A special date [MF]….

I told we were going on a special date tonight, and asked you to wear your finest. You decided on the new red minidress, black stiletto heels, patterned thigh highs and a garter belt. Underneath you donned a tiny black thong and matching silk bra.

You'd turn a blind man's head tonight. Legs for days, ass that won't quit, curves like a cartoon, your body clearly made to wear this outfit, you own it when you walk. We meet at the lounge, candlelit, dark. The minute I arrive, you do a quick twirl to show off, then lead me to the back booth. Cozy, secluded, just enough room for us to sit dangerously close. Wine for you, scotch for me. Your legs draped next to mine, practically on my lap you sit, our heads locked close, no need to do more than whisper our hushed desires in each other's ears.

Your hand finds my raging hard on – it started the moment I saw you. Slow, steady strokes as you cup my thick cock in my tight jeans, feeling it strain against the denim. I call you slut, a tease, a whore. I tell you how hard I'm going to fuck you. You nod, and tell me your came twice today already imagining it, and that you have the soaked toys at home to prove it. I whisper how proud of you I am as I roughly push up the edge your dress and expose those stunning thighs to the darkness – one would have to be oh-so-close to see your panties glistening with cum on the bench. I lightly stroke your lips, feeling the heat through the thin panties, your words turning to mumbles, your steady stroking shifting to awkward clutches as I fling you in to a sea of bliss. We're both fighting release now, my fingers now inside your warm wetness, your hands ripping at my cock. I tell you to cum, and like a good pet, you bury your head in my shoulder, bite down, and quake mightily around my hand. Your breathing gets heavy, and you beg me wordlessly with your eyes to fill you with my cock.

We fix ourselves just enough to stumble out the side door and in to the alley. It's possible to see us a bit from the street, but your lust can't wait. You scratch at my chest and just say "fuck me please sir, fuck me fuck me fuck me" like a crazed mantra. I push you against the wall, hike up your skirt and pull your thong aside. A scream escapes against your will as 9 throbbing inches enter your slick lips in one swift stroke, lifting you up to your tip toes as I pound mercilessly. My hands wrap around your throat, my hips pulse harder and harder in to your ass, my girth splitting you deeper and deeper. We both grunt, words no longer able to communicate our animal instincts. You scream once more… yesyesyesyesyes until you collapse back on to my weight, lifeless from your explosion. I rear back and thrust once more with all my might. My cock convulses, once, twice, three four five times. Huge ropes of cum assault your pussy, filling you so deep you feel it in your chest. The force of each jet hurts, but just enough to feel good, your body bouncing forward with each pulse.

Your mind spins, your body is lifeless. You barely have enough energy to lower yourself off my shaft and get on your knees like the good lil slut you are and lick me up. You dip your hands between your spread legs, and scoop a big handful of our cum in to your mouth, showing me as you lick it up greedily, then swallow it. Lick upon lick of my softening shaft cleans the last of the cum from me, as you wantonly let the rest drip down your thighs and on to the street below. You glance up at me with hungry eyes, swallow me once again, and pull the last drops of orgasm from me.

We fix ourselves once again, kiss deeply, and walk hand in hand out of the alley. And then we go home for more……

(First time posting erotica – be kind in the comments please.)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/346so9/a_special_date_mf