Long lost kitten finds her owner [MF – MDom]

We first met online, after you read an erotic story I wrote that you just couldn't get out of your head. It was something about the tone it was written it, the subtle, yet forceful, dominance of the man in the story. It was so well written you wanted to know who was behind it… and when you did you weren't disappointed.

Our relationship developed quickly enough. It didn't take long for me to know who you really were, and it made your stomach alight with butterflies each time I spoke to you in such a way that reminded us both of your desire to be controlled… your desire to be owned. But not just the tied up and spanked type of owned – like truly and completely owned. I could tell almost from the start that you wanted to give yourself completely to the man who could see it in you and draw that side out of you.

But you had built a wall up around you physically. You hid this part of you from everyone around you – work, friends, family- and nobody suspected anything different. The men you had relationships with were ultimately unfulfilling and left you bored quickly. You wanted a deeper sort of relationship, one where you could give all of yourself. And when you read my story those omnipresent feelings that you buried deep within your bosom drove you message me. But there was no wall you could give me because when I began to ask you questions specifically about what you liked about my story I knew. I knew that somehow I had written a story about you without even knowing you yet.

The fact that we lived within the same city was a lucky coincidence. As we came to this realization you began to get cold feet, nervous about actually fulfilling your life-long fantasy, already so conditioned to the wall you've hidden behind for so long. But I had already drawn you out and mentally you lay exposed, completely naked to someone for the first time in your life… and you liked it. The thought of doing it physically as well only excited you further and you committed to meeting me.

You were only to call me “Master” or “Daddy” depending on what was most appropriate for the moment and I generally called you “My kitten,” among other names that you wore with pride. You loved being identified as my pet and felt yourself starting to think like a cat as your mind would wander toward me. You'd imagine purring, cuddling, and walking around naked for me with poise, luring me to wanting to fuck you. You found yourself wondering if I would put a collar on you or mark my ownership onto you in some other way.

Meanwhile, you lived your everyday life as if nothing had changed. As the day we were to first meet crept closer at an agonizingly glacial pace you went about your business as usual. Your face would grow slightly red when you caught someone looking over at you daydreaming about being controlled by me but then you'd realize they have no idea – they'd never even guess. You found yourself imagining me telling you what to wear that day, modeling it for me, making me meals, massaging my entire body with your tongue. All of these thoughts flitted across your mind as the days dragged closer to our first meeting.

Finally, today came. I had warned you that I was going to test your loyalty today. I wanted your trust and it was critical for you to give it to me completely or the fantasy would not come to fruition. You knew you had to give all of yourself to me and what you've exposed over the computer and texting was a good start but today you would give me all of you – mind, body, and spirit. Your first test was leaving your door unlocked for me to enter at my will, not at your permission.

When I text you that I'm on my way you eagerly rush to the door and unlock it. You're wearing the outfit that I had chosen from the three best you laid out for me. A green spaghetti stringed top that you've sent me a picture of you in before that I loved because it exposed your feminine shoulders, full cleavage, and beautiful stomach. These were coupled with my favorite pair of jeans on you. I wanted to see your contours through your clothes when I first saw you and this was the outfit that was best for that. Your long brown hair flowed midway down your back and over your breasts as you eagerly wait for me to come through the door. You're galvanized with electric anticipation – the mixture of fear, hope, lust, and unbridled joy make it impossible for you to stand still. You pace wondering if I'll ever show up.

Suddenly the knob turns and I'm standing in front of you. I'm actually standing directly in front of you – the man who knows your deepest fantasy, and the man who is ready to make it come true. As I enter inside my eyes are drawn to you immediately and I stop in the doorway. I deliberately look you up and down, stopping at my most favorite parts about you to drink you in, and finishing with your eyes. You immediately blush. You feel silly, small, and meaningless in my presence. With everyone else you can handle them fine one way or another but just standing in my presence has you feeling exposed and ashamed.

For a moment longer I look at you and you take a moment to register that I'm wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, but accentuating my muscular build. I begin to cross the room towards you and pull your lips to mine. Being over 6 foot you need to stand up on your toes to reach my mouth as I only bend my neck slightly, but you reach it and you're rewarded with a long slow kiss. Your tongue exploring mine we begin the ritual of becoming one. It doesn't take long for your body to melt into mine.

