Posted this on r/offmychest. Wanted to see if anyone may like this


Everyday I see you walking around in some tasteful little outfit from some department store. The $27 stripe long sleeve top with the matching khakis and tastefully hip horned rimmed glasses. I see the little hop in your step as you walk and your hips swing to a gentle beat.

It drives me wild.

I want to take you away to the most remote shitty motel we can find and show you how wild you drive me. I want to rip that stupid fucking top off of you and let you feel my breath on the nape of your neck. I want to press that tight body of yours against the wall as you moan in ecstasy. I want your big eyes to look over those horned rimmed glasses as I worship every ounce of your body. I want to tear away every layer between the two of us. I want our breathing to become one; I want everything between us to become one.

I want to write sonnets between your thighs as your lips quiver and beads of sweat begin to drip down your head. I want to pierce that soft spoken shell of a woman and make you light yourself alive like a supernova. I want to wear you like a the most amazing costume in a masquerade. I want to us to be savage. I want us to pull and bite and growl and roar with passion. I want the goddamn walls to shake and the ground to rumble. I want to shine through the days like a dying star; two bodies entwined and ensnared around each other like twisted limbs. Breathing and glistening in heat of everything. I want you to want more. I want you to want everything. I want to smolder with you as that supernova dies out. I want you to crave more; to NEED more. I want to drive myself into you until I pass out weak and tired. I want you to reach momentary nirvana.

I want to be the drug you can't goddamn quit.

At the end of it, we could never speak again, but every time your heart skips a beat, or you feel that shiver of pleasure down your spine? I want you to think of me.


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