[F]riend visits my girl[f]riend and [m]e, and things take a surprising turn (Part 1)

This was a couple years ago now. My terrific girlfriend Emma (25 at the time) and I (then 26) had been together since just after we started college, and lived together with some other friends in a medium-sized house. We're really fortunate to have a great relationship where there's virtually no drama and our values are very in sync.

We have an old and good friend, Danielle (25 at the time of this story), who we met about the same time we met each other, and after almost 6 years of Danielle being best friends with Emma and hanging out with us all the time (even in the couple years after graduation), she had moved across the country for a job and been gone almost 2 years from the city where we live and went to college. So, she decided that she'd make a week-long venture back here to see lots of friends, and since we had enough space in our house to have a sort of "guest room", we of course offered it to her for the duration of her trip. Emma is always a good friend and hostess, and I know she was ecstatic to see our friend who we can expect to meet up with once per year at best. She was talking about it every day for two weeks beforehand.

When Danielle's flight landed, Emma was still at work, so I drove out to the airport to pick her up. Danielle is easy to spot in a crowd – she has flashy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a certain grace of motion that are recognizable at a distance. I saw her, waved, stopped, and got out to greet her. She came up and gave me a big hug, and I took her larger bag and we got her stuff loaded into the car. I noticed that she was in the best shape she'd been in that I could remember in the past few years – she had her hair cut shorter than she usually had when she lived here, and had trimmed her figure to be bordering on petite with obviously agreeable curves. I was glad to see her again, as always, but didn't attribute noticing her trim figure to anything more than the perpetual male environmental scan for attractive mating potentials, which by 26 I had at least learned to identify, if not selectively ignore.

Almost as soon as we got home, Emma was back from work and we had dinner, and it was like Danielle had never left. We were the same old friends as always, and we smoked some bowls and drank some grapefruit shandy beers I had gotten in anticipation of this little reunion.

It came out while we were hanging out that Danielle had been feeling somewhat neglected since a break-up a few months prior, so much so that she was considering hooking up with one of my best friends who also lived in the town where she lives now. Now, this guy is a good buddy of mine and was my best friend through college, but he's just obviously not on Danielle's level. At least not yet – maybe in 10-20 years. I really felt badly – not that I felt pity for her, but that of all the people out there, she couldn't find a better option than a random hookup with our old friend from college. I found myself angry at social norms – that we couldn't offer to participate in quenching her sexual desire over the next few days, just because it's not the normal way to do things in our culture. It was bullshit, and I wished that Emma and I could help.

Over the next several days, we got to do lots of fun stuff together, and Danielle really enjoyed her time back in town. She and Emma got lots of time together to do fun stuff, and we got to see some other old friends we rarely see. During the course of the week, I noticed that I was catching that male scanning instinct on Danielle more often than I would have expected, and I also noticed she and Emma were more touchy than usual, and kissed one another on the lips more than once, which was only a little fun to watch. I have a particular image etched in my mind of the two of them making out on my bed the night I met the two of them. There might even be pictures. But only for us, sorry ;)

The good news is that, given my and Emma's great relationship, I feel confident that when I think one of our mutual friends (such as Danielle) as being attractive, my first thought is about them being attractive for us rather than to me. That is, I imagine Emma and I with them, and never just me. It's more fun that way anyway, right? Now, let me also say that we don't run around seducing other people into our relationship – we've only done anything sexual with anyone else one time, with another couple, in the summer after our freshman year. We talk about how we'd enjoy it maybe once every couple months, but never have any idea about how to follow through. Or at least, we never had before.

The week was pretty much over. Danielle was flying out on Monday, but in the meantime she and Emma were going to a music festival for the weekend. The festival was in a little town a couple hours away. Unfortunately, I had to stay here and work, so I opted out of this weekend plan. However, when they came back Sunday night, Danielle was planning to stay with another group of friends who were also going on this trip, so she packed her stuff, cleared out our "guest room" and said goodbye, with the expectation that we would go out to breakfast on Monday before taking her to the airport.

