I feel like telling the story of the best sex that I[26M]’ve ever had. It’s not a wild, made up fantasy and it doesn’t involve any kinky stuff. It’s 100% true. So if authenticity is your turn on, relive it with me.

Hey there /r/gonewildstories,

I come across your subreddit sometimes and some of the stories get me going. I wish I could know which ones are true or not. This one probably won't live up to some of the fake ones, but I'll tell you the story of the best sex of my life. I'll give you the whole story from the beginning. This is my first time ever writing something like this.

So the day was late December in 2013. I was an engineering senior and was amidst the hell that is a senior capstone project. I swear I spent every waking minute at that god damn school, and it got so old. Honestly, I was not enjoying life and I just had to get away for a while. I'm a poker and math enthusiast so I drove myself over to the casino one night to get away. It really was a perfect night, I was hitting all the right cards, winning lots of money, and the girl playing next to me was even flirting with me. Let me tell you about her before I keep going.

This woman… she was fucking beautiful in an ordinary and womanly way. She wasn't dressed to show off, but more presenting herself as a classy, sexual woman. She was wearing a casual flower dress with one of those girly denim jackets. Long, flowing, curly brown hair. I could tell her skin was soft. I just wanted to rub it and see. She had a perfect film of lipstick on, it wasn't much, but it was just that perfect film of pink that made you notice. She caught me checking her out once, and smiled at me as she turned away and bit her tongue. By looking at her, I estimated that she was about 35.

Guys prefer different things, but she had my EXACT preferred body type. She was athletic, and although she wasn't fat, she had just enough mass to her to make her womanly. She must've weighed somewhere between 135-150, around 5'6. When she turned from me, I noticed my favorite feature on her: her legs. My fucking god, I don't know what it is about those legs. Probably because they were hers. They belonged to her, they weren't fake-ass supermodel legs. Nah, she had kind of rugged knees (not in an ugly way at ALL), I could tell she was a country girl and it told me that she wasn't afraid to work hard. The rest of her legs were slightly tan and just perfect. I could see the outline of her thighs in such a way that told me she worked out.

To this day she was probably the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, not because she was hot in the "movie-star" kind of way, but just because she carried herself SO womanly. She was real, a real, gorgeous woman who took care of herself and just had a fun, positive, bubbly (but not ditsy) vibe to her.

Okay, back to the actual story. We were exchanging small talk on occasion, but I was involved in a lot of hands and (despite the beautiful woman next to me) I don't like to get too distracted and have conversation when I've got cards. Eventually, she got up to go to the restroom and asked for me to get her drink when the waitress came back around. I said sure, and got the drink while she was gone. I tipped the waitress $2 for the drink and playfully told the girl that we were going to throw down if she didn't give me that tip money back. She replied with "well that's okay because I'm a good wrestler". This is particularly funny, because I'm a (visibly) strong, manly white guy so it wasn't like she was saying this to a smaller guy. The smile she flashed me as she said it made me fucking melt. Fuck. My heart stopped right then and there. We both wanted each other right then, I know it.

Right about that time, the game broke up and we were forced to swap tables. It didn't make a difference, but I should've asked for her number right then. I chickened out because so many people were right there beside us and I didn't want to get rejected in front of 15 guys that I know. I played for a while until I saw her go to cash out. She was apparently friends with the cashier, but I said fuck it and went right up to her and asked "Hey, you're gorgeous. I'm going to be back up her on New Year's Eve, can we get drinks?" She was STUNNED, mostly because it was in front of her friend. She turned blood red and quietly said "Yes" in a shaky voice with a smile. I got her number and left.

Upon further texting I found out more about her. She wasn't 35, she was 44. Holy shit. I was really surprised, but didn't say anything to her about it. The age gap didn't bother me much. I still loved talking to her, and she was fucking sexy. We got to chatting more and shared several flirty lines and talked about how much fun we were going to have on New Years.

