Three girls, one room

When I moved to university a few years ago, I ended up finding a room house sharing with two other girls, and we instantly hit it off. Before we knew it we were all best buddies and would talk about absolutely everything, including sex of course – we were cool with each other bringing guys home, and would talk frankly about whatever was on our minds in that regard.

This story actually starts months ago – we were all going through a sexless spell for some reason, and during a girls night in and after a lot of drinking one of us piped up something along the lines of "I just want a guy who I can call up to come and eat me out anytime". We all agreed that this sounded great, and we ended up joking that maybe we should share one guy and have him on-call to go down on us, before talking about where we'd find one and so on while laughing our asses off. Somehow, that conversation became a running joke, and we'd often refer back to it as a joke, or as a general way of admitting that we were feeling horny at that point in time.

Fast forward to last weekend, and a night in with the three of us as well as my best friend, Jason. Although both my housemates, Lara and Kat, had met Jason a few times before, this was the first time we'd actually hung out together. A few years older than us, Jason worked at the same part-time job as me – we'd hit it off and been friends for a while, curiosity had gotten the better of us one afternoon and we'd fucked on the floor of his filthy apartment, and we'd never really spoken of it since, as we really just worked better as friends even though he was a good-looking guy.

So, the four of us sat around talking and drinking, then drinking and talking, then drinking some more. I can't remember how it came about, but one of us mentioned "the on-call oral guy" in a conversation, and of course Jason's ears pricked up and he started asking about it. Once he'd heard the whole story, he naturally told everyone that he'd love to be that guy of course – jokes were made, everyone was laughing, a cushion was thrown at his head.

When everyone quietened down, Jason piped up again "seriously, any guy would be lucky to get that job". "Does that mean you're volunteering?" asked Lara in response, to which he replied that hell yeah, he'd volunteer if we were asking. I thought we were all still joking around, but when Lara responded "well I'd do it if the others would" I started to realize that maybe she was serious, and as myself and Kat joined the banter we realized that she wasn't entirely joking around.

The atmosphere in the room was changing, and there was a strange tension building up as the jokes subsided and turned into genuine questions as to whether we wanted Jason to go down on us. Lara was leading the questioning, asking me what I thought as she knew I'd slept with him before, and then coaxing a slightly more uncertain Kat into admitting that she was getting pretty horny. All the while, Jason sat watching this pan out looking a little dumbfounded, occasionally looking my way expecting me to laugh and tell him it was an early April Fools.

Always the loud, forward one (especially after a drink), another lull in the conversation was broken by Lara almost shouting "Come on then, let's do this" – jumping up, grabbing the coffee table in the center of the living room and sliding it out of the way into the corner of the room. Standing in the middle of the floor, she then asked Jason "Are you cool with this?". "If you're serious, then go for it" he said.

"Alright then" Lara shouted as she all but flung herself onto the floor. Laying back, she pushed up her dress, lifted her hips, and pulled her thong down over her legs, struggling to get them over her sneakers before depositing it on the floor. Opening up her legs before Jason, I watched him sat there entranced for a moment, before picking himself up and moving over to Lara. I saw him trying to take his time kissing up her legs and thighs and recalled him doing similar to me when we fucked, but his impatience got the better of him and in no time his lips were starting to explore Lara's shaved pussy.

I sat there on the couch, still a little numb and shocked but increasingly turned on – of course I'd seen Lara naked around the house before, but here she was with my best friend going down on her right in front of me. My arousal was undeniable now, and look across at Kat and her flushed face it was clear that she was in a similar state, and it was all I could do not to masturbate on the spot. I couldn't keep my eyes off Jason working between Lara's legs, while also watching her face.. her eyes were closed in pleasure, and as the minutes went on sighs became small moans, and then her hands went to the back of his head as those moans became cries and her hips bucked as she came.

Recovering from that, Lara picked herself up off the floor unsteadily, trying to straighten her hair and commenting on how much she needed that before perkily asked "Whose next?". Feeling unbearably horny and emboldened by what I'd seen I hopped off the couch, undoing my short denim skirt to reveal a lacy thong. Also seeming a little more confident, Jason came over to me and gently pushed me back onto the couch, spreading my legs with his hands and moving between them.

Even the feel of his lips on my pussy through the material was heavenly and had me moaning in my current state, and this was only intensified as my thong was pulled aside to allow him direct access to my trimmed pussy. After a while, he stopped and got me to lift my hips to pull off my thong, before going back to redouble his efforts between my legs – he'd obviously remembered what I liked from the one time that we'd fucked, and it took only a few moments of him sucking on my slit and sliding a finger inside me to get me off, making me cum loudly.

Pushing him away to stop him touching my sensitive spots, I sat up on the couch breathing heavily, and suddenly all eyes were turned to Kat. Flushed and fidgeting, you could see how turned on she was by all this, but there was still a little uncertainty in her eyes until Lara asked if she was in too, and she meekly said that ok, she was.

