Jake’s Magic Remote, Part XI – Misdirection

Jake and Sarah were reading in the living room when the doorbell rang. Petra answered, knowing it would be Katie arriving, and welcomed her in.
“Did you eat, Kat? We already did, but there’s some snacks if you want. Oh, you remember my parents.”
Katie came around the corner with Petra and smiled. She was wearing a white tee and a tight pair of jeans, and Jake could swear that she’d grown a cup size since he’d seen her last, although that might just be the work of a really impressive feat of bramanship. Her hazel eyes, strikingly incongruous with her dark skin and hair, locked on Jake as she spoke. “Of course I do. Hi, Mrs. Stevens. Hi Mr. Stevens. Thank you for having me.”
Petra’s eyes widened a little as she tried not to laugh at Katie’s accidental double-entendre. Then again, the way the girl was eye-fucking Jake, he wasn’t so sure it was accidental. He smiled as Sarah greeted her, then replied. “Hey, good to see you again. What have you two got planned?”
Katie shrugged. “A little studying, maybe a board game… you know, whatever comes up. Girl stuff.”
“Well, you two have fun then,” Jake replied.
“Oh, we will. Thanks again.”
As they left, Katie whispered something to Petra that sent them both into a giggling fit. Sarah watched them and frowned.
“I’m starting to regret this,” she said quietly.
Jake scoffed. “They’re just kids. What’s the worry?”
“Clearly, you were never a teenage girl.”
“Well, I thought about it, but I just enjoy having a dong too much.”
Sarah grumbled. “Look, just… check in on them, alright? Don’t let them get up to mischief.”
“You don’t want to do that yourself?”
Sarah shook her head. “I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m taking a pill tonight.”
“Suit yourself. Our daughter’s virtue is safe in my hands.”
Jake meant it, too. Just not in the way that his wife intended. Still, he was a little worried about her behavior. She’d been more withdrawn lately, more surly, and generally avoided spending time with her husband or daughter. Which was just as well, given that her husband was fucking her daughter, but still, it kind of hurt to see the person you fell in love with pull away.

About an hour later, Sarah’s pill kicked in and she went to bed. A few minutes later, as Jake was considering making good on his promise to check in, both Petra and Katie made their way downstairs.
“Hi, Daddy,” Petra said, waving. She’d changed into a pink tank and soft-looking pajama bottoms.
“Hey, Mr. Stevens,” Katie said, in what could be called a predatorily friendly tone. She too had changed into a tank. It was a white one that contrasted her skin in a way that drew the eye. Once the eye was there, of course, it fell into the trap of her breasts. Jake decided he’d been half-right; they were definitely a little bigger, and her bra, a black garment which showed through her top, did a fantastic job of holding them up and squeezing them together.
Of course, once the eye managed to escape the pit of Katie’s overflowing chest, it was immediately drawn downward. Those tiny shorts were back, sitting so high that Jake was pretty sure her ass was showing in the back, and extending from them was a pair of long, sleek, powerful-looking legs. It appeared that Katie had gotten involved in track and field.
“Hey, girls,” Jake replied, thoroughly enjoying the view. “Get tired of all the girl stuff already?”
“A bit,” Petra replied. “I thought we might nip down to the basement. I can show Katie how to do a proper bench-press. Ever since she started running she’s been looking like a T-Rex.”
Katie punched Petra’s arm. It thumped loudly, but Petra grinned and flexed at her. “See? All muscle. Are we playing punchies now?”
Katie stepped back. “No way! Let’s just go down there.” She eyeballed Jake again. “Did you want to come watch, Mr. S?”
Jake would love to watch that, but decided that it would be a bad idea to give Katie control of the situation. “You two go ahead, Pet’s an excellent spotter. I’ll bring you down some ice water in a bit.”
“Thanks, Daddy!” Petra winked at Jake and pulled Katie along down the stairs.

