Our Story Pt. 3 {An ongoing work of (F)iction by Babygirl and DaddyDo(M)}

  1. Written by ~Daddy~

Quickening my thrusts the engorged head of Daddy's cock sliding in, out, back in… faster than you expected and yet serene in it's rhythm, your back arches with your hands still pinned above your head. I tell you to keep your hands right where they are at, releasing your wrists and caressing your smooth skin; down your arm, over your chest, your left breast, sensitive and erect nipple, over your stomach and wrapping around your leg. Lifting and bringing your hips closer to me in one motion, my throbbing member slips out of you and I thrust up between your pussy lips, tickling your clit. My hands bring your legs together, straight up and place them over my left shoulder, enjoying the view as your sweet wet lips peek out, flushed and wanting to be spread.

As my cock fills up that perfect tight hole your face turns into the pillows, gasping, hands desperately trying to find purchase on the headboard and finding nothing. With Daddy filling you up there is nothing more that you want right now but to be his little slut, to please him, and as you move your hands down from above your head to grab your ass you feel me pull out suddenly and sharply.

I didn't tell you to move your hands Little Girl…

Holding your legs up in the air, your beautiful ass displayed before me, I give you two quick yet hard slaps on the right cheek. You cry out and immediately have those wandering hands above your head again, back arched and squirming from the stinging on your ass. Two more quick slaps on the left cheek and the moisture in your eyes is enough to tell me that you understand; it's Daddy's turn.

I'm so sorry Daddy, please don't spank me! I'll be good for you, please…

I know you will, and you look so beautiful with that red ass, I don't want to punish you, but I didn't say you could move, did I?

No, Daddy.

With one more slap to your rosy cheeks I stop to caress and lightly run my hand over your ass, leaning down, kissing the back of your legs along the way with light, sensual touches. All the way down to your ass, kissing each cheek, both legs still in the air. Positioning my cock right over the entrance to your pussy I look into your face and see the desire, the lust, the need to have me fill you up again… and slowly slide myself back into your tight embrace. Your sighs and moans are heavy, and I feel you grip me, tightening your walls, drawing me further into you.

With your smooth legs resting against my chest, tits bouncing lightly, ass still stinging just under the pleasure of my hard cock picking up speed and spreading your lips, filling you up deeply and completely, your breath quickens again and you breath heavily into the shoulder of an outstretched arm.

Yes Daddy, yes! Please give more, fill me up, I can't wait to feel your cum! I need it so bad… so bad…

Your hips matching my speed, you can feel my balls slapping against your cute asshole with every thrust, and you squeeze, tightening and feeling the orgasm inside you building. The overwhelming sensation starts deep inside of you, running all the way to your toes and back, to that sweet pink bud, the most sensitive parts of your pussy, and suddenly you can't think; pussy clenching, soaking, flushing, your orgasm is so intense you cry out.

YES DADDY, YES! I'm coming for you Daddy!

With this exquisite sight and feeling before me there is no holding back. Your movements slowing, heart racing, chest flushing bright red, I pull my hard wet cock out and still holding your legs in the air, gripping myself and stroking, my first rope of hot cum splashes directly on your plump red pussy lips.

Oh such a perfect little slut you are… I say in approval as my second load covers your asshole, the liquid from the first load already sliding down your slit to meet there. My next two shots are aimed higher, and cover the backs of your thighs, just above your still red bottom… leaving me drained and fulfilled, the last bit of cum dripping down my pulsing cock, spilling on to the bed.

Lightly caressing your ass cheeks, I smile and wink at you, Let's go get a shower, Little Girl!

  1. Written by ~Daddy~

As you lay on the bed, recovering from the orgasm, I start the shower to warm it up for you and come back to the bed to help you sit up, kissing your soft lips and running the tips of my fingers down your back, sending chills through you and goosebumps on your arms and legs appear. I take my babygirl's hand and lead her to the bathroom and watch as you step into the shower.

Right behind you, my hands on your hips as the warm water runs over your body, I pull you close to me so that you can feel my cock against your ass… you lean your head back on to my shoulder, head tilting so that our lips meet as my hands slide up your sides to your tits, pinching and rolling your hard and sensitive nipples. A quiet and light moan running through you causes my cock to twitch against you, and you push back into me, wanting more.

I grab the soap and squeeze some onto your chest, my hands lathering and soaping you, running over your tits, down your stomach, sides, and around to your ass, my smooth cock growing hard again at the sight of my little girl's naked, wet, and wanting body in front of me.

