The Coffee Crew: Chapter 4: A New Game to Play [F][Futa][Herm][bd][Fdom][Fsub]

(Hey there! I just finished the last touches on the next chapter of my story, The Coffee Crew, and here it is for yall to enjoy! Let me know what you think of it! – Sincerely, the Author)

Virginia was tired, she had been working for what seemed like weeks at a time, her body stiff from the office chair that had become her home since Monday morning, but now that it was a beautifully sunny Saturday morning, the idea of having coffee with Barbara caused her loins to stir. She had yet to open her eyes, but already her fem-cock was tenting the sheets and her hand was not far behind it, her fingers eager to give her steadily growing dick some relief. Morning wood on any other day would have been troublesome, but today Virginia had time to take care of herself. Slowly her fingers wrapped about her shaft, her palm touched the bulbous tip of her cock and sent a shiver up her spine as she sighed with need. Her dainty fingers slowly moved down towards the base of her magnificently large cock, pulling back the skin of her dick before reaching the base and moving her hand back up over the shaft towards the tip.

In Virginia's mind, the thoughts of Barbara's huge breasts bounced into existence. The beautiful smile of the naked blonde in Virginia's thoughts flashed with pride as she stuck out her breasts, shaking them, and then pinching her stiff, fat nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. As the image of Barbara jiggled in her head, Virginia's hand was wrapped firmly about her cock as she slowly slid her grip along her veiny shaft. She had been stroking with a tight and slow hand, moaning softly into the bedroom of her empty apartment, and just as she was finding a comfortable rhythm, her cell phone began to buzz against her nightstand just before the ring-tone began to sound. Virginia heaved a sigh as she slowed her strokes down and then reached over to the nightstand to answer her phone.

“Hello?” her voice came out with a bit of groggy energy into the phone. The sound that greeted Virginia's ear was the soft, sensuous voice of Barbara, and this instantly snapped her from her daydream.

“Good morning, Darling. I was hoping I was able to catch you before you got in the shower.”

Virginia smiled as she replied to the blonde bombshell's voice, “Good morning, Barbara, I was still laying in bed thinking about you actually.”

A soft chuckle sounded through the speaker of the cell phone, Barbara's voice became more like a passionate whisper into a lover's ear, “I do hope it was all good things you were thinking about.”

“Oh, no, these are all really naughty thoughts. They'd definitely get me into some trouble.”

“Mmmm, but those are the best kinds of thoughts, Darling. Now, why don't you put on some clothes and bring those naughty thoughts over her and share them with me. I might be able to help you with them. I've missed you.”

There was the sound of need and desperation in Barbara's voice as she spoke, Virginia could only smile as she gave her fem-dick a few more slow jerks before she replied to the older woman with a soft moan in her voice, “Yes, that sounds like a great plan, Barbara.”

“Well, sweetheart, I'll see you in say… Twenty minutes?”

“Of course, I'll try to hurry through my shower, beautiful.”

“Ta-ta for now, Virginia, don't keep me waiting.”

When the the call had disconnected, Virginia tossed her legs over the side of her mattress, hopped off her bed, into her shower, and was dressed in ten minutes. She let her still wet hair lay against her shoulders, but made sure to scoop it up into a ponytail before donning her white cotton v-neck shirt and her large cock stuffed rather unceremoniously stuffed into a pair of tight jeans. With a deft hand grabbing her keys, she was out the door with a bounce and almost jogged to her jeep.

The short drive to Barbara's mansion was spent almost entirely with Virginia's hand rubbing at the bulge her dick made in her jeans, her eyes darting to the trucks that drove by, part of her hoping that they could see her, the other part of her was dreading that they could. Pulling into the gated community that housed the city's richer members of the populace, her hand never left her stiff member, even as she approached the gate guard's booth. The guard even gave a glance down to the bulge with a slight pop of his eyebrow before pressing the button that opened the gate and let her into the compound. The world beyond was like an episode of MTV Cribs, every mansion contained within was huge, but Barbara's was far from the largest. Although she had to drive a few hundred yards before even reaching the front door from the main road, Virginia could see the two-story house veiled behind a row of cherry trees, and the sight of Barbara standing on the balcony, completely naked, watching Virginia's jeep pull up to the front door made the perfect cap to the picturesque scene.

