Fucked a girl with 5 other guys. FM+6

I have been a longtime lurker and never thought I’d have anything to post, but this crazy thing happened this past weekend. I just want to say that this is totally not like me. I never thought I would be a part of something like this. I am a pretty boring guy. Senior in college and so far I have only had sex with two girls (excluding this one), both during a relationship. I always thought things like this were either made up, only in porn, or only happened to jocks and frat guys.

What happened was that we had planned to spend a few days at a friends cabin. We were supposed to be an almost equal number of guys and girls, but due to last minute cancellations we ended up being 7 guys and 2 girls. One of whom was the girlfriend of my friend who’s family owns the cabin.

The first evening, my friend who owns the cabin, let’s call him Dale, takes his girlfriend to one of the rooms and we don’t hear from them again until morning. That leaves us 6 guys and the 1 girl alone. It was a bit awkward, because we were busy talking about guy stuff and she was a bit left out.

The girl, lets call her Amber, is asian, thin and with a cute face. I have never been with an asian girl until that night, and definitely never seen one naked in real life. We were talking and drinking beer when one of my friends suggested we play some poker. Amber asked to joined us.

We each got a bunch of chips to start. Amber was having the worst luck and she ran out of chips first. She asked if she can get some more. We weren’t playing for money or anything, just for fun, so I didn’t think it was a big deal that she wanted more chips. One of the guys though, who was fairly drunk by now, jokingly told her that she can have more chips if she’ll flash us her tits. It was obvious he was joking because he was already reaching to give her more chips, but then she suddenly says ok and lifts up her shirt and bra at the same time and showed us her boobs.

We were all completely floored. It was like time froze in place. I’ll never forget it. There is nothing like unexpected boobs. Especially because she seemed so quiet and innocent. They were really really nice. Probably a B or small C cup. Just the perfect size, no more than a handful each with dark nipples that stuck out. She held her shirt and bra up for a few seconds, giving us all a good look, then pulled them down. Everyone was super quiet until she asked for her chips. She had this little smile on her face like she was happy to see our reaction.

I guess I should have known then that she had a bit of a crazy streak. Instead I felt bad that maybe she felt pressured or something. So we all keep playing, but there was this sudden tension in the air. I found myself constantly looking at her chip pile to see if it will run out again. I had folded out and didn’t realize that one of the guys had lost all his chips. So he asks for more chips, and Amber pipes in and says he has to flash us too. So he gives her a smile and lifts up his shirt, which was kinda funny. She laughs and tells him that she wants to see his dick instead. So he pulls down his pants and underwear and shows her his penis while the rest of us guys look away and yell at him to put his pants back up. When he was done I looked at Amber and she had the biggest grin on her face. She was obviously enjoying it.

I don’t know why but I started freaking out a bit about having to flash her, so I kept looking at my pile of chips and playing really conservatively. I had totally forgot about her pile of chips so I didn’t notice until she said “all in”. Suddenly everyone was paying attention. She had a good hand, but ended up losing! Then she says in this innocent voice: “oops, I am out of money again. What do I have to do to get some more chips?”. Like she was tempting us to dare her to do something.

We were all super quiet, unsure how far to take this, when one guy said “well, you can get naked…”. She got super quiet and didn’t respond for a bit. I thought to myself that oh oh we pushed her too far. But then she said in this quiet, hesitant voice that she would get naked if all of us would too. The funny thing is that all I could think of was that I didn’t want to get naked because it was kinda cold. Even though we had a fire going, we were sitting in the dining room away from it and it wasn’t that warm in the cabin. My friends on the other hand were all for it. They all got up and began taking off their clothes. I guess I hesitated too long because a few of them urged me to quickly get naked. I had no idea where this was all going and sitting around naked playing poker with 5 guys and 1 girl in the cold wasn’t my idea of fun.

But I caved in to peer pressure. Got up and took my clothes off. When we were all naked, Amber stood up and took a long look at each of us. Then she began to take off her clothes. She was definitely enjoying the attention. She looked great naked. She was thin, perfectly sized boobs with long pointy nipples, and her pussy lips were open a bit, and she was completely shaved except for a small, dark strip.

