Carmen & Alyssa – Part 1 [FF] (my first erotic story! please comment!)

Carmen leaned in to kiss her and their lips met. At first it was slow, deliberate. Every moment needed to be savored. Instinctively, Carmen’s hand began to caress her face, gliding from her cheek to the nape of her neck. Her tongue easily slipped inside her lover’s mouth, curiously caressing and searching.

Carmen couldn’t believe this was happening yet she’d wanted it for so long. It seemed natural. She thought she’d be fumbling with what to do, what to say— if anything was to be said— or where to place her hands. But there was no doubt in her. She wasn’t thinking about whether she was doing anything right. She wasn’t thinking at all. Just feeling. Deeply. Passionately.

Their kissing had picked up rhythm. With each meeting of their lips, and greeting of their tongues, Carmen throbbed with heat. Her breathing became heavy, her heart racing. Soft, quiet moans began escaping her mouth, which surprised her and excited her even more. She opened her eyes and noticed that at this point, she had been straddling Alyssa in the opposite corner from where they started on the sofa. Alyssa had opened her eyes too and they shared a brief moment of unspoken words before they returned their mouths to one another.

Alyssa began guiding her fingertips up and down Carmen’s smooth back. She could tell that with each passing, Carmen’s body shuddered and she let out an uncontrollable “mmmm.” Her fingers found their way to the front of Carmen’s shirt and her thumb searched until it reached Carmen’s firm nipple. The action sent a shock through Carmen, and she broke away from Alyssa’s mouth to let out a hushed “ahhhhh.” Alyssa kept massaging, enjoying how Carmen’s body reacted to her touch. She began kissing Carmen’s neck, gliding her tongue from Carmen’s chin to her collarbone. Carmen held her, one hand behind Alyssa’s head, the other stretched to the arm of the sofa, trying to keep their bodies steady.

Alyssa could feel herself slipping, losing control, becoming more in tune with Carmen’s body and less present in the real world. The thought of what was happening made her heart skip a beat and she abruptly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Carmen breathed, her mouth still touching Alyssa’s lips.

“Carmen,” Alyssa whispered, trying to catch her breath, “we can’t. We can’t do— I can’t do this.”

This sudden hesitation caught Carmen off guard. Did Alyssa really want to stop? Why? Did Carmen do something wrong? She wanted to inquire why Alyssa needed to break what was between them but all that she could say was, “I want you.”

Alyssa stared at Carmen whose eyes seemed to repeat the words. Carmen lightly kissed her on the lips then moved her mouth to Alyssa’s ear and slowly whispered, “I want to taste you.”

Alyssa shivered and let out a sigh.

“I want to feel your tongue inside me.” Carmen grabbed Alyssa’s hand, which was still resting on her breast, and directed it below her navel, between her skin and her panties. She pressed Alyssa’s fingers just a little farther, and Alyssa could feel Carmen’s pussy throbbing. The sensation was almost as rhythmic as their hearts. Carmen’s already wet pussy seemed to gush even more after feeling Alyssa’s soft fingertips and Carmen let out a moan that she tried to quiet as it escaped.

Alyssa couldn’t stop.

They returned to their passionate kissing. Neither knew how much time elapsed before Carmen got up, grabbed Alyssa’s hand, and started guiding her to the bedroom. In that short walk, Carmen thought about all the times she fantasized about this moment. None of her illusions prepared her for what her body was feeling right now. She was on fire yet numb. Her stomach was in knots from excitement, waiting for the next free-fall. And like the ascent on a roller coaster, she was scared but thrilled. She was ready.

When they got to the doorway of her bedroom, Carmen kissed Alyssa and separated from her, dropping Alyssa’s hand. She continued to stare into Alyssa’s eyes as she backed away towards the bed. She raised her t-shirt above her head, dropping it to the floor. In the same fluid motion, Carmen slipped off her shorts, revealing her black-laced panties. She had determined that the last article of clothing was Alyssa’s to take off or keep on, whichever she desired. Carmen sat on the bed and slightly leaned back, still peering into Alyssa, daring her. She wanted to say something erotic or sexy, something she knew would arouse Alyssa more but all Carmen could do was echo her earlier plea.

“I want you.”

Alyssa leaned her body against the side of the doorway as she watched Carmen’s deliberate movements. In just a few seconds, an array of thoughts went through her mind.

Did Carmen plan this? Did she know this would happen all along? Did I know?

For a moment, Alyssa had the unction to run towards the door and leave Carmen’s apartment. That thought was fleeting, and Alyssa felt herself being pulled closer to Carmen, as if she held some invisible magnet.

Carmen sat up on the bed once Alyssa stood in front of her. She began to take off Alyssa’s jeans while Alyssa unbuttoned her denim shirt, revealing more of her smooth, tan skin. Carmen kissed her navel and guided Alyssa’s jeans down her legs. Alyssa’s body tingled as Carmen’s lips began moving slowly below her navel. Alyssa opened her mouth, but only air seeped out of it. Carmen continued to kiss and nibble Alyssa’s lower torso, simultaneously guiding her hands across Alyssa’s firm butt cheeks. Alyssa reached behind her back to quickly unfasten her bra, releasing her silky breasts and already hard nipples. She grabbed Carmen’s chin, and leaned down to kiss her.