So we met up on New Year's back at the local card room. Even as gorgeous as she was the first time I saw her, she was even more beautiful that night. She had dressed up in a white dress that fit her body perfectly. It showed a little more cleavage, but not too much. She wore flat shoes (which I like) to give herself a casual look. I won't go into as much detail here, but she was PERFECT that night. We eventually got on a table that was drinking and having fun. I asked the waitress to bring me some smooth whiskey and she brought back a sizeable cup which I knocked back quickly. I don't know what that was, but I was already getting tipsy (but not heavily drunk). We played cards for a while and New Year's was about to count down. I timed it right and told her to come over to the side with me for a bit. Everyone started counting down the New Year, including her. I turned her around when everyone got to about 3, and went in for a deep kiss. I put my hand on her neck and arm and felt the hair stand up on her when I did. She grabbed my waist and pulled me in close to her, and I felt her hard nipples through her dress. Electric.

We played for a few more hours and I was still a little tispy, so I smiled and told her that she had to drive me home. She agreed. On the way home she stopped off and picked up some kind of drink, said she wanted to drink a little too. I tested the waters and put my hand on her leg on the way home, and slid it up her dress a little bit. She playfully told me I better stop. I think she didn't want me to feel her wet panties. She looked dead on at my hard on and just smiled and kept driving. And this is where things got fun.

We pulled up at my house and I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie. She said yes! So we put on some movie (I don't even remember what it was) and hopped on a nice futon I had at the time. She snuggled up close to me and we chatted for a few minutes about what our plans for the New year were, and I eventually interrupted her with a kiss. This was the second time I had kissed her that night, but I didn't mention that she had on some kind of fruity lipstick that made her taste AMAZING. This may sound weird but it made her mouth really cool, and pleasant to kiss. She was an absolutely amazing kisser, something I pride myself on as well. We were perfectly in sync, and it gradually got more and more intense. She was breathing heavily and letting out small moans as I moved my tongue down her neck. One thing I remember vividly about her is that when I really got her going, so much of her body would have goosebumps. I loved that.

She pushed me off just long enough to move me to the side and mount me (still clothed). Her hair was getting a little messed up now, in a sexy way. We kind of just stared at each other and didn't say anything for about 15 seconds. I remember her smiling as she went in and nibbled on my ears. FUCK. If I was hard before, I was super hard now. That's my weak spot. How did she know?! She is good like that. I remember being so turned on I just had to move some part of my body. I was grinding against her. She did some kind of nibbling that sent waves down my whole fucking body. I swear to god, I could feel it in my toes. Just typing that right now, fuck. One more time: fuck.

She stood up and turned around, and I unzipped her dress. She slid it off of her to reveal the most glorious set of breasts I've ever seen and probably ever will see. I grabbed them, and they were just barely, noticeably fake. Trust me when I say, that I fucking loved them. She grabbed my shirt from the bottom and took it off over my head. I have a hairy chest, and she clawed at it and told me that I was fucking hot and that she wanted to be fucked by a strong man so badly. I took my jeans and boxers off and she kicked them out of her way and pushed me down onto the couch, and proceeded to lick the tip of my cock, just a little. I almost fucking came. She knew she was fucking good at it, so she didn't give me head for long. She wanted to get fucked.

Right as she took my cock out of her mouth, something awesome happened. The futon fucked up and went into the "bed" position. Call it a small gift from the unknown, but usually it takes some doing to get that thing to lay down. The last thing I wanted to do was have her watching my naked ass fight a futon for 5 mins while she's horny as fuck and kill the mood. I didn't question it. She unfolded a blanket and half way wrapped us up in it. I told her to get on top of me.