Virginia smiled and waved up to the buxom blonde with an eager grin lying on her lips. Virginia was already beginning to leak pre-cum into her jeans as she stopped her jeep close to the front door and leapt from the vehicle after turning it off and throwing it in park. When Virginia looked back up to the balcony, her gaze found it vacant, void of the beautiful woman who had greeted her, but thinking little of it, Virginia travelled inside. The door to the mansion rose high above Virginia’s head, opening into a vaulted foyer with marble flooring, expensive, hand woven Persian rugs laying across the hallway, and a portrait of the lady of the house; Mrs. Barbara Montag Dunbarr dressed in an exquisitely designed black gown which flowed past the borders of the picture yet highlighted her rather large breasts in a pair of scandalously cut cups. Just beneath the portrait was a square tablet of bronze which contained a history of the house up to that point, and briefly mentioned a few of the more prominent guests to have resided within the walls, including a few presidents.

As Virginia removed her shoes and stepped into the high-ceilinged hallway she was greeted by the lady of the house, Barbara, who was still in the exact same state of nudity that Virginia had seen her in on the balcony, and the two women embraced like lovers finally reuniting. Virginia’s lips scrambled to keep pressed firmly against Barbara’s as Barbara’s lips seemed adamant to part and let their tongues mingle, and just as Barbara’s hand clamped down on Virginia’s left butt cheek, Virginia’s lips parted to take in the older woman’s wriggling tongue. They were like wanton teenagers, Virginia trying to keep Barbara calmer and calmer, but to no avail. As Barbara’s hand slid up Virginia’s back, her fingernails scratched a trail along the girl’s toned skin through her shirt, and both women struggled to move to another room other than the hallway. The two women clamored into the nearest door and found themselves in the study which was more like a library with bookshelves that reached up to at least the second story if not taking up a good portion of a third story.

Virginia knew she would have to take control, she needed to, and with a quick shove, she pushed the older blonde away from her body, and both of their eyes locked on to one another filled with looks of lust and passion. Virginia pointed to the floor in front of her, adopting the most dominating voice she could manage as she tilted her head so she looked down her nose at Barbara, “On your knees, now.”Barbara, smirked, she knew exactly what was expected of her, and so she slowly lowered herself onto her knees on the hardwood floor, crawling towards her owner. The game they were about to play had been a special one between them. Barbara loved being taken control of, sure, she was a powerful woman, she enjoyed the power she had over people, but Virginia and the other girls in the Coffee Crew knew how much she enjoyed being the submissive slave. Virginia was not one for being dominant, in fact, the girls had to teach her how to be a more dominant person, and slowly, she gained a knack for it, Mina had even asked if Virginia would have preferred to work in her shop with her, but she declined.

With Barbara in front of her, Virginia smirked as she looked down to the beautiful blonde, stroking her cheek with her thumb, reassuring her pet that she was going to make this fun for both of them, and Barbara nuzzled her cheek into the caress. Virginia maintained her dominant tone, it was commanding, powerful, and yet calm in tone, “Have you been a good girl while I was away?”

Barbara purred with excitement as she latched onto her mistress’ leg, pressing her cheek to the bulge that Virginia’s cock was making in her jeans, “Oh yes, Vir- Errr, Yes, Mistress.”

Virginia cocked an eyebrow at the blatant slip that Barbara had committed, she knew that once the game started that she was not Virginia, she knew that once the game had started that she was “mistress”, and she knew that once the game started she would be punished for her mistakes. Virginia smirked as she raised her commanding tone to an accusatory powerful volume, “A mistake so early? Have you forgotten what happens when you break my rules?”

Barbara shuddered at Virginia’s booming voice as she looked up into her eyes, her pussy growing wetter by the moment, “I’m sorry, Mistress, I’m sorry I made a mistake.”

Virginia pulled herself away from Barbara and moved over to the couch that sat facing a pair of armchairs in front of a large fireplace which adorned a whole portion of a wall in the study, and after sitting she called Barbara over to her, “Come, pet. We’re going to have to teach you a lesson.”

Barbara crawled to where her Mistress was sitting, sliding between her legs on the floor, and looking up to Virginia with an expectant gaze as the young blonde reached over behind Barbara. Virginia smiled warmly to her pet, running her fingers along the woman’s curves till she reached the lusciously firm yet plump ass that she had been fantasizing about just a few minutes earlier while she was masturbating. With a firm pull, she maneuvered Barbara’s body so that it lay over her knees, and with little warning she slapped her hand firmly against Barbara’s bare backside. The older woman gasped as she felt her mistress’ hand slap at her ass, this was her punishment for her mistake, and her present for having to wait to enjoy Virginia’s cock. Virginia raised her voice once more as she interrogated the woman, “What is my name?”

