Modeled for a massage demo. Reposting. 20F [M/F], Anal.

Since there seems to be a bit of an outcry over assholes calling stories fake, I figured I'll try to post my story one more time. Hopefully this time it won't get pulled because of stupid idiots.

I have written before about how my friend Todd, a masseur, used me as a model for a massage demonstration for couples. Todd knows I have a bit of an exhibionist streak and used that opportunity to expose me in front of everyone. I wrote about it here:

Since then, Todd has kept bugging me that we do another demo. A few weeks I finally relented and told Todd to set it up. It took him less than a week to call me back and tell me he managed to get a bunch of couples who wanted to come see a demonstration of proper massage techniques for couples. They were even willing to pay and I would get a cut.

For those of you that don’t know what I look like. I am 5’4, athletic, thin with small 34b boobs. I am asian and have long dark hair and dark brown eyes. For the massage I put my hair up in a bun. I usually keep my bush trimmed super short, although for the demo I actually went and got it waxed, so I was completely bare except for a thin landing strip. I also gave myself an enema so my stomach would be super flat.

The night of the demo I decided to come early and shower and get ready at Todd’s apartment. Once I was ready I put on a bathrobe and waited for everyone in the living room with Todd. It was a bit of a thrill greeting people in just a bathrobe. Todd introduce me as “the model”. I liked that. While we waited for everyone to get ready I chatted with the couples who arrived.

Once everyone was there, I climbed on top of the massage table, which Todd situated in the middle of the room. I lay down on my stomach and undid the robe underneath me. Todd then covered me with a large sheet while I wiggled out of the bathrobe. The whole thing was done without anyone seeing anything, but now I was laying butt naked covered by just a thin sheet with a dozen or so people looking at me.

I was on my stomach, so Todd uncovered my back, all the way to my butt, and got to work. He talked and explained as he massaged me. Sometimes pausing to explain what he was doing. Every time his hands worked down to my butt, he pushed the sheet lower, revealing more and more of me. I reached back with my hand and pulled the sheet up a bit to cover my butt. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed. It was just fun to act that way. Plus Todd was revealing a lot of my body and the massage had just started. This just made Todd even bolder.

When Todd’s hands again reached my butt, he pulled down the sheet and placed a small towel over it instead. Then he removed the sheet completely, leaving me covered by just a tiny towel over my butt. Now Todd kept pushing the towel down more and more every time his hands slid down there. Soon I was laying there with my butt completely uncovered. The tiny towel was bunched up between my legs, barely covering my pussy.

I reached over with my hand to pull up the towel, but Todd took the opportunity and grabbed my hand and started massaging it. The idea that all these people were looking at my naked body while Todd massaged my hands was driving my wild. When he was done with my hands, Todd moved to work on my butt. He talked a lot about how to properly massage there, all very professional, but once in a while he would casually pull my butt cheeks apart as he massaged them and I could feel a breeze between my cheeks. I could only imagine what the people around the table were seeing! I could hear them whispering to each other but couldn’t hear what was being said.

Then, suddenly, he pulled the towel, leaving it down by my feet. It was so sudden it took me a second to realize that I was now laying completely naked in the middle of the room. Todd didn’t miss a beat and started doing long strokes, from my neck to my feet. Sometimes sliding over my butt cheeks. Sometimes sliding his oily hand down my butt crack and then back up again. When his hand brushed over my butthole, I flinched and let out a little yelp. People laughed. I was getting incredibly horny and it was hard to calm down. I tried to listen to what the people around me were saying, but it was hard to hear their whispers over Todd’s explanations. With every stroke Todd was getting bolder and bolder. While sliding up my body he slid a finger into my pussy. It was quick, but I moaned.

Once he was done with my butt, Todd placed the towel over it. I was surprised to be covered, but then, he took my leg and had me bend my knee to the side. Spreading me wide and forcing me to push my butt up a bit. The towel slide up and I could feel a breeze on my pussy. I was completely exposed, and to make matters worse Todd took a copious amount of oil and was rubbing it everywhere. His hands sliding from my leg, up my thigh, over my pussy and up my butt crack. He was leaving nothing to the imagination. I couldn’t take it anymore. The stimulation was overwhelming. I couldn't stay quiet. I was squirming around and moaning uncontrollably. All these people were watching him masturbate me.

I guess Todd knew I was close to an orgasm, because he moved my leg back, only to bend my other leg and repeat the process. The smell of the oil was overwhelming. I didn’t know if my pussy was dripping wet from the stimulation or from the oil. Todd was getting more and more bold as his hands slid over my pussy and up my butt crack. His fingers casually sliding between my pussy lips. I was trying so hard to fight the orgasm building inside of me. My moans were getting louder and I may have said “oh my god” a few times. Just as I was about to lose it Todd stopped and moved my leg back. Then he covered me with the sheet again. I did my best to calm down as I was so horny I was ready to explode.

