calls, all of them! i have the fetish for swingers and cuckoldry so this really made me hot. if you’re comfortable, can you please pm me a pic of you, don’t need to show your identity, just a little help to my imagination. again, if you arfe comfortable with it. this is really hot!

  22. You are both happy because he doesn’t know that his wife is a filthy whore that doesn’t deserve him. That’s why you’re happy. Fact. Whore.

  23. I don’t think you get to absolve yourself of responsibility just because you hand’t labeled the thing yet. Labels like boyfriend and girlfriend are supposed to describe, not dictate, how you treat each other. For the first 8 months or so of your relationship, you essentially lied to him by not telling him. If I were dating someone and they were fucking other people literally hours before fucking me, I would dump her ass in a heartbeat. But why are you even with someone who doesn’t fuck you so well that you don’t need other dick?

  24. I keep getting comments like this that are very judgmental, as though I told my whole life story and you can judge us and our relationship accurately. When I say we weren’t exclusive I mean *neither* of us were. It wasn’t like he thought we were exclusive or something and I was sleeping with my FWB. That to me would be cheating. He knew things weren’t exclusive (he chose for things to be that way), he just didn’t know the extent of my sexual exploits during that time. I don’t "need other dick". Relationships are about a lot more than just sex. Almost every girl that has had a normal sex life has had enough partners that the guy they marry isn’t the best they’ve ever had in bed. Unless she’s a virgin, she’s probably had someone better. But that doesn’t matter because you don’t marry a dick or vagina, you marry a person. Plus to girls sex is about a lot more than just physical pleasure.

  25. I keep getting comments like this that are very judgmental, as though I told my whole life story and you can judge us and our relationship accurately. The only "fact" you have is the fact that you know almost nothing about us and our relationship.

  26. The fact is that the only fact in this story is that you are in fact a whore. That’s a fact! Whore!

  27. Very late to the party: But holy fuck was this hot! Thanks for sharing, I loved it :)

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