After I said goodbye when I dropped them both off at their friends' house before they left town, I was dismayed again that some sexually-retarded mores I had inherited from people who thought the earth was flat had kept me from even broaching the subject of an innocent, fun, sexy playtime all week. I felt dejected, but obviously had the same inner monologue that one would expect – if I broach the subject with both of them together, they'll both think I'm a creeper and I risk two losses at the same time; if I suggest this to Emma first, she'd think I wanted her friend and not her; if I brought it up to Danielle, it'd seem creepy because Emma's not involved from the beginning.

The next days were really rainy, and I had a productive weekend indoors until Sunday afternoon, when I got a text from Emma at about 1p. She said "It's rainy and cold and it's almost over. We're coming home. The other carload of people are staying here until dark, so Danielle is staying with us again tonight. See you in ~3hr."

It was like a light bulb came on over my head immediately. I saved all my work and headed for the grocery store. I got some fancy snacks (fancy cheeses, dry sausage, garlic bread, sundried tomatoes, etc.), and on my way out, I remembered to grab 2 bottles of Framboise (a favorite drink from our times in college) and some blood orange juice and rose champagne for mimosas in the morning, in case we ended up staying in for brunch.

When I got back, I made sure our room, the guest room, and the common areas in general were clean and warm, and I shaved. Then I worked on a couple more work tasks just to keep myself busy.

Finally, over the sound of the dense rain outside, I could hear them pull into the driveway behind the house. I looked out the back window and could see both of them getting out of the car – soaked, cold, and grabbing only what they could conveniently carry before heading for the house through the near downpour. I went to open the door for them, and they came inside with their rain gear and boots and backpacks. They dropped most of their stuff, and I said they should come upstairs to the room that's the guest room (also my office when not housing guests) where I had been watching a show. I told them it was warm up there and they could get under the blanket.

It wasn't a hard sell. They both disappeared upstairs to the guest room while I grabbed a cutting board, knife, our fancy snacks, and the Framboise and glasses. I showed up to them huddling under the comforter, shivering but making silly noises that told me they were getting warmer and weren't exactly suffering. We watched a little TV (if you call it that when it plays on a computer screen) and ate our snacks. But we also drank a full bottle of Framboise in only 10-15 minutes, and had cracked the second bottle and filled a couple glasses with it when I noticed that everyone was even more giggly than when they came in.

Both Emma and Danielle had shed a sweatshirt layer during this, and so both were now wearing tank tops and tight jeans, which may have had a few dry spots but were clearly not dry. I was pretty sure that no more snacks were being consumed, and so I motioned that I could get into the bed with them (instead of standing around the desk). They both moved over on the futon mattress, which put me next to Emma, with Danielle on the other side from me, and none of us with very much space.

As we lay there, they were cuddling together more actively, and Danielle's hand was reaching around Emma and was on my shoulder, occasionally tracing back and forth across my shoulder. It was obvious that everyone was comfortable and happy.

I could feel a little shivering still – from one or both of them – I couldn't even tell. So, I asked whether they'd like to get rid of their wet jeans, which were starting to get my pants wet, too. "We're under the covers," I said, jokingly. "I won't look."

Emma said, "Good idea," and went right ahead with it, taking her jeans off and tossing them aside. I could feel her panties next to my arm under the covers, as well as some of her soft skin. Emma is beautiful by anyone's account – olive-skinned with shoulder-length brown hair and perfectly matching eyes and a cute nose ring. She has a shape that's "just my type" – perfect roundness below the waist and cute all around. Her skin is ultra soft and smooth, and she knows that she can tease me easily with any bare skin between her waist and her knees.

Just as I was enjoying this contact with Emma, though, Danielle suddenly blurted "Brrrr!" and began undoing her jeans button and zipper. Soon enough her jeans joined Emma's on the floor just off the bed. She was on the other side of Emma from me, but I could feel that they were spooned up close against one another and I could occasionally feel Danielle's sleek legs mixed in among mine and Emma's.

It was from here that I figured no fanning of the flames would be beneficial – either they would have a sexual reaction to this situation on their own, or else pushing it any further would turn someone off. Luckily, I didn't wait more than 5 minutes before it was clear what we were doing.