Their tongues continued to passionately dance around each other as Alyssa gently pushed Carmen to lie back and climbed on top of her. Alyssa steadied her body on her right elbow and her other hand found its way back to Carmen’s breast and began rubbing and pinching her nipple. The earlier sensation Carmen felt from this was intensified now that their bare skin was touching. Carmen reached down to grab Alyssa’s cheeks once more, this time pushing Alyssa’s waist closer to hers. At the same time, Carmen subtly started thrusting her hips, getting more and more aroused.

Alyssa began kissing and licking Carmen’s neck and shoulder. Each section of Carmen’s caramel skin that was explored by Alyssa’s tongue made Carmen moan, and every time Alyssa found a spot she hadn’t previously kissed, Carmen’s moans became more intense.

Any earlier reservations Alyssa had were completely gone now. She could feel Carmen getting more and more excited and this enlivened Alyssa. She’d been with “first-timers” before. They all had an intense curiosity about them which heightened their senses. Every touch seemed to overwhelm them, even if they had been touched by a man in a similar way before. After some time, Alyssa found the whole process of having sex with a “first-timer” exhausting. But Carmen was different. Alyssa was engrossed in Carmen’s curiosity and excitement. She couldn’t help but be pulled into it. It was like they were embarking on some new journey together and Alyssa just happened to be a bit more familiar with the terrain.

Alyssa stopped kissing Carmen and slowly pushed herself up on both hands. Her dark brown hair fell down past her face and Carmen pushed one side of her long tresses back to tuck behind Alyssa’s ear. As Carmen’s hand grazed Alyssa’s cheek, Alyssa turned her head to kiss it. She turned back to stare at Carmen who looked up at her. She had never looked more radiant.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” Alyssa instantly wished she had said something more romantic but Carmen quickly reassured her with a smile. She continued in her head, You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life and I think I’m falling for you. But I don’t want to fall for you. I don’t need to fall for you. Alyssa just stared until her thoughts were interrupted by Carmen’s soft whisper.


Instead of hearing her name, Alyssa thought she’d heard some exotic lyric from a beautiful love song and her heart skipped a beat again. Only this time, it didn’t make her want to stop. She placed her lips back on Carmen’s and they resumed kissing. It was more forceful but still full of passion. Alyssa reached down again. Bypassing Carmen’s breast, she placed her fingers on top of Carmen’s panties, just at her bikini line. She reached farther, still on top of the laced underwear, and pressed her fingers on top of Carmen’s pussy. The panties were soaked.

Carmen leaned her head back, breaking the kiss as another moan crept out of her. “Uhhhh.”

Alyssa kept her fingers in place and started moving her lips down from Carmen’s mouth to her chin. Alyssa kissed and licked her way down Carmen’s neck to the middle of her chest until her head was in between Carmen’s breasts. For a second, she wasn’t sure which one she wanted in her mouth but quickly decided on the one she had been ignoring for most of the night. Alyssa guided her tongue up the light brown mound until it reached the dark brown areola. She carefully circled her tongue on the darkened flesh, trying not to touch the nipple. Alyssa glanced up at Carmen who had her eyes closed, clearly in a state of ecstasy.


Alyssa smiled a little and circled her tongue one more time before she brought her mouth down and enclosed the nipple. She sucked on it gently then flicked it a few times with her tongue. Alyssa repeated the steps on the same breast before guiding her tongue to the other side and starting the process over again. She could tell it was driving Carmen crazy.

Carmen felt electric pulses travel from her nipples, down her spine, straight to her pussy. It throbbed even more and Carmen began to writhe in pleasure. In between moans, she managed to wonder how she never felt this sensation before. She knew her breasts were her personal turn-on. She thought her ex-boyfriend did a pretty good job in that department but when Alyssa’s tongue touched her nipple, it—


Alyssa started to make her descent again. She walked her tongue down Carmen’s belly, pausing at her navel to kiss it. She brought her tongue out again and licked along Carmen’s bikini line from one end of her hips to the other. Alyssa softly bit the middle the panties, her teeth grazing a little of Carmen’s skin. There was a small bow on the material that Alyssa grabbed with her teeth and pulled up, revealing Carmen’s waxed pussy. She was a little surprised; she didn’t think Carmen was the hairless type. She stretched the panties out a bit farther with her teeth then let go so that they hit Carmen’s skin with a light snap. It didn’t seem to bother Carmen as she continued to moan with her eyes closed, using her hands to massage her breasts after Alyssa had abandoned them.

Alyssa sat up on her knees and stared at Carmen briefly. Carmen had opened her eyes then, convincing herself that she needed to see what would happen next. Alyssa grabbed the sides of Carmen’s panties and after a quick pause, she pulled them down off her smooth butt, then slid them up Carmen’s legs which rose above Alyssa’s head. Once Alyssa got Carmen’s feet through the openings, she threw the panties to the side and separated Carmen’s legs. There was no turning back now and Alyssa didn’t want to anyway.

(broken up into 2 parts b/c too long for reddit. sorry!)



  1. Hey! Thanks for even reading it but double thanks for the compliment! I’m glad you liked it. Hope you got to read part 2 :)

  2. Thanks! Glad you liked it :) And you can’t tag people but when you reply to a user’s comment, the user sees it

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