How [my] wi[f]e and I started NoClothesDay

This turned out longer than I imagined, but I hope you find it worth it!

My wife and I have been married for 6 years now. I'm J, she's M. Our sex life was good, but after a miscarriage and learning that we can't have kids, the spark went out. We still loved each other, more than ever, but our sexual intimacy was gone. It's not just her, my libido was shot too. We both went to see therapists, and on their recommendation, went to see a sex therapist. Her suggestion was to do things we didn't do before. As an exercise, she asked us both to read or watch erotica (we're both writers and read a lot). We started with fiction and eventually found this subreddit. Knowing the stories are true here helps us, so thank you to everyone who shared. I know it's just fun for some, but for us, it's more than fun, it's helping our marriage :) To those who will ask: Yes, M reads gonewildstories and this story is with her consent.

Since we started counselling, we have been more open in our communication about sex, asking each other for specific things, and confessing fantasies. We've also become bolder and naughtier, teasing each other all the time, lots of playful and discreet fondling while in public. It's like how we were all hands with each other when we started dating, but a lot more comfortable. Like every time we're in a crowded elevator (we work in the same office) M always drives her ass right into my crotch and slowly wiggles it, knowing it'll get me hard and embarrass me. And we've had office sex twice, something we didn't do in 3 years of working together.

In December, I realised I never told her one of my fantasies. And instead of telling her, I thought I'll just go through with it, since it wasn't anything too kinky or objectionable. So on a Sunday when we were going to just laze around and binge on Netflix, then go for dinner and a movie later, I made my move. While M was in the shower, I locked our walk-in wardrobe with all our clothes in it, and threw in the laundry hamper in there with my underwear. I drew the curtains in every room too, and raised the temperature in the house a little. So when she stepped out, she had no clothes to change into. Welcome to NoClothesDay!

Her: "Babe, why is the wardrobe locked?" Me: "Because you're not wearing clothes today." Her: "Hahaha what? Come on, open the door, I'm cold." Me (with my best Soup Nazi impression): "NO! NO CLOTHES FOR YOU! COME BACK, 1 DAY!"

While she giggled, I explained the whole deal. For a whole day, she would not get clothes. The only clothes available in the whole house would be the grey Batman tee and the shorts I was wearing (without underwear). And since I started NoClothesDay, I get to keep wearing them. If she wants either piece of clothing, she can trade it for a sexual favour.

She was a bit surprised by the whole thing, but we have been experimenting a lot lately so I knew she would be up for it. Sure enough, she flashed that mischievous grin of hers (god, that grin alone makes me hard) and dropped her towel. The hair towel went next, and she sat at her dresser, blow drying her hair, stark nude.

M is one of those girls who got a lot of, "Wow, how are you dating him?" when we first started seeing each other. She is gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that because I scored a hot one. I realize that I'm attractive too, but in a boy-next-door way. M is magazine cover material. Perfect jawline, full lips, wavy brown hair, dimples when she smiles, and big brown eyes. She's 5'3", which makes her 36C breasts seem even bigger. They aren't perky as they used to be, but she keeps herself in decent shape and so they have that lovely slight natural sag. Her ass is rounded and has just enough meat that I can grab it and feel mass and muscle, no bone. The closest celebrity I can think of is Rachel from Suits (because she also wears similar clothes and has similar olive skin). But imagine Rachel with slightly bigger boobs:

So there's M, sitting in front of the mirror. I can see her lovely ass and her big breasts peeking out from either side of her back. She can see me watching from the mirror, and as she finished drying, does the "come here" with one finger, still looking into the mirror. I walk up to her as she flipped her wet hair forward over her left shoulder. She knows how sexy I find her bare neck (weird fetish, I know) and wet hair, so I'm already half erect by now. She kept looking at me in the mirror, never turning around. She reached her right hand around and grabbed the back of my thigh, and started working her hand up. Those breasts were irresistible, so my left hand reached down for one, as she got a firm grip on my right butt, kneading it. In one motion, she brought her hand around to my dick, fully erect now. I reached down with my other hand, fondling both breasts, her hand still massaging my penis over the shorts. And suddenly, she took her hand back and swatted away both of mine. She stood up and turned around to face me.

M: "So, what do I have to do for that t-shirt?" Me: "Who stops and asks that?!" M: "If I finish, do I get the t-shirt?" Me: "YES! Just don't stop like that!"

She laughed. I had fallen right into her trap, but I was horny as hell by then. M pulled my shorts down and grabbed my dick with her right hand, and cupped my balls with the left. I got one of the most incredible handjobs ever. I don't know what she was doing (and she doesn't remember it either), but whatever it was, it blew my mind. I warned her before finishing, she had a tissue ready so there isn't a mess, and we quickly cleaned up after I came. I gave her my t-shirt and pulled my shorts back up.

I hit the gym regularly, so while I don't have a six-pack, I'm proud of the body I've worked hard for. And over the past few months, I've worked on the muscles that M told me she likes to see in a man: the chest and biceps. I was shirtless now and she loved it–especially because she knows I've worked on my body for her, which revs up her engine even more.

You know what's sexier than your hot naked wife? Your hot naked wife wearing just your t-shirt, which is slightly loose for her, and walking around the house as her large breasts prop up the batman logo. I'll never, ever, ever forget that.

