To The Rescue [MFM] [Cuckold] [Dom]

I have a few stories going over on DPP that are "choose your own adventure" type things. I write the text and give choices at certain points, and my pen pal chooses which she wants. Here is one such story that I finished recently.

I wish Rachael had told me what she needed. She had called 20 minutes ago saying she needed me at her place, and she sounded urgent. We’ve been friends for a while, going to school together and hanging out every so often. But she has a boyfriend, so I never made a move. But it was fine, there were plenty of other girls more than willing to sleep with me in town. My legacy of being a good partner has gotten around fast.

Arriving at her house I went up and knocked on the door. After a bit it seemed like no one was going to answer but someone was definitely in the house, I could hear something. Figures, lazy bum calls me with an emergency then won’t even open the door. Helping myself inside I went towards the noise, beginning to wonder what it was. It seemed like a mixture of a cross fit workout and an old dog. Whatever it was it was coming from her bedroom.

Noticing the door was open I was just about to say hi when I looked in the door. There was Rachael and her boyfriend… fucking. I mean, I guess you could call it that. It was kind of one sided though. It looked like they’d been going at it for a while, Ryan was sweating and tired but he was still giving it his all. He was in my personal favorite position, with her ankles resting over his shoulders.

Using one hand to steady himself the other was attacking her boobs. And I mean attacking, no finesse to it at all. Meanwhile he was attempting to either lick or kiss her inner thigh, but he was treating it like it was an ice cream cone. At least there was one thing he couldn’t do wrong, like a drum beat in a country song, his hips thrust. Each time inserting himself into her pussy. But still, for some reason, it was like he wasn’t even there. No reaction to his penis inside her, or his attempts at pleasuring her. She was completely unsatisfied. Unless… yes, that must be it. The poor guy, he must have a small dick. As that thought crossed my mind, Rachael looked towards the doorway I was looking through, and we made eye contact.

Do you:

a) Say hi and invite me in

b) ignore me and let me keep watching

c) Push Ryan off and walk out towards me

d) other (I’m always going to include this one, if you want the story to change/speed up/whatever pick this and steer me in the right direction)

Looking into her brilliantly colored hazel eyes, I was thinking of something to say. But before I could, she through ryan off her and started walking toward me. I could’ve sworn she mumbled “useless as always,” as she walked towards me.

“Hey Rachael.” “Hey tom, think you can do better? I need it.” “I mean isn’t that why you called? Ryan, stay there you useless piece of shit. After I take care of her I’ll try and teach you a few things.”

This was all happening very fast, but it was like my body knew what to do on its own. I don’t know why I said that to Ryan, or why when Rachael finally reached me I gave her a kiss and grabbed her ass. All I know was I liked it, and I was going to enjoy the rest of the day. With my hand still on her ass I pushed her to the other rooms and asked, “well this is all about you, where would you like to begin?” Her choices were:

a) the living room couch right below a window pointing towards the street

b) the kitchen counter that has some very nice shaped fruits on it

c) a chair in the living room aiming towards the tv, which I know has porn on it

d) other

“No one’s ever fucked me on a couch before.” She states as a simple fact, as bored as you would read a grocery list. Don’t worry, I thought, you’ll be more perked up in a few minutes. After steering her ass in the direction of the couch, I gently but firmly turn her around and push her onto it.

Since she’s still naked from her short stint with Ryan, I figured I needed to level the playing field. Crossing my arms I reached down and pulled my shirt off from the bottom, flexing my abs and biceps on my way up to give her a show. Rolling my shirt up into the size of a bandanna I tied it around her head and used it as a blindfold. Now we’re gonna play a game:

Do you:

a) want to be gagged but not be able to move your hands

b) have your hands tied but not be able to make a sound

c) other

Next came my belt, I made it as exaggerated as possible so she could hear it. Just to make sure she knows, I slapped her on the thigh with it. “here’s the rules,” I explain as I tie her hands behind her back, “You say a word, make a noise, anything, and you get punished. Understand?”

Smirking she says, “Oh yea, sounds like f-“ Interrupting her with a slap, “What did I just say? Now shut up.” Being more gentle I started kissing her, caressing her face with my hand. Slowly getting more passionate, feeling her fighting back. Once I felt she was really getting into it, I stopped.

