(F)irst time at a gloryhole…

I've been sharing some stories with people I've chatted with via other subreddits, and decided I wanted to share them with a broader audience. So here you go.

So, my first time at a gloryhole was with my then-BF my senior year of college. We already had a pretty elaborate sex life, so there weren't many obstacles to us being honest about our fantasies.

One night, during a "what haven't you done with a partner that you want to" discussion, he mentioned that he's always wanted to take a girlfriend to a gloryhole and watch her work. I explained that I was MORE than okay with that, and told him that if he did the legwork on finding a place, that'd I'd do it.

It took him a couple weeks, but he found an adult bookstore with the booths in the back. I dolled up for the occasion, with a plunge neckline showing a quite significant amount of cleavage, a moderate-but-not-extreme short skirt, fishnets, and my go-to slutty dark red lipstick.

When we got there, it was pretty late at night, so it wasn't overly populated. There was the cashier, and a couple of guys wandering around browsing porn. We made a point of casually parading around the store, with me making meaningful eye contact with both of the guys. Eventually, we slipped back into the back room, making sure we were seen.

The BF and I went into the center of three stalls. There was a little bench, a TV playing some manner of porn that I ignored completely, and that's about it. The BF and I played around for a little while, kissing and fondling each other until we heard the doors on both outside booths closing. I heard a bit of scuffling along the walls, and briefly looked over to see shadowy eyes peering through both sides…but no cocks yet.

The BF and I started getting a bit heavier with each other, me fishing his cock out, and him pulling my tits out of my top. In both instances, I started to hear grunting and muffled encouragement from both sides. A lot of it was hard to understand, but I very distinctly remember hearing, "yeah, get those big titties out" and "yeah, work that cock" along with a lot of other things I didn't catch.

It was only a minute or two of that before I was squatting in front of my BF on the bench sucking his cock. I was definitely making a show of it, too…full performance art blowjob. More moans and scuffling against the walls on both sides, along with an "oh hell yeah" from somewhere.

I missed when it happened, but my BF lifted my face off of his cock to show me that two more cocks had appeared through the holes in the wall. On one side, a nice (but fairly average) white cock. On the other (and God, forgive me the stereotype, but it was 100% true), a giant black cock.

I actually had to MAKE myself start with the average one, because I knew I'd end up focusing a bit too much on the other one when given a chance. I'm not normally a size queen at all, but (a) the BF kind of was in a voyeuristic sense, (b) he liked seeing me with black guys, and (c) this thing was VERY impressive.

So I sucked to the left, then sucked to the right, then back again. I did eventually focus more on the bigger one, mostly because of how hot it was clearly getting my BF (who was sitting on the bench jerking off furiously…no idea where he found as much stamina as he did, but good on him).

Despite my focus being more on the big black one, it was the white guy that came first. He telegraphed it less than guys normally do, and I didn't even really have it in my mouth the whole way, but was giving it a stroke and moving it towards my face again when he shot. So, obviously, it ended up being a facial. I wasn't entirely amused (out of surprise more than being opposed to facials).

He pulled his cock back through the hole pretty quickly after that, which allowed me to switch back to the big black cock until another cock might appear on the other side. I definitely gave it my full focus, and I could feel him starting to twitch and buck a little bit.

In what I naively thought would be giving him a bit of a break, I pulled him out of my mouth and slid him between my breasts for a moment. The moment his cock was surrounded by them, though, he started bucking twice as hard, pulling back and thrusting in, with a deep, loud "FUCK YEAH" from the other side of the wall.

I went with it, letting him fuck my tits, holding them together and jerking him with them. He lasted a little while longer, then started shooting ropes across my tits, up to my chin.

So, yeah, first time to a gloryhole, 1.3 facials and 0.7 boob-spraying, but no mouth finish.

Sadly, tho we waited around a little while, no one else came back.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31gis4/first_time_at_a_gloryhole


  1. great story, sorry i wasn’t there to feed you my cum. Next time…

  2. Wow that’s crazy, I’m genuinely curious, did you have to get screened for stds? I mean couldn’t anyone just do that?

  3. Truly disgusting. What is the address of this place so that I know never to go there and at what time?

  4. lucky guys, as someone who is a pervert/skeezer ..ive never been to an adult book store and more importantly, would never go to a glory hole since they’re usually for fags

  5. Might be my favorite story I’ve read – is there a limit hat might be too many men at one time waiting through those holes?

  6. Yeah, definitely is a limit, but I’m not sure what it would be. Guess it depends on my mood and how sore my jaw gets.

  7. I get screened fairly often and yes, that’s a definite concern. It probably isn’t the most sensible thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve been lucky so far in life.ive actually been in a study to see if I have some sort of general immunity.

  8. I guess it’s because I’m relatively new to reddit but I love how open you are about a typically very taboo topic. My only wish is you were one or my friends and I didn’t realize it. Is there anything you’d consider off limits with a group of men?

  9. I was also curious on what you find so hot by watching two men (or bi-guys in general) – I am definitely very open to that as well as I’ve done literally everything you can with a man

  10. you may wanna go next time a more populated time… things will happen an u will be drenched an you will get your numbers up

  11. Oh, those disgusting ex-girlfriend porno sites! But which one, there are so many of them!

  12. Wat? You believe you’re a medical marvel that can’t catch stds or did?

  13. I don’t personally think that. I responded to an ad looking for sexually active people who had remained disease free. After a questionnaire and interview, I was accepted into the study.

  14. I’m skeptical about them, but they said I have a very strong and unique immune system, and then a bunch of other things I would need an advanced degree to understand. I asked why I catch every cold that goes by then, and they had no answer. That’s about it.

  15. I’d be skeptical too. While it is possible for certain people to be immune to one disease or another, having it for every STD, especially since some are bacteria and some viral sounds highly unlikely to me.

  16. Well, I mean I grossly oversimplified what they said, but yeah. It was still interesting, and now I’m on the bone marrow donor registry, so there’s that.

  17. I’m still kinda skeptical. The idea by itself kinda implies that somehow they’re different, though the only thing that makes them different is just the mode of transportation. I’ll just stick with my O blood so I can donate all over the place. By the way, this conversation, hottest part of the whole thing.

  18. I’m one of those freaky AB- types, so I hear ya. As far as the study, it was at a major research hospital, so it’s probably my lack of understanding making it sound as sketchy.

  19. Very vivid and well-written story, also props to your boyfriend for discussing this with you and being secure in watching you.

  20. Love the post! Gloryholes have always been a guilty pleasure for me. I her only found two couples over the years at one. But holy crap is it ever hot! To see a white girl with a large black cock coming back though the hole, OH now that would be a vid id watch hundreds of times

  21. Please let me know as well, I want to be sure I never have the opportunity to visit such a place.

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