Barbara didn’t answer, she hesitated, and that’s when the girl’s hand slapped her ass again, this time harder.

“What is my name?”

Barbara whined from the slap, moaning ever so slightly as her body tingled from the mixture of pain and pleasure, but she again hesitated just long enough to elicit another healthy slap across her ass cheeks. This slap though was much harder, sending a jolt through Barbara’s body as she arched her back and yelped, her breasts bouncing lewdly with the sudden motion of her body.“What is my name?”

Virginia raised her hand, ready to strike once more before Barbara finally blurted out an explosion of a word, “MISTRESS!”

Virginia smiled, moving her hand down slowly, and tenderly rubbing at the red hand prints that she had made on her friend’s ass. She knew this was all part of the game, that Barbara was enjoying herself, but still she often felt a tinge of guilt pecking at her especially after she was particularly harsh with the punishments. Apparently this was a sign of a good Dom she was told, but she only knew that if her girls enjoyed it, she would do it if only to please them. Virginia leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Barbara’s panting lips, tasting her excitement as Barbara tried to press her tongue into Virginia’s mouth. Virginia’s fingers scampered between the lusciously soft thighs of the older woman, feeling the soft, hot, drenched folds of her lovers pussy lips and tickling the folds with the tips of her fingers.

Virginia slowly pressed her fingers into Virginia’s tight slit, teasing her as she slipped two digits inside, gently swirling the tips around the inner folds before softly cooing to her slave, “Mmm, so wet, I think one orgasm will be enough of a reward for you only needing three spanks to get the correct answer.”

Barbara opened her mouth, letting her moan out into the open air of the library as her mistress teased her burning cunt. Slowly, Virginia pressed her fingers further into Barbara’s soaking wet hole, sliding deeper inside till she was almost knuckle deep, and then began a slow retreat. Her eyes were glued to her lover’s arching back, her sensuous curves which undulated with a beautifully artistic way, and her fingers began to thrust in and out of her body with a slow rhythm. Each of Barbara’s moans were like music to Virginia’s ears as she continued pleasuring her inner walls, rubbing every fold in her friend’s delicious pussy, only taking a break to taste the juices from her fingers before slipping back inside her. Slowly, every thrust gaining more speed, sliding her nimble fingers deeper and faster into her lovers cunt, and her fingertips continuously rubbing the molten pink walls.

Barbara’s body was almost shaking when Virginia finally began a more vigorous rhythm of stimulation, thrusting her fingers in and out of her pussy with a steady pace. It was pure bliss Barbara was experiencing as she imagined just how much better the massive cock that was pressing into her ribs would feel if it had replaced Virginia’s fingers inside of her body, but for now, the girl’s fingers were doing a perfect job. A jolt of electricity slid through Barbara’s nerves at an impossible speed as she felt Virginia’s thumb caress her sensitive clit, sending her over the edge and into a shaking, quaking mass of flesh as her orgasm rocked her body.

It wasn’t long before Barbara found herself being strapped down to her own bed, her eyes shifting down her body, between her heaving breasts to see Virginia tightening the last knot in the ropes which were binding her limbs to the four-post bed that she spent every night in, and now it was to be her dungeon for the next few hours. As Barbara laid bared to the world on her bed, Virginia worked to clasp a leash around the busty blonde’s neck, tightening it so that a single finger would feel snug within the leather belt contraption, and with the leather leash in hand, Virginia smirked and lightly whipped the handle downward towards the bare skin of her pet so that the leash would snap at her body like a lash. As Barbara gasped in response to the soft bit of pain that sparked a flash of sexual energy in her mind, her hard nipple growing red from the smack of the pink leather leash, Virginia slowly began to peel off her own clothes in front of Barbara. Virginia slowly and sensuously peeled off her clothes with all the eroticism she could muster as she took off what little she had on as Barbara watched in ecstatic pleasure.

