Adventures of a black dude: Fucking my coworker in the restroom at work in high school. [m/f]

Wanted to write about another story from my past. I thought about this story, because I actually ran into this girl the other day for the first time in about two years. We were both just barely 18 at the time. I used to work at this retail-clothing store in high school. I won’t say the name of it, because I don’t want to give too much person info away. It’s a common store in any mall in the U.S. though. I worked there for about a year. I liked working there for the most part. Everyone knows there are things about retail that suck, but I liked that I got to flirt with girls that came into the store. There were some attractive girls that worked there too, but I really didn’t try too hard to hookup with any of them, because I didn’t want to cause drama and make shit weird at work.

One day I was flirting with this customer who came in and one of my coworkers was standing pretty close to us folding shirts. I never went hardcore flirting or anything like that. I kept it as professional as possible, but you know I would flirt subtly and then if the girl seemed into it I might get bolder and ask for her number or something. The girl I was talking to was flirting with me more hardcore than I was flirting with her really. She gave me her number and told me to hit her up. I think I got attention especially in that store, because I’m not the typical white dude you see working in there. I’m a tall (6’4") 3/4 black 1/4 Puerto Rican dude, so I stand out. Right after the girl left my coworker, who was standing near, chimed in and said I was a dog. She was joking, but said I am too much of a flirt. I just laughed. She said I was making her jealous. I was like, “what are you talking about?” She said, “I’m just sayin there are girls that work here, you know?” I just laughed. This girl had never really flirted with me before or anything like that. She had worked there for about 3 months. I had been there 6 months at the time. Her name was Lindsey. She was hot, but didn’t seem like the type of girl who would be into me. She was pretty short, maybe 5’2” with blonde hair. Had a cheerleader body, like thick thighs and ass, but like athletic thick, not thick like a lot of fat/out of shape girls try to play off like they are thick these days. She went to a different high school than I did, but I knew she was a cheerleader at her school. She seemed like one of those goody goody girls kind of, but I hadn’t really had too many deep conversations with her or anything like that. We would talk sometimes just about work shit, but that’s it really. From what I knew she had a boyfriend too. I would hear shit about them breaking up and getting back together all the time though. Typical high school kind of relationship.

The next week or so she was flirting with me a little bit and I flirted back, but it just seemed like typical innocent flirting with a coworker type of thing. One day I was really horny and kept thinking about her all day at work. I just kept staring at her. It was slow in the store that day and I was just chillin behind the counter leaning back and she caught me staring hard at her ass. She just laughed and said, “I caught you.” I was like, damn. I just said, “sorry, hard not to look. It’s boring in here.” She said, “Oh, so you only looked because you were bored.” I said, “yeah.” She said, “I don’t think that’s true.” The rest of the day when it was slow she just kept turning around in front of me to fold clothes and stuff and would bend over a little and then would turn around real quick to try to catch me looking. We were just flirting being dumb like that and laughing about it. I wanted to fuck her pretty bad by now. I was hoping I could make something happen. I didn’t really know what her boyfriend situation was though. It was hard to tell.

We would walk out to the parking lot together sometimes after work if we got off of work at the same time. That wasn’t anything special between the two of us; it was just like that with anyone who left at the same time as you. That night we got off of work at the same time. There was another dude who got off at the same time. We all three walked out together, but then he split off because he was going to meet a friend somewhere else in the mall. I walked out to the parking lot with Lindsey. We had both parked way far out in the parking lot, because mall employees typically parked far out in the parking lot to not take up close spaces for customers. We were walking out and joking around. She walked out in front of me and was walking all exaggerated shaking her hips. She was just continuing with the flirting about me staring at her ass. She turned her head around quick and was like, do you like what you see. We both laughed. That shit was turning me on for real though.

We got out to our cars. We were parked within a couple of spots of each other. We got to her car and I stopped for a second to say goodbye. When we did I slapped her on the ass and started to walk off. I was just being playful. She said, “Oooo do it again.” I stepped back over there and this time I slapped her ass again, but then grabbed it and held on. She was flustered, I could tell she was getting turned on. I pulled her in close to me and still had my hand on her ass and kissed her. She was breathing hard. She started looking around kind of paranoid. She said, let’s get in your car.

I wasn’t sure if she was paranoid about coworkers seeing or her boyfriend (which I still didn’t know if she was with). We sat down in my car and continued kissing. I started feeling her tits and kept rubbing and grabbing her ass. I tried to rub her pussy outside of her jeans, but she grabbed my hand and said “no, you can’t, because I won’t be able to stop.” I moved my hand away, but we kept kissing. Then out of nowhere she just reaches over and unbuckles my belt. She pulls my pants down a little and pulls my cock out. I was fully hard and she said, “holy fuck. Are you fucking kidding me.” (Remember from my past stories I’m about 10 ½ inches.) She just kept saying, “what the fuck.” She was stroking it with her right hand. She just kept stroking it and stroking it for a while. Then she leaned down and started licking it. She was licking the head and licked up the side. She finally put her whole mouth over the head and pushed her mouth down as far as she could. I felt the head hit the back of her throat and she slowly came back up. She said, “oh my god. Fuck.” She started stroking it again. She would put her mouth back on it and go up and down as far as she could while she stroked the bottom half. It was almost more of a hand job than a blowjob, because she kept stopping sucking it and would just stroke it for a while. I don’t know if she just couldn’t handle the size or just didn’t like giving blowjobs that much. Finally, she was getting really into it and stroking it with both hands I felt like I was close to busting. I started moaning a little and then started cumming. My cum shot up and got on my shirt and got all over her hands and forearm. I grabbed some napkins that were in my console and she wiped the cum off of her. We kissed a little more and she got in her car and took off a few minutes later.

