How a mutual love of cookies led to my affair (27M + 21F)(military)

This is the story about one of the most passionate and intense relationships of my life. Easily the most memorable and pleasurable experiences I'll ever have. Unfortunately it ended in disaster and almost brought our marriages to the bitter end in the process. Yes, I cheated and so did she. If you have a moral conflict that is okay with me, just dont read this story.

This is part 1

I had been in California for less than a year. Having recently relocated from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to San Diego I wasn't prepared for the endless droves of beautiful women that seemed to be at every corner. Being Marine Corps Infantry for 8 years the closet interaction with females was usually in porn stashed on my computer, but here I was, in college none the less. It was like a kid in a candy store.

A little background on myself. I'm that guy. The extremely tall one with the apparent muscles. I'm good looking and possess the wit and vocab to swoon most girls. 27 years old, Tall, dark and handsome and endowed with a 8" dick. I am the alpha, bull, HNIC or whatever you want to call it. My Achille's heel? I got married to the wrong damn woman.

My marriage was going through another rough patch and somehow I found myself browsing the personals on craigslist just for kicks and to pass the time. That's how I found her….

She posted an ad looking for guys to talk to because she was bored and lonely. her ad said she was married and her husband was in the navy. I figured she was some navy spouse left at home all day with shit to do. I wrote some email with a description of me and that I'd be interested in talking and maybe fooling around if we liked each other. I also asked her name.

I soon received a reply to my email with the words "I'm Shelia… :)" with a photo of a drop dead gorgeous red head specimen of a woman. Shelia was almost 21 years old. 5'6" 120lbs, a slim waist cute curvy ass and perfect 36Ds on her small frame. The pic she sent was a selfie in red lingerie and thong that matched her dyed red hair. Fucking jackpot.

We emailed a bit and I found out she was also in the Navy and I used that to build rapport mostly with making fun of the navy and how much better the MMarine Corps is. She was into me and I was definitely into her. eventually she introduced me to Kik and we took our conversation there.

On kik things became much more dirty and we continued to flirt talked about our lackluster sex life's with our spouses. However palpable the sexual tension was between us we never made overt comments about wanting to fuck each other. all day and night the banter continued between us for a few days until one afternoon while I was baking some cookies.

She had mentioned that her 21st birthday was soon approaching and her husband had failed to do anything about it. I made a ccomment about my cookies and how she was more than welcome to have a few as a birthday present, teasing her ever so slightly.

Our mutual love of chocolate chip cookies is what led to our first meeting. I agreed to make a batch for her since it was her birthday and I'd be more than happy to deliver. She said yes as it was her day off and soon afterwards I was off on my motorcycle headed to her apartment with cookies in tow.

Its always nerve racking meeting someone off the internet, you never know how they're like in person or if the photo is really them, but god damn Sheila was better in person. As i waited outside, down come this woman strutting towards me. Wearing the thinnest pair of yoga pants and the tighest top I've ever seen I could clearly seen the thong she was wearing and her bra underneath. Sheila was a killer and beautiful face to match. Her face is gorgeous with beautiful blue eyes and a great smile. She greeted me with a hug and a friendly smile as she escorted me up to her apartment.

I opened my backpack and pulled out the bag of cookies I made her for her, "happy birthday" I said as I held the bag for her as proof of my generosity. She said thank you and proceeded to sit down on one of the chairs in her living room.

I have to admit, at this time I fucking nervous. This woman was hands down the hottest thing to ever look my way and here we were alone for the first time. I tried to make stupid small talk and was largely successful. Trying not to telegraph my nervousness. That's when she made the first move.

Like a slinky she smoothly rolled from the chair to the floor where she laid herself out for me to oogle. I made some quip about it being more comfortable on my lap and up she sprang and laid her body across my lap as my hands became rested on top her legs and upper back.

I told her this would be the perfect position to sspank her if she decided to act up and she immediately playfully protested thinking that I would hit her to hard. I jokingly made an over exaggerated swing and she let out a yelp and a plead for me not to. I reassured her I wouldn't as I laid my hand down on her ample behind beginning to caress her.

We continued like this for about an hour until our time limit had been reached. As I got up and prepared to depart I joked saying "how all this time and you never kissed me. I must not be good enough for you" she replied that I never made a move on her and she thought I was interested. With that I instantly turned around and bee-lined straight to her where we passionately engaged in our first lip lock. It felt good and the longer we held the kiss the more inclined I felt to stay. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as we continued to kiss. We kissed for what felt like eternity until we both agreed I had to leave. I set her back on the ground and gave her a hug and we exchanged goodbyes.

As i was leaving I received a Kik from her "thanks for the cookies ;)" it was then I knew Sheila and I were destined for greatness.


1 comment

  1. I know its long and probably poorly edited and formatted. I typed it on my phone and will edit it later.

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