A sub meets her match or the endless possibilities of Reddit

I had cum once that day. That’s how my day had started. I woke up with my sex on fire, alone and desperate. I opened the drawer of my side table, otherwise known as my treasure chest, and took out my dildo. I played with the dildo between my lips and spread the wetness to my clitoris and below. Once everything was very wet, I slipped the dildo inside. As I get filled with it, I let out a sigh of contentment, like I was feeling empty all this time but forgot about it. I moved the dildo slowly in and out repeatedly as I try to find that one spot that makes my pleasure build but always eludes me. I swear that spot moves around in there. To help me reach pleasure faster, I took my clitoris vibrator, who is always on the charge, and started rubbing my clit with it. With both motion, I rapidly felt the pleasure grow and spread in my pelvis until I couldn’t hold it anymore and I exploded on my dildo. At first, my whole body spasmed, I arched my back and was unable to move. I had to let the wave ride through. From beginning to end, it couldn’t have lasted more than a few minutes. After the explosion, I was weak and soft, just as I like, and lounged in bed before getting my day started.

Boy was I wrong. I would not get anything done that day, except me, over and over.

I got up, made my bed and was ready for my day. I started with coffee and yoga, not the best combination but it gets me going. During my yoga, I noticed that I could smell my sex through my pants. Weirdly enough, I get terribly turned on by my own smell. By the time, I finished yoga, I was thoroughly excited once again and in need to cum. As a single woman, the need for a cock can sometimes overwhelm me but my obligations and schedule makes it hard to meet someone. I figured that something must already exist for people like me. The internet is magic and Reddit is how it casts its spells. I, therefore, paid a visit to Reddit hoping to solve my problem. I discovered many marvelous sexy subreddits that I did not know about and something caught my eye and curiosity. I wanted someone to guide my masturbation, to help me find my pleasure while providing some at the same time and to explore my newly discovered submissive nature.

I settled upon dirtykikpals, after a bit of reading and discovery, as the most appropriate to my needs. I wrote my first and only dirtykikpals post: “31 F4M, home alone, need help, I have toys”. I hadn’t realized how many answers I would get. My inbox got flooded. It was so overwhelming and out of control that I quickly deleted my post. I was already quite horny and in a hurry to get started but I did not know where to start. I read the many answers while touching myself. Knowing that all those hot replies were for me turned me on even more. I answered a few ones in the crappy PM of reddit and couldn’t figure out if we were supposed to chat there. Every one of them was either asking for my kik or giving me a kik name and I had absolutely no idea why. I did not even know what kik was! I finally worked up the nerves to ask one of them, he seemed very puzzled by my lack of knowledge in this precise subreddit, but he kindly explained. I downloaded the application on my phone and my world changed.

I had chosen a slightly older guy that seemed to know what he was doing; it was a necessary since I surely didn't. By that time, I was shivering in anticipation and wetter than I had been in a long time. But I was also scared, what was I doing? What was going to happen? Was I going to be a good play partner? Would I like this partner? Would he respect my limits? And so on. But this guy, let’s call him Him, was amazing. And he was smooth as fuck. He started by asking about me. I told him I was a thirty one years old lady, brown hair, hazel eyes, curvy, boobs a handful. He told me about himself. He, then, asked about my limits, toys and how I liked to cum. I felt respected and listened to which allowed me to open up. I told him about my submissive disposition and my limits, I told him about my wide variety of toys.

When he wrote “Are you going to be a good slut?” I knew shit just got real and I loved it. By this time, I had already undone my freshly made bed, got naked, legs spread, pussy dripping with my toys lined up beside me and the little vibe on the charge. I was freaking ready. He then asked me to get some ice cubes and I knew things were heating up, at this point I was ready to do anything he asked. I wanted to be played with, I needed to be played with.

Him: “run your fingers all over your body and you can use your nails”.

I was in such a state of anticipation that I started moaning lightly just from moving my hands on my body. It was not something I did often, it’s a touch that belongs to the partner but when you don’t have a partner then who does it? My skin felt very sensitive and my nipples got hard. My phone vibrated; new instructions. Him: “play with your nipples, pitch them, twist them and make sure they stay hard. Put your nipples clamps on”.

“I love nipple play !” was my answer. I slowly brought my hands up to my breasts and grab the nipples between my thumb and index and rubbed and pulled. My respiration accelerated, my breasts moved up and down faster with my breathing. I was loving this and I wasn’t even playing with my clit and my pussy yet. Vibrations, instructions delivered.

Him: “Pick up an ice cube and move it on your body, make both your nipples go numb and then slid the rest in your pussy and let it melt there”.

Oh god! This was so hot, my clit was throbbing of desire and pleasure. I felt like such a slut to be listening to a stranger in a different time zone on how to touch myself. And he seemed so much better at it than I was. I moved the ice cube on my body, as I arched my back toward it in my excitation. My nipples were numb in seconds due to the nipples clamps so the ice cube I slid in was almost intact. It was so cold, the contrast with my warmth was delicious. My pussy was contracting around it by reflex.