After a couple minutes, I could feel Emma caressing Danielle's hand over my arm. Her motions broadened slowly, eventually tracing up and down Danielle's arm and back down. Meanwhile Danielle had begun doing the same to Emma, but occasionally her fingers would wander onto my arm and at one point, my neck.

Just when I thought no more escalation was in the cards, I felt Emma almost hesitantly turn around so that she was now facing Danielle. Within a few moments I turned back to figure out what was going on, and lo and behold, they were kissing! I had seen them kiss, even on the lips before, but this was more like that night I first met them. It wasn't aggressive or raunchy. It was cute and playful – delicate and graceful. I turned around to be the big spoon behind Emma, and put my arm over Danielle to touch her shoulder and neck while they kissed. I brushed her hair aside a little, and pushed gently against Emma, as if to encourage her. To my surprise, she pushed back against me, but only with her soft, round butt. That was it – I know how to tell when she's in the mood, and she clearly was.

After what seemed like a couple minutes, they stopped their little make out session, and after a few seconds' pause, Emma turned around towards me, and kissed me. It was as if the two of them were turning them attention towards me in a gesture that indicated I wasn't left out of their affection, and Danielle reached across Emma and gently ran her fingers through my hair while I kissed Emma.

This lasted only for a few seconds. After just a moment, Emma broke away from me and sat up. She looked back over her shoulder towards Danielle, and said just one word, in one short, cute little inquisitive sound:


I was obviously not being consulted here, but after a moment's hesitation, Danielle looked over at me. I smiled, and she looked back up to Emma and said, "Ok."

Emma said, "Great!" She moved as thought she was going to get out of bed, but then stopped. She looked down at me and said, "How about you go start the shower? We'll meet you in just a second."

I obviously was going to do as I was told if these were the orders. I headed for the bathroom, just across the hall from the guest room, and as I was just going in and about to close the door, I heard Emma say, "Go ahead and get in!" It was now 100% clear that we were all going to be together, naked, in the shower.

I closed the door and started the water running while I dropped my clothes in the corner. "No waistband for hiding my excitement now – I guess they'll just have to deal with it," I thought. I stepped into the shower, which luckily is a fairly large square shower with a good shower head, so there's enough room that 3 people could get into it comfortably, although not with any real room between them. I stepped in, and waited maybe as much as a minute. The water was plenty warm, and steam was starting to billow out of the shower.

Then, I heard the door open. The shower curtain was still a little bit open, so I stepped back to where I could see the door. I was only a little surprised to see Danielle coming in first, leading Emma by the hand. Both were completely naked – they had clearly done some sort of conspiring while I was in the shower.

As they came in, I marveled. They both look attractive with their clothes on, but Emma is definitely someone who looks as good if not better with her clothes off. Her breasts are small but feel just right, and she loves having her pretty little nipples played with, so I have no complaints. She has a flat stomach and gets a Brazilian wax every so often, so was graced with the softest and lightest of hairs growing back in between her legs. I somehow had never seen Danielle completely naked before, but I wasn't disappointed. Clearly her past self-consciousness was gone after she had become fit and slim in the past months, and she was visibly willing to be seen naked, at least by the two of us at that moment. She started giggling and stepped into the middle of the bathroom with a little dancing step, followed by Emma.

I stepped back under the water and waited for a moment until the curtain parted further and a girl foot stepped into the shower. This was happening.

That's all I have for Part 1 guys – check back soon and maybe there'll be a part 2!

Edit: Also, please excuse my first attempt writing up a story like this. I know it's going on too long with unnecessary detail, but I'll get better at this for the next part. :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33rf9g/friend_visits_my_girlfriend_and_me_and_things


  1. Definitely not unnecessary detail — my only complaint is that it stopped! Looking forward to part two.

  2. Everything is necessary in a story, no details are unnecessary, I’ll be waiting for the rest OP and possibly prequels ;).

  3. Read Silas Marner and tell me if you still feel this way. In regards to this particular story, I could have used more description of the friend right at the end there.

  4. lol I don’t know what Silas Marner is, I just meant in a gonewildstories details are your friend, but its my fault for generalizing. It felt weird to me because when they got into the bathroom both naked and specially with his friend going in first that OP would describe her, but then he described his gf which was weird. I think OP just want to tease us and left that for part 2

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