Todd tapped me on my back and motioned for me that it was time to roll over. Once I was on my back he began pulling the sheet down. The feeling of the sheet rubbing against my nipples drove me crazy. My nipples were rock hard, and I was just starting to wonder how far down he would pull the sheet when they suddenly sprung free. I instinctively reached up and covered my exposed breasts with my hands. Todd acted like he didn’t notice and kept pulling the sheet down. As he pulled it past my belly button I move one hand to cover both breasts and managed to cover my pussy just as he pulled the sheet away. He then grabbed a towel and placed it over my hand that was covering my crotch. I moved my hand away and lay there on my back, staring at all the people around me, with both hands on my boobs and the tiny towel covering my pussy.

Todd completely ignored my attempt at modesty, and after applying more oil, began rubbing my chest. I was forced to move my hands away, revealing my naked breasts to everyone there. Every time his hand slid over my nipples it was like electricity running through my body. Todd took his time massaging my breasts, probably relishing his chance to expose my like this without me being able to cover up. Casually pinching my nipples between his fingers as he slid over them. The he moved down to my stomach. I quickly returned my hands to cover my breasts. I was starting to feel the thrill of being exposed again, and my nipples were poking against my hands. I opened my fingers slightly and let my nipples poke out between them.

Todd worked his way lower and lower, until he was massaging my pelvis. His hands sliding under the towel, pushing it down more and more until my pussy was almost exposed. Just when I thought that he would expose me completely, he stopped, re-adjusted the towel, and went to work on my legs.

Now the tiny towel was over my crotch, but I wasn’t covered for long. Todd was working on my left leg and he bent it up, bringing my knee all the way to my chest. This caused the towel to slide up, and I could feel a breeze on my pussy. Even worse, Todd was now sliding his hand to my leg, down my thigh, and all the way to my pussy. It was driving my crazy and I couldn’t stay quiet. I covered my breasts with one hand and moved the other to the towel, desperately trying to push it down and cover my pussy, but it had already ridden so high that I was completely exposed. I could hear the people around me whispering like crazy. Todd completely ignored them and kept talking, explaining what he was doing. Acting like he doesn’t even realize how exposed I am. The little towel was doing nothing to cover my bare pussy.

With my leg bent and my pussy exposed, Todd wasted no time in letting his hand slide down over my pussy lips. By now I completely lost any attempt at modesty and was moaning and squirming. Todd was loving my predicament and kept rubbing my pussy, pausing only to make me switch legs. I could feel my orgasm building up. I couldn’t take it anymore. My moans were replaced by cries of “oh my god”. I was just about to explode when he finally stopped. I cried out in frustration and almost began begging him to finish me off. But he was done.

I managed to pull the little towel down and cover myself. I pushed it down, pressing it against my pussy, with my other hand covered my breasts. Todd then brought out a large towel and lay it on top of me, finally covering my completely. I thought that we were done, but then Todd told me to roll over and lay on my stomach. He helped me roll over and again covered me with the towel. Then he started folding it, revealing more and more of me. First revealing my back until he had folded it all the way down to my butt. Then he began folding up from the legs, until finally only my butt was covered. He kept folding the towel until it was folded so tall that it barely balanced on my butt. Then, he removed it, slid his hand under my hip, and told me to raise myself up. He slid his hand under me, helped me raise my butt in the air, and placed the folded towel underneath me.

My pussy and ass were now exposed to everyone there. Todd addressed everyone and told them that he knows that when couple give each other massage it is mostly for foreplay, and that the most important part is the happy ending. And with that he took the bottle of oil and poured a bunch directly over my pussy and ass. I could feel the oil run both down my back and down my crack, over my pussy lips and down my legs. I had an idea where Todd was going with this, but I couldn’t believe he would do it in front of everyone. My heart was racing as he explained that its important to use an oil that can be used “inside”. Then he began rubbing the oil into my body again. First rubbing the extra oil into my back and legs, and then sliding his hands to my butt.

