Had so[M]E [f]un Couchsurfing

Hi, first let me say English's not my first language so there may be some typos.

So, this story follows another story with another girl i met couchsurfing but i decided to write this one first as it's easier to explain :)

some info, no wild stuff here yet

Something about me at the time the story happened: Male, late 20's moving into 30's. Chubby, overweight (but was working out regularly to do something about it so there was the 'outline' of posture you could say), baldish/ing (Friar Tuck style) with a wicked (some would say weird) sense of humour, from a small Central European country

Her: She was (and well, still is :)) older then me, visiting from a country bit to the east. Had a nice body, she was active runner/dancer. 3 years older then me. Honesty compels me to say, she looked older then that in the face, would guess maybe 37-38, seeing her randomly in a bar and not knowing i would call her a HOT MILF (MATURE)

Story background: I was living on my own in my own flat and it was summer. As living alone was giving me a depresion, i started host a lot of couchsurfers just to bring some chaos, fun and socialization to my life. She was just another contact in the queue and honestly, i had no plans to try to do anything. I don't remmember much from the 1st day, except that we ended up drinking wine, tried vodka and some other drinks from around the europe (just shots) and we both ended up semi-drunk. Far from wasted, i think we both could do math in a fairly normal way :) just you know, we were floating on the cloud of alcohol in our brains. And well, we were laughing a lot, the jokes were going good both ways…

Story starts

So, as it was getting late (or early? it was past midnight) it was time to go to bed(s), i would sleep in my bedroom with a big (2 meters x 2 meters) bed and she would stay on the couch in the living room. I think part of it was that the bed just feels too empty and i often miss someone to at least cuddle. So, back to story.

We somehow decide to go to sleep and we both stand up. Here, honestly, i still wasn't planning on sexy time, just felt so good with her that i took her in my arms and hugged her tighly. We spent few minutes (or second, not sure about the time) just hugging in the hall. Finally i got the courage (or maybe it was the alcohol that got me) to ask her to go to bed with me,telling her the bed is too big and feels too empty). She definitely wasn't up for sexy time as well at the point, but she didn't disagree so we went both to the bedroom and cuddled up.

The good stuff

Note: It was some months ago, there was alcohol involved, so details may be a bit off/missing, not sure So there we were, laying in the bed cuddling up underneath the one sheet and somehow, we started to kiss and my arms started to roam :) We spoke English all the time, but there is one word i learned from another CSer before that over a beer in this girl's language: Disrobe :) So i started to whisper it and we both got rid of our clothes. Now, she had beautiful perky breasts, i would say C at most, maybe bigger B's. With nice small nipples. And man-o-man, they were -FIRM-. So i ended up playing with her nipples while i kissed her. Then one of my hands started to move south :) She was shaved, except for a small … patch maybe? It was cut short but still long enough to play with. By the way, she was blonde and i found it cute her pubic hair (well the small patch) was blonde too, just a nice detail I have to say she had some nice reaction's and that gave me confidence to continue and slowly push one finger inside her, exploring. I would say this went on for minutes, 10-15-20 minutes? Just kissing, playing with her breasts and fingering her :) Note: Today, i would be more prepared So, between her moans, she asked me if i had a condom. NO :( As i said, i was not planning on anything, i had no GF back then so…. today, i am more of a boy scout, always prepared :) So no, there was no sex. What was there was me going down for her. I think before we fell asleep i ate her out 3 maybe 4 times, kissing and fingering her in the meantime :) Honestly, i don't mind not having a condom back then, i personally find eating a girl out to orgasm to be the best. Especially if she taste like this one did. I couldn't get enough of her.

So this was the first evening, we fell asleep, both naked, wet, sweaty and smiling. We got woken up by the sun shining into the room. I noticed she got dressed for the night while i stayed naked. I enjoyed unpacking the present again in the morning :) We proceeded to mess around using fingers and mouths for another 1 – 2 hours, before heading to the shower, where we proceeded to play around before washing up and getting a breakfast ready :) The whole breakfast preparation took longer then needed, as it's hard to prepare food when someone is all the time getting kisses from you or petting and dry umping you through the clothes….

NOTE 2: Yes, we forged to buy condoms during day, didn't really think about it

So, after breakfast, we went out for a walk (it was weekend so i had time off). The walk through the city was fairly normal, except for lot of kissing, fondling etc. just normal horny couple stuff :)

After coming back home in the evening, it was much faster into the bed. I didn't keep count, but i went down on her (well, sometimes she sat on my face, which i loved) maybe 10 times. In the morning, it was already Monday, so i had to go to work and well, she had to move on to the next country. We managed to wake up early and fooled until we both had to leave. In the morning, she gave me a back rub and a BJ, which i both enjoyed and allowed me to dry hump her naked against the window :)

Finally, knowing it was going to be over in few minutes, i threw her on the bed doggy style and ate her out while fingering her, from behind to send her off on her trip with some nice memories….

I know this story wasn't probably graphic enough compared to others here, but i decided to share…..

Hope someone enjoys this story at least a bit.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31gz3g/had_some_fun_couchsurfing

1 comment

  1. Nice, as a chubby guy, myself, I love to see a fellow chubby getting some action, awesome story.

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