Me: “Can I please rub my clit? This is so good.” The next phone buzz told me that no I could not play with my clit yet. Him wanted me to slap my pussy with my hand first four time. And like the good girl I am, that turned me on to no end. I gladly slapped my pussy and counted the slaps for him: one, two, three, four. He told me I was a good slut. I was really proud of being a good slut and my clit tingled in response.

My phone vibrated and I learned that I was allowed finally, to rub my clit, slowly with my fingers but to keep teasing my nipples at the same time. That I could do, and I could do very well. As the ice cube was melting, I took my fingers and rub my clit slowly at first but couldn’t help increasing the rhythm, my other hand was twisting the clamps already in place, making me moan louder.

Him asked me next to get a brush with a flat back. I knew where this was going and wanted the brush, desperately. But I was absolutely unable to stand up, every time I opened my legs water from the melted ice cube would come rushing out. I explained to Him the position I was in and he asked if I had an empty glass nearby, at reach. I was thinking “is he really going to make me do this?!” But the answer was yes. And he did make me do it. I awkwardly tried to stand up while keeping my legs closed and upon standing up I opened my legs and simultaneously place the glass under my pussy. I was able to collect a small amount of the melted ice cube as it came out of me. And I drank it, just like he asked me. It tasted so strongly of me, like kissing a guy after he went down on you but more. Then, I ran to get the brush and he asked me to spank my pussy with it three times and my ass three times on each cheeks. I started with my ass, I got on my knees, arched my back and spanked myself. As I was doing that, I rubbed my sore clamped nipples on the mattress, sending shivers in my whole body. I also counted all these spanks for him as good girl. My ass burned after. I lied down again on my very sensitive bum and spread my legs to slap my pussy. At this point, I was so wet it was running down my thighs in a mix of water and sex juice. I counted these spanks too. And I didn’t cheat, if I spanked myself but it didn’t burn or wasn’t painful after I would not count it and re-do it.

Him: “fuck yourself with two fingers and rub your clit.”

I was just too glad to obey; my fingers found a dripping pussy and were making wet noises as they were moving in and out rapidly. I wanted to be filled and fucked so bad. I was getting closer and closer, my pleasure was building up and getting ready to climax.

Him: “Stop, remove your fingers. Get your ass lubed and use put in your plug”.

Shit, I was so ready to cum. I was on the edge. Very little would have tipped me over. But I waited and I got my ass ready with the juices from my pussy, and I slid in the butt plug slowly. This is one is kind of big and I need to play in and out with it in my ass to fit it in but once inside it is a great sensation. It took me a little bit of time to get it in but I did.

Him: “get your dildo and one inch only in your pussy”.

Oh the tease! One inch wasn’t enough, I wanted the whole dildo in and more. But I did as I was told and teased my pussy with my dildo, slow small stroke at the beginning of my canal. The next buzz told me I could fill my pussy, it was the command I had been waiting for. I slipped it in slowly, I wanted to enjoy the whole sensation of being filled. I could feel the dildo rubbing against the plug through my wall and it felt great. I began a slow motion of in and out with the dildo, and increased the speed as the pleasure started building up in my pelvis. It was fast to build up after all that playing.

Me: “Can I please cum now?”

He was very impressed with me demanding permission to cum and granted my request. I started rapid thrust with the dildo, moaning louder and breathing faster. My breasts were moving up and down from the fast breathing and making the clamps feel tighter. I could feel warmth gathering in my pelvis and extending outwards, from my sex to my hips to my nipples. I grabbed my little vib, started it, applied it to my clit and all the warmth in me could not be contained anymore and suddenly my whole body was fireworks and explosions. This was the best cum I had had in years. Years ! I had to keep him and find a way to keep him playing with me!

I did, but that’s another story….


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/344bzo/a_sub_meets_her_match_or_the_endless


  1. Hi Louna, that was new and interesting, don’t take long for the other story.

  2. Great story! You should name it "Cumming (f)or redditor – my sub(m)issive self"

  3. Him would like me to continue writing about it too!! You’ ll get a second story .

  4. Not the first time. I was too shy !! But with time and comfort yes I did. And now I share pictures with him daily.

  5. Please do! It’s nice to know someone out there is dreaming about me.

  6. Haha, the sad thing is dreams must end. I wanted to ask you something, from what I’ve read it seems to me like you are an introvert, or are you just shy? Its fine if you don’t like to answer.

  7. I think it must be a bit of both. Really. I am shy but able to warm up to people but don’t always want to because I am so comfortable and happy being alone. Being alone doesn’t equal loneliness for me. I hope this answers your question.

  8. You are defiantly introvert, being alone is what we need the most and it defiantly has nothing to do with loneliness , we need this alone time to recharge from everything else we do. About being shy i can’t say for sure but I see it in a lot of us too, but we also don’t like to share and talk to anyone and sometimes people think we don’t do that because we are shy. Of course all of that is different when we are with the people we like and love. I’ve read a book a while ago and the reason i did is because of its title, as soon as i read it i knew whoever wrote it understands. The Title was: "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" Anyhow I think I am babbling a lot here but its so nice to see an introvert in here, we don’t like to share so its rare to see a story from one of us. I added you to friends :)

  9. You are spot on! That is exactly how I feel. But I guess that my naughty side takes over here because I absolutely loved sharing my story for the first time !! I don’t feel like you are rambling. I like hearing from others :)

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