We all stood there naked, awkwardly trying to figure out what to do next. I was about to sit down when one of the guys said “how are we going to do this?”. I wasn’t really sure what he was talking about, but apparently Amber did. I was so shocked that I had a million thoughts running through my head. Plus my head was spinning a bit from the alcohol, so I am not sure what was discussed, but she pointed to one guy and told him to go stand to the side. Then she pointed to another and had him stand next to the first guy. And like that she lined us up. I was 4th in line and it took me a moment to realize that she was lining us up by size. Then she took the first guy and let him to the couch. She knelt in front of him and took his penis in her hands. He was already rock hard. She took him in her mouth and sucked on his dick. I couldn’t believe it. A second ago we were playing poker and now we were all naked waiting in line to get a blow job from this girl.

She only sucked on his cock for a bit. Then she let go, got up and walked over to the couch. She arranged the cushions a bit and then leaned over them, her cute tiny ass sticking up in the air. Then she got up again and told the guy she sucked that he can only fuck her pussy but that he needs to cum inside. The other guys started protesting but she shushed them and told them that she needed the lubrication and if they have a problem with that they can fuck off. That shut them up. I was completely shocked at what was happening. I have never seen anything like it. Then she leaned back on top of the cushions and the guy stepped up.

He spread her butt cheeks open and guided his cock into her pussy. He slid in easily and pushed it in all the way. Amber let out this loud moan and arched her back as he did so. I had never seen anyone have sex in real life before and it got me super hard. A quick glance showed me that all the other guys were ready to go as well. The guy fucking her grabbed her hips and fucked her hard and fast. She cried out with every thrust. He didn’t last long though, and soon he slowed down and then pulled out. When the next guy stepped up she told him to come over to her and that she needed to suck his cock to lubricate it first. She licked and sucked on his cock a bit and then told him he can fuck her. He walked around and slid in.

I’ll admit that the idea of sloppy seconds repulses me a bit. But somehow seeing this girl get fucked by other guys made me want to fuck her even more. The second guy was just starting when the third guy walked up and offered her his cock. She took him in her mouth and sucked him the entire time the guy in the back was fucking her. When the guy in the back was done, she stopped sucking him off and he took his place behind her. Now it was my turn to get sucked off. By now I was feeling super conflicted. My cock was rock hard so I walked over. She took it in her mouth. It felt great but with everyone watching I was feeling really nervous. As the guy in the back was fucking her, one of the guys still waiting said “hey its getting kind of messy back there…”. The guy in the back I guess took it as a cue not to cum inside her, and he pulled out and came all over her back. Amber was super pissed and yelled at him that she needed the lubrication. I thought the fun was over but she looked at me and told me to make sure I cum inside her.

I got into position, thankful that my cock was still hard and pushed it in. Trying the whole time not to think of all the cum from the previous guys in there. I was holding her hips, trying to avoid looking at the cum on her back. Truthfully the whole thing was a bit awkward. I closed my eyes and just tried to enjoy the moment. Her pussy was so tight I could barely slide it in. She loosened up a bit as I started fucking her. I just grabbed her hips and focused on thrusting in and out. The awkwardness melted away and the pleasure of fucking her kicked in. Her pussy felt great. Tight and warm, like it was trying to milk my cock with every thrust. I ignored the cum on her back and leaned over to grab her boobs. I squeezed her nipples between my fingers. She stopped sucking the next guy and cried out in pleasure. I tried to delay my orgasm as long as I could, but finally I had to give in and came inside her. I stay inside, thrusting slowly, until my dick got too soft. Then I pulled out and took my place to the side to look on as the rest of the guys took their place.

Amber at least was definitely enjoying it. When it was the last guy’s turn, she no longer had a cock in her mouth and she was being LOUD.Yelling stuff like “oh my god” and “fuck me”. I am sure the other guy and girl could hear her and I was wondering what they were thinking. The last guy was fucking her hard, and then she started screaming that she was cumming. I guess that was too much for him because he too buried himself deep inside her and came in there.

When he pulled out I finally got a good look at her pussy. There was cum spilling out of it and running down her legs. Amber collapsed on the couch in a fetal position. Her whole body shaking. I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I came back a few of the guys grabbed some paper towels and were helping her clean up. When she calmed down they helped her to the shower.