The next time we worked together things were a lot more flirtatious. We didn’t really talk about anything that happened that night. I did overhear one girl ask Lindsey something about her boyfriend. Lindsey knew I was close and brushed the topic away pretty quick. It wasn’t clear from the comment if they were together then or not though. The same thing happened again that night. We went out to my car and she gave me a blowjob/handjob and then we left. I really wanted to fuck her, but it seemed like she wasn’t willing to go that far. The same thing happened about two or three more times over the next few weeks.

They started having me close the store around when all of this was going down. Most nights it was me and one other person who would stay and close. It was usually me and this one other girl or me and this dude Tim. One night they scheduled Lindsey to close with me. I figured this would be my opportunity to fuck her. She seemed like she wasn’t down with hanging out outside of work, so if it was gonna happen it was gonna be now. Everyone left and it was just the two of us. I finished up everything I needed to, but we couldn’t really do anything there because of cameras and everything. I thought of the one place there aren’t cameras, the employee restroom. I told Lindsey to come here, she followed me and I pulled her inside the restroom (yeah gross I know, but it was clean haha). We started making out and she dropped down to her knees. It seemed like it was going to be the same old thing. She pulled my pants down and started jacking me off and sucking me. She was moaning and getting really into it. She always did, but it seemed like even more this time.

She did it for a while and then boom she stands up and unbuttons her jeans and pulls her pants down. She kicked her shoes off and pulled her pants all the way off. She turned around and bent over and grabbed the handicap handrail. I fingered her pussy from behind and made sure it was wet. I got behind her and slid the head of my cock in her pussy. She said, “Oh god. Go slow.” I pushed a little more and a little more until my cock was about as deep as it felt like it would go. The angle was a little awkward, because I’m so much fucking taller than she is, but I kind of crouched a little and angled her making her arch her back and made it work. I was taking deep long strokes. Her pussy looked and felt like it was stretched to the max. Her ass didn’t even jiggle when I hit it, because she was in such good shape. Just thick and fit. She kept looking back and trying to watch as my cock went in and out of her. She was reaching back between her legs and rubbing my balls a little too. She still had her shirt on, which sucked, I wanted to see her tits. I was trying to think of what to do. There weren’t many position options in the restroom. I wasn’t about to lie down on the restroom floor. I damn sure wasn’t going to sit on the toilet. I knew we probably needed to make this a quickie then. I started picking up my pace a little. Her pussy was so wet that it was making this real loud gushing sound each time my cock slid in and out of it. I started getting closer and really was fucking her hard. She said, “Oh fuck, I want you to cum in me.” I wasn’t expecting that shit. I was like, fuck it, I kept hitting it and was getting closer. I slowed down and started busting in her pussy. I pulled my cock out and stroked the last little bit of cum out onto her ass. I stepped back and pulled my jeans up. She put her panties and pants back on and we bounced after that.

We fucked in the employee restroom on the regular after that when we closed together and some nights when I would close with someone else, but I would hang back after the other employee left and Lindsey would meet me at the store after. We got better about fucking in the restroom too. We would bring a towel in to lie on the floor. The fucking was damn good and she had me cum in her pussy every time. I found out a couple of weeks after the first time we fucked that she was still kind of with her boyfriend. I think that’s why we only had sex in the restroom at work haha. Plus she probably didn’t really want to date a black dude or want anyone to know we were fucking. The boyfriend thing didn’t faze me much, because she was on again off again with him the whole time. She would tell me they broke up. Then she’d tell me they were “kind of” back together and shit like that. I just ignored it and figured she didn’t really give a shit, so why should I.

Edit: Forgot to add the part about when I saw her recently. I ran into her at a bar. She was out with some of her sorority sister friends. She introduced me as a former coworker. I was thinking, yeah, just a regular old former coworker haha." We just talked for a few minutes and that was it. She sent me a message on Facebook a couple of days after that. I wasn't even friends with her on there, but she looked me up. She apologized if she was rude and didn't talk to me as much as she wanted to. She said we should get coffee sometime. I looked at her status on Facebook and she is in a relationship. I still haven't responded to her message about coffee. I probably won't. It's one thing to be fucking a girl in a relationship in high school, but when you're in your 20's and a little more mature that shit ain't cool anymore.