Waiting a few seconds the only noise she made was her heavy breathing, trying to regain herself. Next came her neck, using my lips to mark their territory, gently kissing everywhere. Once I was sure every inch of her neck had been covered I moved on, down her chest. Reaching her nipples I gave each one a simple, gentle kiss, then moved on again.

Down to her cunt now I hovered over it, and said, “tell me what I should do down here.” Even blindfolded she could tell I was right above her pussy so she answered, “Please eat me out until I cum.” Haha, got her. I yelled, “What did I say about talking?! Ryan, get in here.” He came out of her room looking for revenge from earlier, but stopped abruptly.

Whether it was my intimidating toned body that made him stop, or the look of pure pleasure on her face, it really didn’t matter. I had proved that I was superior without saying a word. “Ryan, we’re playing a game, and your slut of a girlfriend here just lost. So you get to punish her. Stand up rachael.” Without a word she rose, moving so fast her tits bounced.

“Now bend her over the couch and slap her ass.” Ryan stuttered, “W-what. Really? Isn’t it going to hurt.” I was baffled, “Remember who she called to please her? Now just fucking do what I say bitch boy.” So carefully he bent her, still blinded and restrained, over the arm of the couch, and produced the most sissy slap I’ve ever seen. It didn’t even leave a red mark. “God you really are pathetic. Go sit in the corner and watch.”

As he sulked away I wound up and fired, hitting her ass so hard it vibrated, making her let out a loud yelp before she could stop herself. “I guess you get another one.” I slammed the other cheek just as hard, so there were now matching handprints marking her ass as mine. Since she managed to stay quiet, I sat her back down on the couch, spreading her legs and moving back down towards her crotch. Just as she thought I was about to dive deep into her pussy, I moved past it.

Biting and kissing my way down her leg. Going all the way down and back up again. Giggling I said, “Oh right, I almost forgot, you wanted me to tongue fuck you.” I got down on one knee and placed her legs on my shoulders, and her feet crossed so her thighs were wrapped around my head. Kissing and licking her lips she began to moan, but I let it pass, no normal woman could stay quiet while I was at work.

My tongue started to penetrate into her pussy, while one of my hands found her clit. Rubbing it harder and harder I felt her thighs wrap tighter around my head. I could feel her orgasm coming. Giving it all I had she tensed and let out a loud, long moan. Then her legs fell limp across my shoulders as I placed them back on the floor and stood up. Pulling the blindfold down around her neck I planted one last kiss on her mouth. “How does your pussy juice taste.” She answered with a moan, “amazing, please don’t stop. Fuck me in the—

a) pussy

b) ass

c) tits

d) mouth

e) other

She answered with a moan, “amazing, please don’t stop. Fuck me in the pussy, I need it so bad. I haven’t felt like this in months.” Finishing her sentence with a quick glance at her boyfriend, now touching himself in the corner. Using her tied up hands to prop her up to the top of the couch I said sarcastically, “As you wish mistress.”

The only noise for the next several minutes was her screaming, attempting to handle my huge cock ravaging her cunt. With every thrust her boobs would press against the window for the whole neighborhood to see. Through her moans I could just barely hear the fapping coming from the corner. “Hah how’s it going over there pussy bitch? Enjoying yourself? Cause I’m sure enjoying your girlfriend.” All the while forcing myself in deeper and deeper. Getting closer I leaned into her ear and whispered, “I’m gonna cum in you, and you’re gonna enjoy it. Got it bitch?” Screaming now she answered, —-

a) Yes! Please cum inside me then pound it deeper.

b) No wait!

c) I thought you were wearing a condom!

d) other

So with one last thrust I came deep in her pussy. Pulling her hair to force her onto me even further. Her tits still pressed against the window there was now a car parked on the street outside, surely with someone taking a few precious photos. Once I was done I let her down, untying her hands and laying her on the couch. She would need a little while to recover herself.

Without another word I get redressed and left. The calls come more frequent now, I don’t think she even bothers with her boyfriend anymore. He buys her gifts and pays for her dinner, while I fuck her senseless when she’s horny. In the end it works out great for everyone.