I don’t know why, but the next day I felt this huge urge to talk to her and get to know her. it’s hard to explain but there was something so sexy and appealing about her. I couldn’t believe that I ignored her before. It’s weird because I would never want a girlfriend who fucked my friends, but I felt like I needed her to be mine. Like some primal thing. Everyone seemed to feel the same way and she was the center of attention the rest of the trip. I thought we would have a repeat the second night, but she said she was too sore and ended up going to bed early.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/303m8k/fucked_a_girl_with_5_other_guys_fm6


  1. Holy shit. I was really getting into that story, and then I couldn’t get over the anxiety of the STDs (potentially) swimming around in her cum-filled pussy.

  2. We actually discussed that. No one had condoms (or admitted to them). So she asked if we were clean. Obviously everyone said yes. Then she reminded us that if one guy has something we’ll all catch it. Either way, I plan on getting tested just to be safe.

  3. Many years ago I still shared a place with my ex, who had become my FWB. One night I came home to find her with her BFF (also an FWB at this point), and another girl I’d never met. This girl was an incredibly hot blonde, beautiful face, perfect body, any guy’s fantasy. They were all getting ready for a night on the town, since our place was conveniently close to the city and well serviced by public transport that ran into the early hours of the morning. And to my appreciation, all three girls were walking around in various stages of dress, including the blonde who I got to see in her short black skirt, black pantyhose, and black lace bra – ironing her white shirt! Fast forward several hours and from my bedroom I hear a commotion at the front door. I go out to see what’s happening and my ex, her BFF, the hot blonde, and three guys are standing in the hallway. It transpires that all of them are staying the night; I’m not exactly sure how that’s going to work given there’s only 1 more bedroom, but knowing my ex and her BFF are pretty *open*, I just shrug my shoulders and retire to my room for the night. Much noise is coming from the lounge room – enough to keep me awake for a while – and I wasn’t particularly happy about it. Next morning everyone has left except for my ex. This is when she tells me that she went straight to bed with her BFF (to sleep). Yup. Hot little blondie did all three guys on my lounge room floor! All three! Later in the week I’m cleaning and find a used condom under the lounge. Gross! I’m pretty pissed about that and let my ex know in no uncertain terms. She apologises and tells me a little more about the blonde girl, who is a friend of the BFF. Apparently she’s heavily into gang bangs and once did a whole basketball team. In short, she had *issues*. Next weekend they make plans to head into the city and the blonde is asking whether she can crash at our place once again. I veto that idea immediately and my answer is relayed to the BFF. What she said next floored me – blondie has offered to let me fuck her if I let her stay! I have to say I was *very* tempted, only because she would’ve easily been the hottest girl I’d fucked at that point in my life. But in the end I stood by my decision partly because I didn’t want another orgy of guys on my lounge room floor, but mostly because I couldn’t get the idea of all those guys inside her out of my head, and I didn’t want to go sticking my dick into a vag full of other guys’ cum. Of course stupid me should have closed the deal for a blow job. Doh! EDIT: Thinking about it, she would *still* have been the hottest girl I would have fucked to this day.

  4. This girl didn’t seem the type at all, which is what made it so crazy. Quiet, nerdy asian girl. I think that is also what was such a turn on. That there is this whole other crazy, sexual side to her.

  5. Agreed, that was hot! I wonder what I would have done in your position – I suspect the alcohol, the peer pressure and the sight of a pretty Asian girl begging for cock would have won out in the end. To this day I haven’t fucked an Asian and would dearly love to do so!

  6. Especially the way he played up rhe awkward and unsure bit. Shit just doesn’t go down like that in your head.

  7. Dude, you know those ‘cancelled’ folks were part of the plan, right? Movie theater as teens 101

  8. Its not so much that, most stories on here are pure bullshit. Its that this particular bullshit sounds like its coming from a guy who has literally never been in the sexual company of a woman before. cum as lube? really?

  9. This really reminds me of a story a good friend about the first gangbang she had while on spring break. I guess I can start writing it up.

  10. All asian girls are freaks. Surprised she didn’t suggest anal, all the asians I’ve ever fucked loved anal.

  11. I’m an Asian girl that people who know/know of me would consider me as conservative little Asian girl but actually I’d like to have sex six times a day.. Somehow that takes people by surprise

  12. Haha do I? I’m not quiet and nerdy though. I’m pretty outgoing and sociable. And I’m not sure if I would like to have sex with 6 people in one day but I wouldn’t mind having sex with one guy for six times in one day.

  13. Huh, weird. I thought it was you for a second teasing me or something. 1 guy, 6 times a day? Challenge accepted!

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