[m/f/f/m] A somewhat normal night turned into a wild one.

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been busy with work and life. For those who haven’t read my stories before here’s a brief bit about me: I’m 24 years old with brown hair and green eyes. I’m 5’5” about 115 pounds. I have a nice butt (look at my post history for pics of it) and B cup boobs. I’ve always been told I’m “very cute.” I’ve gotten “sexy” and “pretty” more in the last couple of years it seems like. I grew up in a very straight-laced family and I have for the most part always appeared to be straight-laced as well. I’m kind of your typical all-American girl, was in a sorority in college etc. I realized in my teens that I have an abnormally high sex drive. I acted on it some, but didn’t start sleeping around a lot until I turned 20. I’m pretty much what most would describe as a sex addict now, but my family and friends would never suspect. So, on to the story, this happened about two weeks ago.

It was Saturday afternoon and I was trying to figure out my plans for that night. I was feeling really lazy about making plans. I went out the night before with a couple of girlfriends and got way too drunk. I ended up passed out on my friend Stephanie’s couch. Too many shots at the bar and not enough self-control I guess. I made it home Saturday morning and was stuck to my couch all day. I was debating if I was even up for doing anything. I decided to get up and take a shower in hopes it would make me feel better. I showered and then forced myself to drink four glasses of water in a row. About an hour or so later I was feeling a lot better. I decided I wanted to get out and do something that night. Right about then one of my friends with benefits, Craig, texted me.

I have been hooking up with Craig off and on for about a year. I met him when I was out to lunch one day during the week. I was alone, because I head out to lunch alone sometimes when I’m at work. I was reading something on my phone and eating. He stopped by my table on his way out and said introduced himself. I hadn’t even noticed him until he came up to me. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t notice him, because he was gorgeous. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He’s tall, about 6’3” and lean and muscular. He kind of always has a five o’clock shadow. He was in a suit. He looked important or maybe just like he wanted to be important. I couldn’t tell how old he was, but I later found out he was 28. He could have passed for older, mainly just because he looked well put together. He asked if I would like to grab coffee some time. I was extremely attracted to him, so I said of course. I gave him my number and we had coffee that weekend. Things quickly turned sexual with us. Even though I am almost never the aggressor I still think I just bring it out of men, because I am accepting of sexual relationships. We never really tried to date or anything. We just get together once a week on average, sometimes less, sometimes more, and have sex. Sometimes we hangout for a night and sometimes it’s just a quick stop by my apartment or his. The sex is always great. I’d say he’s probably my favorite fwb.

When he texted me that Saturday he asked what I was doing that night. I told him I had no plans. He said I should come over and hangout at his place. I did this occasionally on weekend nights. I would go over there and we’d just watch movies and drink wine and have sex. This sounded like fun especially because I didn’t really feel like going out to a bar and getting wasted again. I said I was up for it and asked him what time was good. I headed to his place around 8pm. When I got there he seemed a little irritated. He told me his friend Rob texted him about 20 min before I got there. Craig forgot that he told Rob he would hangout with him and his girlfriend and some others that night. I was not real happy about this news. Craig invited me to come along. I did begrudgingly. We met up with Rob and his girlfriend Marie at a bar. Rob and Craig could have been brothers, I swear. They both have a similar look. Marie was really cute and kind of edgy looking, but still classy. She had shoulder length brown hair. She was about average height and was thin. A few other people showed up shortly after. I was going easy on the drinking, but maintained a steady buzz. We were all having a pretty good time, but I really didn’t want to be out all night. It was already around midnight. I kind of gave Craig the look like how much longer do we have to be out. He told Rob and Marie that we were probably taking off soon. Rob put up a big fuss and was trying to convince us to stay out. Craig told him we just didn’t feel like being out anymore and wanted to get somewhere more chill. Rob then told everyone the “party” was moving back to his place.

Some people wanted to stay out, but Rob was more concerned with Craig leaving. He said we were heading to Rob’s place. A few people stayed at the bar and we headed out. I really wanted to go back to Craig’s, but I realize how friends work sometimes. We got to Rob’s and there was one other guy and girl that came with us. We all just chilled in his living area for a bit having a bit more to drink and listening to music. The other guy and girl left about 30 minutes after we got there. Marie was pretty drunk and had been acting a little wild all night. We were listening to edm and she had been dancing to the music the whole time we were at Rob’s. Everyone was entertained and thought it was funny. She was kind of lifting her shirt up and showing her midriff and bra. They had been together for two years, so I guess he was comfortable and didn’t mind. He laughed and thought it was funny. They were both pretty drunk. Craig was drunker than I was, but I don’t think as drunk as them.

Rob grabbed Marie and they started making out on the couch. Craig and I were on the other couch and I didn’t really know what to do. It seemed just sort of playful at first, but they kept making out and it got more intense. She straddled him on the couch and they just kept kissing. I was kind of jealous honestly. I really just wanted to be at Craig’s making out and hooking up, but I was stuck watching another couple makeout. Craig and I just sat there for a minute not knowing what to do really. Finally, Craig just looked at me and we started making out too. I guess we didn’t really know what else to do. We had been making out for a minute and I opened my eyes and looked over and Marie was now topless and they were still making out. She had nice boobs. They were probably a C cup. I felt weird. I don’t know why. I guess I just thought maybe they had forgotten we were in the room. They weren’t really looking at us and they were drunk, so who knows ya know. I just felt like they would turn around and realize we were still there and freak out or something.