Jake’s weight room was a source of pride. He’d long since grown tired of gyms due to the crowds, although come to think of it, that had been before he could stop time when he saw something attractive. He had instead slowly collected everything a person needs for a full free-weight workout: a safety cage, a sturdy bench, a pair of dumbbells and an olympic-size bar, and a full set of plates for each. That, along with a rower and a stationary bike, was more than enough for anyone, and he never again had to watch some fatass pretend to be strong because he can stack a ton of plates onto a leg-press, or wait while a couple skinny asian curlbros did pull-ups in the squat rack, or avert his eyes from a morbidly obese woman eating a snack while sitting on some bulky cable machine.
Jake gave the girls a few minutes to get started. Or more specifically, he secretly hid behind the furnace to watch them. He never could pass up a chance to see a pretty girl sweat, after all.
Petra changed into a pair of track pants from a basket she kept down there. “You really want pants for a workout,” she said, “You’ll stick to the bench otherwise, and deadlifts will rip your flesh right off.”
Katie seemed not to trust her on that one, but nobody really believes deadlifts until they try them. To her credit, she paid close attention as Petra showed her the moves. How to lay on the bench, how to grip the bar, locking the elbows, activating core muscles… it brought a tear to his eye to see how knowledgeable she was, and a twitch to his dick to see how her pecs flexed as she ran through the motion.
Then they switched positions, Katie laying on the bench with her feet on the floor on either side. She wiggled her ass a little, and Jake suddenly saw part of why this particular activity had been chosen. He froze time, made his way upstairs, and retrieved a couple chilled water bottles. Then, acting on his hunch, he started time, opened the basement door, and made his way downstairs.
“Hey girls, everything good down here?”
Everything was indeed good, because from the stairs where he’d stopped to greet them, he could see clearly up Katie’s little shorts… and he could also see that she wasn’t wearing panties. The little minx was deliberately flashing her pussy at him!
“It’s good, Daddy,” Petra said, beckoning Jake closer. “I was just about to explain how bench can help keep your boobs perky.”
Jake smirked. “Not that either of you need help. But it’s good to see you investing time in keeping fit.”
Katie looked up at him as she racked the bar. “My body is very important to me, Mr. S,” she said.
Jake froze Katie and looked at Petra. “Did you know she’s flashing the stairs?”
Petra giggled. “I thought she might be…” She walked over and had a peek. “Wow. Okay. She’s gonna leave a spot on the bench.”
“That’s what the spray and paper towels are for.”
Petra looked around. “Wait a second. The water heater is running. Did you freeze just her?”
Jake blinked. “Huh. Guess I did.”
Petra smiled. “Cool. You’re getting really good at this.” She moved back around and leaned up to kiss her father. “She really wants to fuck you.”
Jake chuckled. “Jealous?”
“Pft. If she only knew.”
“So what’s the plan?”
“Well… I bet we can get her to think she’s gay for me if we play it right.”
Jake laughed. “That’s… beautifully ironic. I love it.”
Petra purred at her father as she moved closer to her friend. “Check this out,” she said, sliding the tank off the girl’s shoulders and lifting her a little to unfasten her bra.
Jake had been totally right about Katie’s breasts. They were nice and round, only a little smaller than Petra’s, and topped with pert, dark nipples. Her stomach was also lovely, flat and completely devoid of extra fat.
“Damn. I don’t blame you for wanting to fool around with her, Pet,” Jake commented.
Petra giggled as she delicately teased her friend’s nipples with her fingertips. “Actually, she’s not even my type,” she said, carefully returning Katie’s clothing to its place. “I just kinda think it’s skeevy that she wants to jump my dad and it’s shitty that she wants to use me to do it. We don’t even have that much in common.”
“So you’re getting revenge by…”
“By making her a giant dyke, yes.”
Jake thought a moment. “I’m strangely comfortable with that.”