“Good girl,” I say as I gently pull away, “Now it's time for you to learn your first lesson as my pet.” Suddenly my softness turns firm. My hand which had gently rested on the side of your face slides back into the base of your hair and I grip a fistful. My body is hard and tense and you suddenly realize you are getting pushed forward without any warning. You put your arms out in front of you to capture your fall onto the floor and when you land and look up my other hand is gripping your chin and holding your face steadily so that your eyes must look into mine. Immediately you're overwhelmed by the presence of me but you look afraid of what would happen if you look away. I order one word: Crawl. And you obey. I walk you by your hair to an ottoman in the living room and make you crawl up onto it.

“This is where I expect you to greet me when I say I'm coming,” I say, “if you're not in this spot when I walk through the door… there will be consequences,” I say slowly looking you in the eyes. You nod your head quickly in understanding. You knew you needed a place where you were expected to greet your master. Perched on top of the ottoman, exactly where one would expect to find his pet when he enters through the door, made only perfect sense.

“But you don't greet me in this. You're too overdressed,” I say pulling at your green top. The trust, you automatically think. You'd never let a guy begin to strip you so quickly of just walking through your front door for the first time, but this was the next test. You needed to expose yourself to me and the last layers of anything physical between us were immediately being tossed aside. But not all of it – as I watched with a sly grin on my face as you wiggled out of your jeans I place you back on the ottoman with nothing but your matching green and black bra and panties.

“This is how you'll greet me. Or with whatever other lingerie I decide I want you to wear for me the moment I come through that door,” I explain. There was a matter-of-fact tone to my voice which was strangely comforting to you. The burden of making decisions felt like they were melting away and life felt like it was suddenly getting exciting. The burden of making the boring decisions of everyday life paled in comparison to the thought of serving this man who was restructuring your life at this very moment.

Gripping your hair tightly again I order you to show me to your room. You know better than to walk, you crawl off your spot and you begin to lead me down the hallway to your bedroom. I release your hair and walk over to your bed and spread your pillows across it making it suddenly look like a comfy cat bed. I motion you up onto the bed and you jump on happily smiling at me. You sense my softness is back and you become a little more bold and get playful crawling up my body with your arms and pressing your body against mine. I grab hold of you and begin to appreciate you in my arms. You lean back, looking into my eyes, trying to gauge my reactions to you. From what you can tell I'm very pleased.

I begin to pull your tits out of your bra and push them into my mouth – sucking, nibbling, and biting, making you jump in my arms. My mouth licks and kisses you up your shoulder and to the inside of your neck. The stubble on my face tickling such a sensitive part of your body and leaving you squirming in paradise. My teeth begin to press against your skin as I twist one of your nipples between my fingers. I drag my teeth along your neck until I find the perfect point to bite down.

Then you fall back onto your bed of pillows and as you lift yourself up I pull your face to the center of my jeans and your cheek pressed against the hard warmth stretching the fabric. I order you to undue the pants and without hesitation you obey revealing a high strained pair of boxers. You reach your hand in the hole and attempt to wrap your hand around my thick cock and pull it out. After some fumbling you get it out. The firmness is back and taking my favorite spot in your hair I press your face again against my waist but this time with your cheek against my bare cock, my balls falling over your chin. There's something primal and intimate about getting your face rubbed by your owners cock, a sense of being marked and owned.

Then came your responsibility to satisfy my cock. Another test. Eagerly you took it into your mouth and began working to please it with slow long licks with constant pressure against my cock. I feel your tongue roll as much as it can around the sensitive underbelly of my cock as you push my head willingly down your throat. My head instinctively tosses back and you know you're satisfying me right. While you craved to be my slave you knew exactly where to take the initiative, that line where you know exactly what to do and orders are unnecessary because you're already following them so well. This was the side of you that you always knew was inside of you – you lived to please and you knew exactly how to do it… for the man willing to take it.

Before long you have me so worked up I order you to take off the rest of my clothes and forcefully turn you around and push your head into one of the pillows while I climb on others and position myself behind your raised ass. But despite eagerly preparing to take my cock you suddenly feel my lips on the inside of your thigh licking and lightly running my teeth against some of the most sensitive skin on your body. It gives you shivers that turns your legs into so much jelly you had to consciously fight to keep your knees from collapsing.