Virginia smiled as her breasts dropped from her tank top causing Barbara to breathe in a sigh of contentment, Virginia’s hands slowly cupped her own tits, squeezing, kneading, massaging, caressing the soft globes as her helpless slave girl watched from the bed. She spent an excruciatingly long time teasing herself and her lover, especially as she pushed her big breasts upwards and took each nipple into her mouth to suckle and bite. She was almost panting herself when she let her breasts rest for a moment before moving to strip off her jeans. The silhouette of her throbbing cock created a bulge in her jeans, it grew as she slipped the jeans off her curvaceous hips, and as her shaft was slowly revealed from it’s denim hiding place, the massive rod leapt from her jeans. Barbara giggled with an almost nervous energy as she saw the tool of pleasure that her lover had bobbing lewdly with every beat of her heart, a reaction she seemed to not have been able to get over every time she saw Virginia’s cock, and this time was no exception. Virginia smirked at her lover’s reaction, shaking her head gently as she slowly crawled onto the bed. A soft kiss from her lips met Barbara’s feet, another caressing her ankle just below the restraint, and another on the inside of her calf. The kisses continued up Barbara’s wriggling body, her wrists struggling inside the restraints as the teasing continued, and just as Virginia’s lips hovered over her nipples, expelling hot breaths against her aching buds, she was begging to be touched more.

Virginia’s fingers lightly grazed the creamy smooth skin of Barbara’s thigh, moving towards her unprotected and vulnerable slit, but as she grinned up into Barbara’s lust-stricken gaze, she simply rubbed her fingertips just around the hot entrance. Barbara’s legs were spread wide open thanks to the ropes, leaving her open to Virginia’s explorations, and she would definitely take advantage of this fact. Any other time, Virginia would have already buried her cock as deep and as hard as she could into the hole she was now teasing, but she was starting to enjoy her ability to keep Barbara on edge, to keep her just at the threshold of real pleasure. The beads of sweat that formed over Barbara’s body was a great sign that Virginia’s teasing was having an effect, naturally though, Virginia only had to look up and listen to Barbara’s panting to see what her efforts were doing. With little announcement, Virginia sat on her knees, moving closer to Virginia’s face until her stiff prick stood just inches from her face, and Barbara angled her head up to try to even just touch the fem-cock that stood out rigid from Virginia’s beautiful figure.

Virginia looked into Barbara’s eyes, knowing that she had full control, and with that control she grasped Barbara’s chin, pulled it open, and with her other hand still clutching the leash, she took hold of her cock to stuff it into the rich, older woman’s gaping mouth. When Virginia’s cock head pressed against her tongue, Barbara’s lips clamped shut around the vein-riddled shaft and slurped hungrily at the thick cock that made the corners of her lips stretch ever so slightly. Her tongue began to lap at every inch of cock that slid inside her mouth as Barbara begged in the raging thoughts that rushed through her mind for more as she tasted the delicious drops of pre-cum that were now dribbling from the tip of Virginia’s cock and onto her tongue. Virginia’s breath was hitched as she watched her friend suck her dick like her life depended on it, sometimes it was best to leave the domination to simply tying her up, but most often Barbara was still in charge as was the case now.

Virginia pressed her hips forward, shoving more of her massive cock into Barbara’s throat, bypassing the woman’s deliciously pleasurable tongue, and both the women let out moans which were it not for one having been gagged by a fat piece of fuck meat might have been just as loud as Virginia’s moans. The pleasure of Barbara’s lapping tongue now reached much further than before, reaching almost to the tight pink pussy that took up the spot where a man’s balls would hang, and this sent Virginia into a new plane of ecstasy. When Barbara’s tongue tickled at the folds of Virginia’s hot, moist slit, an explosion rocked Virginia’s body as she grabbed the sides of Barbara’s head, straddled her chest, and began to ram her hips forward, stuffing as much of her fem-dick into her lovers mouth as she could. Virginia’s back was arching, pressing her crotch harder against Barbara’s face as her cock spewed copious amounts of thick cum into the older woman’s struggling throat. Her hand gripped the handle of the leash tighter, pulling it taut almost behind her back as she tried to keep her massive dick buried in her pets throat.

With each forceful swallow from Barbara brought a new spurt of seed spewing from Virginia’s cock, it was almost too much for Virginia to handle, but the pair of women rode out Virginia’s orgasm till finally she pulled her half-limp cock from between Barbara’s still sucking lips. Luckily for Barbara, the leash about her neck did little more than hinder her movement and establish dominance, but the tightness from Virginia’s pulling was doing wonders for her kink riddled mind. Virginia tried to catch her breath, realizing she had not cum like that in almost two weeks, her big breasts heaving with every soft groan of approval of her slave’s work.