Katie’s heart thumped in her chest. Tonight was the night for sure. She was a woman now, not some little girl. She had had sex with a man even. She totally knew what she was doing. And tonight she was going to convince Mr. Stevens to be with her.
Of course it was for his own good that she was here. She’d known they were meant to be together ever since she was twelve. He was so kind, and strong, and handsome. Every boy she’d dated, she was learning to be better so he would want her. Every kiss, she’d been thinking of him. And that man she’d met who she finally let fuck her, she’d done that so there’d be no reason for Mr. Stevens to say no to being with her.
So it didn’t surprise her one bit when her nipples suddenly stood up and sent jolts of pleasure into her, just moments after he’d come downstairs. They were connected, after all, and he’d probably seen her pussy from the stairs. That was intentional; now he had to know she was a grown woman, with all the parts to make him happy.
So she bit her lip and gripped the bar again. She wasn’t really into lifting, not like Petra, but if it made him look at her, she’d lift a house. She flexed and clenched, knowing her top was riding up to show off her tummy, and let herself grunt with effort as the bar lowered and rose once more.
When she re-racked the bar, he was smiling at her. “Good form,” he said, the praise sending shivers of joy through her. “You should do two sets of five, then on the third set try for as many as you can. If you hit seven, it’s time to add weight. You’ll be a badass in no time.”
“Daddy,” Petra whined, “will you-”
“Oh, I don’t want to show off…”
Mr. Stevens sighed. “All right, fine.” He walked over to the metal safety cage and grabbed the top of it with his right arm, then grabbed his right wrist with his left. “It’s really not that hard. You just need to activate all the core muscles…”
Katie stared as, seemingly against the laws of physics, Mr. Stevens rose off the floor. His arms bulged against the short-sleeved shirt he wore, and he floated up slowly until the fist holding the cage was under his chin. Then he went down. And up again. It was hypnotic.
Sploosh, Katie thought to herself. Fuckin’ sploosh.
Petra clapped her hands. “Thanks, Daddy.”
“Anytime, girls. I’ll be upstairs if you need anything else. And take it easy on the deadlifts, Pet, you’ve been going up weight pretty fast and I don’t want you to tear your pec or something.”
I’d like to tear your pec, Katie thought. Down, girl. She watched Mr. Stevens’ granite-sculpted ass saunter up the stairs. Once he was out of view she muttered softly, “Fuck, your dad is hot.”
Petra scoffed. “Gross, Katie. That’s my dad.” What a little kid.
“Seriously, Petra, he gives me the tinglies.” She turned to grin at her friend.
And that was when she got “the tinglies” again. There was a sort of rush of air and sensation, and her nipples once more lit up with electric sensation… but this time her pussy responded too, as if someone had been touching her down there. Katie moaned softly.
“Gross, Katie!” Petra shoved her in the shoulder. “Stop cumming over my dad!”
Katie grinned. “You’re just jealous because you could never have him.”
Petra blushed and turned around. “Shut up, slut. Come on, help me load up and you can spot me again.”

Over the next hour, Katie surprised Petra. Every exercise, every stretch, every correction of form, she absorbed it all. It seemed that she’d decided that working out was a way to bond with her dad, and was willing to put the time in to learn.
That was just as well, because as far as Petra was concerned everyone needed to do at least a little lifting. That first few weeks, where the brain learns and re-learns movements, learns to use the muscles you have before building new ones… that was necessary study for admittance into the human race.
She had to admit, though, her Daddy did a good job trying to distract her. Petra had learned to recognize the tiny jump of frozen time, the little inconsistencies, and she had to try hard not to laugh every time he messed with her friend.
Over and over, when Katie seemed to have relaxed, he would lie in wait and then ambush. Katie would be watching Petra do a stretch or a movement, her leg would flex or her nipples would poke outward, and then that shift would happen and Katie would tense up as she tried not to moan out loud.
By the end of the hour, she was sure Katie was close to breaking one way or another. She looked over to one of her father’s hiding spots and shared a look with him, biting her lip. She wasn’t lying when she said Katie wasn’t really her type, but she was getting really hot participating in her mental corruption.
“Alright,” Petra said, giving Katie’s shoulder a squeeze, “That’s enough for today. But we can do this again anytime.”
Katie smiled at her. “I’d like that.”
Petra chuckled. “Tell me that again tomorrow morning when you can barely move. C’mon, reward time.”

