[Long] [M]y encounter with the [F]irst girl I dated via OKC

Apologies for the lengthy story, but I hope it’s at least a fun read. A little background info. At the time of this story I'm a 34/m and recently separated. Without going into too much details of the failed marriage I’ll just say the last two years of it was spent unhappy and sexless. I moved out on my own and have been on my own for about a year now. If you’re keeping count it’s been about 3 years since I last had sex. I'm finally posting this story after a year of starting to write it.

After spending some time getting used to being on my own I figured it was time I venture out and meet some people. There was a small period several months ago when the only thing I was focused on was getting laid. I was checking out /r/dirtyr4r, /r/randomactsofblowjob, and similar subreddits hoping for a hook up. Even checked out Craigslist. I actually did find a good friend through those posts and we still talk today. She really did it for me in our conversations. We’d talk about sex a lot and even a little cyber. She was local and we talked about meeting up, but she was in a relationship and as much as we desired each other we both knew it couldn’t happen. But we had fun talking about it.

It was in my conversations with her that I realized that I needed to act more myself and stop trying to focus on getting laid and putting up a facade. I eventually ended up making an OK Cupid profile and I was pretty darn proud of myself that I thought it stood out well among others. I was honest in what I was looking for. I didn’t think I was ready for a long-term relationship. I really just wanted someone to hang out with, casual dating, physical, up front with what we wanted, but not completely closed off to the idea of something more developing. It’s just not my expectation at the moment.

So, a couple messages here and there. Nothing substantial. It was really during this time I realized that it’s pretty easy to just be myself and not make a big deal out of no-replies, getting rejections, and being honest when something isn’t clicking. An amazing concept in my mind that, sadly, took me years to figure out.

One night I was browsing profiles and I came across one from this woman and her profile was pretty blunt. It was surprisingly refreshing to read among all the “I’m a real cool and laid back woman.” It read something along the lines of “I’m a very physical person. I express myself physically first. I’m looking for someone to maybe meet up a couple times a week. Not looking for guys who are clingy, aren’t butt hurt because I don’t respond to your text, and just looking for something casual.” At least that’s how I remember it. I thought to myself that her inbox must be flooded by now. She was a cute latina, curvy in the right places, and had a nerdy look. Very much into the nerdy look. I decided to just shoot her a message. I don’t remember what I said, but it must have been catchy enough for her to check out my profile and respond.

We messaged back and forth and that evolved into texting. Eventually after some time we agreed to meet up. I suggested a soccer game. It was public enough and the group I hang with can all vouch I’m not a serial killer. I remember joking “I can’t afford to pay them all off to vouch for me.”

The day of the game she shows up at my door and she was surprisingly cuter than her pictures suggested. The first thing I noticed was her boobs. The second, as she walked by as I was letting her in, was her ass. I remember I intentionally checked out her ass. Like I looked hard. Felt a bit douchey for looking, but I gave myself a mental high-five because she had an amazing ass. She wasn't a thin stick. She was like myself, a little bit extra but wore it very well. It was at this point I wasn’t sure if this was a date or not. We had only spent about a week talking before the soccer game. I decided I was just gonna not stress over it and have fun. I was a big fan of the team we were seeing, so I was little more excited about that as it was the opening home game. Throughout the day there were some casual brushes of bodies. I remember brushing up on her breasts a few times, but didn’t want to come on too strong and try to make more flirtatious moves. The loudness of the atmosphere worked for me though, because I could move in closer to her and put my hands on her back or around her as we tried to talk.

With the game over we headed back to my place and I wasn’t thinking when I invited her upstairs to hang for a bit. But she accepted and we sat on my couch talking for a while. I commented how I never hang out in my living room. I live with a room mate and we pretty much lock ourselves up in our separate rooms. So the living room is this unused space. I had suggested hanging out in my room. In hindsight this probably seemed like a desperate attempt to get her to my bed. We made the move to the bedroom and talked more and then she suggested she should get going. I walked her to the door as we said our goodbyes. I think we were going for a hug goodnight, but her hands grabbed my face and we kissed. We kissed pretty hard. I fucking melted. It had been so long since I kissed someone I really didn’t know what to do. All of this was new to me again. I hadn’t dated since I was 20. It had been 3+ years since my last physical encounter. All of that was racing through my mind, but then I went back to the kiss. It was hot. I felt her body pressing up against mine. I finally had a chance to feel those breasts up against me. And they felt wonderful.

We broke apart and just smiled at each other. I just said, “Okay then” like an idiot and she smirked and went on her way. There was no doubt in my mind I had to see her again.

I don’t remember who texted who the next day. But we agreed we should definitely see each other again. With a new and bold confidence I said there should definitely be more smooching. Yes, I was being a goofball and used the word “smooching.” I would win my way with her through my deliberate idiocy! We set up the next date during the week one night after work.

The next date we had set up that she could come over and we could grab a bite to eat. It was pretty informal and in my head I figured we’d just make it up as we went along. She came over wearing something that showed off her cleavage and again, I checked out her ass. This time I noticed she doesn’t wear a lot of make up. Enough to highlight her eyes and lips. It was enough for me. It was also this time I recognized her smell again. It was extremely pleasant and quite unique. Something I haven’t smelled before.

