Unknowingly helped her cheat [26M, 20F]

Long time lurker, first time poster… THE GOOD PART is separated below if you don't want to read the whole story.

Few months ago I spent a (sadly) uneventful weekend in Vegas. On the drive home I had to drop off a friend and it added an hour to the already 6 hour drive… We left early as not to get stuck in traffic. By the time I got home, it was mid afternoon and after a weekend of partying (specifically in Vegas) I was exhausted and passed out for awhile. I woke up a little after dinner to the sound of drunk girls in my apartment. Doesn't get much better than that. I knew my roommate's girlfriend had a few people staying over from out of town and I had met them before I left for the weekend.

So I roll out of my room to say hi to everyone and they are all very excited to see me and tell me about their weekend/day they had and why they were drunk right now. As they are talking a new girl comes out of a different room. So don't get me wrong, roommate's gf's friend are attractive people, but this girl immediately catches my attention. About 5'3, 115lb tiny blonde girl. Exactly my type. She was wearing low cut jeans and a tiny shirt that left her stomach exposed and seriously, holy shit she had a nice stomach…

"I haven't met you yet," I said as I introduced myself. She laughed. "No you haven't. Jessie, nice to meet you. I go to school with Clare." So I found out she was in college and had a class with my roommate's gf and she got invited out to their yacht/drinking day. The girls asked me to come out to a bar for its official closing night. I had work really early the next morning (my alarm was set for 430), but it was open bar and it was one of my favorites so I obliged.

We got to the bar and had a few drinks as a group, but Jessie and I began talking (fake id for her) and we really hit it off quickly. I had heard one of the other girls mention something about her maybe having a bf but if figured she'd tell me. I asked if she wanted to go upstairs and check out the rest of the bar and we broke off from the group. Now I loved the upstairs of this bar because they had an open air patio with fire pits and it wasn't too loud but you still had the bar atmosphere. Jessie and I chatted for at least an hour up there and around 11 I told her I had to go home so I could get up for work. After I offered to take her back to the group she asked if she could come home with me. I went and told my roommate I was walking home with her and we left the bar.

The walk back was pretty uneventful, but we continued to talk and hold hands occasionally. When we got back to my place, I told her that with all the people staying over, the living room might be crowded and if she wanted she could sleep with me. Now audience of GWS, with my hand to God, I told her that I have slept in the same bed as girls before and not hooked up with them (true story) and that I didn't expect anything from her that night. I put on a pair of my running shorts (normal PJs) and she came in wearing a nice tight sundress she had worn on the beach that morning, with nothing else. When I put my head down on the pillow I had no intention of making a move on her.


Within 5 min she had poked me on the shoulder and said "I'm bored, I can't sleep." So I laughed, rolled over and reminded her of how early I had to get up. We kept BSing with eachother and telling random stories and I started to give her a massage. She said it felt really good and wanted to give me one. She felt up my back and shoulders, not really pressing hard enough, but who can complain when a girl is touching you. I guess the liked what she felt (I'm 6'2 and 200 lbs and I work out everyday for my job). We started cuddling and making out. I cupped her tits under her sundress and she started breathing harder. When I slipped my hands under she moaned which turned me on so much… I would have done almost anything she asked from me so I could get to that amazing stomach of hers. She asked me to stop for a minute and I obliged.

"I don't know how far I want to go tonight," she told me. "I think you're really hot, but why did you pick me to talk to tonight? I'm only 20 and there where plenty of other girls tonight." "Because you were clearly the hottest," I replied. She seemed to like this answer and we started to make out again. I slid my hand up her thigh and she slowly opened her legs. "I haven't cum in longer than I'm proud to admit," she whispered. I told her not to worry about it as I felt how soaked she was. I teased her clit for a bit as she squirmed around on the bed before I quickly inserted both fingers as far as I could and curled them back to her g-spot. Her eyes shot open and her back arched as she moaned way louder than before.

After about 2 minutes of the "come here" motion, she came… hard… her nails digging in to the back of my head and neck. I pulled my fingers out and teased her clit again. I asked if she wanted more and between panting breaths she begged me to keep going. I kissed her as my fingers went back in and I moved down to sucking on her tits while I fingered her after her sundress slipped down. She came two more times, and I stopped as she was coming down from her second orgasm. Her body was totally repositioned on the from her squirming and me pretty much picking her up by her g-spot a few times. I when she started catching her breath, I asked if she didn't want to have sex, if she could finish me off. She told me she didn't have much experience with her hand or mouth in that department. She tried with her hand but it wasn't very good. When I told her I would finish myself, she asked if I had a condom. I smiled and pulled one out of my bedside table. She pulled off her sundress exposing her perfect C cups with perky nipples and that amazing stomach. Ask I worked my way down her body I asked what her favorite position was. She told me guys never asked her that and that she wasn't sure which one she liked best. That was a surprise to me, and I asked if she would lie on her back with her legs on my shoulders. She told me to do it as I kissed down her smooth, flat stomach. I got to her dripping pussy and licked from the bottom of her slit to her clit and she moaned and arched her back. I put my dick right up against her pussy and grabbed her head so she was making eye contact with me and shoved in as deep as I could go. "Oh…. FUCK," she moaned. "OH.. OH… my god…." I went in and out slowly to get her used to it until she demanded "Fuck me faster… fuck me harder…." over and over again. I tried to keep up my long strokes, but move as fast as I could and it seemed to be working. She moaned louder until after 2-3 min her eyes rolled back and she was silent as her whole body tensed and straightened. I moved my hands from her tits to her hips to press them down to keep me from sliding out. After 10-15 seconds she started gasping and moaning again and every time she came I had to hold her hips down. We went about 15 min before I came and her whole body was shaking. We cuddled afterward, feeling eachother up, and she said "I wish I met you two years ago." "Why two years?" I asked. "That's when I met my boyfriend," she replied.

Oopsie…. Needless to say, we are no longer fb friends, which makes me sad.

Hope you guys like it. I have plenty more stories (my early 20's were good for me) and some of the stories involve the fun stuff a lot earlier. Hope this one wasn't too long.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33g8pp/unknowingly_helped_her_cheat_26m_20f


  1. She told me after that her bf doesn’t like having sex with her and when they do it isn’t very good. After that night I heard through the grapevine that cheating "made their relationship stronger". Whatever the fuck that means. She’s so far out of his league and he knows it. Not going to worry about it. She’s in college, she’ll just have to learn that those relationships don’t last.

  2. 1. How the hell did you not pick up in Vegas..!!! 2. HOT story, detail was awesome! Now I’m daydreaming..

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