“Daddy! Reward time!”
Katie followed Petra up the stairs. Rewards… she’d dreamed of rewards from Mr. S, but she really doubted that working out had earned her what she wanted.
“Good job, girls,” he called from the living room. “I restocked earlier, back of the fridge.”
Petra bounced over to the fridge and leaned in. How could she be so bouncy still after all that work? Katie wiped some sweat off her brow and accepted the little bottle Petra handed to her.
“Chocolate milk?”
“Trust me. You need to drink it right now. For some reason it decreases soreness. Also trains you to love finishing a workout.”
The milk was sweet and cold, which only reminded Katie of how hard she’d been working. “I stink,” she said quietly, hoping her future lover wouldn’t overhear.
Petra scoffed at her. “It’s called sweat and it’s good. It’s even sexy.” She finished her own milk and tossed the bottle in a bin. “But we’re also gonna wash it off now. C’mon.”
Katie looked one last time into the living room where Mr. Stevens was sitting, reading his book, then followed Petra up the stairs. And into the bathroom.
Petra leaned into the huge shower stall and turned on the water on either side. “Go ahead, strip down and hop in. I’ll fetch us some towels.” She looked around. “Damn. Clean ones are all downstairs. Back in a bit.”
Left alone in the bathroom, Katie peeled off her sweat-soaked clothing. She had not been expecting to be sweating into her bra, and taking it off was such a relief that it sent shivers through her. Her shorts had also been feeling gross, but for other reasons. It wasn’t just sweat that she was soaked with.
Katie stepped into the shower and made a pleasured little moaning sound at the feeling of the hot water on her skin and in her hair. She set about rinsing off every inch of her skin, wiping the sticky sweat and other bodily fluids with her hands. The moment was almost perfect, she thought, if only it were his hands on her legs, her hips, her breasts… one of her hands slid down her tummy like she wished his would, combing through her pubes – which she kept carefully groomed, because she was a woman, not some bald-pussy child – and down between her legs.
Katie bit her lip as she started to stroke her wet, throbbing pussy. If only, if only… if only he would touch her, would take her… she moaned softly. And he was so close, too. He was just downstairs. He could walk in here right now, could take off all his clothes and leave them next to hers. He could open the mist-covered shower door, and-
The shower door opened, and Petra stepped in. Petra, completely naked and glistening with sweat from head to toe, just walked right in and under the other shower head, turning her back and letting the water rinse her face and hair.
“Hey!” Katie protested, hastily moving her hand off her crotch. “Occupado!”
Petra looked back over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “Grow up, Katie,” she said derisively. “Believe me, you have got absolutely nothing I haven’t seen.”
“That’s not the point. You’re not supposed to just jump in a shower with someone.”
Petra turned around, hands on her hips.