He started by rubbing my pusy, sliding his fingers in and out. As horny as I was, I couldn't quite believe that he was so blatantly finger fucking me in front of all these people. Then, he slid his hand up my butt crack and placed a finger on my exposed butt hole. He left his finger there, putting just a small amount of pressure on my hole. I was moaning squirming on the table. He asked the couples how many of them like anal play. I couldn’t see how many raised their hands, but from the murmurs it appear to be a lot of them. Then, as if my embarrassment wasn’t enough, Todd told them how much I liked it. How I loved getting fingered in the ass while he fucked me. Even how I loved getting fucked in the ass. And then, he pushed his finger inside, slowly, until it was all the way in. I cried out as he did it. Both from shock and from pleasure. His finger was so well oiled he slid it inside easily. He probably had it in there only for a few seconds, but it felt like minutes passed before he slowly pulled it out. I couldn’t believe all these people were watching this. Then he slid it out, and began finger fucking me, one finger in my butt, two fingers in my pussy. Slowly at first, but then faster and faster.

The only noises in the room was the squishy sound of his oiled fingers sliding in and out, in synch with the moans coming out of my mouth. I couldn't believe this was happening. The show I was giving them. It was driving me crazy. I loved it. The thrill of doing something so crazy and naughty. I was bucking against his fingers. Wishing he would fuck me even harder. Wishing he would fuck me for real. When he pulled out his fingers I let out a cry of frustration. I was so close again.

Then he climbed up on the table. I don’t know when he slid his pants off, but his cock was already out. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me up, to get a better angle. I only really realized what he was doing when I felt his cock press against my butthole. I guess he had oiled it as well, because he had no problem sliding it into my ass.

His cock filled me up. I tried to moan, but nothing came out. I looked at the people around us. My mouth open, half from shock and half from pleasure. Some of the people were looking at his cock in my ass. Others were looking at me. At my face. As if they wanted to see my expression as Todd fucked my ass. It all happened so fast. The oil making a wet squishy sound as he pushed in and out. I could feel his balls slapping against my pussy. I reached underneath with one hand and rubbed my clit. I orgasmed almost instantly. Loudly. It seemed to go on and on, wave and wave of pleasure in synch with Todd’s thrusting. My butthole spasming as I came. I felt a shot of cum deep inside my ass, and then he pulled out, shooting the rest all over my back and ass. Everyone cheered and clapped.

I collapsed on the table while Todd climbed down. He scooped up some of the cum with the small towel, then placed the big one over me, covering me up. I lay there for a bit, while the couples talked amongst themselves. Then I managed to get up. I let the towel fall and didn’t even bother covering up. I walked to the bathroom naked, oil and semen running down my legs, and took a hot shower. By the time I was done almost everyone had left.

After I dried up I walked out naked. They had already seen everything and I relished the feeling of being naked around all these clothes people. One couple approached me. The girl handed me a business card and said that if I ever wanted to join them to give them a call. Then they thanked Todd and I and left. Apparently a few woman approached him about giving them massages while their partner watched. One woman asked if she can be the model at the next demonstration. When everyone had left, Todd handed me a wad of cash. I had completely forgotten about the money.



  1. Glad I clicked on here now, so great to see you back, don’t worry about people saying your stories are fake, those comments should be removed not your posts

  2. Welcome back engineeringgirl, glad to see you still here. Great story, didn’t expect Todd to go for your ass, not in front of everyone but I like him for his bravery.

  3. Praise Raptor Jesus! This was my favorite story ever, and I was upset it had disappeared. Thanks for sharing!

  4. There’s nothing wrong with them being fake (I don’t think they should be removed). But it also doesn’t make people assholes. It just makes people perceptive. It also means you have an opportunity to work on your writing style so that people can’t immediately tell they’re fake. That’s all.

  5. I think your stories are hot engineering girl. I have been in situations in my life to where I can tell that your stories are great. I think that some people are so shielded and sheltered that they feel anything that cannot/ has not happened in their life cannot happen at all. Through out my journey of life, I have been in or witnessed such sexual experiences that I now know that with regards to humans sexual behavior nothing is impossible or fake.

  6. I couldn’t care less about the accusations. You’re a terrific writer and that was hot as fuck. I seem to remember another steamy engineeringgirl beach story from way back … glad to be reading naughty new adventures.

  7. They’re real enough to give me a boner, and that’s really all that should matter here.

  8. Here is the thing, I wrote a completely true story, got 9 votes and 0 feed back.. you bring good content and promote activity. I don’t care if your story is embellished or not, it works for me. Keep writing or post to /r/sexystories and let us know you xpost

  9. Just keep posting for those that enjoy them, obviously there is more for your stories than against them

  10. You gotta focus less on the trolls and more on the people who appreciate your stories. You’ve got some of the most highly upvoted submissions on the sub. Clearly people like what you’re doing, so don’t let the downers get under your skin.

  11. Thanks. I normally don’t care but this one asshole got my story pulled and that pissed me off.

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