My Girlfriend’s sister wants to get pregnant [m/f]

First of all, sorry about the obvious, obnoxious username. I wanted MisterSister but some motherfucker took it already.

I'm newly graduated from college and I came home to my long distance girlfriend who was going to college local to where we grew up, so she could stay with her family. My gf is a pretty amazing woman, which makes what I've done even more shameful, but I am who I am.

She's [Sandy, like the hurricane] obsessed with getting the best transcript together possible so she can transfer from the local podunk community college to an Ivy League school. Because of this, Sandy is often busy with heavy loads of classes, being treasurer of the school, and working as a vet tech, while I increasingly have to be alone and realize I have no trajectory, post-college. I kind of live at her house most of the time, and though I have a crappy job in food service, most of my spare time is spent dicking around on reddit.

I don't know how to segue smoothly into this, but her older sister [is the name Katrina in poor taste?] is really hot, in a strange way. She's small, mousey, wears unflattering clothes, but she has a beautiful face, and you just kind of know when a girl has a nice body, even if she's wearing a nun's habit.

Katrina has a longtime boyfriend (Damon), and Sandy has confided with me that her sister really wants to have a baby. Her and her boyfriend have been trying for a little while, to no avail.

Exposition finished, I guess.

A few days ago, I was doing my normal lonely routine at Sandy's house, in her room. Trolling NSFW subreddits, lazily jerkin' my gherkin (by the way, did you guys know a gherkin is sort of like a pickle?), feeling the sort of ennui you get in this situation. I hear someone come in the front door, so I hastily shove my junk into my boxers. I ex out of the 13 or so tabs I have open and bring up Facebook.

I think my girlfriend or her mother will walk through the door, but her sister Katrina knocks and opens it instead. She's wearing sweatpants and a loose, 80's style t-shirt that kind of hangs off her shoulder.

I'm suddenly very tense because she has tears in her eyes, and I have an erection, hidden by my laptop.

"Uh, Katrina, w-what's wrong?" I stutter.

She tells me that she just got the results from the urologist back, and her boyfriend is, for lack of a better term, shooting blanks.

"I haven't told him yet. I don't want to." She mutters through her tears.

I ask why, and she tells me that virility is very important to him. He wants his kid to be of his own stuff. He doesn't want some random sperm donor to be the father by blood.

I don't really know what to say at this point. Shamefully, I'm still at full mast, despite her sad story.

She breaks the awkward silence. "Maybe I'll just go to a donor without telling him. He'd never know it. Why am I telling you this?" She puts a light note of distaste on the word "you". She and I are not exactly on friendly terms. When the four of us are hanging out (me, Sandy, Katrina, and her bf), my dark and direct sense of humor tends to rub her the wrong way.

"A tadpole jockey is going to take longer than you'd like, I'd imagine." I said to her.

"That is gross. Don't call the fertility clinic that."

"My point stands. That scam isn't going to work."

I can tell she wants to reprove me for calling it a scam, but she knows, in a way, that's exactly what it is. She looks at a loss for what to do. I notice the curvature her bare, pale shoulder, and I throb a bit. It's sometimes strange what turns you on, isn't it? My mind has clouded a bit while staring at that lone shoulder. The edges of my perception are slightly duller, and the full array of thoughts about responsibility and fidelity and not being a total douchebag are pushed away to an unseen corner of my mind.

I say, "There's another way."

She looks dubious, and puts her hand on her elbow.

"I could just, um, just do it. We don't even have to think about it. We look similar, and it doesn't have to be a big deal." We look similar in that we're both white, and have brown hair. I was worried that she would run out, screaming, and tell everyone we knew that I was the biggest scumbag alive. I kind of felt like it for even suggesting it.

Instead, she gave me a dubious look for a long time.

"How would that not be a big deal?" she asks.

"Mind over matter, I guess." Nonsense. "If we don't treat it like a big deal, then it doesn't have to be."

She's silent for a long time. Our eyes are locked. Her's are brilliantly green, the previously shed tears making them shine in the light.

She closes the door.

"This isn't a big deal. We'll never, ever talk about this. You'll finish as quickly as possible, I won't enjoy it, I'll leave without saying anything." While she's saying this, she's walking towards the bed. She doesn't take off any of her clothes. She lays on the bed next to me. Everything seems to be spinning, a bit.

She thinks for a bit, and pulls out her phone. "Take out your phone. I'll swear, on recording, that I'll never bring up any sort of child support-y issues to you, if you swear, on recording, to never ever reveal our secret, or try to gain any custody of your own."

That didn't sound like it would hold up in a courtroom, but I wasn't exactly thinking straight. We recorded legal-sounding oaths into each other's phones, sealing the less-than sacred pact between us.

