[F]inding a sleeping [M]an in my bed

I sigh with relief as I finally get my key into the lock, turning it and pushing open the front door to our apartment, and I step inside hurriedly, dropping my bags

unceremoniously as I close the door behind me. I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat, then stretch grandly as I finally let myself relax, another long day of work


"I'm hooooome!" I call out, despite the small size of our apartment making it readily apparent that I was home alone. Intent on taking advantage of this situation, I

decide to pour myself a glass of wine and run a bath so that I can really relax and unwind.

I head into the bathroom and start the bath, then make my way into the kitchen, casually undoing the buttons of my green blouse as I do, and I let it hang open,

exposing my smooth stomach and my simple black bra. Pouring myself a glass of wine, I pad back across the apartment, checking on the tub and shutting off the water,

placing my full glass on the side of the tub. I leave the bathroom again and head towards the bedroom, pulling off my top as I go.

As soon as I open the door, I realize I'm not alone. There, laid out on his stomach across the middle of the bed, is Mark, a mountain of pillows and blankets gathered

up around him, and his slow, deep breathing lets me know that he's deep asleep.

I toss my discarded shirt towards the laundry basket (neat freaks, I'm sure I hit the target. I promise.) before reaching down to undo my pants, then quickly pull them

down and off as well, kicking them towards the basket as well (a little less sure this time, not gonna lie.). In just my underwear now, I bite the inside of my lip and

tip-toe over to the bed, to the sleeping form of my dear boytoy. Very slowly and very carefully, I lean down and plant a soft kiss on his bare shoulder, about the only

part of him that's exposed from under the blankets and pillows. He stirs slightly and I smile, then reach down and grab the top of the blankets. Pausing for just a

moment, I start to pull them down, and as more and more of his sleeping body is exposed, it becomes very apparent that he's decided to enjoy this nap without the

restriction of pajamas, underwear, or a single shred of clothing at all. As I admire his naked back (and his naked backside), I agree that he made a good decision. A

little curious to find him home at all at this time of day, let alone napping naked in a blanket nest of his creation, I sit down on the edge of the bed next to him,

then reach out, placing one hand on his strong, muscular back … and the other on his firm bare butt, because I'm a lech. I traced a slow line upward with this hand,

and a line down along his spine with the other, and soon I'm running my fingers gently all over his back.

"Marky," I whisper softly, "Good moooorning."

He rouses slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, but soon he turns his head from one side to the other and groans softly as the light coming in through our blinds hits

his face.

"It had better not be morning." He responds curtly.

"Good eeeeevening." I correct myself, still soothingly running my fingers up and down his back.

Groaning again, he turns over slowly, and I pull my hands back as he does. I'm greeted to the sight of his flaccid penis bouncing between his thighs, and his bleary-

eyed, just-woke-up look of confusion as he finally leans up on his elbows and looks at me.

"Girl in her underwear." He mutters.

"That's me!" I reply brightly.

"Good, I'm glad it's not some other girl. Emma really hates when I have other girls in their underwear in here."

That earns him a playful swat on the chest, and I lean down and press my lips to his before sitting back up, letting my hand linger on his chest.

"Soooo, not that I don't like seeing you, but what are you doing home before me?"

"Oh …" He groaned, laying back on the bed and closing his eyes again before responding, "I wasn't feeling well earlier. My stomach."

"Aww!" I gasp, instantly going into caregiver mode, "How are you feeling now? Can I get anything for you, do anything for you?"

He props himself back up on his elbows and grins slowly, then shakes his head. "No, thank you babe, but I think I'm feeling okay right now." He pauses, looking down

the bed and noticing his complete and utter nakedness.

"I don't remember getting naked."

I raise my hands immediately to profess my innocence. "That's how I found you! Well, except you had blankets. But they were in my way."

He raises an eyebrow quizzically at me. "Oh?"

I nod emphatically, "It was way too hard to check out your butt when there were blankets in the way. And a lot harder to run my hands all over you."

He pauses to consider that before looking up at me. "Hmmm … I'm not sure I approve of being molested while I sleep."

It's my turn to raise an eyebrow at him before I move one hand to his thigh, gently squeezing it for emphasis. "For the number of times we've woken each other up by

burying our head in each other's crotch, I didn't think you'd mind."

I grin as I see his dormant cock twitch at this comment, and it grows and swells just slightly as he responds. "Oh no no no, of course not. Those sorts of wake-ups are

always welcome, you know that. But I don't know about butt ogling …"

"Well you were asleep on the wrong side, so I had to work with what you gave me!" I exclaim in mock exasperation, before reaching out with one hand and lightly tracing

one finger along the growing length of his shaft.

He groans softly as I touch his swelling dick, then looks up at me again with a mischeivous look on his face.

"Well, what about now?"

"What do you mean?"

He nods wordlessly in the direction of his crotch, and I roll my eyes in response.

"No, it doesn't count now, you're already awake! And besides, aren't you supposed to be sick?"

"Best girlfriend ever?" He counters quickly, grinning up at me.

I pause to consider that as I wrap my small hand around his thick shaft, and start to stroke it slowly, before crawling across the bed towards him and positioning

myself between his legs, looking up at him.

"Damn right I am."

With that I lean down as I guide the thick head of his cock towards my lips, letting it slide past them slowly. With my lips wrapped firmly around his shaft, I start

to stroke his cock firmly and slowly, up and down while my tongue swirls over the most sensitive parts of the head.

"Ohhh!" Mark groans loudly as I take him into my mouth, then he lays back, revelling in the sensations as I take him slowly deeper.