As my tongue reaches in along the last remaining piece of clothing between us, your green and black panties, I tongue along the edge of the seems leaving you to moan and squirm into your pillow. I push my mouth against the soaked fabric of your panties pressing against your warm swollen fruit creating a delightful flash of light in front of your closed eyes. I continue to kiss up your panties until I am kissing and licking your ass, pressing my face against your ass breathing you in deep, pressing my tongue into your crevice before pulling my face away. Suddenly there's a loud tear, and you realize your panties now have a gaping hole on them.

Then you feel my cock come in from underneath you, pressing my head up into your swollen needy clit. I rub my head against you, up and down, sliding between your folds, moistening myself and preparing you for entry. I start off very. Slow. I push in only a little feeling you begging for more – either push it in or pull it out, but I could see you screaming to not just leave it in the entrance. But I kept it there just to watch you squirm and hold yourself back from slamming yourself down onto it. Then I would pull out again never fully entering you and go back to teasing your clit.

Finally, I push in and make the full plunge. My thick 9 inch cock is a LOT to take in but when it's fully in you can squeeze yourself so tightly around my shaft you realize you actually have a pretty solid grip on it. Feeling me just barely fit inside of your tight hole makes us both moan with extra pleasure. A perfect match just like with everything else. As I continue to fuck you through your ripped panties I increase my pace and thrusts. A low yet powerful growl begins to come from me as I rhythmically stuff your sweet tight cunt while you moan loudly into your pillow.

“Take all of Daddy's big cock, fucktoy,” I growl and you moan helplessly, “Yes Master!” That's when I grab your hair tight and push in deep. That coupled with how I filled and controlled you finally brought you over the edge you were riding for a while now and your first orgasm shudders through your body. As you cum I grind my cock hard into your hole making you feel every last inch of me as you convulsed over my cock.

As you fall to the bed exhausted lost within the dissipating waves of your full body orgasm you hardly notice me pulling your torn panties from your body removing the last physical barrier between us. I move around your bed, hot and sweaty but with a cock still rock hard, until I am kneeling over you. Still overcome you hardly notice me there until I suddenly pull you up by your hair and stuff your mouth filled with my cock tasting your juices all over my dick. I begin to fuck your face as you begin to struggle for air. Only when I decide its time do I remove my cock from your throat long enough to take a deep gasp before burying you back on it again.

You notice the energy I fuck with is not long other men you've been with in the past. I don't just do the one position and done. I'm using you – entirely and completely – bit by bit – I am making use of every part of you and with all degrees. And this is exactly why you wanted to serve me – someone who could appreciate every last part that you had to offer.

Next thing you know you're on your back and I am over top of you. There's nowhere for you to go, not that you wanted to. Even though you had just been used so thoroughly by me there was still that fear that lingered there, knowing you can't escape, and that was something that made the entire experience even more pleasurable. As I stuff my cock back in your sweet tight fuckhole I also stuff something else in you – specifically your panties into your mouth. You taste more of yourself that you had previously soaked your panties in as you wait for me to come through that door. Another reminder of your owner and everything comes back to reminding you of Him.

Your pussy was beginning to get sore but there was no sign of abatement from me. Instead the intensity of my fucking continued to increase and the names you were being called were also become deliciously more filthier – whore, slut, cum kitten, slave, fuckpet. Then came the hand around your neck. You don't know how I knew when the very last second was – but yet I did – and just as you began to see stars from getting fucked and choked, losing sight of everything in reality, suddenly I allotted you with a new breath of air and everything came back to life again. This cycle continued on for what seemed like eternity and all time ceased to matter as I eliminated everything from your mind but the fact that you were getting fucked by me and no longer could you hold a rational or conscious thought in your head.

Finally came my turn for release. I stopped counting yours after five. As your pussy milks my cock to release I pull out and crawl over your legs so that I'm over your stomach and I lift up your head. Just then a thick white heavy load of cum shoots directly into your face as I hold you up by your hair. Another load of cum hits you again in the cheek, then the eye, then right into your mouth. You can feel the pressure decrease and pump onto your chin and over your tits before finally ceasing. Immediately you begin the cleanup taking it all into your mouth and swallowing it. You think about how you want all of my cum from now on.

I roll onto my back and direct you into your spot- the nook of my arm. You crawl over and curl up tight like a good pet should. And like a good owner I pull you in tight. You're exhausted from serving your new master and within minutes your breathing steadies and you're asleep in my arms. I decide to let you rest a while as I decide how to best introduce you to your new life as my pet kitten.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/31h301/long_lost_kitten_finds_her_owner_mf_mdom