My wife gave me the greatest present of all [M/F/F] PART 1

My wife (Rebecca) and I have a pseudo-open relationship. We both love to shamelessly flirt, moreso if the other one is watching. We’re constantly texting each other about people we meet at bars. Not quite ‘hotwife’ level. Yet. We’re open about our sex lives, and have had more than a few threesomes and we’re comfortable exploring our limits. There’s one bar where we like to spend our down time, either alone or together. This bar is nothing remarkable, a typical city establishment with overpriced drinks and mediocre food. But, it has Jessica. Jessica is a 23 year old waitress/bartender who instantly caught my eye when I first sat down. ‘Southern Belle’ doesn’t even begin to describe her. Bouncy blond curls, piercing blue eyes, and a radiant smile of white teeth. I couldn’t really see her body beneath the baggy black ‘restaurant worker’ outfit she was always wearing, but she would have been a knockout even if she was chubby. Her and Rebecca became fast friends, and I would always catch them giggling about something when I walked in. Fast forward a few months. My birthdays coming up, and Rebecca and I were planning our usual event, a romantic ‘getaway’. We’d go to a hotel for night and treat ourselves to a lavish night of alcohol, food, and sex. Mostly sex. A couple weeks before, we were texting about our plans, and she asked me if I wanted a special present. Obviously I was game, but I didn’t exactly know what she had in mind. (Very short paraphrasing below) 

“What about Jessica?”

“…Please don’t be joking. I would absolutely love that. As long as you’d feel comfortable.”

“I’ll see what I can do ;).”

That was all she told me. I asked her repeatedly whether or not it was going to happen, but she just smiled at me and told me to wait. I was working too much, and didn’t have a chance to go to the bar to talk to Jessica (and I’m sure I would have made a mess of asking about it). The morning of, I recieved a manila envelope at my office. Inside was single cream colored sheet. In beautiful calligraphy was written a hotel address, and time. At the bottom were TWO lip prints, one purple, one red. I was worthless the rest of the day. Visions of sex and debauchery danced through my head, and I had a constant erection. I didn’t know if Rebecca was teasing me, or if she had actually gotten Jessica to agree. When the time came I nearly ran out of the office and caught a cab to the hotel. Rebecca had left a key card at the front desk for me, and I went up to the room. It was a two room suite, but the connecting door was locked. Inside, there was another card and a bottle of Champagne:

“Hi Honey :). Please undress and have a seat in the chair. Relax, and wait…”

I tore my suit off, and sat down in just my boxers, slowly drinking champagne. My heart was jumping in my chest, I felt like a teenager all over again. I finished one glass, poured another, tried to control my head. Just thinking about what might happen gave me wood. I heard a voice call out from the other room, making me jump. “Close your eyes so the show can start!”. I locked my eyelids down, a beat later I heard the door open, slowly. I could hear someone moving around me, but my heart was beating too fast to discern details. “Ok, you can look now!” That voice was clearly Rebecca. But it wasn’t her standing in front of me…

Remember when I said Jessica had a gorgeous face? Well, her body put it to shame. She was tight and sexy, without an ounce of excess flab. She had a wide, nervous smile on her face as she spoke in a quavering voice. “Like what you see?”. Rebecca walked around to join her in front of my. My god. They looked absolutely stunning, twin angels sent from heaven to serve my pleasure. They were both wearing matching black bras and panties, hiding just enough to drive me wild. The one difference: Jessica had a bright shiny red bow tied to one of her bra straps.

Rebecca pulled me in for a long tender kiss. “Happy birthday baby. I hope you like your present.” I looked between the two of them. “I couldn’t have dreamed it better.” I stood up, drawing Jessica in for an aggressive kiss, swirling my tongue in her mouth, letting my hands slide up her chest, caressing her breasts through the sheer fabric. I rolled her nipple between my thumb and finger, feeling her breath turn shallow and her body go limp in my arms. I unbuckled her bra, letting her magnificent breasts hang free as I moved down, kissing her neck and collarbones, exploring every inch of her skin with my tongue. As we were locked in our embrace, I felt Rebecca take my free hand and laid it on Jessica panties, feeling the growing wet spot as we became more and more aroused. Rebecca tugged down my boxers, letting my rock hard cock spring free. She let her mouth close around my balls, drawing a sharp moan from me. I gently nudged Jessica down to join Rebecca, and the two began to passionately make out, with my cock in between…

[Part 2 coming soon, if there’s interest!]



  1. Bullwhip, "if there’s interest" Any bit that would be worth writing would be the two of you exploring the idea before hand or practicing afterwards. Bags of sand, I say, big bags of sand.

  2. Pictures of Jessica are needed I think to put her in perspective along with second part of the story ;)

  3. Yeah, post more. I’m interested. My curiosity has been piqued.

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