She knew she had to thank Barbara for such a great orgasm, with her fingers moving back down between Barbara’s thighs, Virginia leaned closely to Barbara’s ear, grinning as their breasts touched one another’s as she whispered, “So wet, so hot, and you’re just absolutely panting like a bitch in heat to get some sort of relief aren’t you, pet? Do you want me to make you cum?”

Barbara turned her gaze to the younger woman’s eyes, looking into them with a gaze of pure and utter lust, she didn’t need to speak to relay her answer, but her lips opened to give a reply anyways, “Oh please, yes, please let me cum, Mistress.”

Two of Virginia’s slender fingers curled towards the drenched pussy lips that awaited stimulation and pressed inwards, sinking deep inside the hot hole as she positioned her thumb at Barbara’s clit when the older blonde let her words slip from her lips. Barbara knew what was about to happen, knew that she was about to go on a roller coaster ride that would leave her sore for a week to come, but she did nothing stop it even if she could. Virginia stopped a moment with her fingers inside Barbara’s cunt, gently tickling her inner walls as she looked into Barbara’s eyes, “Ready?” Virginia questioned?

Of course, Barbara’s answer was going to be “yes”, and yet Virginia did not wait to hear her reply. Instead, she thrust her fingers as deep inside her lover’s pussy as they would go, her thumb beginning to rub the nub of Barbara’s clit vigorously in a circular motion, and Barbara tried to arch her back in spite of Virginia sitting on her chest with her sloppy, steadily hardening shaft laying against the swell of her breast as it heaved up and down with her ragged breaths.

“Ohhh! AHNN!! HAH!! FUCK!! YES!!!”

Moans escaped Barbara’s plump lips, turning into gasping yelps, which turned into cries of pleasure as Virginia fingered her dripping slit ferociously, rubbing and teasing at the sensitive spots inside her body, and sending her to placed that she had almost forgotten existed. Virginia’s other hand moved to Barbara’s breasts, squeezing and kneading one, then the other, and finally moving to pinch and pull at the hard nipples which stood out like pencil erasers while she held onto the leather leash, even wrapping it’s short length about each breast playfully.

A third finger slipped into Barbara, a second orgasm powered through her body, then a third as Virginia plunged her fingers in and out with a rhythm that might have only been matched by something that ran on gasoline. Just before Barbara was about to shout out the safe word, Virginia stopped, moving down Barbara’s body so that their faces were close enough to touch cheek-to-cheek, and Virginia tenderly pressed her lips against Barbara’s gasping lips. Barbara was out of breath, shuddering from her orgasmic high, and yet she loved the feel of Virginia’s loving pecks at the corners of her lips. When Barbara regained her composure, her breathing at a much more manageable level, Virginia continued her kissing trail down the older blonde’s throat, through the valley between her huge breasts, and continuing down Barbara’s chest. Virginia stopped only a moment to kiss at Barbara’s abused cunt before continuing to sit up on her knees once more, this time, the real fun was beginning.

Virginia’s massive cock was ready to go once more, ready to slide deep into Barbara’s waiting pussy, and Virginia was just about to shove every last inch she had into the abused pussy lips spread open in front of her bulbous cock head, but the game was still being played and needed at least some attention.


Barbara didn’t answer, she simply raised her hips up, trying to push herself onto the large cock that lay just at her opening, but Virginia pulled back and continued her line of question, “Well? What do you say, Pet?”

Barbara groaned out in frustration, struggling harder against the binds on her wrists and ankles, “PLEASE! Please fuck me, please stuff my cunt with your huge cock, please fuck me, Mistress! Please, I need it, Mistress!”

Virginia fought to contain a giggle of surprise and pride as she pressed the tip of her cock against her slave’s mound, opening her up to her girth with her she-cock’s bulbous head, and both women let out moans of pleasure into the bedroom. Virginia reached up, gripping Barbara’s huge boobs, squeezing them as she braced herself and plunged her full length deep into the older woman’s cunt. Barbara’s voice strained as she cried out in a mixture of pain, pleasure, and want, “FUCK!! Oh God yes! SO big!”

Virginia panted for a second before starting to pump her hips forward, each thrust shoving more of her thick fem-cock into Barbara’s pussy, the head of her cock pressing against her lovers cervix, and the cries of passion from the blonde strapped to the bed beneath her only made her rhythm speed up. Soon, her hips were slamming fast and hard against Barbara’s, the older blonde’s blue eyes rolling into the back of her head as Virginia’s cock stretched her hole open and her hands squeezed firmly at her big tits as they bounced with each thrust. It was like neither had been fucked in months, years even, and both were getting their due orgasms as Barbara’s pleasure rolled from one wave of orgasmic bliss crashing over her body to another.