Jake chuckled to himself as he opened the shower door. This was beyond fun. And what perfect timing! Petra was standing to his right, Katie to his left, both completely nude and being rinsed by the steamy water of the opposite shower heads. Just like that first time he’d snuck in to spy on Petra, the droplets hung in the air like shards of glass.
Petra was standing proudly, hands on her hips, about to speak – to admonish Katie for immaturity, if he guessed right from his eavesdropping. She was a vision of beauty, and even after all they’d done together the sight of her still made Jake’s heart jump a little. He took a moment to appreciate the view, admiring the light in her eyes, the slicked-back scarlet mane of her hair, and the way her body gently curved from one place to the next. His cock twitched eagerly as his view trailed down and up her body.
Katie, on the other hand, looked embarrassed and annoyed. She was hunched forward and turned partly to the side, one hand mostly covering her crotch while the other arm wrapped around her tits, obscuring her nipples from view. Her skin was dark and shone with moisture, and there was something defiant in her incongruously light-colored eyes that spoke to him.
Jake removed his clothing to avoid being soaked by the hanging mist and stepped closer. Carefully, Jake moved Katie’s hands down to her sides. He stood her up straight and stepped back, taking a moment to admire her in a prouder stance.
Standing this way, Katie was incredible. The cute overtones that shout “Jailbait, don’t touch!” were gone, and in their place was an Amazon-in-training, strong and sexy and dangerous. Her legs were already looking muscular, and the rest of her was devoid of excess fat; if she did even a little bit of regular lifting, she would be terrifyingly sculpted. As it was, her hips, waist and breasts were in gorgeous proportion to one another, and Jake spent a few moments seriously considering abandoning Petra’s plan and just giving Katie what she had obviously come looking for. And was still interested in, if her erect nipples were any indication.
Loyalty is a funny thing, as is love, and it only took one glance back at his daughter to remind Jake of why he was here. The prank must go on, after all, and nothing brought him more joy than making Petra happy. Well, nothing except maybe making Petra cum around him. In fact…
“Focus, man,” Jake muttered. “You can fuck her later.”
Jake went to work immediately on Katie. First he leaned in and sucked gently on each nipple, circling them with his tongue, making sure to use very little force. He wanted the result to be a tingling, not a full-on whammy of sensation.
Likewise, he knelt down and carefully stroked her pussy a few times. Just enough to let her feel it, not enough to really get her going.
His work done, Jake returned the girl to her less-dignified pose and stepped out of the shower, standing far enough away that he would not be noticed before starting time.

“Have you never been to a gym or something?” Petra asked. “It’s not like I’m trying to- hey, are you alright?”
Katie was not alright. She could feel herself blushing in embarrassment. She could also feel herself in some other ways. Ways that usually the only felt with her hand between her legs and thoughts of Mr. Stevens in her head. She turned around, deciding it was better to just give Petra a view of her from behind. “Y-yeah,” she stammered, “I’m fine. You just surprised me is all.”
Petra chuckled. “Why, were you doing something you didn’t want me to see?”
Katie turned around and shoved Petra’s shoulder. “Shut up, bitch!” she said, good mood returning. “I wasn’t-”
Katie and Petra both looked down at Katie’s hand. She had meant to shove her friend’s shoulder. She had tried to. So why was her palm pressed against Petra’s breast now?
Katie felt another weird tingling from her body, as if someone had just touched her all over in her favorite places. She pulled her hand back and turned around again. “Sorry!” she said, looking at her hand.
Petra chuckled. “It’s okay,” she said. “I mean, Freud would have a field day. But it’s whatever to me.” There was a heavy pause. “Do you wanna feel ‘em?”
Katie looked back over her shoulder. Petra had turned sideways and was lathering herself with sudsy bodywash. She rolled her hands around her breasts, covering them in a soapy sheen. Katie felt a shiver, as if her own breasts were the ones being soaped up.
“What do you mean, ‘feel ‘em?’”
Petra looked over at her and shrugged noncommittally. “I mean, you’ve never touched another girl, right? If you’re curious, I don’t mind. It’s cool.”
Katie shook her head. “No, that’s okay.”
“Whatever.” Petra turned around and started soaping her back, showing some impressive flexibility. “Offer’s open.”
Katie picked up some soap and started cleaning herself similarly. “Anyway,” she said, trying to change the subject, “There’s only one person around here who I really wanna touch inappropriately.”
Petra made a face at her. “Katie, I keep telling you that’s nasty. He’s my dad and he’s like twice our age.”
Katie shrugged. “He’s experienced. And has strong family values.”
Petra glared. “And married.”
Katie dismissed her with a wave of her hand. “I’ve seen how they are together. I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think your mom neglects her wifely duties.”
“Wifely duties?! Hello? Oh hey, it’s 1953, they want their backward mores back.”
Katie stuck out her tongue. “You’re just jealous. Don’t worry, I’ll be nice to you when I’m your stepmom.”
Petra turned and threw her soapy sponge at Katie. “Shut up, skank!” she exclaimed, laughing.
“You’ll see.”
“Whatever.” Petra turned around, chasing her sponge as the water pulled it to the other side of her. She bent over to pick it up, and Katie got an unexpected view of her slit.
Petra started scrubbing her calves and shins, and something happened before Katie could avert her eyes. Another tingly feeling drove through her, but instead of fading it suddenly escalated. Pleasure shot through her, and she felt the telltale wetness of her own cum coating her fingers a split second before the orgasm crested. She tensed and swallowed a moan as she rubbed her pussy, staring at her friend’s slit.
Mortified with herself, Katie turned around again. She scrubbed her hand in the cascading water.
“Did you say something?” Petra asked.
“N-no,” Katie said, trying not to visibly shiver as the water ran down her body and teased her privates. “I might have, um, cleared my throat.”
Petra chuckled. “Okay, whatev’. I’m about done in here. I’ll toss your stuff in the wash. I brought you a robe.”
“Thanks,” Katie said, breathing a sigh of relief as Petra stepped back out of the shower again.
Katie stood in the shower’s cleansing stream, trying to understand herself. What the hell was that? Did she just cum looking at Petra’s cunny? That wasn’t right… she wasn’t even bi, was she?
And come to think of it, she didn’t even remember when she’d moved her hand down to rub herself. What the hell does it mean when you start touching yourself without knowing it?
Katie shook her head. Cleared her thoughts. “Okay,” she whispered, “Experiment.”
She thought back to minutes before. Petra’s body. What she looked like. Touching her breast. She remembered feeling unexpected arousal and pleasure at the sight, but now that she was alone, nothing unusual happened.
Then she thought of Mr. S; imagined his kind smile, his strong face. She pulled from her mental vault the image of him doing pull-ups. Him in swim trunks that time the family had gone swimming at the same time as Katie. His crotch and the large bulge that she snuck peeks at every chance she got.
As expected, as usual, she got wet and fuzzy thinking about him. Imagining him holding her, kissing her, touching her. Him telling her she was his now and she would never have to worry about anything again. Him fucking her, not awkwardly and kind of painfully like her past experience but gently and assertively, as only an experienced lover could.
Katie shook her head. “Still not gay,” she whispered to herself. “So what’s going on with you, girl?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/31zsuf/jakes_magic_remote_part_xi_misdirection