There was no slow, epic sliding in. She was too horny at this point. She got on top of me, legs around my hips and started riding me. She was wet. WET. My god it felt so good. For her being on top, I could go very deep in her. We did this for a while before she changed into a position that I was not familiar with, it's kind of like missionary with the girl on top. She had one leg on the outside of my hips and the one wrapped around my other in kind of an S shape. I don't fucking know. What I do know is that I could go SO fucking deep in her. I could feel her vagina against the skin at the base of my cock. It was like every single possible spot on my cock that could be stimulated, was receiving the max. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk. This was even better than the BJ. I had to hold back my orgasm. We did this position for about 15 minutes. She was whispering dirty things in my ear the whole time, saying how she loved being fucked by a strong young white man. She told me she had been masturbating to the thought of me grabbing her with my strong arms, putting her on her back and fucking her. So I did just that.

I turned her over stuck my cock in her, and just kind of "stood up" over her while I played with her clit. Fuck she was wet. I loved it. She was feeling so good she couldn't even moan, just short hard breaths. Wow. I had never gotten a woman so worked up. She asked me to fuck her til she came. And I fucking did. I was soft, but firm. I was fast, but slow. It was passionate, but at the same time raw, primal, uninhibited sex. I started fucking her and she said she was about to cum. She had a handful of each of my ass cheeks, just PULLING me into her hard, but not slamming. It was amazing. I told her I was getting close, she begged me to cum with her. Then she did the hottest thing ever, she reached down and wet her fingers on her vagina, and then reached over and started running her middle finger around my asshole. She was circling it and ALMOST putting it in, but not quite. She didn't even ask. Fuck. She just knew I'd fucking love it. And then she told me "I want your fucking cum all in me baby" and I started fucking her harder and faster. Her finger was now completely inside of me, and she was shaking it in such a way that I felt it through my entire body. I remember feeling her toes curl up on my calves as I came in her. My cock pulsed for several minutes after. And we both just layed there, recovering. After a few minutes of heavy breathing. I said "oh my fucking god" and she said "I know".

We then took a shower together, laughed about the amazing sex, and then cuddled up and watched a movie. She slept in my arms, wrapped in a white sheet, and I took her home later that morning.

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading. This was one of the best nights I can remember.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31edao/i_feel_like_telling_the_story_of_the_best_sex


  1. Wow. Really well written. Thanks for sharing. Love the details and descriptiveness. And the fact that unlike lots of stuff in here, it seemed real :)

  2. I’m going to read this to mi esposa tonight….I’m also gonna have some crazy sex too ;-)

  3. Yes, a few times. I wouldn’t call them exploits, just great nights spent in great company. We dated for a short while but I think we both knew the age gap would prevent anything truly long term. Too bad she wasn’t 20 years younger.

  4. Thanks for reading. It was a true story, but I guess everyone says that on here (even about stories that are clearly not true). If I’m lucky, I’ll share a better or equal one in the future.

  5. And so you are saying that my story is made up? Just like that? And yours is the only *true* story here? I should give you a down vote without even reading. But I wont. You need to rethink your titles for your stories and not harsh on others first.

  6. What a whinebag. Of course mine isn’t the only true story here, but there are plenty that I read that are quite clearly made up. If you think otherwise, then by all means enjoy. As an aside, lose your shitty attitude.

  7. I’m not bothered by fake stories. This is the internet and that is the nature of things. But some of them just play the fantasy card too hard I suppose, and it is obviously not true. I’m just saying, I enjoy reading something that’s obviously authentic and I think that is the same for many people. Some guy having a wild orgy with 5 MILFs? I’m sure it has happened, but aside from the stars aligning, that isn’t going to happen to me, and that doesn’t make me reminisce about the great sexual experiences I’ve had. I think being able to relate to the story on some small level is nice. This is /r/gonewildstories though. Let’s not try to take it too seriously :)

  8. Bullshit, you shouldnt have let age matter, she could have been the one. I dont want to put those thoughts in your head, I hope you still have her number.

  9. An engineer getting laid? I call bullshit. J/k OP, great story. :)

  10. I know what you mean about "older" women with thicker legs. I too am a leg man. The slim Hollywood supermodel type is nice too, but there is just something special about an experienced pair of gams that scream SEX!

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