My [f]irst experience being a ho[m]ewrecking whore.

My first time posting in this sub. Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated!

When I started working there, he trained me. We hit it off right away. He was funny, energetic, and incredibly handsome with a chiseled face, brown eyes, broad shoulders, and a lean but muscular build. He had tattoos – those were what drove me crazy. On his wrists, and his shoulders, across his chest, his stomach, his back… and he was a veteran. There's just something about a man who went overseas to defend his country.

I guessed his age to be around 24, but when we started talking more, he confessed that he was 30, married, with two kids. He told me about how he was looking for a way out of his marriage. He was unhappy, and hated feeling tied down. I was only 18, but felt the same way about my boyfriend. He was nice… too nice. It wasn't exciting anymore.

We became fast friends and I would often catch him staring at me at work, eyes lingering at the top few undone buttons on my blouse. I couldn't help but stare at him either, he was probably the most attractive person I'd ever seen excluding movie stars.

He asked me if I wanted to go bowling with him, and I jumped at the offer. My stomach was doing backflips. I hadn't been this excited about a man ever, and I knew there was absolutely no way we would even do anything together. But still.

We met at the bowling alley and he bought us a pitcher. The game was uneventful – I'm just good enough not to make a fool out of myself, and he's just a bit better than that. There was plenty of innocent flirting, and on the ninth or tenth frame, as I passed him to grab a ball, he pinched my ass. I gave him a playful smile over my shoulder. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn't leave. We weren't going to do anything! Why was I getting so worked up?

When we were done with our game, we didn't want to stop our "date." But where else could we go? I was only 18, so we couldn't go to a bar. He had his wife and kids at home, and at the time I was living with my dad. "Do you want to get a room?" He asked me. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "Only if it has two beds," I said, "and we'd only be going to hang out a little – nothing more." "Of course," he said, but I should have known he was up to something from his devilish grin.

After stopping at a liquor store, we went to a motel, and he went to pay for it. "Two beds!" I called as he left the car. He waved me off. As we entered our room, I saw one huge bed dominating the space. I put my hands on my hips and looked up at him. "It was all they had," he said. "Sure," I said with an eyeroll.

We spent the night drinking and smoking and sitting at the little table provided. We talked about everything and anything. His wife. My boyfriend. When the sun had nearly risen, we were exhausted, drunk, high, and decided to crash. I crawled in the bed with all of my clothes on. Nothing was going to happen. He crawled in next to me, rolled to face me, and kissed me.

It was our first kiss.

He was such a good kisser that I knew I didn't stand a chance. He slipped off my top. "We can't be doing this," I moaned into the sheet. "It's more comfortable," he replied, "You don't want to sleep in that tight shirt, do you? Or these jeans," He tugged at them.

Now, I have a great body. I'm 5'4", with a small waist, and wear a 32DD bra. My ass is tiny, but round. But my boyfriend – he liked a bush. He liked how natural it was. He didn't even want me to shave, or ladyscape, or anything. And I was fine with that – less work for me.

"My God," he breathed as he unhooked my bra and finally saw my breasts. He began sucking, and playing, and squeezing. "I don't think I've ever seen such a nice pair of tits."

I tugged at his shirt, and he pulled it off, revealing all of his tattoos. Jesus. At 18, I had never been with a real man before. My boyfriend was actually younger than I was.

His thumb hooked into my black, lacy panties. I was glad that I had worn sexy underwear, even though up until this point I was sure I would have the self-control to stop it. "No," I mumbled halfheartedly. "My boyfriend likes a bush." "What?" He asked, confused. I looked at him and said, "He asked me stop shaving awhile ago." I received an eyeroll, and the panties came off.

He buried his face into my pussy, giving me the most amazing head I've ever received. I was loud- really loud. I couldn't control myself. First it was moaning. And then, when he got too turned on by my noises and panting, it was screaming, because he plunged his full thickness into me, and never before had I felt such ecstatic pleasure. Wave after wave of electricity pulsed through my body, and I could swear my eyes practically rolled back in my head. He fucked me, he didn't make love, he fucked, hard and fast and I scratched his back and he didn't take long. He collapsed next to me. "Fuck," I said under my breath, exhausted.

We fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke first, and woke him up by reaching over him to grab my phone. He was groggy, but gave me a little smile. "Hey," he said. "Hey," I said. I kissed him, I was already a cheater and a homewrecker, so what was the harm? The kiss turned quickly from a good-morning peck to a passionate, heated exchanged. I climbed on top of him. "Shit," he said, unabashedly staring at my breasts. I crawled down between his legs, and started licking his cock slowly, big licks, from the base to the very tip. Then I took his tip into my mouth, and swirled my tongue around the top. I added vacuum-like pressure, and took his whole cock in my mouth, and before I knew it he was hauling me up again and shoving himself into my tight little pussy.

I rode him, hard and fast, with less noise now that I was sober. Then he flipped me onto my stomach, and fucked me hard. I had never been fucked like that before, and didn't realize how deep he could go, the places he could touch with that magical cock. It was over in an instant for me – my body convulsing in pleasure, hands ripping the sheets from the bed in desperation. I cried out, and that was it for him, too, as he came inside of me, filling me up, collapsing on top of me.

It was a good thing I was on birth control.

Edits for grammar, spelling, and wording.



  1. I guess he was the first and the last guy, but that wasn’t our only encounter. After that night, neither of us ever went back to our SOs, and we started a really twisted (but awesome) relationship.

  2. Gotta love the fake, good-girl "oh we can’t be doing this" act, when it is **clear as day** you were down to fuck from the get go. Why can’t girls just be honest to everyone in person like the title of the post?

  3. Because the ruse is not for the other people. The ruse is for yourself; to help seduce yourself into the situation. If you think it is a "bad" thing to do, and you are not "bad", you lie to yourself. You say this is just a tease, until you tease yourself to a place where you’re willing to give into the desire. Often, if the truth is said out loud too soon, before the self seduction is complete, then it’d all get call off, for a while at least.

  4. It’s just a dumb 18 year old that has no idea who she is or what she’s doing.

  5. Loved ur stories, wish mines ended the same way… We just ended up being FWB for 8 months and still going back to our SO’s. Great story, got me fucking hard for sure and got me remembering more of my encounters.

  6. How I envy you. If I could get out of my bland relationship to hook up with this older guy I know..I so would.

  7. I don’t see we you as a homewrecker. Were you his first OW? I think he was probably already gone and you were just the little motivation/push he needed to have the confidence to leave his wife. Are you still with him?

  8. I definitely wasn’t the first girl he cheated on his wife with, but I was the last. He left his wife and we ended up living together for nearly a year after that (after that night we never spent another night apart). It ended mutually though.

  9. Except women of all ages can do the same thing. "He’s just a coworker" seems to be a common line.

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