I felt uncomfortable enough that I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water. Craig just sat there on the couch still. When I walked back in Rob was licking Marie’s nipples and she looked over at me and smiled. I guess they did know we were in the room. I was getting really turned on, but wasn’t quite sure where this was going. I sat back down beside Craig and we started kissing again. Marie got down from straddling Rob and pulled his pants down. His cock was pretty big and thick. I would guess it was 7-8 inches. She started sucking his cock right there in the open for us to see. I was soaking wet now. I really wanted Craig to fuck me. I unbuttoned Craig’s pants and slid my hand in and started stroking his cock. He slid his pants down further revealing his cock and pushed my mouth down onto it. Rob was glancing over and watching as I sucked Craig’s cock. Marie stood and took her pants and panties off. She turned and looked and watched as I sucked Craig’s cock. She walked over and sort of pulled me up and kissed me. I was surprised, but didn’t hate it. I’ve become more into girls since my encounters with my neighbor, but I don’t really seek them out.

She walked back over to Rob and I continued to suck Craig’s cock. She straddled Rob again and lowered herself down onto his cock. I was looking up and watching as his cock went in and out of her pussy. He had his big sexy hands firmly on each of her ass cheeks. It was making me soaking wet. I stood up and took all of my clothes off. I passed any discomfort I felt and just wanted to have sex now. I took Craig’s short off and he slid his pants all the way off. I straddled him just like Marie straddled Rob. Craig began fucking me hard. As I lowered myself he slammed up into me. I was dripping wet. Marie stood and walked back over to Craig and me. She stood beside me and kissed my neck as Craig fucked me. I turned and we kissed as I lowered myself slowly up and down on his cock. She kissed down to my chest and started licking sucking on my nipples. I just went with it.

I rose off of Craig’s cock and sat beside him on the couch. Marie spread my legs and began licking and teasing my clit. I had an orgasm pretty quickly. She knew what she was doing. I was gushing wet. She was bent over as she was licking me and Rob got behind her and started fucking her from behind. I swear Craig was just dazed by the whole thing I think. He was just sitting there beside us watching. I started stroking his cock a little with my hand. Rob was fucking Marie hard and she was moaning. Rob had to stop I think because he was just drunk and needed water. He got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. I got up and had Marie sit on the couch. I don’t know why I was being aggressive with a girl, but I was. I guess things are changing for me in that department. I spread her legs and started teasing and licking her clit now. Craig finally snapped into it and got behind me and started fucking me. Rob was just standing at the side of couch drinking water looking kind of dazed too. Craig didn’t last long and started cumming in me about two minutes later. It was hot and I love that feeling, but I really wanted this to last longer. Craig just kind of lay down on the other couch and Marie seemed out of it too. I just stood up and stopped messing with her. I got some water and came back a second later and she was basically asleep. I walked over to Craig and tried to get him up, but he wasn’t having it. I just let him lie there and fall asleep.

Rob had gone to the bathroom. He came back out and was still naked. I just finished putting my bra and panties on. I was walking towards the bathroom. Rob stopped me and grabbed me and kissed me. I wasn’t sure if this was cool, because we didn’t really have contact before this and everyone was asleep. He walked me into the bedroom and started taking my bra off. I slid my panties off and got on my knees and started sucking his cock. He felt so strong when he pushed his hand on the back of my head. His cock slid to the back of my throat and almost made me gag. I stood up and walked back a couple of steps and layback onto the bed and spread my legs. He walked towards me and slid his cock in me. I told him to fuck me hard. He seemed much more awake and with it now. His cock was thick and it felt like it was slightly stretching me. He turned me over on all fours and began fucking me from behind. He kept touching and teasing around my asshole I think to see if it was okay. I didn’t resist, so he slid his finger in my ass as he was fucking me. That really got me wet and I started slamming my ass back into him. I started telling him I wanted him to cum for me. A few moments later he started to moan loud and twitch and I felt his cum start shooting inside my pussy. He didn’t really ask if it was okay, but I guess he saw Craig cum in me and figured it was okay. I just stood sat there bent over and felt so dirty with his cum in me. Like such a bad girl.

I really didn’t want to sleep there on the couch and definitely knew I shouldn’t sleep in Rob’s bed in case things got weird in the morning. I got my clothes back on and finally got Craig to wake up enough to get him to walk the five minutes to his place. We left and walked to his place. I haven’t talked to Rob or Marie since then, but it was only a couple weeks ago. I didn’t tell Craig that Rob and I had sex. I really don’t think he would care honestly, but Marie might.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/32er49/mffm_a_somewhat_normal_night_turned_into_a_wild


  1. Woah! I checked out your pics before I read this and that just made it all the more hotter! Now to go and check out your pics again… ;)

  2. That was so very hot. I have to go back and read the rest of your stories. Keep them coming.

  3. Great so see you back! As soon as i saw /u/LSUgirl90 I knew we were in for a treat. I’m your greatest fan that has not had sex with you

  4. Once I got past the superfluous details, it was alright. I kinda call bullshit on the prudish attitude towards the group sex given your submission history and copy and paste intro to all your stories.

  5. If you’ve read any of my stuff you also know that I do not act like a wild whore in **social** situations. In the situation in this story I didn’t know the couple well and didn’t want to be presumptuous and throw myself into their sexual situation and come off as aggressive or weird. Just because I am very sexually active doesn’t mean I’m not shy at times either. I’m not, and have never been, someone who is typically the aggressor in sexual situations. Once in sexual situations I go with the flow.

  6. Wild whore? I prefer, "Sex enthusiast". That said, I don’t know how making out with your guy in front of another couple makes you a whore.

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