I invited her to my room and asked what she wanted to do for food. One of us suggested maybe ordering something. I was tense. Not sure if it showed, but I was tense. I wanted to kiss her again, but held off. We browsed online menus ordering some sandwiches and a pizza from a local place and ordered online. It was then we both sat on the edge of my bed. I think I asked, “So, about that more smooching thing?”

Someone reached for someone and we full on kissed. It was hard, our faces were pressing into each other. Our mouths started to open and tongues started to dance. The first time I tasted her tongue was amazing. My hands started to roam on her legs to the side of her hips. She had amazing hips that I would later be grabbing more of. I remember pulling away and going straight for her neck. I love kissing necks. She tilted her head to allow me access and I went at it. She let out a hiss of “Yesssssss” in approval. It was then I grew confident and pushed her down onto my bed so I could kiss her from above. With her on her back we continued to make out pretty heavily. My hands started wandering from her knees up her thigh with my fingers spread wide to reach her inner thigh and all the way up to her shirt. I would brush the side of her breasts. She took my hints and broke the kissing so she could pull up her shirt.

I saw her amazing boobs. I must have looked like a man lost in the desert and seeing water for the very first time. I attacked her boobs. I don’t think I was gentle at all. I went down to kiss in between her boobs and on top of them. She took those hints too and removed her bra. It was too much for my brain to process and my carnal instinct took over. I sucked her on nipples for what probably seemed like days. I could feel them get hard in my mouth and hearing her breath heavy with the flicks of my tongue only drove me wilder. I would take one in between my teeth and give it a light bite and she moaned. She loved it. I’d bite a little harder.

We went at this for a while back and forth between madly kissing and boob play. It was then she pushed me to the side and told me to lay down. Laying on my bed with my legs hanging over the edge I was anticipating what was coming next. She stood up and then knelt between my legs and started to undo my belt. “This was it!” I thought. It was a this point I kept telling myself not to cum as soon as she whips out my dick. She pulled my pants down and then my underwear. Her grip on my dick is sending waves through my body and then I feel her tongue on my balls. It was an amazing feeling. She went at that for a bit and I just laid in euphoria. She started to lick up my shaft and I knew the moment I was waiting for was coming. I couldn’t wait. It had been so long since I had a blowjob and I LOVE blowjobs.

Then I had an amazing warmth fall over the head of my penis. She had taken me in her mouth and it was amazing. I looked down and there she was, this amazing girl giving me the best blowjob I had ever had. I won’t get into the details of why it was the best, but at that moment, it was the best thing ever. She alternated between sucking me, licking, adding spit and sucking some more. My head was spinning. I couldn’t even think of controlling myself. I didn’t know what to do. Do I finish here? Do I bring her up to move to the next step? I waved my fingers through her hair and looked down again and here was this pretty face with my dick in her mouth and it was amazing. I enjoyed it some more as she worked her mouth. Just then I felt the urge to come. I grunted something along the lines of “I’m going to cum.” But just as she stopped, the urge faded away and said, “false alarm.”

Sitting up I wanted to kiss her some more. I wanted to throw her down onto my bed and tear her pants off, but I wasn’t that brave yet. Instead I kind of nudged her and she took the hint. Kissing her some more I fiddled with her pants. Again, she took the hint and took off her pants. It was then she asked if I had a condom. “Holy shit! This is going to happen,” i thought inside my head. I said I did, but she prefers non-latex condoms and she had one for me.

By now I was raging hard as I slipped the condom on. Once on I climbed in between her legs and guided my dick inside of her. The warmth was amazing. Her face was amazing. The feeling was amazing. It took me everything in my power not to cum right then and there. All I could do was lean forward and kiss her. Something came over me and all I wanted to do was move inside of her and kiss her all over. I wanted to feel all of her. I went at it some more before it became too much for me and came. The sensation was amazing. My first sex in years.

I may be getting the timeline wrong, but as we laid there, naked, and smiling at what just happened. I get a phone call from the delivery driver that he was downstairs with our food. My building has coded access and I forgot to leave the code in the instructions. I quickly got dressed so I could answer the door and get the food.

We would go at it again several times that night. Each time with something new added to the mix. I still vividly remember her asking me “You wanna fuck me from behind?” and I gave an emphatic “yes!” I would grab her amazing ass and hips. And later learn that she kinda liked to be manhandled a little bit. I was also captivated by her smell. She had an amazing smell. We had some more adventures over the next several months. Eventually just remaining friends. To this day I have a hard time containing myself around her. Her smell drives me wild and her face makes me want to grab it and just press her up against a wall so I can kiss her. It’s part lust, part I just want to throw her down and rip her clothes off. I’ll send her a link to this post and she’ll read it. She’s known about me writing this up for some time now. You guys can give me any feedback you want, i’ll only be looking forward to one particular feedback.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/303tf4/long_my_encounter_with_the_first_girl_i_dated_via


  1. That was incredibly hot. :) Good on you finding more confidence in yourself and meeting girls! Good luck!

  2. Mhmm. You’d think there’s be more of us here, right? Or maybe it’s because I always comment. ;)

  3. Thanks. After a while I realized it was wordy and was afraid people wouldn’t find it hot. I’ve dated a couple women since then, but her and I still hang out as friends. We’ve had an encounter or two as such. But that short time we dated, it was quite fun. Perhaps I’ll post more.

  4. I think the descriptions on this make it more believable. God knows there’s lots of fake stories in this sub. Please do post more. :)

  5. Wait wait wait. Why are you two just friends now? The chemistry seemed to be there, why nothing more serious?

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