Update #9 – I [M] fucked my uptight roommate [F]

I got back from visiting my family on Monday and was just at home when I got a message from Bernice. She wanted me to take some form that she had forgotten to her at work that she needed to give to her boss before her shift was over. She finished her text with “I would ask Ellie but she is still away” so I got the feeling she didn’t like asking for my help, or maybe she did and wanted me to visit her at work, I don’t know. Anyway, I had nothing else to do so I went and gave it to her. She works in this bar/restaurant thing so she offered me a drink as a thank you so I stayed for a little bit. Then she told me that her shift finished in 40 minutes so if I wanted to I could wait and she would join me after.

So I had a drink and there was a TV to watch, then when she was finished she and some of her friends from work joined me. We all had a drink and she was totally different with me. I think because her friends didn’t know who I was so she didn’t have to pretend she didn’t like me. At one point I put my hand on her leg and she leaned into me. Yeah, I’ll admit it was nice to be more open about whatever the situation is between us. Later just Bernice and I went to another bar. I guess it was a kind of date, I don’t know. I know that there were requests for me to give details about our conversations but they really aren’t anything interesting – we didn’t have “the talk” or discuss us. We had a couple of drinks and a lot of heavy petting led to kissing, it was probably a good thing we were sat in a booth that has quite hidden away because we were not being subtle with the groping.

We got up to leave and I asked her if she wanted to go to another bar or home and she immediately replied “home”, looking at me right in the eye. We got the metro back and we had to stand so I positioned myself behind her so that my crotch was rubbing against her ass – making the journey slightly more enjoyable. When we got home I took her straight to my room and straight to the bed. I was on top as we made out and I rubbed my hands up and down her thighs and between her legs. She was wearing really tight jeans so I unzipped them so that I was able to get my hand down. She pulled off my shirt and pushed against my chest so that I was now lying down and she was on top of me. We both quickly took off our remaining clothes and I let her take charge a little here as I knew what she was going to do.

She was giving me eye contact (fucking hot) as she started to suck my hard dick and I pushed on the back of her head. She used her mouth to work and tongue to me all over, whilst fingering herself and it was so good that I stopped pushing her head to slow it down a little as I didn’t want to get too close yet. She kept going for a little longer until I motioned for her to come up towards me and she pulled herself up so that we could kiss. I put my hands round her lower back and pulled her even higher up towards me, she got what I wanted to do so she positioned herself over my face, giving me taste of her pussy. She started to grind it over me as I tongued and sucked her clit. She started moving faster and faster and I had to hold on to her hips to get her to stay in position so that I could finish her off. When she came she like lay down on top of me but moved back at the same time so that her tits were now right in my face. I flicked my tongue against her nipples, which made her flinch each time but we stayed like this until I could feel her breathing slow down again.

I rolled her over so that I was back on top and she spread her legs, which I grabbed and pulled so that her pussy lined up with my dick. She was so fucking wet that I slid in all the way and started to fuck her hard straight away. She put one of her hands down and started to rub her own pussy and she was getting really vocal, encouraging me to fuck her harder. So I started thrusting in as hard as I could and it was so hot to see her tits bounce around each time I did it. “Fuck, keep it like that” she shouted and I think she was close to cumming again so I tried to keep doing what I was doing as she squirmed around on my dick. After her orgasm, it was my turn but I wanted to change it up a little. I flipped her over so she was lying on her stomach and started fucking her like that. I grabbed her hips to pull her ass up towards me and fucked her until I was about to shoot. I pulled out and shot my load all over her ass and back.

We then got some food and were just laying in my bed. One thing led to another and we started to make out again. I pulled her on top of me, she was grinding right into me and my hard dick rubbed against her pussy. She then grabbed my dick, guided it right into her and started to ride me. She leant forward so that I could play with her tits as she bounced around on my dick and I used my tongue and a little bit of teeth to tease her nipples. It didn’t last that long – it was a quick fuck but still a good way to end the day. In the morning, It was nice to wake up to the sight of her tits poking out the sheets in the morning –but I didn’t have time to do anything as I had to go to work and I was already running late.

This next part isn’t really gonewild but details seem to be wanted so here ya go. On Wednesday Bernice was leaving to go visit her family in New Zealand (here is something vaguely interesting about her – she is Greek so she was going to celebrate the orthodox Easter). So on Tuesday night she was going crazy getting ready and cleaning. She told me and Ellie that the kitchen was disgusting and she hates going away leaving a dirty house so we all had to help her clean it up that night. I told her I didn’t have time that night and she got mad – she started shouting (to Ellie as well) about how we don’t help enough blah blah. This is why I didn’t like her when I first knew her because she can be so fucking bossy and annoying for no reason. I argued back for a bit but I can’t deal with her when she is being like that so I just left her to it and haven’t spoken to her since – just have to see what she is like when she gets back. Also, there won’t be an update for a little while because she isn’t back for like a week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31zhtf/update_9_i_m_fucked_my_uptight_roommate_f


  1. Haha i love all the random details apart from the gonewild stuff, makes it special and different from the rest of the stories on here. Keep on doing the good work mate.

  2. Love it. Thanks for the extra details, always nice to have some extra character development in such a long story.

  3. You had better fucking miss her. And she had better miss you too. Update #10: FEELINGS

  4. Aww, you’re dating now! It’s like a sexy fairytale, where illicit banging leads to true love.

  5. What could possibly go wrong with a bunch of redditors turning up who have beaten off regularly to stories of the husband and wife fucking and constantly demanding updates? That said, there had better be a wedding. I hope this is updated one day with the title ‘I married my uptight roommate’.

