Sex With Gorgeous Asian Twins In The Same Night But Separately In Secrecy From Each Other.

A couple years back I was traveling Europe as part of a Contiki tour, I was doing two tours back to back with 1 week in between the two. If you hadn't heard about Contiki it has been said to be a sex romp where everyone is there for a no strings attached good time…. in other words sex to you can't sex no more.

The tour started in London and this is where the meet was for the first tour, I was traveling alone and am generally a shy bloke but everyone was friendly and there were other single travelers so I didn't feel as alone. We went through the meet and greet and everyone was cool, there were some great looking woman in the group but the two that stood out the most were these two Asian twins from Mexico, they were the talk of the group from both the men and woman, they had the accent to match their looks. I spoke to them briefly at the start and they were very chill, they were just there to sight see and take in the different cultures and spend time together as they both study in different locations.

As the tour went on I became friendly with both, they both came across as very innocent and nice girls, I didn't think I had a shot and even if I did they were always close together, like they never left each others sight, they always stayed in the same room as each and didn't stay up and party but instead will head to their rooms early and read a book. In the group they were the only ones not getting down and dirty.

Anyways, the 1st of my tours (2 week tour) was ending and everyone became pretty close to each other sharing such a great experience, it was pretty emotional knowing I won't be seeing any of these people again. As I was saying bye to the twins one of the twins said we've got a bit more time free then expected so we're thinking of continuing on after they visit Spain, she said she heard I was doing a Greece tour and asked for details and said I might see them there.

I wasn't sure if they were going to show and I was impartial either way as it would be nice to know someone from the start, but at the same time I thought they could potentially end up being just cock blocks.

Skip ahead 1 week, tour time comes and they are there…. hugs, nice to see you gals again, they were looking cuter than ever as they spent their week in the sun getting an amazing look tan… meet the rest of the group everyone seems cool. The tour was great and the twins were sociable but avoiding the extra "interactions", heaps of guys on the tour tried but didn't succeed.

The back end of my Greece tour was a cruise ship which was for 3 nights on the last night of that tour and cruise Contiki had setup a private function party for us and another tour in one of the Halls on the Ship… It was all going pretty normal, great looking woman everywhere, everyone was sociable.

I remember looking around and I seen the twins skulling shots, I got a good laugh out of it as I didn't expect it then just continued on outside talking to a couple girls from another tour I'd just met.

The girls I just met were being very flirtatious and we were having a good laugh, while I was talking to the girls one of the twins walked up to me mid conversation, sat in my lap which surprised me, I thought she had become comfortable with me after knowing me for an extended time and thought nothing of it, a couple shots seems to have loosened her up I thought, I introduced her and the chit chat continued for 10 or so minutes.. all this time I wasn't sure what to do with my hands, this Asian girl was so fine and she or her sister would be my pick of any girl on that boat or that I had met during my 6 weeks in Europe but I was pretty sure I was just in that friends zone so I was playing her off and trying to get to know the other girls a bit more and just played it cool.

The girls I had just met had steered the chat into who had slept with who and they were discussion with themselves whos cock they had seen and whos they will like to see, I was getting excited with where this was going and then I got the shock of my life when the amazing woman on my lap turned my head and whispered, I want to see your cock tonight and then got up walked away….. my eyes lit up. The other girls asked me what she said I just nodded not paying attention to what they were saying but more focused on what do I do now, I was sitting there in a state of disbelief. I continued talking to them but kept looking over to see where she had gone. Five minutes later just out of the blue the other twin walked up to me, then looked at the girls I was talking to and said he's mine tonight and walked away. WTFFFF the girls could not stop laughing, they were switching between shock that this little Asian bitch (In their words) that seemed so friendly had just tried to put it over them but at the same time laughing and saying props to the girl for claiming her intentions…. in the middle of all the laughing I told them that wasn't the same girl you were talking to earlier, that was her twin sister, they didn't believe at first but then seen them together, this just made them laugh even more. And then they pressured me into telling them what the other girl had said, I told them and then the laughing continued again, so much so that one of them had to cross her legs and lean forward.

While they were laughing I was stumped, I had threesome with hot Asian twins screaming inside my head, that's something I had only ever imagined of typing into google. The girls I was talking to calmed down, I have to say they were extremely cool as they knew I was in a unique predicament, they gave me a bit of banter but were trying to give me advice on how to obtain the best possible scenario.. being a threesome ofc. I told them i don't think it's possible but I'll love it to be but would hate to think that if I hit them up for it they will both be disgusted and tell me to fuck off and I'll end up with neither.

It was decided I should walk up to them when they are both alone together as ask, who's up for a good time in a joking manner, that way If it's on I will know if it's not I will know and would not have ruined the chance to at least hook up with one.

The twins had made their way outside and were sitting by themselves, I walked up to them and sat near them and said you ladies having a good time, who's up for some fun tonight?…. lol they both instantly gave me the look of a cute smile which said me but….shhh and changed the topic, that pretty much answered my question. I was just hoping this wasn't some sort of cruel joke.