Lean forward and spread your legs my perfect little slut… You obey and I watch as your hands splay on the wall under the shower head, warm water running over your back. Grabbing my cock, the other hand sliding up your leg and suddenly giving your ass a smack, watching your cheeks shake and your mouth open in a gasp…. pushing forward I rub the head of my now fully erect shaft between your lips, spreading them, finding your throbbing and sensitive clit, and press up into you in slow back and forth motions. Another gasp escapes your lips as my hand spreads your cheeks.

You want Daddy again don't you?

Oh yes, Please Daddy, use me… I love the way you feel inside of me!

After the rubbing on your clit that pussy is soaked, and as I pull my hips back the head of my cock finds your tight little hole easily, and you thrust your hips back. A cry of pleasure from your lips and my rock hard dick plunges deep inside of you, pushing and filling you; you start to use your leverage and fuck me, fast, deep…

Oh that is sooo good Daddy! Is my pussy tight enough for you? Am I doing a good job for you?

A quick slap on your other ass cheek and I reply, I'm glad you like fucking me, you're the perfect little fucktoy for your Daddy.

My hands now spreading your ass wide, enjoying every inch of your tight pussy and the wonderful view from above, I push you forward and slide all the way out of you. Your pouty face looks back at me, hips searching for me, I push down and arch your back slightly, slapping my cock against your pussy lips, then right back inside filling you up again. Your rhythm becomes more frantic, and I can hear your breath coming faster, your eyes closed, head back, my hand runs up your back and under your chin… lightly I pull your head back, fingers wrapping around your neck. The steam and warmth from the water filling the air, my cock inside my slut's tight little pussy, you feel a pressure on your asshole and then my thumb slide inside.

Another gasp and you cry out, Fuck me Daddy! I'm such a good slut I want you to fuck me and cum! Give me your cock, your cum, fill me!

Thrusting deeper than you thought possible, my balls slapping against your clit with every motion, you can feel the orgasm building as I tease your ass and pound your tight pussy… it hits you hard, your knees shaking and almost losing balance, you weren't ready for how intense and how quickly the orgasm hits you.

As cries of pleasure escape from under my hand still around your throat, I pull out quickly, Down on your knees in front of me slut! You wanted my cum, now Daddy's going to let you have it, stroke my cock and suck just the head, I want you to swallow every last drop like a good girl…

Almost falling as you turn around, your knees weak and pussy throbbing, your hands wrap around that hard dick, that thing you want the most, your lips instantly finding what they love. I can feel your tongue swirling and teasing the head of my cock, and reaching down I give your nipples a pinch, playing with your tits.

Mmmm, good girl, I like the way you stroke and suck my cock, are you ready for your reward? Are you ready for Daddy's hot cum sliding down your throat?

Your eyes look up and meet mine, nodding your head and grunting mmhmm…

My hands pull your hair back, Hands at your sides little pet, I'm going to fuck that pretty little mouth and give you exactly what you want.

You do as you're told, like a good girl, and I thrust my cock deep into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat as you relax and swallow every bit of me. Your intense need for my cum courses through you, top to bottom, and your clit twitches with excitement and anticipation of feeling me explode in your mouth.

Oh daddy's going to cum, Be a good girl and don't forget to swallow EVERY drop, or else…

You nod as I hold you hair, faster, fucking your mouth… you can feel my cock tense, harden, and with a final thrust I push your head down onto me, filling your throat. As the first load comes you almost lose control and even gag a little, hands coming up to my legs to try and push off… I slap them down, still holding your head all the way on my cock as I watch your eyes fill with tears and feel your throat constrict and convulse. This makes me even harder and I fill your mouth with my cum.

Swallow it you slut, you love that cum don't you?

Even trying your hardest, a little escapes your lips and runs down your chin, onto your breast.

Oh my little girl, you've done very well, but not perfect, we'll have to practice more for sure! But, you know that you didn't swallow every drop like I told you to… Daddy's going to have to give his little girl a punishment for that.

I pull my cock out of your mouth and watch you swallow the last bit, your hand shooting up to your tit and scooping up the drop of my cum there. You bring it to your lips and suck it up off your finger, swallowing quickly, trying to please me, to avoid your punishment. But it's too late, you know that you're going to need to give Daddy what he wants… and you know deep down that you're craving the punishment, that maybe you let some cum drip on purpose.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/30sjr0/our_story_pt_3_an_ongoing_work_of_fiction_by