About halfway down his length his cock presses against the back of my throat, and I pull back slowly, my lips sealed tight the entire time, until my pursed lips are

once again pressed against the tip, my hand working up and down his shaft the whole time. I move down again, taking him as deep as I can until my lips come in to

contact with my hand, and I repeat this process, slowly bobbing my head up and down as I stroke him slightly faster, my tongue running along the length of his shaft

and tasting every inch.

"Holy fuck, Emma …" Mark moans as I suck his cock, and I smile to myself as I see his hands gripping the sheets.

I pull back, letting his cock escape my mouth with an audible pop before leaning back down and resuming my faster pace, two-thirds of his length easily sliding in and

out of my tight lips, one hand stroking his thick shaft while my tongue dances around and teases the sensitive head. Mark stars to writhe and squirm, and I pick up the

pace … before abruptly slowing to a crawl, my mouth slowly moving up alond his shaft as my hand pulses and squeezes his shaft teasingly.

"Emma, please …"

I grin and lift my head up, letting his slick cock slide out of my mouth before I look up at him casually, still stroking him slowly with one hand.

"Please what?" I giggle, then lean down again, planting kisses up and down the length of his cock.

"I'm soooo close!" He pleads, and I take him in to my mouth again, bobbing up and down a few times before pulling back and looking up at him again.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were in such a hurry!" I smile sweetly up at him, then lean down and place several kisses around the base of his cock.

Before he can protest, I continue, "It's just …" I pause, slowly kissing my way up across his hips, to his firm, flat stomach. "… you can cum in my mouth, if you

really want." I pause and grin up at him as I kiss my way up higher and higher, my body sliding across his, still covered by my matching bra and panties.

"Or …" I continue, making my way across his chest, up his neck, along his jawline, until I can whisper his ear "… Or you can slide that big, thick cock of yours

into my tight little pussy, fuck my brains out and blow your load deep inside me."

I lean in and kiss him softly, slowly, then grin down at him as I lay on top of him, our bodies pressing together. "You know … your choice."

It will take me longer now to describe what happened than it actually did for all of it to happen. Suddenly, Mark's eyes flash to life, and I gasp and giggle in

surprise as he reaches down, gripping my hips tightly in both hands, then laugh as he tosses me to the side and on to the bed, sliding out from under me so that he is

quickly straddling me. Hungrily he leans down and kisses me, hard, then he slides down my body, his hands leading the way until he reaches my underwear, which he

quickly pulls down and off my legs, tossing them across the room as I watched him with anticipation. My smooth pussy, wet with excitement, is exposed now, and he

quickly positions himself between my legs. Leaning down, he hugs me close, and I realize soon what his intentions are, so that I arch my back to help him undo my bra

more easily. That done he pulls it off of me and tosses it aside as well, revealing my small perky breasts and my little pink nipples, stiff with arousal. I reach up

with both hands and cup my breasts as I eagerly await his next move.

Moving back down my body, he slides his hands under my legs, and quickly lifts them up and over his shoulders, before leaning forward against me, so that he is

effectively folding me in half. With that, he reaches down and takes his hard, slick cock in his hand, guiding it towards my entrance, and sinks himself deep into my

little pussy.

"Ohhhh!" I cry out as Mark drives himself in to me, his thickness stretching my tight pussy as he moves inside me. He makes a few more short strokes to let me get

accustomed to being so stretched and so filled, and then he's moving, pistoning in and out of me with long, steady strokes, each powerful thrust pressing me down into

the bed.

"Fuck Emma, yes!" Mark pants and groans as he moves on top of me, my powerful internal muscles gripping every inch of him as he thrusts back and forth inside me, every

stroke seeking to bury his length deeper inside my body, and press me further into the bed.

Unable to move much back against him in the compromising position he has me folded in to, I decide to embrace the forceful fucking he's giving me, and I slide one of

my hands between my legs to where our bodies are joined, and I start to quickly rub at my red-hot little clit as he continues to stroke in and out of me.

"Ohmigod!" I gasp and moan as the sensations throughout my body go in to overdrive, my hand feverishly rubbing at my oh-so-sensitive clit while Mark continues to push

into me with long, powerful thrusts. Just then, he leans forward a little more, my knees almost up by my ears now, and the triple sensation of my fingers on my clit,

his cock slamming into me and his body pressing down on me is too much for me to handle, and I cry out as my orgasm rips through me, explosive waves of pleasure

shooting through my body, and I tremble beneath Mark as it moves through every inch of me.

"Mark!" I scream, shuddering in ecstasy as he continues to stroke into me as my orgasm wanes. My hot pussy grips his thick, thrusting cock tighter than ever, and I

wiggle my hips up against him as he continues to drive in to me.

Mere seconds later, he groans out loud too, and I feel his cock swell and throb as he reaches his own orgasm, his hot cum spraying deep inside me. He leans forward,

his cock buried so deep inside me as he finishes, but he lets my legs slip from his shoulders, and I wrap them weakly around his hips as he ends with a few slow, short

thrusts. He falls forward on to me, and I grunt theatrically as he does, but then I giggle and kiss him gently before he slides off of me (and out of me) and collapses

onto the bed beside me, his chest heaving as he catches his breath.

"Mmmmm," I moan contentedly, closing my eyes and basking in the afterglow. "That was gooood."

"Best girlfriend ever." Mark agrees, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.

"Damn right. Wanna have a bath with me?"

I felt his pillow move as he shook his head. "That one's all you babe. I'm not going anywhere."

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/32g3qg/finding_a_sleeping_man_in_my_bed


  1. That is so hot in both stories when you give him his two choices!! And bonus points for him wanting to cum inside you both times

  2. Thanks! What can I say, he likes to know he has options. But yes, he usually goes with the obvious choice. ;)

  3. Gotta make sure you’re still being safe though! Failure to do so has many nasty side affects, including babies!

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