Virginia must have been fucking the older blonde for an hour, their bodies coated in a sheen of sweat, both blazing hot from their activity, and Virginia’s crotch was coated in a rather modest amount of juices from Barbara’s slit. Virginia had already pumped a load into Barbara’s pussy, almost forcing them to stop when she doubled over fuck-toy’s body, burying her face between the older blonde’s beautifully huge boobs, and panting like she had run a marathon in ten minutes. Both women had been needing a good, hard fucking, but they were like insatiable rabbits. Virginia only barely able to continue as her cock grew hard once more after a quick use of some fingers in her own slit at the base of her throbbing fuckstick.

When Virginia felt the urge for another huge load of cum, she quickly pulled from Barbara’s pussy when she was close, knowing exactly what Barbara wanted after such an amazingly hard fuck, and both of them would enjoy a good ending. Virginia quickly repositioned herself so that her huge she-dick nestled between the giant jugs of Barbara, both their eyes staring into one another as Virginia grabbed hold of the mammaries and began to thrust her hips against the cavernous hole made between her lover's breasts. Her thrusting was frantic, needy, and unceremonious as she felt herself closing in quickly on the urge to unleash the load building up inside her. With a grunt, the first stream of cum sprayed out onto Barbara’s face, then another joined the first on the other side of her face, then another, and another, and another. Virginia pulled her fem-cock from between Barbara’s massive tits and spewed her cum onto the delicious globes as she groaned, wrapping her hand around her shaft and milking out the last few spurts.

With a weak hand, Virginia reached over and unclasped the restraints that held onto Barbara’s limbs, and they both collapsed together into a cuddling heap of cum-drenched flesh. They held each other close as they breathed deeply, admiring the carnal bliss that washed over both of them, and they could only sigh as they caught one another’s gaze and kissed passionately as they had done at the door.

While Debra had been keeping up contact with Virginia and the other girls of the Coffee Crew, she was still avoiding them with excuses such as longer hours at the gym, new clients, new boyfriends, and yet each lie was piling up to form an impressive heap of deceit. Still, she didn’t know how she could face her friends with this new predicament. Sure, it was okay that Virginia had a dick, but now she had one, and it was even bigger than ever now. She had no way of hiding it, no way of making it go down as it had just become permanently hard, and now she was resorting to hanging around the gym in her office just to make an appearance at work and belay any suspicion the girls had of her.

She sat at her desk, watching out the window that looked out on the cardio area of the gym, and her attention was stuck on the swaying hips of a very beautiful young woman, her ass more specifically, but Debra was intently watching the display as her hand slowly stroked along her new throbbing shaft with a soft groan. This was her new life, pervertedly spying on women on stair-climbers while she stroked her massive she-dick. The thought of the words “she-dick” and “fem-cock” entered her mind and made her shudder, she knew that she was definitely going to be stuck with this thing for a while, and if it wasn’t bigger than Virginia’s, it was definitely just as big. It felt heavy too, even when soft the thing hung between her legs like some sort of slab of meat, but worst of all, it was practically impossible to hide in her clothes she normally wore. Instead, Debra had resorted to buying skirts, tight denim, and medical tape, but most of the time even this did little to hide the sizeable bulges that her new appendage formed.

It was definitely not what Debra had thought she would ever be doing, yet she still couldn’t help but question how long she was going to sit and jack off instead of calling Virginia. If Virginia knew about this, she might be able to help, might. Still, the idea of being rejected by the girls was still a fresh thought in Debra’s mind as she stroked her cock faster, not paying attention to the door to her office that she had left open carelessly till a knock and the sound of someone clearing their throat roused her from the show of the young woman’s ass jiggling with every step. Debra shot her gaze to the door, her breath catching in her throat as she desperately tried to shove her meaty fuckstick back into her pants.

“Am I interrupting?”



  1. You’re back! :D :D :D I was about to message you, as I’ve not seen another delicious and well written Coffee Crew chapter in a while! Ok, now I’m going to read the chapter. Just got excited seeing a new chapter up.

  2. Wow, that was amazing. I loved it! And the way you ended it, now I’m really going to be watching for another chapter! Thank you, you’re a fantastic writer!

  3. I’m really glad you liked it! I’m even more glad that you were eager to read it! I hope I can keep being just as fantastic of a writer, so we’ll see what the future holds!

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