Riptide [m/f]

Hey Y’all,

As many of you know I work for my father-in-law at one of the self-storage businesses he owns throughout Asheville. I won’t say which but I do wonder how many people come into storage locations through-out Western NC asking if Jen Dvorak works here in hopes they hear why yes she does. Then I come bounding out nude and suck their cock on the spot. Doesn’t that happen all the time? :)

Anyhow this past week I had something happen that I wasn’t expecting. While walking the premises doing my last check of the property for the night I heard some music at a very low level coming from one of the storage units. I could clearly hear someone playing a Ukulele along to the Vance Joy song Riptide. I know the song well as it’s one of my favorite right now. I thought to myself someone was in there and that’s fine as long as they aren’t living there. I didn’t want to disturb them but I was also curious who it was behind those metal sliding doors strumming along on their Ukulele. I couldn’t remember who rented that unit so it peeked my interest.

Rather than rap on the door and say hey who’s in there I decided instead to go back to the front desk and do some research. I found that the unit had been rented less than a week ago by me to a 22 yr old guy, I won’t say his name, who gave his address as a place in Brevard, not too far away. I remember at the time I thought the guy was really cute but didn’t give it too much thought as I was also renting a bunch of trucks on a busy Saturday. I decided to dig a little deeper. We don’t normally view the video we collect of the facility unless something goes wrong or someone reports a break-in to their unit. I looked at the video of the hall that covers the unit of the guy and sure enough at 2am the last couple of nights the door is opened on the storage unit I was interested in and a very tall, skinny guy comes out and I can only assume he leaves to use the bathroom. One night I notice the gate is accessed, without a car and then see video of him going into his storage unit but not coming back out. Hmm he is living there!

So now I feel I need to do something but also feel bad for him as I’m sure this isn’t his first choice in living locations. I decide to play it cool and at least go meet him and see what his story is. I walk over to his storage unit and knock a few times on his metal door, a very surreal feeling. I hear the music turn off and then silence. I speak out saying I know someone is in there and I just am letting you know we’re closing up the front office. The door than slides up with a lot of racket and there stands a very good looking tall, skinny guy in his 20s. I say you must be Stephen. He says yes and I introduce myself as Jen. I ask him what he’s doing in there and he tries telling me he’s here working on an eBay business he has selling car parts but I don’t’ see much signs of that. What I do see is a couch with a pillow and blanket as well as a cooler full of what I assume to be beer given the number of empty bottles neatly collected in the corner. On the couch also sits the Ukulele and I smile when I see it. What I also notice is an extension cord going out of his storage unit and into the next one. He sees me looking at it and with a pleading look says he hopes it’s okay as he needs power for his computer to complete the eBay orders. I ask him how the heck he got way up there and figured out there was a power plug in the neighboring unit, especially given they are caged with fencing in both. He shrugged his shoulders say he got lucky.

He looked like someone who was really trying to make do so I didn’t push it much further. He did ask me if I’d like a beer. I told him I had to get home soon but that a beer sounded nice and if he’d play some Ukulele I’d be happy to stay for a bit. We started chit-chatting and I avoided asking him questions like do you live here. He became more and more relaxed and once I was on my second beer and listening to him play Riptide he came out and asked me, are you the Jen Dvorak from the Tumblr? It’s always an odd moment to be confronted. I assume that I try to stay anonymous but my Tumblr has created a small following (which I thank you for) and while I’m hardly famous I can see that a couple thousand people a day view my site for one reason or another. I imagine most are guys and have a firm grip on their hard cock but that just makes me smile again to picture that. I’m not one to lie about who I am so I normally admit yes, unless it’s in a bad place like a PTA meeting (thank god not yet). So yes, I am that Jen Dvorak. I could see that made him happy. He said he had no idea who I was until he was searching Bing Images for Asheville Storage and also added my name off the business card I gave him when he rented the unit. He said he thought I was cute and could maybe find my Facebook. He said he was floored by the pictures it returned and could not believe it. The pictures lead to my Tumblr and he admitted that when I knocked on the door, he thought he was imaging it as part of his fantasy. He was a few more beers ahead of me I guessed so I wasn’t surprised by his questions. Of course the next one is, are you really such a big slut. Well… my answer to him is much like to those I meet online, my stories are all based on truth but I may on occasion use some writer’s embellishment to spice them up. I could see the conversation was turning him on and I’ll admit I was getting wetter by the minute as I was now known to him as Jen the big slut. I was also the exact girl he’d seen on his Bing Image searches with my legs spread and big hard nipples in one photo and me carrying a storage box for an ad about our storage company in the next.

