Sex at the business conference (long)

Hello GW Stories, first time posting here! This happened about 5 years ago, and to this day is the hottest sexual experience in my existence.

A coworker and I were on a business trip to attend a conference with people within our company from around the US. It was a five day conference that was supposed to be quick and easy. So we meet up and go to our first day, and that’s when I saw her. This sexy, gorgeous blonde haired woman was about 5’10” and just smoking hot all the way around. We locked eyes as soon as we saw each other. Throughout the day, we had the usual meet and greets and talking about our experiences within the company at our respective locations. A few of us decided to go out for drinks that night. Myself and my coworker, along with the girl (we’ll call her Heather) and her coworker, and a few others. We ate dinner and started to drink through happy hour and into the evening. My coworker had told me that Heather was staring at me all night and wouldn’t stop looking at me. I’m naïve when it comes to women, so I brushed it off, thinking nothing of it. The next day Heather told us she had a lot of fun and wanted to know if we wanted to go out again. Seeing as how the company was paying for meals, why not, let’s do it. Throughout the day I caught myself staring at Heather and would catch her looking at me, I started to notice how much we were looking at each other. About halfway through the day, I pulled her friend aside and asked if she was seeing anyone and what her story was. She told me that Heather had been single for about 3 months and was here to have some fun. Good news for me, I thought to myself. Her friend had told me that Heather had mentioned to her that she thought I was very attractive, and she wanted to “jump my bones” while we were at dinner the previous night. From that moment, I knew I had to have her.

Towards the end of the day, the instructor, or lead for the conference told us we’d be covering some topics in the morning that they wanted us to look over. “This is it”, I thought to myself. I thought if I could talk to her and ask if she wanted to get together to look at this stuff, we could see where this goes. So I mention to the group that was heading out that I’d be hanging back to take a look at what we were given, so I was prepared for it the next day. I asked Heather if she wanted to meet up or get together and go over this together, and I could barely finish the sentence before she said exclaimed “Yes”, with just a hint of excitement in her voice, that I could tell she was trying to hold back. She told me to meet her in the lobby around 8pm and we’d go from there.

So 8pm rolls around and I meet Heather downstairs in the lobby. She had changed and was wearing shorts that went up a little more than halfway up her thigh, and they were ripped in some areas. Her tank top could barely contain the massive breasts that she had, which I would come to find out later were 32DD. My god, the smell when she walked up, made me want to lick every single inch of her body right then and there, it was incredible. After about 10 minutes of small talk and looking things over, she stated we should go to one of our rooms because it was distracting looking at everything in the middle of the lobby. I agreed and we headed back to my room, because somehow I lucked out and was upgraded to a bigger room, due to an error upon arriving to check in a few days prior.

Back in my room, we sat at the table and discussed our careers, and how we’d gotten to where we are today. I couldn’t take it anymore, I knew I either needed to just make a move, or just tell her hot shot she was and how I knew she thought the same thing. But I stopped myself and told myself, she doesn’t know that I know that she is into me. So………game on.

We had been looking at each other this whole time as if we both knew what was going to happen. I knew this had to be the time. I excused myself and told her I needed to use the restroom. The way the room was laid out, was the table had chairs and the one Heather was in, had it’s back to the bathroom. As I came out of the restroom, she asked me if I was ready to keep going over the material. I walked up to her and gently put my hands on her shoulders, and told her I was into her and that her friend had told her the same thing. Her tiny little giggle made me know, that it was indeed true. I took one hand and pulled her hair over to one side and slowly began kissing her neck. She moaned out with great enjoyment as each kiss hit her neck in a new spot. I began to bite her gently, which made her moan even harder. I turned her face over to meet mine and began to kiss her, and feel her lips. Her lips pressed against mine and her tongue, was the most amazing taste I have ever had. I moved my hand from her shoulder to her neck, and gave it just enough of a squeeze to gauge her reaction. Her eyes widened and she smiled, and asked if that was what I wanted to do to her. I told her, not only was that what I wanted to do to her, but that I wanted her to be my good little slut for the night. She proclaimed loudly and with deep heavy breathing that she was my slut for the night. My cock instantly became rock solid upon hearing her say this. I put my hands on her body and had her stand up, and pushed her to the wall, where we continued to make out. My hands exploring every inch of her body, while hers did the same. I pulled back her hair and began kissing her neck again, which only made her hornier as we continued. She quickly unbuttoned my pants to expose all 7.5” of me hard as I’ve ever been. Again, I could see her eyes widen as she saw it. My hands made their way down to her shorts, and I as I began to unbutton them, her breast came popping out as she removed her tank top. I kissed and sucked on her breasts for what seemed like an eternity. Her nipples were just the perfect length, and I bit them with just enough force to make her go crazy. My fingers slowly made their way down to her clit and I started to rub it back and forth. She began to moan louder and louder, and quicker every time my fingers went back and forth. I felt her begin to get wet, so I quickly took two of my fingers and slide them inside of her. From that move, she let out an “Oh my god”, that should have made me cum right then and there. She was tight and every time I went deeper inside her, I could feel her tighten up. This was the most insane thing I had ever done, but it felt so good and so right. I took her over to the bent and bent her over while she remained standing. I kneeled down and licked her from her clit to her asshole. The taste… god the taste… I never had anything sweeter. She couldn’t hold back the excitement as each lick, went inside her. She moaned and pulled on the sheets, grabbing her breasts and telling me “more, more, that feels so fucking good.” As I grabbed her ass and spanked it with both hands, I could taste that she was ready, and I was more than ready to feel my cock inside of her. I stood up and turned her over to kiss her, and her tongue tasted every part of my mouth that had been licking her. I quickly turned her back over and grabbed my cock to put it inside her. I teased her with it for just a few strokes before going inside of her. As my cock finally reached her hole, and it slid in her, she let out a moan that sent chills down my entire body…..



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