Shower time! ;)

I come in and hear the shower on. I decide to join in to have some fun so I slip in behind you. I reach around and start to stroke your hard cock and hear you moan. You turn around and I give you a sexy mischievous smile. I kneel down and put your cock in my mouth, you put your hands in my hair guiding my mouth so that it feels just right. I slowly pull my mouth off your cock kissing the tip when I get there. I stand up press myself against you and give you a kiss. You grab me tight and hold on to me, you hard cock pressed against my hips. I slowly start moving my hips, rubbing against you. You growl reach down and pick up one of my legs opening me up. Pushing me up against the wall you start pounding into me, I gasp out a moan. It feels so good my leg starts to shake, and as it's about to give out you thrust one more time hard and we orgasm. You let go of my leg and I stretch up and kiss you hard. Then you turn around to get the soap and start washing me off.


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