Whoa, thing’s escalated quickly! (m/ffff) 100% real and true story!

So this actually totally happened. First I gonna describe myself: I am 26 years old, 1,84m tall (I'm German, so I don't do inches), short blond-reddish hair, healthy condition, but nothing spectacular. Normally my cock is 17 cm long, but since I write in this subreddit, it's of course at least 25 cm. I could literally knock you out with my cock because I am such a manly… man… or something like that.

So last week I walked over the campus to the grocery store and saw this Asian girl, probably Chinese. She was a stunner. Beautiful face, perfect skin, amazing ass, obviously working out on a regular basis and perky breasts. A little bit like Alina Li with a little bit bigger boobs. Her style and her way of moving looked somehow Western, so I guessed that she was raised in Germany or the Netherlands (I am studying in the Netherlands, close to the German border).

So I did what every guy would want to do but only a few guys dare to do. I went to her and said:



"Ehm….yeah, I was about to make a lame excuse to begin a conversation, but actually I thought you are beautiful and I wanted to meet you."

She smiled, but she tried bullshitting me. "Ah, so I guess you tell that to a lot of girls, huh?"

Fuck that. "All the time. I go out 24/7. But to be honest, you have the most amazing butt I've seen…at least today. So that makes you special."

She gave me the you-didn't-just-say-that-eyes, but I held eye-contact and she started laughing. From that time on, it was on. I asked her out on a spontaneous date. She was mumbling something about studying, but I persisted and eventually we made the deal to meet two hours later at her place for dinner. She told me her name was X. Since X is a fake name for this story, I will call her by her real name, Xiao-Mi. I took her number, hugged her (and made sure she felt my half-erected dick during that) and went on my way. I texted her that I'd bring the desert (if you know what I mean) and we flirted via whatsapp until it was 6 pm and I made my way to her place. We both knew what would happen.

When I arrived at her place, Xiao-Mi opened the door. She had changed her clothes. Xiao-Mi was now wearing a summer dress and flip-flops. Did I mention that I fuckin love summer dresses? I just looked at her for 5 seconds.

Then I simply said "fuck it, let's skip dinner". She showed her sexiest smirk. I grabbed her hips and neck, pushed her against the wall and made out with her. I pushed my body against hers, our hands all over us. After a few seconds Xiao-Mi grabbed me by my hand and pulled me towards her room.

"I don't want my housemates to interrupt us."

Clothes we're ripped off, our breath became heavier and when my tongue moved downwards to her clit, she immediately exploded and squirted all over me. She was screaming so loud I had to pull my hand on her mouth, but to late.


The door was slammed open and in come her housemates. 3 gorgeous chicks, all naked and horny, joined the room. They all laid next to us. Xiao-Mi said "what the fuck? Fuck off! He's mine!", but I just replied "shut up bitch, I've got enough for all of you!". One girl came to me and said "Hi, I'm Lana." I replied with "Lana! Lana! LAAANAAAA!" – "WHAT?!?" – "Danger zone." Then I kissed her clit and touched the clits of the other two girls with my hands. They all immediately exploded and squirted all over the place. They created an actual water line that rose higher and higher. I repeated the procedure a couple of time and then realized that all their juices flooded the whole damn house. We we're actually in danger!

I yelled "stop it or we gonna drown!!", but they all had multiple orgasms because of my incredible sex superpowers. Shit. They couldn't stop it and they couldn't move either. So I just swam out of the house to save my ass. I thought about saving them, but I guessed that they would die happily, so I forgot about those bitches. As soon as I left the house, the house exploded because it wasn't built solid enough to handle all that awesomeness. Two police officers arrived and tried to arrest me, but I knocked them both out with my still erected cock.

And then I woke up. I hope you liked my story!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31qxl4/whoa_things_escalated_quickly_mffff_100_real_and


  1. I’m gonna have to call bullshit on this one. I bet that this actually happened. This was no dream, he is lying to us to protect our fragile egos. His knowledge of female anatomy is Phd level.

  2. So when you say clit, where exactly does one find it? And should I get a snorkel in case there’s flooding after I find the clit?

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