Sunday Morning Orgasms

They woke up together in on a sunny Sunday morning. Snuggling together as they woke up slowly, just enjoying each others' warmth and scents. They fit together perfectly. She smiles up at him and wiggles her hips and butt slightly and he smiles back happily because he knows exactly what that means.

His hand slowly slides down her back and under her panties to cup a butt cheek, then he slides his fingers up and down the crease until he slowly settles on her tight little asshole. She murmurs quietly and grinds her hips into him as he massages her hole, adding pressure and teasing until she groans into his neck and sighs deeply in pleasure. “Baby that feels so gooood,” she coos as she spreads her legs wider to give him more access. He probes her sweet asshole more, teasing her until she's breathing more heavily and moaning loudly in arousal. “Please… I need to come!”

“Sweetie, you have to go now, remember? You promised Hannah you'd help out for a few hours today!” he says with a cheeky smile and laughter in his eyes. “No! No I'm not leaving this bed. Nope. Nu-uh. You finish what you started, bud!” she insists with a stern look on her face. “Okay…take off those panties then.” he says grinning. She wiggles them down her hips and legs, kicking them off with one foot and rolls on her back, flashes him a wide grin and they share a sweet kiss that quickly turns passionate and steamy when their tongues meet.

They break their kiss and he lightly kisses and licks down to her breast and takes her nipple in his mouth as she gasps and pushes up into him. She feels his hand travel lower, over her tummy, her hips and then uses his whole hand to massage her pussy mound as she moans loudly in anticipation, pushing her hips up to his hand. His middle finger slides up and down her slit, then dips between to feel his lover's juicy pussy.

“Ohh yesss Alex that feels so good baby! More…please more!” He complies quickly; circling and sliding up and down over her wet, swollen clit. Her hips push up, right off the bed as she fucks his hand faster and harder but his teasing has her so aroused she's about to boil over… she tenses as fireworks explode and her whole body tingles in pleasure, sweet orgasm takes over.

She moans loudly, calling his name and pants heavily, her entrance tightening and squeezing his fingertip as he finally pushes in to her mid orgasm. She's trembling and he's just getting started. He slowly finger fucks her tight hole as she comes down from orgasm and when her breathing is slower he adds a finger and they both listen to him sliding wetly into her. He adds his thumb to her clit as he opens her and her hips raise slowly to meet his thrusts. He reaches so deep in and taps her G spot and her hips meet his hand faster. Moaning and begging for him to go faster, she grabs her nipples and rolls them quickly, adding to the amazing sensations in her body. “Alex, I want to come for you! I want to orgasm while you pound into me!” she cries out loudly as he shoves roughly into her over and over.

“Come for me baby, be my little slut. You like how I use your pussy, Julie? You want me to fuck your holes good for you? Fill you with my hot jizz?” he whispers in her ear.

His words drive her over the edge and she tenses hard, body lifting off the bed and she moans “ALEX!!” as she comes hard, pussy juice coating his hand and making a big wet spot on the bed. He keeps sliding in and out as she shakes and then pulls out, bringing his drenched fingers to her mouth. “Taste your come baby, doesn't it taste good?” he asks. She slides them both in far and tongues off her wetness, then sucks them off one at a time, tongue swirling around to get all of her juices off his fingers. He pulls his hand away and she settles in with her head on his chest again, a light sheen of sweat on her brow as she still trembles from her orgasms. They lay together for a bit longer until her breathing returns to normal and she quietly says thank you and kisses his cheek. “Do you want to fuck me sweetie?” she asks smiling.

He swats her butt gently and says, “Nope, go help Hannah. I'll hold you down and fuck you when you get back, ok?” She smiles and hops out of bed…grinning and in a rush to get back.
