Afternoon Delight [MF] [Str8]

He arrived home early from work and carefully slid his key into the lock, turning it slowly until the bolt was fully retracted. He turned the knob all the way before slowly easing the door open. The house was totally quiet as he slipped in, except for the quiet lapping of the dog's tongue as he busily licked his balls in the middle of the kitchen floor.

It must have been getting good to him, because the man was well inside the house before the dog was startled to the awareness that his private moment had been shattered. It was good that the dog had been busy pleasuring himself and hadn't raised the alarm by barking and thus ruining the man's plan. Once over the initial surprise, the dog was very much happy to see the man home at last. The man patted his faithful canine and led him to the crate in which he usually spent his nights.

The dog secured, the man quietly crept to the stairway. He paused at the bottom and listened. He thought he could hear a faint electronic buzzing sound from above which elicited a mischievous grin. He carefully removed his shoes and started up the steps slowly and deliberately. The fourth step up made a creaking sound as he put his weight on it, causing the man to wince as if in pain. He waited for a moment before he continued, reassured by the continued buzzing that he hadn't been discovered. The buzzing sound got louder as he ascended the final steps, and now he could also hear low moans and labored breathing coming from the slightly open bedroom door. The man peered through the crack of the doorway into the dimly illuminated bedroom. The blinds were down and admitted only a small amount of the late afternoon light. Here the source of the buzzing was confirmed. His wife lay naked on the bed with her head turned to the side, eyes closed and face contorted in erotic pleasure and concentration. Her legs were spread wide, and her knees bent up to allow maximum access as she worked her throbbing pussy over with the vibrator. She held the vibrator in her right hand and was using the fingers of her left to spread her pussy lips as far apart as possible. She worked the tip of the vibrator up and down the length of her pink slit, pausing at the top to swirl it over her swollen clit. Then, she'd slide it back down into her waiting snatch, fucking herself while she began to rub her clit with her fingers. He could hear the wet smacking sound of the vibrator as it glided in and out of her dripping pussy. He smiled as he watched her pleasure herself, his cock getting harder by the moment as he enjoyed his private show.

He loosened his belt, undid the button and unzipped his trousers. His now fully erect dick was becoming uncomfortable in the confines of his pants and besides, it needed to be touched. He shook off the pants and his underwear and began to slowly stroke and squeeze his cock as he watched the incredibly hot scene unfold in the bed before him. His wife was now beginning to move her luscious ass in a circular motion as she continued to fuck the vibrator and rub her clit. Her moans were also becoming louder and she'd lick her lips and turn her head from side to side.

He began long, slow strokes with his hand, caressing the head with each stroke. Hot come began to seep from his cock and he rubbed it over the head as the pleasure mounted. He couldn't take his eyes off the vibrator that was fucking his wife and making her hotter and closer to climax with each second. He thought about what it would feel like to bury his dick in that hairy pussy and fuck it hard until he would shoot what would seem like a gallon of hot come into her. She always liked to feel him spurt deep inside her while his balls slapped against her ass cheeks.

In the bedroom, she was getting close. She was as hot as he'd ever seen her and seemed to be losing her mind in the throes of passion as he slipped the door open and approached the bed. He was getting close himself, and with each stroke he felt the tension rise. He was nearly beside her when she finally saw him, surprise crossing her face for an instant before she lost herself in the grip of the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had. She could see her husband furiously stroking his cock and the head was a deep purple color that she knew meant he was getting ready to blow his load. She opened her mouth and begged for him to shove it in. He was only to willing to oblige and as he slid the head of his dick between her lips and across her tongue, he began to shoot his come down her throat in great, hot spurts. She closed her mouth around it and pumped her head back and forth as she began to buck and jerk her hips in her own powerful orgasm.

She let the vibrator fall from her dripping snatch and grasped his cock. She used both hands to squeeze the last of the come from it onto her tongue and then licked the head clean like an ice cream cone. As she wiped the rest from her chin and greedily licked her fingers, her husband pulled away and fell into the bed between her still wide spread legs. He pressed his face into her musky wetness and gripped her ass checks with both hands. He began to lick and probe her hot pussy with his tongue as he used his thumbs to spread her lips wide. He drank in her juices and sucked her clit.

She reached out over her head with both arms and gripped the headboard for traction and used the leverage to shove her still throbbing snatch hard into his face. She was moaning and began working her pelvis in a fucking motion over his face when he realized his cock was becoming stiff again underneath him. He slipped a finger into her pussy then and began to explore her wetness as he sucked and tongued her lips and clit. She was getting close to another orgasm, he knew. He wanted to make her come with his mouth while he finger fucked her. She began to shudder wildly and he put his whole mouth over her clit and sucked, all the while fucking her with his finger. He pushed it deep and held it there, when she said, "You've got to fuck me NOW!" He was only more than happy to oblige. His cock was rock hard and still damp from saliva. He climbed up on her chest first and put the head of his dick between her lips. She sucked it into her waiting mouth and he stroked it in and out several times. He climbed back down between her legs and put the head of his cock in her soaking wet slit. He rubbed it slowly up and down the length of her juicy pussy and rubbed it over and around her clit. He continued to rub her wet parts with his cock, and he'd let the head just enter her love canal and then slide it on up to her clit again. He kept this up for as long as they both could stand, and then plunged the full length of his hot cock deep into her waiting pussy. He sat up on his knees and brought his cock out of her snatch until just the tip was still in, and then shoved it hard all the way in, grinding his pubic bone on her clit. Then, he placed his cupped hand around his cock to guide it into her pussy, so he could tease her by pulling completely out while continuing to fuck her. That's what he wanted was to fuck her. He wanted to fuck her and grab her hot little ass and pull it up to meet his thrust as he fucked and fucked until he filled her hot little pussy with come. And he wanted her to come again, too. He wanted her to feel him coming in her and come again herself, screaming, "Oh, fuck me, I'm coming, fuck me!" over and over again as he slammed his cock into her and shot her full of come.

Completely spent, he rolled off to lay close beside her, his cock and balls completely covered with their love juices. Come was running from her throbbing snatch, and he reached over to feel the heat of it. She turned her face to his and their lips met in a deep and passionate kiss. He probed her mouth and tasted his own come still there. Then they lay back and relaxed, enjoying the afterglow. They wanted this moment to never end.



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