They’re Minerals Marie [oral][MF]

I shuffle papers on my desk when I hear a knock on the door. Come in. I say.

You've just finished cleaning up the mess your boyfriend left in the store. You know you’re going to be fired but are steeling yourself for the bad news.

Sit down Marie I say as you walk in my office. I clear my throat and say Now you know what happened out is just something I can’t tolerate. Too many times, you've been late or out the bad crying because of this boy. I wonder how much you really want this job. You have to keep your work life and your personal life separate. When you are here, you are doing what I need you to do.

I really hate to say it, because you are genuinely a good worker, trustworthy etc. But I think I need to let you go Marie.

You start to scrunch your face up. I really need this job, Sir. I know my boyfriend can be fiery, but that’s what I like about him, it’s a doubled edged sword. There must be some way that I can change your mind. Please, don’t make me beg! I’ll do anything. My face remains stern. I can’t see my mind changing on this. Your voice changes to be a little more flirty. There must be something I can do, to change your mind.

I know I’m a big softy sometimes, especially for someone as pretty as you, so I think of a reply that you would possibly never go for.

"Prove to me, how much you want this job Marie." "If you give me the best blowjob of your life, you can have your job. Heck. But you need to not let your boyfriend, rampage in because he needs to talk to you, and wreck my displays.”

So if I blow you, I get my job back, that’s it? I pull at towel from my bottom drawer and place it on my table near my mineral collection.

You sloosh the towel on the floor scattering my minerals and say, I have a boyfriend. I finish your sentence, who cause several hundred dollars worth of damage, who you seem to bicker with constantly. No-one will know. and I can tell you find the idea exciting. I saw you bite your lip when you started thinking about blowing me.

You walk over and pick up my minerals placing them on the table. "I’m sorry about your rocks, sir" "Minerals Marie, how many times do I have to tell you, they are Minerals."

You, pick up the towel, and say. Ok, but don’t cum in my hair, or leave any marks.

My penis quivers a little. As you nod in agreement. You stare up at me, as you unzip my pants and your hand goes down the front of my underwear. You grapple my cock and being to stroke it, short sharp stroke and my penis increases in hardness. You lick your lips, as whip my underwear and pants past my knees. Then you kneel, you realise you are getting excited. Something about how forbidden this is, is making you so horny. You take the tip in your mouth flicking your long blonde hair over your shoulder. Your nipples pressing hard through the fabric on your uniform.

Sucking deliriously hard, you pump the shaft firmly with your other hand. I groan and think. I should have threatened to fire you ages ago. You bobble and slurp with a vigour I never expected. You’re really putting the effort in. You’re liking my thick salty cock in your mouth. Your tongue lashing around the tip again and again. " Oh Marie" I gasp as my cock firms evermore in your mouth. I comb my fingers through your hair and hold your head tight. Interlocking my fingers. Let’s see how severe your gag reflex is. I say with a cheeky grin appearing on my face as I start to Fuck your mouth. Thrusting my throbbing cock, the curved tip hitting the soft palette of your mouth. Your throat is loose and taking it like a champ. The wet thwack noise as I Fuck your mouth is making us both hot. To the point where your hand is inside your tights playing with yourself. I stand up. slapping my cock on your cheek 3 times, before you take it back in hand, and press it into my body, so you can suck on my balls. You lick so slowly up the shaft, that I think I’m going to erupt like a geyser, before you even hit the tip. You take your hand that was playing with your pussy and rub all the glistening juices, on the tip of my cock. Sucking your fingers clean with an exaggerated gasp. You let the tip rest on your tongue, the quivering is making you so hot. You just want to sloosh my minerals onto the floor, lay back with the little pussy on the edge of the desk, and be pounded, have those little titties would, as your warm wet pussy squeezes my throbbingly hard cock, over and over again.

You suck and reem my cock with renewed vigour, tongue swirling sucking the tip so hard, We both know I’m going to cum soon. I bunch all your hair into a ponytail in one hand, and watch you expertly take my cock. My breathing quicken, and I know I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum. Remember Good girls swallow.

And within moments, your tongue and throat is covered in my cum. I groan, and you suck the cum out of my sensitive cock. Out. Fucking. Standing. Marie!

Show me, before you swallow. You chuckle, a little and open your mouth. It’s a fucking mess of saliva and cum. What a dirty awesome mess, I've made in there.

You play with it, in your mouth, making it even frothier. Until you finally swallow. You scooch back, and use the towel to wipe your hands and mouth.

You stand up and walk around to the front of the desk, pushing all my minerals off the desk. You slide onto the desk, and spread your legs and say. Oops, sorry about the rocks again. Minerals Marie I saying interrupting you. But I have a proposition for you, You will make me cum or I will report you to the industry watchdog.

I don’t even need to think. "Hand me that towel, and pull your tights down, I've got work to do.
