Smart Boys are Dumb: A “Mostly True” Erotic Adventure (MF)

Thank you so much reddit! You have ALWAYS been good to me. In appreciation, please enjoy my latest Flash Fiction. I've copied the entire story here.

If you enjoy my dirty little stories and want some more, feel free to ask! I get so HOT when you message me!

Smart Boys are Dumb

by Harlotte Sometimes

He and I just met. We’re sitting on the floor of someone’s dirty dorm room. Lots of people — we’re all Freshmen — crowd. They’re here to smoke. I’m here to get laid.

My “Friend” from high school told me I “simply must” come visit her fancy college. “Rich, smart boys are so gorgeous,” T said.

So here I am, “visiting.” I eye the kids in this room as they pass a joint. I wonder when the smart, rich boys will arrive.

T makes googly eyes and giggles for a tall, weird California kid. He brought the pot. T says he can get coke and E, but so far California has not delivered. Fancy College boys seem pretty square and inhibited. Most cough and choke on inhale.

Soon giggles and make-outs happen. They each join in pairs somehow pre-planned. I find the best looking guy I can and kiss him before anyone else can make a move.

He’s tall, awkward and shy. He acts cool, like he doesn’t like me, but he overplays his hand. The way he responds to my advance let’s me know he and I are “of the same mind.”

Before long we leave the make-out party. I ditch T. She does not care. If T were as smart as she pretends, she would get it over with and blow California already; It would not even be T’s first time as a coke-whore. Besides, what’s so bad about California? For a dealer, he’s pretty cute!

Shy boy takes me walking. He finds a hidden trail. He’s taller than me. Kissing up hurts. It’s awkward. The boy does not know how to bend.

He’s strong though, I’ll give him credit. He lifts my whole body up like I am a toy. He sits me on top of an old stone wall and spreads me. I strain to let him in.

Now we get to the heavy petting. Now his paws get to work. It’s cold outside at T’s fancy college. Shy boy puts freezing hands under my jacket and beneath my sweater. The skin on my back tingles. I sit upright and press my tits into his chest to keep warm.

“You feel so good,” Shy boy utters.

I love him. He has a way with words. He uses his mouth to breath warm air on the skin of my neck. He unfastens the clasp on my bra.

The wall works for kissing, but it keeps me a little too high up to feel his cock. I know he grinds on <i>something</i>. He pants and moves like a man as desperate as me to fuck. Whatever he frotts is lucky; My pussy gets residual effects.

The kissing, though, the kissing feels amazing. The Shy boy writes me love songs with his tongue. His hands know exactly where to send me secret messages. “Move them lower, Shy boy,” I message telepathically. “Wrap those fingers around the meat of my ass!”

I sense the change. I feel his urge. The Shy boy stops exploring with his hands. He grabs me around my ribcage. He thrusts. His motion is both violent and primal. I believe in his sounds. He does this for much longer than I expect. He thrusts, grunts and thrusts.

“FUCK,” I say, convincingly. “FUCK, I’m gonna cum! I’m cummmmming! Cummm Cummm Cummmmm!”

The Shy boy’s eyes roll backward. He freezes. I feel his orgasm EVERYWHERE our bodies touch. When he releases from spasm, his body becomes softer. He radiates heat. I hold him tight because it’s freezing and because I love him for cumming in his pants.

“Let’s go inside,” I whisper. “I bet T wonders where we are.”

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