  6. At this point, the sex parts of the story are almost unimportant. We want to know how this ends…

  7. Upvote! I agree I hope you guys end up together, this is too much of a good relationship so far not to lol

  8. I read this story without a boner,I am too emotionally invested now.I honestly look only for character developments.Maybe you could tell us how you feel about your relationship with her?,it would be at least easy for us to predict. Surprised there is no betting going on.

  9. Feel as if this has become one of my TV series I watch regularly…

  10. Greek huh, that explains the passion and the attitude. Can confirm, as I am a Greek. Really enjoyed this one. Thanks and hopefully a little time away makes her want it all that much more when she comes back.

  11. For some reason I kinda wish she has reddit too. So she can post her side of the story and hopefully she is totally unaware of all nine of OP’s stories. One can hope

  12. based on her being a bit crazy and his give no fucks attitude, only with a murder-suicide *fingers crossed*

  13. Stop trying to fool us and yourself, OP. You definitely have feelings for her

  14. Tbh I skipped all the sex just to read the interesting parts! OP YOU CAN’T DENY LOVE

  15. PLOT TWIST: OP is already married to Bernice and he’s just writing to keep their precious memory of how they met preserved in time forever and ever.

  16. You did exactly the right thing, refusing to clean up, and leaving. Keep the hate alive.

  17. > Greek huh, that explains the ~~passion~~ yelling and the ~~attitude~~ constantly cleaning. Can confirm, as I am a Greek. FTFY

  18. Of course I’m enjoying the relationship with her right now – the sex is fucking awesome. I don’t know if I could deal with her in a real relationship, sometimes she can be really cool but then sometimes she pisses me off so much that I just don’t want to deal with her.

  19. This is either going to make a successful soap opera or a really awesome porno… Hell maybe both!

  20. Everyone wants to know if you two are gonna become a real couple, I’m just sitting here wishing I had a picture of the kitchen because I want to know if she’s really a bossy bitch or you two are just crazy messy. She hates to leave the house messy? I mean, why should the house be extra special clean for her to *leave*?

  21. Agree i want to see what happens between these two relationship wise

  22. Maybe because when she returns she wants to find it clean . Wouldn’t it that you have to clean after a (idk 5 hours flight ) with jetlag

  23. >Tbh I skipped all the sex just to read the interesting parts! Yep!.. Thought I was the only one!

  24. This is how my SO feels about me, but we’ve been together for three years. So there’s hope!

  25. haha well she has cleaned it now so it looks fine. It is never *that* bad she is just fucking weird about cleaning

  26. Could you take a photo of the kitchen where it’s in a state she thinks is disgusting or dirty and you think she’s overreacting?

  27. everything has been said, so I’m just going to point out one thing. maybe, Maybe, if you cleaned the house a little (or any other thing she asks) she would not have the bossy attitudes that piss you off.

  28. I do but I think we have different standards. It is the way she goes about asking me to do stuff which annoys – she is so fucking bossy.

  29. Pay no mind to the sappy dudes on here. Just keep doing what you’re doing and enjoying it. Why mess up a good thing with emotions and shit?

  30. I actually still really like the sexy details too – I feel like given the character development, they take on a new intensity. Thanks for continuing to share! (Update #10 – I fucked my other, less uptight roommate)

  31. OCD creates mild bi-polar at times. OCD ppl like myself get frustrated at the smallest things – stupid things that make no sense to others. See too many details. Sometimes it is hard to ignore, it’s about retraining the brain.

  32. Maybe instead of having "the talk," you two should have "a talk" about dishes and roommate expectations. Sounds like she’s OCD and overreacts, and instead of discussing everyone’s expectations and meeting in the middle, you just give her the D. Not like there is anything wrong with that… but you two might actually like each other as people if you talk about housemate stuff.

  33. If you want this to continue you should find a way to tolerate her. It would also help if you made sure the house is clean when she gets back. Which benefits you in many ways.

  34. Tell her you miss her and see what happens. And not in a "I miss fucking your" type of way, but an "I miss being around you" type of message.

  35. It’s always super hard for me to find these stories and actually enjoy them. You sir, have provided a very thirsty girl with something perfect

  36. My prediction. They get together and it’s great for about a year. Then she discovers that he’d been sharing their stories on reddit all this time, loses her shit at him, and never talks to him again. And with that, we, who have urged this along and wanted so badly for it to be successful, become the reason it fails.

  37. You should make sure shit is super clean around the place you guys are staying when she returns. She’ll love it, I promise. It’ll make her feel really good and also be really grateful toward you.

  38. I’ve been lucky to have caught these from the beginning. I think we all agree they are great. My only real comment here, and I think you already know this, is–don’t have "the talk." Or don’t make a point of it, at least. I wouldn’t be smart enough to know this on my own but from reading all the good threesome stories on here, the smart chaps always know not to open their mouthes and ruin a good thing. Stay quiet. Let it take its course and keep enjoying yourself. Thanks again for sharing.

  39. You’re talking a lot about her nice tits and stuff I am interested in their size

  40. Well, actually, she got back yesterday and told me (while we were having sex) that she slept with her ex when she was away. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me – she’s not my girlfriend but I didn’t really want to hear about it right while we were having sex.

  41. Wait…what?!? I thought you would both be missing each other and falling in love and shit.

  42. If you don’t want to get attached, play the field and have options. Otherwise, it *will* happen.

  43. Would it bother you if he came in her (or was with her unprotected in general)? I feel like that’s risky for STDs…

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