  1. Will be a little bit before part 12… i’m working on multiple writing projects now, if only so i have something not-porn to show for all the typing i do when people ask. I’m not giving up on this tho, and comments and suggestions are as always welcome!

  2. It’s a great story, and I’m looking forward to the continuation when you have the opportunity. To me the smaller details relating to the physics of freezing time as well as the morality of what is and is not acceptable are what really make it shine. Plus, I’m greatly enjoying your sex scenes. Anticipating more to come! ;)

  3. Thank you! I try to keep things fresh… sooner or later sex can get boring if you don’t vary things up a little. Physics in TS is always a concern, as in any type of SciFi writing. I try to close all the gaps so as not to break immersion with something that the reader questions as possibly impossible. As for morality… part of the whole point of writing the story was to show how absolute power can corrupt absolutely. Jake’s initial goal is obviously altruism, but he quickly succumbs to temptation as most people would. And when Petra joins as his partner in crime, her rash and impulsive nature only hurries his fall into vice, but the whole way along they justify it all and convince one another that what they are doing is fine. I predict by the end of it either they will decide they are Gods, or they will have a serious Satori moment and hit rock bottom. It’s as exciting to write as it is to read!

  4. Fabulous! I’m glad that you’re enjoying the writing because that means there will continue to be additional excepts. And yes, the old adage of absolute power is certainly relevant, and I enjoy the realism of your characters fall into temptation. I personally hope to read more about Clair and learn her involvement into the world of time hijinks. At least, I’m assuming that she’ll pop up at some point again. Also, the story makes me think a lot of the comic Sex Criminals which is another reason I’m enjoying it. Keep it up!

  5. > more about Clair You mean Carol? If so, then yes, she’s too enigmatic for me not to come back to ;)

  6. You really delivered on a great story. I feel like I couldnt get bored of this. And its very well written.

  7. Just posted another, going back through some comments. Thank you for reading!

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