A Bench and a Blindfold [bdsm] [fantasy] [mf] [ff] [ccw]

My workshop is on the lowest level of the ship. There’s only two mechanics on the United Planets 253 cruiser, and Kyle works up in the control room so I can get pretty lonely. My workshop is probably the loudest place in all of the Xeon Galaxy. The hardware for the ship’s AI is down here and sometimes she decides to purge her old files and that gets her fan all riled up. The engines are here too, so there’s a pretty loud hum constantly. And of course, all of my various machines make a lot of noises. I don’t mind the background noise. It makes my isolated workshop feel a little bit less empty.

This morning, Jack dropped off about a dozen of the skinny benches from the caf and told me that the temperature control mechanisms have been malfunctioning for about a week. He wanted them fixed ASAP of course because the Silurians get really upset when they’re reminded that they can’t control their own body temperature like the warm-bloods can. This was not my ideal way to spend my morning but he’s the boss so I couldn’t argue. By lunchtime, I was working on the last one; temp-control isn’t hard to fix because it’s usually just the sensors that are screwy anyways. Working on the benches was repetitive and boring, so I did what I always do: fiddle with machines until they serve my purposes. This bench looked just like the others all over the ship when I was done with it, but I created a remote control to the temperature control. I sat on it and turned the heat up with my little silver remote to test it and was struck by how the heat made me clench between my legs. Struck by inspiration, I decided to make my new bench vibrate as well.

“Is that bench MOVING, Kat?!” I heard a familiar voice exclaim from the doorway. After my brain registered that it was just Liv, my olive skinned friend from planet Nat-53, I laughed in relief. Liv is a recent addition to the crew. We became close immediately and she’s gained quite a few admirers in the last month. She has an endearing tendency to say exactly what she’s thinking while flipping around her short, wavy hair that is as blue as her eyes. “Yeah it’s vibrating. And warm.” I said with a wink as I tossed her the remote control, “try it!” With her eyes wide as plates, Liv slid next to me on the bench. She was holding the remote gingerly, as if terrified of it.

“So what does this yellow button do?” she asked. “Well, nothing right now. That’s the down button and this is the lowest setting.” I replied, grinning. I knew Liv well enough to guess that she’d never experimented with toys. I slid the remote out of her hand, and pressed the green button. The vibrating increased. Liv let out a little gasp and grabbed my hand. I squeezed in without thought; I had been sitting on the bench long enough for my thong to be reasonably soaked.

I was having a hard time formulating any sort of words, and I think she was too. We sat there for a few minutes. I honestly couldn’t tell you if it was 2 minutes or 20. I looked at Liv. She was wide-eyed and open-mouthed, pressing her hips into the bench. I considered how amazing her lips would feel on mine, but right as I was about to lean in, the door to my workshop opened to reveal Kyle, my control-room counterpart. Liv jumped up and looked around with Bambi eyes, but I was so paralyzed by a mix of pleasure and fear that I stayed put. She mumbled, “hey Kyle” and walked out of the door swiftly. She left me there with my cheeks flushed and limbs trembling. In the first moments of her absence I became aware of three things. One, that my thong was drenched beyond all hope, two, that the vibrating bench was fucking loud, and three, that Kyle was definitely aware of both the bench and my flushed cheeks. Kyle grinned sheepishly and just stared at me for a second, like he was trying to take a mental picture.

I sat there trying to formulate my thoughts into words but my arousal rendered me speechless. Kyle seemed to understand, and walked over to my electrical supplies without a word directed to me. I watched him, confused and trembling, as he pulled out coils of long purple COM cords. I cocked my head questioningly when he turned to face me, and the only response I received was a smirk. My heart was racing and I couldn’t tell what mixture of fear, arousal, and anticipation was the cause.

Wordlessly, he came over to my bench and sat down, straddling it, facing me. He placed the cords on the floor next to him and grabbed each of my hands with his. “Kyle…” I started to question, but he interrupted me with a shake of his head. He brought his forehead to mine and I felt our breathing begin to synchronize. My eyes fluttered as they closed in anticipation, lips tingling with expectation. My senses felt like they were on steroids in that moment, I was soaked with anticipation for his lips to meet mine. I had always been attracted to Kyle, but he was my co-worker so I had never made a move. Just as I was about to kiss him, he pulled away and spoke for the first time since entering the room, “do you trust me Dani?”

I nodded. Knowing that we both knew the answer to the question before he even asked. A smirk flit across his face for an instant before it was replaced with stoicism. His next words were soft, but firm. “Then, turn and face the wall.” My eyes widened in response and he grabbed the remote control out of my hand. Doing as he said was like being on autopilot; I was facing the wall straddling the bench before my brain even registered what was happening. With my legs spread, the warmth underneath was even more intrusive onto the rest of my thoughts.

I felt the bench quiet beneath me, making me acutely aware of the silence surrounding me as I stared at a blank wall. I felt Kyle beside me on my right, and then on my left, as he slipped the purple cords around my ankles, binding my legs to the front legs of the bench. I inhaled sharply as I pulled my legs against the restriction and felt the cords bite into my ankles.