Jason took a quick break to clean up his face (I get very wet), and as he rushed back into the room I chuckled a little at the bulge in his pants. Now it was Kat's turn, and she moved to sit on the living room floor, taking some time to undo and wriggle out of her skinny jeans, then peeling off a pair of simple blue panties to reveal another shaved pussy. Opening her legs, Jason moved over and reached out to touch her pussy, rubbing it a little before slipping a finger inside, all of us watching Kat's eyes close with pleasure as she was penetrated by it. Eventually Jason settled down to give her the same treatment we'd received, his tongue exploring her excitedly as we watched – I couldn't help but touch myself a little as I saw her licking him, and glancing over to Lara her eyes were glued to the scene in front of her with her mouth open. Unlike us, Kat didn't really moan at all, simply sighing and breathing heavily until her body tensed up in orgasm.

As Kat moved back to the sofa, taking her jeans and panties with her but not putting them back on, Lara interjected that she "wanted a second round" beckoning Jason over. Starting to look a little tired he still wasn't going to turn down such an offer, and Lara pulled off her dress and settled on the couch in only her bra as he dove back between her legs, still fully clothed himself. This time Lara seemed more vocal, and I saw Jason using his fingers as she moaned louder and egged him on by telling him what he was doing right until she came again, both me and Kat touching ourselves as we looked on.

Silence descended as we took a breather, before Jason joked that he thought he might burst – a joke which had Lara suggesting that maybe he should fuck me, as he'd done it before after all. The haze of alcohol and horniness in my mind overtook me at this point, and I all but grabbed Jason, kissed him deeply, and all but dragged him into my room, ignoring Lara's whoops and Kat's laughter. I stripped off the remainder of my clothes as he undressed as fast as he could, and soon he was on top of me on the bed. His cock nudged against my pussy and then he reached down and slid it effortlessly into me (no condom – bad, I know, but I'm on birth control), and in no time at all he was fucking me rapidly, our mouths all over one another as he did so. My loud moans and pleas for him to fuck me harder as I wrapped my legs around him ensured that he didn't last long, and he was soon pulling out to cum over my stomach, gasping for breath.

I left him to his own devices as I scooted to the bathroom to clean up and wipe myself down, assuming that was the end of a crazy night, but as I exited the bathroom I heard more soft sighing and voices, and peeked into the living room to see Jason topless, kneeling on the floor in front of the couch, while Kat knelt on the couch being fingered vigorously by him while Lara watched on. Still naked (and feeling a little jealous for the first time as he'd quickly moved on from fucking me), I sat with Lara and watched him get Kat off with his fingers.

Of course, this had given Jason another erection, and his joking about it led to Lara suggesting that someone should suck him off while staring intently at me. Ultimately, this led to him pulling off his pants and boxers again, and I ended up in a 69 with him on the floor, tasting myself on him as he licked me and I tried to return the favor until my moans took over and I found it hard to do anything else. Once I came again thanks to his tongue, I concentrated more thoroughly on pleasuring him, but feeling like this was taking too long (and almost unaware of the others in the room at this point) I moved away, getting on all fours in front of him. Without needing to say anything he got into place behind me and pushed inside me wetness, thrusting his hips against me and fucking me hard. I was reminded that we were being watched by Lara's voice, commenting on how good his cock looked inside me and telling him to make me cum. I was still a little way off that pooint but was nonetheless moaning loudly as I felt him pick up the pass, thrusting hard into me before he groaned and came deep inside.

With both of us collapsing onto the floor and breathing hard, our fun was over, and after me and Jason both took turns cleaning up in the bathroom we came back, got dressed and sat around not really knowing what to say. Eventually Jason excused himself and left and we turned in to bed for the night.

I was expecting the next morning to be awkward, but all three of were to busy nursing hangovers to do anything but comment on what a crazy night it was and smile knowingly to one another about the whole thing. I wasn't at all surprised to get a text message from Jason asking if I was okay and saying that he hoped we could all hang out again. I'm really not sure whether anything like that will happen a second time, but personally I wouldn't say no to it, especially after a couple of drinks…



  1. Awesome… Update us if something more takes place Picture of the three of you would be pretty cool too!

  2. Great story. Love your writing. Hope there’s a Part II some time you get to share!

  3. I think this might be one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read on this site.

  4. Your male friend is one lucky guy! Please update with stories if more happens :)

  5. Very hot, had me hard for sure! As a guy, I feel I’ve missed out on something like this, believe it or not. About 20 years ago now my two FWB’s ended up living together, and plenty of threesomes ensued. But one night they had a mutual friend over whom I also knew, and had a soft-spot for. One of the girls (FWB#2) begged me to come over and eat her out (it was the only way she could orgasm) but I declined because I was having an argument with my ex (FWB#1). The friend even offered to strip naked and watch, but I couldn’t be swayed, somehow convincing myself that this situation would happen again some day. Mark my words, I still kick myself for being so utterly, utterly stupid to this day. About a week or so later I did get to see some photos of the three of them getting drunk and stripping for each other and the camera. In one photo all three of them were topless (the only *revealing* photo of the friend) – I begged FBW#2 to let me borrow it but she declined. But that photo is the catalyst for another story.

  6. Awesome read, had anything happened since? Can you describe the 3 of you?

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