I stayed and sat with them and we were having an innocent conversation, each time i tried to steer in another direction one of them will change the subject. All while each was giving me smiles which were smiles I hadn't seen from them before, one was rubbing my leg under the table. I was in a state of mind fuck and was getting pretty frustrated with it all, I could potentially have the best night of my life or I could have a severe case of blue balls. I told the twins I was going to get drinks and asked if one of them wanted to help me carry since I only had two hands, it was a plan to get them separated, once of them popped up and sure, lets go.

We went to the bar and I told the twin that came with me, you know I only came to get a drink to get you separated from your sister, she had a laugh and said yeah I've been waiting for you to make a move, I told her well it's hard when you both have glue for clothing, I thought it was a lame joke but she found it funny…. she then said, what if it was my sister that offered the help…. lol I was thinking we would probably be having the same conversation but I told her I would have had to think of something different. I told her I find her crazy sexy but this level of tease isn't healthy, is something going to happen? She said I hope so and then told me once we get back to the table and finish the drink she's going to play tipsy and ask her sister to stay out and enjoy her night, she told me her room number and then told me to meet her there. She gave me a quick grope, licked her lips and walked away. Boom, that sounds like a solid plan. We make it back to the table, half way through her drink as planned she says sorry guys I feel pretty tipsy, I'm going to have a early one. Her sister asked if she was ok but was looked pretty excited by all this and told her she was going to stay up for a while and to call if she needed anything.

Helping hand twin began to walk away, and before I could think of how to get myself following her. The other twin told me, how far is your room and grabbed me. I felt guilty but what was I to do, I wasn't going to tell her sorry I can't your sister is faking head spins in hopes to separate from you to sleep with me.

On the way to the room it was intense, she would grab me and push me up against a random door and grind up on me, she couldn't wait and I could feel her under her skirt getting wet. We barely made it back to the room but we did. Once the door opened she pushed me on the bed and grabbed my bulge, she said she had been imagining what it looked like for 2 long and didn't want to wait any longer. She started off by giving me head, she was amazing and was the type to look up which pleasuring, I then returned the favour and she tasted great. Not to turn this into a porn novel but we had sex for around 45 minutes and then just chilled out having post sex talk for a bit and had a good laugh, the sex was great and to get to know here better was just as great, the twins though nice had been pretty closed off previously.

She started to yawn and I told her I'm going to jump into the shower and asked if she wanted to join, she she will love to but her sister will see her makeup was gone and will then get sus. I had a shower and then seen she was sound asleep, I was still buzzing and couldn't sleep to I went back to the dock to get a drink.

The girls I was speaking with at the start were still there so I joined them and acted like nothing happened and asked how their night was, I couldn't help but grin as I asked… they were more interested about me telling them about my night then them telling me about theirs. I told them what happened and the chuckles started again. I joked and said I wonder if the other one is waiting for me still, I had no intentions of going but they then started to pressure me, and said what the worst that could happen. I weighed up the worst and thought fuck it if the worst happens it's still a great night, so I went to see if the other twin was still awake.

I got to he door and was scared to knock but I did ever so gently and she opened up,didn't ask or want to hear what took me so long and threw me on the bed whilst asking did I see her sister and that we better be quick before she got back, it was rushed sex but still great. We had finished up and this time there was no post talk, she told me I better leave before her sister got back. which i did and then got back to my room as her sister was getting dressed, gave me a kiss and said I better get back to my room before my sister wakes up.

By the end of it I was mentally and physically tired….they were both very special girls that gave me a night never to forget.



  1. >Not to turn this into a porn novel I’m not sure you understand the point of this sub.

  2. > Not to turn this into a porn novel… That’s what this subreddit is for. We want the juicy details.

  3. > Not to turn this into a porn novel Jokes on you OP, still fapped

  4. I’m sorry to be that guy and ask….but how did the twins compare to each other sexually? Were their techniques and movements the same, or did they differ? Sorry…but the idea of twins is quite fascinating!

  5. lol your right, I just felt that if I went into detail about the sex then it would have taken away from the story and be a very long read. Once I had some time I can update the story.

  6. I’ll promise to update it :) I wanted to get my story out but I’ll add the details once I have some free time.

  7. I will say they differed only due to circumstance. The first girl had no fears that her sister would walk in and was looking to romance it so there was a lot more foreplay to start with and much slower motions as if to savor the moment. The 2nd on the other hand was a savage and just wanted to come and for me to come as quickly as possible as she had fears her sister could be back at any moment. Both though tasted and smelt the same, it was like having sex with the same girl but with her in different state of mind…. the second one had a cute tattoo of a rose on the side of her hip, that was a massive turn on.

  8. When I woke up we had to depart the ship and then we were all going to be on our way, I think they were heading back to London, then home via airport and I was going to stay another couple nights in Mykonos. So our travels together had ended then, I didn’t see them when I jumped off so that’s the last I’ve seen of them.

  9. They were Korean and their dad had business in Mexico or something, they had been living there for 10 or so years, they had gone to a English school and when speaking English they had a unique accent which was a mix of Asian, Mexian and American… if that makes sense.

  10. >I had no intentions of going Dude, seriously? You were just gonna let that go?

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