I heard him breathe loudly behind me and as I was wondering what he was thinking I felt my soft white t-shirt being pulled over my head. I began to pull my arms out of the shirt to help Kyle but I felt resistance. Confused about whether my shirt was supposed to be on or off, I twisted my upper body around to face him. I was unsuccessful as he held me by my wrists, pulling me to sit up straight. I felt the balled-up shirt be removed from my hands, but then immediately wrapped back around them, tying them together.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity, unable to see anything that was happening behind me, until I felt the hum and vibrate of the bench return beneath me. I had almost forgotten that I was sitting on top of a pleasure-machine as I had been consumed with Kyle’s presence and the restraint of my limbs. Next thing I know, there’s cloth covering my eyes so my senses, except for touch, are truly cut off. My breathing was becoming more rapid as the bench’s vibrations worked their way to my core, and I was desperate to know what Kyle was doing behind me.

I felt the vibrations increase three more times, and I did some mental math to figure out that that meant that Kyle had placed it onto the highest level. As I was shaking and trying to calm myself down as I felt my heat rising, I felt skin hit the skin of my bare back and arms. Kyle had sat down straddling be from behind and pressing his apparently naked chest against my back as he slid his hands down to my thighs.

My whole being tensed when he touched me and I found myself squirming and bucking my hips as his hands circled and pressed gently onto my upper thighs and my hips. Every time I thought that he was going to work his way up to where I wanted him, he’d slide his hands further down my leg causing me to buck my hips and moan in pleasant frustration. I felt his warm breath on my neck and shivered as he growled “Fuck Dani…” I thought I was going to melt into a puddle of desire and bliss at the sound of his voice. I was spared that fate, however, as I felt his hands move to the zipper of my jeans. My heart stopped and time slowed as his fingers moved under my lacy thong and finally give contact to my aching pussy.

His hands moved in slow, delicious, circles, building the pressure within my core. I arched my back and pressed by body into his, feeling the relief I was craving come closer and closer. I opened my mouth and moaned as my body just began to shake with pleasure when I felt his warm hands and body stripped away from mine and the vibrations of the bench ceased.

I let out a whimper of frustration but felt Kyle’s hands return to my skin as my ankle and wrist restraints were removed. Still blindfolded, I felt myself behind pulled up to stand. He held me up as my legs wobbled and my pussy dripped. I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself as I felt the dry air hit my pussy as my wet jeans and panties were pulled down to my ankles. I felt myself lifted up and the next thing I knew I was face-down, blindfolded, on my bed. I heard the sound of Kyle slipping out of his own pants and heard the creak of the bed as he climbed behind me, but I couldn’t be sure where he was. I position myself on my hands and knees pushing my backside into the air desperately wanted to fill his hands on me again. I felt his warm hard cock slip between my legs and I gasped, almost collapsing. He laughed at my response, and obviously being encouraged by it, continued to rub his cock all around the outside of me, teasing me terribly.

I couldn’t take it anymore and pleaded “Kyle, please…” I felt him pause, which only made me clench his cock between my legs and buck my hips back and forth, and he firmly grabbed my hips to stop them and instructed me saying “You’re going to have to tell me what you want if you want something.” I groaned as my thoughts tried to make themselves travel to my mouth unsuccessful. We both knelt there in a standstill until I felt his lips gently kissing his way up my back, to my neck, sending intense shivers up and down my spine. He made his way to my ear and repeated himself growling, “Tell me what you want Dani.” Overcome with desire I exclaimed “Just fuck me Kyle, please.”

I had barely gotten the words out of my mouth when I felt his cock slip inside of me slowly, giving me the most gloriously full feeling I have ever experienced. I heard him sigh blissfully as his firm cock became rock hard inside of me. His hands pulled my hips back into him as he began to thrust deeper within me.

I pressed my ass into him as he began to move in long slow thrusts, sharp but firm. I moaned and moaned as the pressure within me began to build again. This time instead of aching I felt full. Kyle grabbed a fistful of my hair, damp with sweat and gathering it at the nape of my neck, he pulled it back, forcing me to turn slightly towards him. I was now facing him as much as our position allowed and he leaned forward, still thrusting rhythmically within me, and kissed me passionately. I felt my any last bit of rationality in my mind slip away and I became only aware of the heat within me resonating from Kyle’s cock and way our bodies felt against each other.

I felt my hair pulled harder behind me as Kyle began to pound into me harder and faster. I pressed myself into him rhythmically as his balls smacked into my clit and pushed me closer and closer to explosion. I felt his hands slide from my hips up to my swinging breasts and my electricity shot through my veins as I felt my insides contract with pleasure and felt his cum explode inside of me, filling me up. His small spasms continued on even after mine were done and he collapsed on top of me as we both breathed heavily. I felt myself being turned over, and before even removing my blindfold I felt him cradle my face with his strong hands as he kissed me slowly and lazily as we both tried to regain our breath. I woke up, hours later, and panicked for a moment as I was still blinded by cloth. As my breathing became ragged, I felt a warm body behind me and arms close tightly around me and I drifted off back to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2zlxs1/a_bench_and_a_blindfold_bdsm_fantasy_mf_ff_ccw