mF Groping my sister-in-law

Using a throw away for this. Also on mobile so its going to be poorly written.

This started last year on Christmas/ boxing day. 3 major characters: myself, my sister in law ( I'll call her SIL), and my cousin who is married to SIL. Now our families are extremely close, so close that I consider cousin as a brother. I can go to his house unannounced, eat dinner, sleep over, then leave in the morning no problem. I'm 20, SIL is 31, and cousin is 34.

SIL looks Katy Perry, but with black straight hair, thick thighs and ass. She goes to the gym 7days a week. I would guess her to be 5' 10" 150lbs of gym thickness. Her ass looks amazing in yoga pants!

I'm 6' 2" 180lbs, nothing amazing. And cousin is about 6' 0" 200lbs of muscle.

On Christmas my family went to visit my cousin for dinner. They live downtown, and the plan was for me to crash on their sofa, my parents would go home, and the 3 of us would go shopping for boxing day. During dinner nothing really happened, but I did get a lot more hugs from SIL then usual, I thought it was because of the wine.

After my parents left my cousin passed out in his room, while I helped SIL with the dishes talking about random stuff. After dishes I changed into a pairs of shorts and went to bed.

I woke up around 7am to find SIL going through the cabinets. She was wearing gray yoga pants and a hoodie. She had just gotten back from a morning jog. I sit up on the sofa being careful to cover my morning wood with the blanket. I asked where cousin was and she said still asleep. She then sat down beside me and handed me a cup of tea. I start drinking it while she removes her hoodie revealing a white wife beater under neath. She then plops down beside me, grabs her tablet and starts telling me all the stores she wants to visit. I just sit there drinking my tea and watching her.

She looks at me asking if I'm cold, I say no. She then asks why I'm still holding onto the blanket and pulls it off, revealing my morning wood. I cover it up with my arm but I can see by the look on her face that she saw it.

At first her mouth is open, she then starts to smile at me. "Did I I do that?" She says in a teasing way.

I try to tell her just morning wood, but she doesn't seem to know what that is and says its cute I got hard cause of her. I cover my face in embarrassment but she scoots right beside me grabs my hand and says its fine. She then looks towards the bedroom door, then leans over and whispers in my ear "you can touch me if it will help"

At first I think I shouldn't, because I consider cousin to be my brother. But on their other hand, DAT ass….

At first I start to by touching beautiful thick thighs, running my hands up and down, then slowly work my way to her chest. She then stands up and moves to stand in front of me. She bends over the coffee table and pretends to be cleaning it. I run one hand up her thigh and start caressing her amazing ass. I slide my hand between her legs and use the other to squeeze each cheek. Eventually I stand up and press my hardon against her, and run my hands under her tank top, squeezing her breasts. It was a little hard to do as she was wearing a sports bra under neath. Every time I tried to pull her pants down or put my hands down them she would stop me. After about 10 minutes we heard a noise from the bedroom, I stopped , sat back down while she went to the washroom.

I got to feel her up 2 more times. The second time was new years, nothing exciting as she was wearing jeans.

The third time was 2 weeks ago. Her friend had graduated from University. She wanted me to sit in the car while she went to drop off some flowers so she wouldn't have to pay for parking. The entire drive there I had my hand under her skirt fingering her, trying to make her cum. But its hard to do when driving.



  1. Only pictures I have are from her /r/gonewild account, but my cousin has seen them so I can’t post them here. I know SIL browses this sub but not sure about him.

  2. Your sister in law is married to your cousin? Here in the US a SIL is you brother’s wife. I’m not sure we have a specific term for a cousin’s wife.

  3. Like I said, I consider my cousin to be a brother. So I just call his wife SIL.

  4. Are you happy to just grope and finger? Do you want more or are you happy with this boundary? Has she touched you?

  5. There has got to be a way around that. PM them, perhaps? Also, more details about two weeks ago would be nice. Good stuff. Thanks.

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