M: "So now what?" Me: "We go about our day. Nothing more to it, we'll just be naked." M: "Hmmmmmmmmm so I should just go get a coffee like always?" Me: "Yeah! I just want us to be naked around each other."

She was getting more into it now. We had coffee, sitting in our chairs like it's a normal day, only her bare-assed and me bare-chested. We had planned to binge on Netflix, so that's what we did next. I proposed sharing the lounge chair, and she was fine with that. So there we were, me on the bottom, her lying half on me and half on the chair, watching Orange Is The New Black. Cue shower scene, cue naked butts, cue her looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

M: "If you're going to stare at those naked butts, I'm going to cover mine." Me: "So you're willing to work for these shorts then?" M: "Mmmm-hmmm."

We leaned in and started making out. After 6 years of marriage and 4 years of dating before that, making out wasn't something we've done in a long time. But there was something naughty about this whole experience and we just kept kissing, groping, fondling. Somewhere in all of that, the t-shirt and the shorts went on the floor. I still don't remember not having our tongues dancing, even though we logically must have stopped to take off that shirt. Our eyes were closed throughout, but because of so many years together, we knew each other's bodies. I felt her get moist. She felt my pre-cum. We didn't need to stop kissing for me to enter her.

Our eyes were closed while she shifted to get on top. Our lips parted, both of us gasped, we opened our eyes at the same time and they locked. I held her waist, she balanced herself by holding the chair and bracing her knees against the chair's arms. And we started something that was both "making love" and fucking, at the same time. I went at her harder than I ever have while being on the bottom, she really put her hips into it and rode me hard, and our eyes were locked the whole time. I switched from speed to depth, going in as much as I could, and that did the trick. I'm average in length, but my girth is above average, and I could see that my full member's thickness in her was having the effect. She always bites her lip, sucks in a breath and holds it. That's the sign. I kept my rhythm going. I was close to bursting, but I knew she was too, and I wanted her to come first. I tightened my sphincter, which usually gives me another minute of lasting strength, and that was enough. In a few more thrusts, she was cumming–mouth open, gasping, but eyes still locked. As she finished, I pulled out. I had lasted like I wanted. She shifted, her ass rubbed against my cock, and that was enough to take me over the edge. She collapsed on me as my dick, still between her legs at her ass, spurted out all over her cheeks.

After about 5 minutes just lying there holding each other, we finally cleaned up and spent the rest of the day naked. No shorts, no t-shirt. We made out some more, we went down on each other, I got her off again with her vibrator, and we had sex one more time, back in our bed.

Since that day, we've made NoClothesDay a regular event, and not just on Sundays. It's never pre-planned. If we're going to be home and one of us is in the mood, it starts. The other one has to comply :D

Our office lets us work remotely twice a week, so already, we have have thrice had NoClothesDay while working. One of those times was also a wild day, and I'll write about it soon or get M to do it.

Thanks for reading! And please keep sharing your stories. There might be other couples like us who are helped by them.



  1. This was really sweet and sexy. Plus quite believable, which can be refreshing in this sub. More please.

  2. I have only written one story but your is a good one and it’s kind of cool to know that the people that share help you both. Good for both of you.

  3. Naked is natural! C’mon over to /r/nudism sometime; no clothes? no problem. Great story. Wish my SO wasn’t against nudity, private or socially.

  4. Well, I’m sorry for why you are writing this (and others, I’m sure) but I must say, very good writing ol’ chap! And, I love this idea….something which may be imposed, lovingly and with cockis erectis, upon our household very soon! I’m sure my beautiful, and rather sexually timid, wife will enjoy our new adventures!

  5. looking forward to when I can partake in this day just need to find a partner for it now lol

  6. Wonderfully written. I can only dream of my marriage going this route — more sexually adventurous. In the meanwhile, this was a delightful story to read. More please! :)

  7. Just make sure that you don’t get on video conferences on no clothes day. Someone else on tifu already did that

  8. The story was good enough before you described your wife as looking like Meghan Markle, things went to a whole new level at that point! Bravo sir, bravo.

  9. Great story! Love to read about other married couples having hot sex. Would love to hear one from her perspective. Can I suggest using fake names instead of "M" and "J". I think it helps the story flow better.

  10. Thanks! Easy to be believable when you aren’t making stuff up, I guess, hahaha

  11. Haha we did! Nothing happened during the video call though, M had the shirt and no bottoms, so no one found out. We’re careful about this.

  12. I’ll try to convince her to write the other one, which happened during a day we were working from home.

  13. I hope it does for you! We actually started way too late, in hindsight. Therapy helped open us up, I would recommend trying a few sessions.

  14. Hahaha her body and hair is a lot like Meghan Markle. Face is quite different. I obviously find it hotter than Markle though ;) It’s the tight skirts and the button down tops. Something very sexy about that with this body type.

  15. My only regret is not going for therapy earlier. We had a good sex life, but without therapy, we would never have known how much we were holding back. It’s the small things. Like moving our default reaction from "no" or "maybe" to "yes". She proposed office sex, my reaction earlier would have been to wait till we got home, but I said yes and it ended up amazing.

  16. Good for you two. Glad to hear what talking with a third party can do to rev up the bed room. Things like outdoor sex and being nude in front of others has helped my wife and I boost our bed room up as well.

  17. i know when im reading a true story, and this is definitely it. made me really hot. please write more

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