I [M]ay have given a girl an orgasm [f]rom a piggy back ride.

So the other night I was giving my girlfriend's best friend a piggy back ride like normal when she gets too drunk. I don't mind because its the nice thing to do, and it's not so bad having a pretty girl clinging to you and it's ok because she's a friend. Well like usual we were going along and she was laughing until something stood out to me, I think she is maybe moaning a little!? We keep walking and it starts to get more rythmic with when I bounce as I walk so I do a little experiment, I stop to readjust and move my hands a little bit farther up the inside of her thighs and squeeze a little sexually while purposefully bouncing her right on my spine and I swear she presses her face against my neck and let's out such a moan into my ear that I can't resist! For the rest of the walk now I make it clear that I am trying to get her off, I start grabbing her thighs more sexually and grinding her pussy into my back as I bounce her. I swear at this point she is loving it and moaning so much that I don't know how my girlfriend can't tell, thank god she thought she was just laughing weird. Finally we get close to her house and I don't want it to end so I enjoy the last few minutes of it groping her thighs and almost her ass while I make her grind my back so hard, until I hear her say in the most unmistakable way, "I'm cumming so hard right now". I thought about it and there is no way she would have said anything close to that for any other reason. hopefully I get another chance to do it again soon so I can really test if we might have a little naughty secret that we can keep from my girlfriend, nothing wrong with a little innocent orgasm right? ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2ztmq1/i_may_have_given_a_girl_an_orgasm_from_a_piggy


  1. Hey, u should confront her about it and keep us updated on what happened next

  2. Part of me wants to just walk up to her at the next party and be like, so was it a good piggy back ride or what? But I feel super anxious about it

  3. should just bring it up anyways, see if she remembers, or if u have her number, text her or something.

  4. Try and overcome your anxiousness, u need to confront her, she was drunk, make sure u ask her if she remembers what happen, don’t be too blunt with her though. If you don’t confront her it may cause problems

  5. How can it cause problems? she said she didn’t remember anything after the bar when we were all talking about the night before

  6. As far as i’ve gathered she doesn’t remember the last part of the night

  7. Ok dude, but I’d really like to hear that u fucked her. Are you gonna try? She came on your back. You should at least try

  8. I deffinitely want to try and fuck her, she is super hot. I’m probably going to try the same thing again but slide my hand to her crotch instead of just her thigh and then the ball will be in her court.

  9. Don’t bring this up to her. you have a SO man keep it together and think of what could go wrong. if she brings it up she brings it up but I wouldn’t pursue this unless you’re aware of possible consequences.

  10. Haha the comments would probably be the complete opposite if it were a girl don’t you think?

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