What I’ve learned about guys is that while there are many different kinds when it comes to sex they pretty much boil down to two types. The nice guys and the bad boys. While the nice guys want to fuck you too they aren’t the most direct and will often get distracted by romance and sweet talk. I’m not saying this doesn’t work for many girls but you do have to know your audience. When a bad boy figures out they have a slut in front of them, they don’t usually mince words. Especially after they’ve had a few beers. Again is comes down to knowing your audience, if you’re a bad boy but also a fat, ugly, bad breath guy, your chances with me aren’t high. Then again is you’re a 22 yr old, good looking guy who can play Riptide on the Ukulele, you’ve got a good chance. So… when Stephen said in his series of questions to me if I’d come over and suck his cock, I was wondering what took him so long to ask. The situation reminded me a lot of the times I’d had when I was in the Navy with Jake. Jake too was a tall, skinny guy who knew I loved his long thick cock. He would come over to my apartment in Dos Marines where I lived in Fajardo, PR, sit on my couch and jerk himself off to shock me as I’d come out of my room to see him there. He’d then instruct me what to do and I’d obey his every word.

Instead of agreeing to suck Stephen’s cock, I instead told him to take it out and stroke it for me. I stood there drinking the rest of my beer as he quickly slid off his basketball shorts and showed me the mirror image of Jake’s cock. It was as I’d hoped a long thick cock, with shaved balls and nicely trimmed pubes. He smiled at me knowing right away that I liked it. He didn’t even have to ask. I told him to just stroke it and explain his fantasy of fucking me. He explained that his fantasy was to find me in the halls of the storage units naked and in need to a fuck. That I’d see him, walk over, drop to my knees and suck his cock like the pro he knows I am. Then after working his cock long and hard I begged to be fucked up the ass. That I’d let him fuck me right there in the hall and that I’d cum and squirt all over the floor as he dumped a load of cum in my ass for anybody that happened to be around to see. Then he told me to take off my clothes, leave them in his storage unit and walk over to the next building to wait for me. I smiled at him and did exactly as he said. It was raining and dark outside by then and I prayed no other people we in the other building. As I walked over as calmly as I could I looked down at the Microsoft Band I’d recently bought to see that my heart rate was racing at 165 bpm. I was so excited but also extremely nervous I’d be caught. I did see a truck still along side of the building and wondered where and who they were. I entered the building with the caution of a Navy Seal and peered around the corners to see if anyone was still around. The building has so many turns however that it’s hard to find people even when you want to. I looked behind me and almost screamed when I saw Stephen standing there with his cock rock hard pointing straight at me. LOL who was this guys. Someone who had obviously read all my stories and believed I was the slut I make myself out to be. Time to prove I was, well at least at that point in time.
I walked over to Stephen, gave him a deep wet kiss and then slid down his body to his hard cock that was rubbing down my body as my mouth approached it. I took it in my mouth and started working his balls with my hand. It felt amazing and I never take sucking a big beautiful cock for granted. I began working the shaft with my hand as I licked and took his balls into my mouth. OMG what a cock. I tried to take the whole thing in my mouth but gagged on it in trying. For the next few minutes I gave him my all. Trying over and over to swallow it down and licking his balls like they were the best thing I’ve ever tasted. I could feel him building up to cumming and just when I thought I had him on the verge he pushed me off his cock. He said he’d never fucked anyone’s ass before and knew from reading my Tumblr that it was something I enjoyed. He stood me up in the middle of the cement filled hallway and told me to find a position. I grabbed the handle of a nearby storage unit and got ready. OMG that’s huge. It went in my asshole and just kept going. I literally couldn’t breathe for a few seconds and once I could let out a small scream. That’s when he started fucking. He certainly didn’t go easy on me from the start and I thought for sure he was going to hurt me. I remembered then that while I’d been fucked in the ass before it was always with either plenty of KY-Silk or after I’d cum many times and my pussy juice created it’s own form of lube for my asshole. Not this time. He was hammering me and I was certain he was going to do some damage. The saying of going in raw was more than appropriate. What was I thinking? Well for one that it hurt like hell as he pounded my ass and was now also hunched over me pinching my nipples like he was trying to pop them. I don’t think I meant to scream but now I could hear that I clearly was. I was screaming loudly but Stephen was just taking this as sign to fuck me harder like the slut he knew me to be. My saving grace was that I had him on the verge with my blowjob so before I knew it he was pushing me off him, pushing me over and onto the ground as he bent down to meet my face and cum all over it. One long spurt hit my eye to which I screamed a little again, opening my mouth and Stephen sticking his cock in it as he continued to spirt long streams of cum down my throat making me choke on his ass glazed cock. Just when I could think again a man who I know as a good friend of my father-in-law and the owner of the truck comes around the corner after hearing my screams and yells, What the Fuck!!! It takes the man a few seconds to realize the naked middle aged women with her face covered in cum is me. He looks at Stephen and says did you just rape her? To which he replies, “Fuck no, she’s that Storage Unit Slut off Tumblr”.


I collected myself and wipe the cum out of my eye so I can see again. I tell Stephen he needs to be a little gentler next time he fucks someone in the ass and I also tell my father-in-laws friend if he can keep this a secret I’ll make sure to return the favor sometime. He smiled with a nod. Sometimes being a Storage Unit Slut isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. OMG my ass still hurts Stephen.

Kisses, Jen