"You're, um, going to have to take off your pants for this to work." I say. Neither of us is looking at the other.

"You first." she commands.

I pull the laptop off my dick, and it springs up so hard it would have probably smacked me in the abdomen if I hadn't been wearing boxers. I get on my knees and look at her. I pull my underwear down and my dick is positively throbbing.

Katrina's eye widen for a second, and then she cocks an eyebrow skeptically.

"Have you been hard this entire time?" she asks.

I deflect the question. "That isn't important."

I pull down her pants. My girlfriend's sisters pussy is right there, a few feet from my face. Her hips are wide and inviting. I have a feral, primitive thought: That is where my child will grow big and strong. Katrina looks up at me bashfully.

I try to slide my cock into her, but she isn't wet enough yet, so instead it slides against her clit. I can see out of the corner of my eye that she bit her lip instead of moaning. The game is on.

Without thinking I plunge my head between her long, smooth legs.

"Wh-what are you-" she manages to stammer out before throwing a hand over her lips. I eat her out while I feel her legs struggle weakly against my back and her hands push gently against the strength of my bobbing head.

I get back up with the taste of her in my throat, and look at her. She has a cute, unconvincing "mad" expression on her face, and I say, "You weren't wet enough."

"Fine," she pouts, "just get to work."

I obey, and slowly put myself into Katrina. Her mouth opens wide as I go deep inside of her, and a voiceless gasp escapes her lips.

I start slow, and come at her from different angles. She looks at me with heavy-lidded eyes.

"This isn't what we agreed on." she gasps.

I keep going slowly, close to her, I can smell her breath which smells different then when we started. There's heat between us, but it's literal too.

"I'm going to take off my shirt," she says, "I'm going to get sweaty if you keep going like this."

She reveals a cloth bra holding two perfect, small, tight breasts, bouncing up and down with each thrust. It's almost too much for me to handle.

I push her legs together and start to really pump into her with vigor. She doesn't know what to say, so she just lets out a great, deep moan. I push her legs onto one side of the bed, and I finally grab her ass, which was rounder than I had expected. It was glorious.

I thrust into her in waves, and, without thinking, smack her ass. She lets out an astonished yelp, and then lets loose a shuddering moan.

Seems like she liked it.

I spank her again and she says something strange.

"Please." she says quietly.

I spank her again.

"Please!" she squeaks. I pull out of her, and pull her onto the edge of the bed, legs down. Her ass is right there in front of me, magnificent, with two red handprints on one of her cheeks.

I re-enter her pussy, grab one cheek, and smack the other one from time to time, while she continues squeaking, "Please!"

I am really going balls deep now, and said balls are smacking into her clit at a fevered pace. She seems to have lost all control due to the spanking. She's grabbing her sister's sheets tightly and moaning without reserve.

I stop spanking her ass, suddenly. After a bit, she says "Please?" but I withhold. I have completely lost all moral fiber at this point.

I say: "I won't until you say what you know I want you to say."

From behind, I see her cock her head like she is confused. "What?"

In response, I thrust so deep she moans for a half a minute.

"Say it."

Her tune changes. "I don't want to."

I grab her ass and go so deep that she cums convulsively for a minute. While she does so, she says what I want to hear.


I start spanking her again and she rejoices. She tells me: "Cum in me right now. Shoot it deep into me and get me pregnant."

I had no choice now. My dick involuntarily exploded into her. I could feel myself cumming more than I ever had in my entire life. Now it was my turn to shudder. Without thinking, I pulled her up into a passionate kiss, which she returned with gusto while her back remained turned to me. I ran my hands under her bra and squeezed her breasts. We stayed like this for a long minute, with my cock still inside her.

When we separated from each other, there was a strange, palpable feeling in the air which I lack the words to describe. We both put on our clothes while exchanging glances with each other.

When she was fully clothed, she said, simply, "Thank you," with her hand on her stomach, and walked out of the house.

Obviously, I will never speak a word of it to my girlfriend, her boyfriend, anyone.

Except, I suppose, you jabronies.



  1. Seriously, the guys is named Damon. If he wanted us to believe impotent bf has a small dick, he would have named him Todd or Kyle

  2. seriously, every story I’ve read on this sub is so obviously fake it’s funny

  3. Well let’s be honest, how many redditors do you think actually have sex? Then add in the common threesomes.

  4. Is she pregnant? It’s not as simple as having sex just one time. Meaning you should be having sex more if she’s serious about having the baby. But honestly, if I imagine myself in your position, I’d be scared, if she is pregnant. Hot story though.

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